2009 Information Technology Survey Presented to Dr. Sudhir Chawla Presented by: Angelyn Mobley Gabriela Ellis Asheia Haynes Information Technology Survey 2009 Executive Summary The Information Technology (IT) survey has been applied to Angelo State University (ASU) students throughout the years in order to measure not only the performance of the I.T customer service but also to guarantee that the students are receiving appropriate help in the facilities and that the services that I.T offers are the most appropriate ones for the student body population. This survey is also part of an annual review that focuses on customer satisfaction perceived by the students. Also, one of the purposes of this study is to identify the different trends among the student body and to accommodate all the necessities that might emerge throughout the years. The results then are used to adapt the strategy that the information technology department, in this way the department can focus on the most successful services provided, improve on dissatisfactory results and develop new services according to the student’s requests and new trends. There are a total of eight computer labs on campus that are open to the student body at different hours. The MCS and the Library computer labs are the most widely used as the MCS is open twenty four hours from Sunday to Friday and the Library computer lab closes every week day at midnight. All of these places offer a variety of services from hardware and software customer support, to the capabilities of checking out headphones, printing in color and, in the MCS computer lab, a quiet room where students can work on their project without any disturbances. Furthermore, the computer labs are managed by student lab assistants who have been trained in the different I.T procedures, software and hardware that are being offered to the customers. As of spring of 2009, there are approximately 37 lab assistants working around campus on the different computer lab facilities. These lab assistants are also trained in different areas such as Help Desk, that specializes taking work requests from the Angelo State University population and Multimedia that works mainly with the maintenance of the ASU webpage. The computer labs at Angelo State University also offer a widely selection of software, from the most basic ones such as Microsoft Office to the most specialized ones that are used in specific majors such as Adobe, SPSS, MacromediaFlash, among others. During the spring of 2009, the Information Technology survey was distributed between the dates of March 23rd and May 1st. The survey was distributed among different classes with the previous consent of the professors. The classes were chosen according to the place where they were being held at. For example, some the classes taught within computer labs were selected so that the students had the opportunity to fill out the survey by using their computers. Even though most of the classes were selected at random after taking into consideration the previous criteria, an effort was made to represent accurately ASU’s current demographic and classification break. The survey was applied to the student body in two different formats in order to promote participation and maximize the best results. There was an online survey that information technology department linked to one of the icons on the computers’ desktop. This icon was accessible from all the computer labs within campus in order to facilitate the survey-taking experience. There 2 Information Technology Survey 2009 was also a paper-based survey that was given out to the students in different classes that did not count with computer capabilities. The final number of completed valid surveys was 274, 154 being paper based and the remaining 120 taken over the internet. Also, it is important to mention that there were a number of surveys that could not be used for the experiment due to errors or empty spaces. Taking into consideration the data and results from previous years, we have decided to implement the SERVQUAL analysis by using the three dimensions of services that are most relevant when measuring the customer’s satisfactions with the services and customer support that the Information Technology department provides. The three dimensions aforementioned consist of: Staff (Factor 1) This factor is composed by elements such as: 1. Assurance- Knowledge and courtesy of the employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence 2. Empathy – Providing care and individualized attention 3. Responsiveness – Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service Service (Factor 2) This factor focuses on the following characteristic: 1. Tangibles – Appearance of physical facilities, equipment and personnel. Professionalism (Factor 3) This factor relies on how I.T and its employees meet the customers necessities in a professional manner. 