(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
Article B – Information for Proposers
(Project Name), Project Number (#)
Subject to the conditions prescribed by (name of University), hereinafter called “University,”
acting for the Trustees of the California State University, hereinafter called “Trustees,” proposals are
requested for the design and construction of (project title and project number).
The procedure utilized for this contract is commonly referred to as the Turnkey Method. Public
Contract Code Section 10708 states that “The Contractor shall design and build the project and present
the completed project to the Trustees for their approval and acceptance.” Prospective proposers should
carefully examine all contract documents prior to submitting a proposal on this project.
In this Request for Proposal (RFP), the Trustees describe the project in terms of maximum cost,
design objectives, minimum acceptable standards of construction, and shall solicit proposals from
qualified and experienced contractors to both design and construct the project. Each proposer will be
required to use California state licensed architects and engineers to prepare the design and will be
expected to adhere to all Trustees’ requirements.
The conditions and limitations of the property to be utilized for construction of this project and
the minimum standards of construction acceptable to the University are specified in detail in this RFP.
Trustees’ preference in design approach and special amenities desired are indicated, and
conditions which act to limit the designer’s initiative are called out. Within these broad guidelines each
proposer is encouraged to submit a technical proposal which would produce the best overall project for
the intended purpose within the funds available. This technical proposal shall be an integral part of each
proposal and, when reviewed and evaluated by the Trustees, shall be used in the determination of the
contractor selected for this contract.
Project Schedule
The construction contract completion time is (#) calendar days. Assuming that the Notice to
Proceed will begin the contract on (date), the construction must be completed and the project ready for
occupancy by (date). The following time frames shown are approximate. Actual dates should be stated
using a realistic approach, working both ways from the appropriate Trustees meeting.
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
RFP review by Chancellor’s Office
Legal advertisement
Pre-proposal conference and project site visit
Validation Meeting
Proposals due (cost proposals may be submitted 5
days after technical proposals are due)
Technical proposals evaluated by committee
Cost proposals opened and completed technical
rating (public)
Apparent finalist notified to prepare for Trustees’
Schematic presentation to Trustees by contractor
Award of contract letter sent to contractor
Construction contracts executed
Pre-Construction meeting and Notice to Proceed
Contract begins
Design and Construction complete
Approximate deadline
one (1) month prior to advertising
after Trustees’ review
10 days after advertisement
2 wks before tech/cost proposal opening
30 days after site visit
7 days after due date
2 days later
2 days later
21 days later
5 days later
21 days later
2 days later
5 days later
(number) calendar days later
Cost Limits
The total project cost is limited to (budget figure). No proposals submitted in excess of this
amount will be considered for award. (This last sentence is optional, but recommended.)
Pre-proposal Conference and Site Visit
A pre-proposal conference and site visit will be conducted on (date) at (place) at (time). All
prospective proposers are invited to attend to meet with the principals of the University and familiarize
themselves with the site and conditions set forth in this document. Parking will be provided in (parking
Clarifications Regarding the RFP
Proposers requiring clarification of the intent or content of the RFP or on procedural matters
related thereto shall contact (name), at telephone (#) or fax (#). Such questions will be answered orally if
deemed by the University to be a clarification of the original content of the RFP, or if such questions alter
the content of the RFP, an addendum will be issued.
Requests for additional information or clarification of the RFP criteria must be made in writing
and received no later than ten (10) days prior to the deadline date for receipt of proposals.
A validation meeting may be held on (date) at (place) at (time). The purpose of this meeting is to
validate that the proposal are working in terms of scope and cost.
Chapter II, Article B, Information for Proposers
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
Prequalification Requirements
Proposals will be accepted only from proposers who have prequalified with the Trustees in
accordance with Article 32.02-b of the Contract General Conditions for Design-Build (Major Capital
Outlay) Projects.
Additionally, proposers must technically prequalify by submitting (Supply additional
prequalification requirements here with information regarding submittal i.e. name, telephone, address.
Delete this section if campus elects to utilize a Request for Qualifications.).
Costs, Awards
Costs for developing and submitting proposals are the responsibility of the proposer. The Trustees
will not be responsible for any cost associated with this submittal.