1. Reliability – Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately These three factors are the defining components of the I.T survey. After factor analysis was applied to group each variable into its respective group, the SERVQUAL score was calculated for each factor. This was done by subtracting each desired level from the perceived level. Question (Q)= Perceived (P) – Desired (D) The mean score was calculated for each of the three factors and presented in graphical form as follows.. 3 Information Technology Survey 2009 0 -0.1 Factor 1 Factor 2 -0.5733 -0.5833 Factor 3 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 -0.8333 -0.9 4 Information Technology Survey 2009 Introduction The Information Technology Department at Angelo State University, “strives to provide an enhanced technology infrastructure allowing secure access to an array of services for students, faculty and staff.” (angelo.edu, 2009) Currently, students have access to 7 general use micro labs which house 300 computers accompanied by 175 software applications, the largest of which boasts 24 hour access. In addition, 400 student use machines are available through specialized classrooms. (angelo.edu, 2009) With the great variety of technology and services provided at ASU, it is essential for the IT (Information Technology) Department to practice acquisition of and adaptation to the changing needs of its customers. Eleven years ago, the first survey was administered in order to address this. As part of Angelo State University’s Information Technology Strategic Plan, one of its objectives is to, “obtain feedback from users on satisfaction levels and desired new services and implement changes accordingly.” In order to obtain this feedback, the It department’s strategies include to, “conduct annual student survey to offer feedback on technology services” and “evaluate feedback provided by surveys and make necessary changes.” As in years past, the survey consists of three parts. Part I of the survey was designed on the basis of the SERVQUAL instrument, first established by Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry. SERVQUAL is a, “scale used to better understand the service expectations and perceptions of customers.”(Delivering Quality Service, Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry, 175.) Part II was designed for the analysis of ASU students’ attitudes and opinions on the available technology and services prepared by IT personnel. Finally, Part III was designed for determining demographic characteristics of the survey population. Methodology & Survey Design All the data needed was collected by using online and paper-based surveys that were proctored to students in random classes that had been selected. The only criterion for some of these classes was that they had to be taught in a computer lab, as this would represent the opportunity to access the computer-based surveys. Even though the classes were selected at random, it is important to mention that the ASU’s demographic distribution was taken into consideration when proctored the service. In other words, the study tried to survey about the same percentage of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students as they are enrolled. Compared to the number of student s in each classification taken from Angelo State University’s website from the Fall 2008 count, we were able to see that the total respondents of the survey were a good representation of the student population. The table that follows shows the differences between the percent of each classification representative of the survey population and the Angelo 5 Information Technology Survey 2009 State University population as a whole. Also, a total of 274 valid surveys were collected, which represents 4.8 percent of the student population. Angelo State University Freshman Sophomores Juniors Seniors Graduate Students Survey Respondents 2111 represents 37% 1140 represents 20% 991 represents 18% 1292 represents 23% 128 represents 2% 95 represents 35.7% 42 represents 15.8% 34 represents 12.8% 73 represents 27.4% 22 represents 8.3% Difference -1.3% -4.2% -5.2% +4.4% +6.3% Part I: The Information Technology survey has been applied and constantly modified for the past decade. It is composed by three different parts or factors that measure different variables. These factors focus on the attributes that the staff possesses, the services that the computer labs offer and the professionalism in which different services are performed. The first part of the survey which majorly composes the three factors aforementioned uses the SERVQUAL instrument that was developed by Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry. The study originally started with seven different dimensions but it has difficulties maintaining distinctions after two stages of scale of purification. In the original study, the dimensions included Communications, Credibility, Security, Competence, Courtesy, Understanding and/or Knowledge of Customers and Access. However, they were later combined into five dimensions due to the similarities among two of them. These five dimensions were later combined within the three factors or categories of the survey by applying factor analysis. It is also important to mention that the first part of the survey is composed by twenty five questions in which we have applied the SERVQUAL method to provide the most accurate result. Part II: The second part of the survey is based on the services and products that Information Technology is currently offering to ASU students. The questions asked in this section change yearly as the Information Technology department wants to obtain feedback about the latest IT related trends among the student body. Furthermore, the Information Technology department provides some options for the students and asks their opinion about who they would feel if new services were implemented. In this way, IT can gain an insight into the students’ thoughts and opinions. Part III: This section is mainly composed by questions about the demographics of the students surveyed. Also, there are a variety of questions pertaining to feedback and what the students like about I.T and what would need to be improved from their perspective. 6 Information Technology Survey 2009 Distribution and Analysis The data used for the distribution and the analysis came from the Information Technology surveys distributed from March 23rd and May 1st of 2009. As mentioned before, there were two kind of surveys handed out to the student body. The online survey that was accessed through an icon placed on the desktop of ASU computers. The second kind of survey was paper-based and given out to the students during their classes with the approval of their respective professors. We got a total of 342 respondents and 274 of valid entries. Out of that number, approximately 154 surveys were paper based and 120 were taken online. All the output of the online surveys was inputted in Microsoft Excel 2007. Some of the information needed such as demographics and the graphical representation of the results was obtain using said program. Also, the dataset in Excel was converted to SPSS in order to do the statistical analysis. In order to analyze Part I of the survey, the SERQUAL method was used. According to “Delivering Service Quality”, by Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry, there are 22 questions within the SERVQUAL instrument. In an attempt to extract the questions that are not within the parameters set by SERVQUAL, we took the IT survey questionnaire and cross referenced it with the questionnaire found in the above book. The following are the questions included in the SERVQUAL analysis. SERVQUAL IT Survey Questionnaire 1. XYZ Co. has modern-looking equipment. 1. The computer labs containing state-of-theart computers and peripherals. (Q21) 2. A visually appealing computer lab (i.e. neat, clean, and organized). (Q12) 3. Computer lab staff who are dressed appropriately for their position. (Q17) 4. Providing computing services as promised in the ASU catalog, computer lab brochure, or web page. (Q10) 5. Services provided at times listed.(Q11) 2. XYZ Co.’s physical facilities are visually appealing. 3. XYZ Co.’s employees are neat-appearing. 4. Materials associated with the service (such as pamphlets or statements) are visually appealing at XYZ Co. 5. When XYZ Co. promises to do something by a certain time, it does so. 6. When you have a problem, XYZ Co. shows a sincere interest in solving it. 6. Staff who have the knowledge to answer my questions about computer lab policies, operating hours, software, and hardware. (Q3) 7. Computer response time during log-in or application loading. (Q18) 8. Ability to find an available work-station in 7. XYZ Co. performs the service right the first time. 8. XYZ Co. provides its services at the time it 7 Information Technology Survey 2009 promises to do so. 9. XYZ Co. insists on error-free records. one of the six labs on campus. (Q14) 9. Relying on the computer lab software and hardware to operate smoothly. (Q20) 10. Employees in XYZ Co. tell you exactly 10. Being directed by staff to an open when services will be performed. workstation at another computer lab if the first computer lab is full. (Q15) 11. Employees in XYZ Co. give you prompt 11. Receiving a prompt response to my service. computer lab problems and/or suggestions. (Q5) 12. Employees in XYZ Co. are always willing 12. The computer staff’s willingness to help to help you. me. (Q1) 13. Employees in XYZ Co. are never too busy 13. Computer lab staff can be distinguished to respond to your requests. from other students and are easy to identify. (Q13) 14. The behavior of employees in XYZ Co. 14. The staff’s ability to instill confidence in instills confidence in you. me to use the computer lab software and hardware. (Q2) 15. You feel safe in your transactions with 15. Counting on the computer labs to have the XYZ Co. software and hardware I need to complete assignments. (Q19) 16. Employees in XYZ Co. are consistently 16. Computer staff who deal with me in a courteous to you. caring fashion. (Q4) 17. Employees in XYZ Co. have the 17. Staff who have the knowledge to answer knowledge to answer your questions. my questions about software and hardware. (Q9) 18. XYZ Co. gives you individual attention. 