The following cash awards will be made to proposers based on the evaluation committee’s
First Place
Award of Contract
Second Place
($ amount)
Third Place
($ amount)
Awards will not be given to proposers whose proposals are significantly incomplete or
nonresponsive, or whose proposals exceed the budget as advertised (if applicable). No other cash awards
will be given.
If the Trustees should not award a contract to the first place submittal, a cash award of ($ amount)
shall be made to the first place proposer.
Alternatives and Clarifications
Each technical proposal should be complete and definitive when submitted. Alternatives should
not be included unless specifically requested. While not necessarily encouraged, any individual or firm
may submit more than one proposal. However, any such proposal must be submitted as a completely
independent and separate proposal and must be identified and processed in accordance with these
instructions. Awards may be made without any discussion or any contact with the proposers following the
proposal opening. Therefore proposals should be self-explanatory and submitted on the most favorable
terms from a price and technical standpoint which the proposer can submit to the University. Proposers
should not assume that they will be contacted or afforded an opportunity to clarify, discuss or revise their
Chapter II, Article B, Information for Proposers
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
Confidentiality of Proposals and Identification Numbers
Each proposal will be divided into two (2) submittals, the Cost Proposal and the Technical
Proposal. To assure that all Technical and Cost Proposals are reviewed and evaluated in strict confidence
and solely on merit, each proposer shall be issued an identification number by the Trustees at least five
(5) days prior to the date for receipt of proposals. This number ONLY shall appear on the drawings and
other materials which constitute the Technical Proposal. No other identification of the proposer or
proposer’s architect or engineers shall be shown. Cost proposals shall bear proposer’s name and be
signed. The outside of all proposal envelopes must have the identification number only.
Proposal Identification Numbers will be issued to prequalified contractors only. Proposers shall
obtain their Proposal Identification Number by contacting: (name, telephone no., fax. no.)
Proposals shall be received by the University not later than the time and date indicated in the
Advertisement for Proposals. Each proposal shall be delivered in two separate sealed envelopes and/or
packages. One envelope shall be marked “Technical Proposal” and the Identification Number and the
other shall be marked “Cost Proposal” and the Identification Number.
Cost proposals must be submitted on the Cost Proposal Form, as described in Section 22.02 Cost
Proposal Requirements. Sealed envelopes and/or packages shall be endorsed as follows:
“Technical Proposal” or “Cost Proposal” for:
Project Name and Project Number
University Name
Identification No.
All proposals must be delivered to (name, department, address) at or before the time and date set
in the Request For Proposal. Proposals will be received at no other place. If proposal is sent by U.S.
mail, it must not have a return address and must be received on or before the required deadline. It is the
proposer’s responsibility to ensure that the proposal is received at the correct time and place. Mistakes or
delays in the mail or other means of delivery employed by the proposer are the responsibility of the
Approval by the Trustees
Prior to the award of a contract the winning schematic drawings for the project must be presented
to the Board of Trustees for design approval. The proposer selected shall prepare the design presentation
materials in accordance with the Chapter II, Article B, “Submittal Requirements and Procedure Guide for
CSU Design-Build Capital Projects.” Proposer shall assume the cost of the presentation materials.
Award of the contract for the project will be made, if at all, after review and approval of the
proposed design concept by the Board of Trustees.
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
Liquidated Damages
The proposer must agree to pay as liquidated damages the sum of ($ amount) for each
consecutive calendar day that the work required under the contract remains incomplete beyond the period
fixed for the duration of the contract. Refer to Article 38.02 of the Contract General Conditions for
Design-Build (Major Capital Outlay) Projects.
Reservation of Rights
The University reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and to waive any informality or
minor irregularity in any proposal. Refer to Article 32.06 of the Contract General Conditions for DesignBuild (Major Capital Outlay) Projects.
Building Permits and Fees
No city or county construction permits are required for CSU construction on sites that are owned
by the Trustees. Fees associated with utility connections are, however, payable to the local agency
involved and are to be assumed by the proposer (Contract General Conditions for Design-Build (Major
Capital Outlay) Projects, Article 35.11). The Trustees will pay fees for code compliance plan check and
structural review (Contract General Conditions for Design-Build (Major Capital Outlay) Projects, Article
34.03); all other permits and fees are the proposer’s responsibility.
Work associated with the connection of utilities and services required for this project shall be
constructed and installed according to the rules and regulations of the utility involved, and the proposer
shall adhere to all applicable codes and ordinances governing their installation. All costs for same are to
be assumed by the proposer. This section applies to telephone service also.
Firm Price
Proposals shall include costs on a firm, fixed-price basis. All submissions shall be made with the
understanding that the price quotation remains in effect for a period of ninety (90) days from the proposal
opening due date. The term “Firm Fixed-Price Contract” where and as used in the contract documents is
defined as the following:
A contract which provides for a price which is not subject to any adjustment by reason of the cost
experience of the Contractor in the performance of the contract, unless the adjustment is required
by the operation of any contract clause which provides for an adjustment, escalation, or other
revision of the contract price through the occurrence of an event or contingency.
Chapter II, Article B, Information for Proposers
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
Proposers are advised that the proposed price shall be the firm, maximum price allowed, not
subject to increase except and unless additional building components are required at the discretion of the
Proprietary Data
A proposal may include proprietary data that the proposer does not want disclosed to the public.
However, unless the proposer identifies such proprietary data, the Trustees cannot assume responsibility
for the disclosure of such data. Therefore, proposers shall identify proprietary data specifically as such on
every page where the same may be contained, in which event it will be used solely for the purpose of
evaluating the proposal. The Trustees will exercise reasonable care so that the data so identified will not
be disclosed without the proposer’s permission, except to the extent provided in any resulting agreement
or to the extent required by law. This restriction does not limit the Trustees’ right to use or disclose any
data contained in the proposal if it is obtainable from another source without restriction.
Use of Proposals
The Trustees may use any or all ideas or concepts presented in any proposal. Selection or
rejection of the proposal does not affect this right. All materials submitted in response to this RFP will
become the property of the Trustees.
Prevailing Wage Rates
Pursuant to California law, the rates established by the Department of Industrial Relations are
applicable to this project (see also Contract General Conditions for Design-Build (Major Capital Outlay)
Projects, Article 35.02-c).
(The following paragraph is to be included only if special rates are issued for residential structures in
advance of advertising.)
The project has received a special wage rate determination for residential structures from the
Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, which is contained in (location) of this RFP. Parking
and nonresidential structures are subject to the (name) County general prevailing wage rate requirements.
Subcontractor Prequalification
Design-Builder shall qualify its major subcontractors (at least the mechanical, electrical,
plumbing and trades where the estimated cost of the trade work is greater than five percent of the
Construction Budget) utilizing the Subcontractor Prequalification document found in Article C-Part 3.
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
Once the Design-Builder prequalifies the subcontractors, the Design-Builder shall provide a list of
qualified subcontractors to the Trustees.
22.01 Proposal Checklist
All proposals, in order to meet the minimum qualifications for submission, must include the following
Cost Proposal
Sample form(s) referenced below may be found in the Chapter II, Article C, Part 3, Sample
Fixed Price Cost Proposal form
Proposal Form Signature Page
Certification of Corporate Resolution
Bidders Bond
Noncollusion Affidavit
Small Business Preference and Certification Request
Certificate of Appropriate License and CA Company
Expanded List of Subcontractors
Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Forms
* In the design-build process, these forms shall be submitted pursuant to the Contract General
Conditions for Design-Build (Major Capital Outlay) Projects, Articles 32.05-b and 32.12.
Technical Proposal
Technical Proposal Summary Statement
Site Plan - Architectural
Site Plan - Utilities
Site Plan - Landscaping
Floor Plans
Structural Plans
Typical Elevations and Details
Typical Cross Sections
Cost Proposal Requirements
A Cost Proposal must be submitted. The Proposer must use the Cost Proposal form, a sample of
which is included in Article III, Part C, Forms. The Cost Proposal shall indicate the maximum cost for the
development of the project. Proposer shall contact the office named in the Request for Proposal
(Advertisement) to request a cost proposal package. Proposer must submit one (1) copy of all the
documents as listed in Section 22.01-a.
Chapter II, Article B, Information for Proposers
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
The Total Development Price (Lump Sum Base Bid Amount) shall include all materials, supplies,
labor, etc., to complete the project, as specified in this RFP. The Cost Proposals shall be held firm and
fixed for a period of ninety (90) days from the date for receipt of proposals.
Technical Proposal Requirements
Technical Proposal Summary Statement
This statement will be completed by the proposer using as much detail as possible. In
addition to providing various development statistics, the proposer is encouraged to provide a
paragraph description of the design highlights. The narrative should stress those elements that
exceed minimum standards required in Article 34.00, of the Contract General Conditions for
Design-Build (Major Capital Outlay) Projects, and in Article D, Design Criteria, of this RFP.
Six (6) sets of bound proposal drawings and outline specifications shall be submitted.
Drawings submitted shall be blue or black prints, size 24”x36” or 30”x42”. Drawings
shall identify the project with an appropriate title block and be numbered in sequence as
required. Identification of Technical Proposal shall be by assigned identification number
only. See Evaluation Criteria, Article II, Section 23.
The proposal drawings and outline specifications shall be submitted in sufficient detail,
dimensions, and notes to permit the proposer to obtain bona fide subcontractor and
material supplier bids and to establish a comprehensive cost estimate.
Proposal Drawings
The following series of drawings indicate the minimum requirements for the technical
A minimum of one perspective rendering of the Project is required. Size should
be 24”x36” or 30”x42” and must be colored. The successful proposer shall be required to
provide color renderings (in 35 mm slide form) for Trustees’ approval (only one copy of
rendering is required).
Site Plan - Architectural [Scale 1” = 40’].
Show property lines and dimensions, location of existing and proposed buildings,
horizontal control, existing and proposed roads and parking areas, walkway system,
indication of existing and proposed grades, bicycle/pedestrian paths, relationship to
Chapter II, Article B, Information for Proposers
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
existing developments and existing roads and walks. This sheet shall contain a schedule
showing gross areas of building and tabulation of small, large and handicapped parking
spaces (if applicable).
Site Plan - Utilities [Scale 1” = 40’].
This plan shall indicate utility layout, (including connections, valves, and
hydrants), storm drains, electrical distribution, telephone, data, video and other related
utility features. Specific attention should be given to the relocation of existing utilities.
Site Plan - Landscaping [Scale as appropriate].
This plan shall indicate all proposed landscaping, including erosion control, trees,
shrubs, ground cover, turf, plantings and/or treatment proposed and shall schematically
show complete irrigation system. This sheet shall contain a plant schedule.
Floor Plans [Scale 1/8” = 1’0” General, 1/4” = 1’0” Detail]
Plans shall show each floor level giving all necessary dimensions and indicating
the proposed architectural arrangements. Show stairways exiting, elevation areas, and
pedestrian access to the building. Also show typical room layouts, plumbing fixtures,
windows, door swings, and the calculated gross and net floor areas on each floor.
Structural Plans [Scale 1/8” = 1’0”].
Provide structural plans, sections and details in sufficient quantity and detail to
adequately define the structural system proposed. Plans and details shall indicate the
gravity load carrying system and the lateral load carrying system. These drawings must
be signed by a California registered structural engineer.
Elevations [Scale 1/8” = 1’0”]
Show elevations indicating wall materials, columns, beams, panels, etc., and
vertical dimensions.
Typical Cross Section [Scale as appropriate].
Show cross section to describe materials, vertical heights, floor to floor
clearance, flat and sloping floor conditions and other pertinent data.
Mechanical Plans [Scale 1/8” = 1’0”].
Show schematic plans for all mechanical systems.
Electrical Plans [1/8” = 1’0”].
Show schematic plans for all electrical systems.
Provide a schedule showing proposed progress from Notice to Proceed, including
design and start of construction through completion, including significant milestones
Chapter II, Article B, Information for Proposers
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
such as site work, utilities, foundation, structure, and landscaping (reference Chapter II,
Article C, Part 1, Contract General Conditions for Design-Build (Major Capital Outlay)
Projects, Article 35.16).
Outline Specifications
The outline specifications must specify compliance with minimum requirements
of the Performance Specifications in Article IV and shall be on 8.5” x 11” paper in a
loose-leaf binder, pages numbered sequentially: “1 of ____ pages to ____ of ____
pages”. The standard Construction Specification Institute format shall be used. The
specification must be far enough advanced to allow the proposer to obtain bona fide bids
and quotes for the entire project.
Proposal Opening Procedures
The following procedures will be used in opening proposals to maintain confidentiality. Refer to
sections describing “Proposal Forms and Identification Numbers”, “Nonresponsive Proposals,”
“Establishment of Apparent Finalist,” and “Evaluation Process” elsewhere in this Article II, Information
for Proposers.
At the time and place designated in the official advertisement for the opening of proposals, the
following procedure will commence:
There will be two facilitators in charge of the procedure:
One will be delegated the responsibility by the Trustees to assist and act as recorder
during the proposal opening.
One will be delegated the responsibility by the Trustees to be responsible for maintaining
confidentiality of all proposals. This person will be referred to as University Facilitator
(UF). The UF will be the only person present who is aware of the identity of the assigned
Identification Numbers.
The Technical Proposals and Cost Proposals will be submitted in separate, sealed fashion with
only the assigned Identification Number revealed.
The Cost Proposals and Technical Proposals will be opened and examined by the UF alone to
determine if all requirements have been met in accordance with the Proposal Checklist.
The UF will announce by Identification Number that the proposal appears to be responsive or
nonresponsive. The decision of the UF will be final.
Nonresponsive proposals will be marked as such and set aside.
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
The Cost Proposal will be resealed and shall be held in confidence by the UF. The Cost Proposal
will then remain sealed until the evaluation of the Technical Proposal is completed, and the
Trustees post Quality Point Scores, evaluation refer to Section 24.05.
When all proposals have been reviewed, the UF will announce the time, date, and location for the
second phase of the public proposal opening procedure. At that time, the identity of each
proposer, technical point score and cost will be revealed in accordance with the procedure
described under “Evaluation Criteria” in this Request For Proposal.
Basic Plan (Hold this section for data when appropriate.)
General Information
The receiving of proposals has been set up to assure that all proposals are evaluated in strict
confidence and solely on merit. Once a prospective proposer has been prequalified, it will be issued an
Identification Number that will be placed on all pages and portions of the Technical Proposal. The Cost
Proposal and Technical Proposal, as defined in this RFP, shall be submitted at the time and place stated
on the “Request for Proposal.” At the set time, the Cost Proposal will be opened, and all checklist items
will be verified to determine that the Cost Proposal is responsive. At a later date the technical evaluation
committee will meet to review the Technical Proposals and assign a point score to each of the proposals.
Another public opening will be held to combine the cost and point score that will give an apparent
In order to be successful, a proposer must (1) meet all minimum qualifications, (2) submit a
proposal which is fully responsive to all requirements contained in the RFP, and (3) be the apparent
finalist receiving the lowest cost/quality point ratio.
To meet the minimum qualifications, the proposer must:
Meet the prequalification requirements.
Include all documents listed on the Cost Proposal Checklist.
Include all documents listed on the Technical Proposal Checklist.
Properly fill out all proposal forms.
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
In order to be responsive to the RFP, the Technical Proposal must be responsive to all design
requirements contained in the RFP. It is the responsibility of the proposer to make certain that it
has complied with all of the above requirements.
The technical evaluation committee shall determine whether each proposal meets the minimum
qualifications and is responsive to the RFP. Only proposals meeting those two conditions will be assigned
a cost/quality point ratio, as discussed more fully hereinafter.
The purpose of the evaluation process is to establish, through the application of uniform criteria,
the quality of the project contained in each proposal. An Evaluation Board consisting of University
administrators will evaluate each proposal. This committee will evaluate the Technical Proposals
according to the criteria set forth in Chapter II, Article D, Design Criteria, and assign quality points
according to the maximum for each category as follows:
EXAMPLE (for residential structure, to be customized to each project – clarity here is essential):
Site Design
Total Points
Building Grouping/Orientation
Campus Integration
Theme Housing separation
Community/Multi-Purpose Bldg. location
Pedestrian (Tenant/Visitor/Disabled)
Emergency/Delivery/Garbage Access
Function (Active/Passive space)
Materials-Climatic Compatibility
Materials-Campus Integration
Housing Design
Total Points
Dwelling Units-Interior
Function (Adequate floor area)
Privacy (Acoustical)
Dwelling Units-Exterior
Massing/Fenestration/Roof design
Function (Entry/Balcony)
Materials Selection (Sustainability/Compatibility)
Community/Multi-Purpose Building
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
Engineering /Presentation
Total Points
Site Utilities
Mechanical Systems/Equipment
Electrical Systems/Equipment
Telecommunications/CATV/Fire Alarm
Proposal (Clarity/Quality)
Grand Total Points 1,000
Evaluation Process
The technical evaluation committee will perform a detailed review of each proposal, and will then
assign the quality point value to each item indicated in the Program Requirements and Performance
In the course of its review, the technical evaluation committee may find that some clarification of
a proposal is necessary and required for a fair and objective evaluation. In that event, such clarification
will be requested in writing through the University Facilitator, and the proposer will be given an
opportunity to respond in writing. The same anonymity will be observed in this exchange as in the
original submittal. Changes will neither be requested nor accepted during the evaluation process.
Clarifications, when requested, cannot change the bid price. Do not assume you will be contacted or
afforded an opportunity to clarify, discuss, or revise your proposal.
The Quality Point Value determined by the technical evaluation committee is final, and no appeal
of its decision will be considered.
Nonresponsive Proposals
During the evaluation process it may become apparent that one or more of the proposals do not
qualify for consideration on the basis of technical evaluation deficiencies.
If so determined by the technical evaluation committee, these proposals will be returned to the
proposer, with the deficiencies noted. The decision of the technical evaluation committee in this matter is
final, and no appeal will be considered.
Quality Point Value
The Trustees will announce the final Quality Point Value assigned to each proposal at the
subsequent public opening of cost proposals. The Trustees will only announce the total figure, and will
not present detailed analysis of the points assigned each item of the Technical Evaluation Criteria. The
Trustees will match the Quality Point Value assigned each proposal with the appropriate cost proposal
package, as determined by identification numbers, and then the cost proposals will be opened.
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(for Design-Build Major Capital Outlay Projects only)
Analysis Procedures
The first step of this formal public opening will be the Trustees’ posting of Quality Point Scores
assigned to each Technical Proposal by the technical evaluation committee. The order of posting shall be
done by Identification Number. Second, the Trustees’ opening of sealed Cost Proposals, matching
Identification Numbers to proposals, and the public reading of those Cost Proposals. Third, the Trustees
will compute of each proposer’s cost/unit quality by dividing the bid price by the Quality Point Score.
The cost/unit quality formula will determine the apparent finalist and the second and third place awards.
Establishment of Apparent Finalist
At the Cost Proposal opening the following equation will be used to determine the apparent
Cost Proposal
Cost/Unit Quality
Quality Point Value
The lowest quotient (cost per unit of quality) is thus determined and the apparent finalist announced.
Proposal 001 -
$11,000,000 cost
800 quality
13,375.00 cost/quality
Proposal 002 -
$11,500,000 cost
900 quality
12,777.78 cost/quality
Proposal 003 -
$10,000,000 cost
700 quality
14,285.71 cost/quality
In this example, Proposal Number 002 is determined to be the apparent finalist. It must be noted
that in this example, the best cost/quality proposal does not represent the lowest cost submitted, but the
lowest cost per unit of quality within the established budget.
Upon completion of the opening and announcement of the apparent finalist, the Technical
Proposal and other documents submitted by the apparent finalist, will be available for review by all
interested participants by appointment only. Detailed analysis and Technical Proposals for all other
participants will be retained by the University.
End of Chapter II, Article B, Information for Proposers
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