18. Disk space provided to me on the server (P: drive) is adequate for my data storage needs. (Q24) 19. XYZ Co. has operating hours convenient to 19. Convenience of normal operating hours to all its customers. personal schedule. (Q16) 20. XYZ Co. has employees who give you 20. Computer staff who give me personal personal attention. attention. (Q8) 21. XYZ Co. has your best interest at heart. 21. Computer lab staff who have my best interest at heart. (Q6) 22. Employees of XYZ Co. understand your 22. Computer lab staff who understand my specific needs. computing needs. (Q7) So Q22 – the variety of software available in the computer lab, Q23 – the variety of special equipment (i.e. scanners and color printers) available in the computer labs, and Q25 – what is your overall satisfaction level with ASU computer labs have all been eliminated from the SERVQUAL analysis. 8 Information Technology Survey 2009 The first step in order to do the statistical analysis was to recognize and label all the questions that composed part one in order to run factor analysis and proceed to apply the SERVQUAL. The first part of the survey was designed to measure the opinions of the users on the desired level of service and their perceived level of service. The students had the opportunity to assign values according to a statement. The values were placed in a scale from 1 being the lowest to 9 being the highest. The factor analysis technique is applied in order to sort each of the questions under a different factor. In some occasions, even thought the most of the questions and factors are similar every year, the variables that form part of that factor might change. According to the factor analysis applied, this is the distribution of the questions: Factor 1 (Staff) = A2+A4+A6+A8+A10+A12+A14+A16+A18 Factor 2 (Services) = A22+A32+A38+A40+A42+A48 Factor 3 (Professionalism) = A28+A30+A34 Factor 1 (Staff) - It is basically composed of questions that deal directly with the following dimensions: Assurance- Knowledge and courtesy of the employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence Empathy – Providing care and individualized attention Responsiveness – Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service The specific questions that were selected by the factor analysis as pertaining to this category are: Q1- The computer lab staff’s willingness to help me Q2 - The staff’s ability to instill confidence in me to use the computer lab software and hardware Q3 - Staff who has the knowledge to answer my questions about computer lab policies, operating hours, software, and hardware Q4 - Computer lab staff who deal with me in a caring fashion Q5 - Receiving a prompt response to my computer lab problems and/or suggestions Q6 - Computer lab staff who have my best interest at heart Q7 - Computer lab staff who understand my computing needs Q8 - Computer lab staff who give me personal attention Q9 - Staff who have the knowledge to answer my questions about software and hardware. 9 Information Technology Survey 2009 Factor 2 (Service) - This factor focuses on the following characteristic: Tangibles – Appearance of physical facilities, equipment and personnel. The service category is composed by the following questions: Q11 - Services provided at times listed Q16 - Convenience of normal operating hours to personal schedule Q19 - Counting on the computer labs to have the software and hardware I need to complete my assignments Q20 - Relying on the computer lab software and hardware to operate smoothly Q21 - The computer labs containing state-of-the-art computers and peripherals Q24 - Disk space provided to me on the server (my P: drive) is adequate for my data storage Factor 3 (Professionalism) - This factor relies on how I.T and its employees meet the customers necessities in a professional manner. Reliability – Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately Factor 3 is based on the following statements: Q14 - Ability to find an available work station in one of the six labs on campus. Q15 - Being directed by staff to an open workstation at another computer lab if the first computer lab is full Q17 - Computer lab staff who are dressed appropriately for their position The following questions were not utilized in the study since the factor analysis determined them to have double factor loading. Q10 - Providing computing services as promised in the ASU catalog, computer lab brochure, or web page Q12 - A visually appealing computer lab (i.e. neat, clean, and organized) Q13 - Computer lab staff can be distinguished from other students and are easy to identify Q18 - Computer response time during log-in or application loading Finally, after running the factor analysis and categorizing the questions in part I, the SERVQUAL score was determined for each of the factors. The SERVQUAL test uses each of the factors aforementioned and subtracts the desired levels from the perceived levels. 10 Information Technology Survey 2009 Question (Q) = Perceived (P) – Desired (D) After we obtained a score for each of the factors, the next step was to run the mean for each one of them. This was done by inputting the data in Microsoft Excel 2009. However, it can also be done by adding all the variables for each factor and then dividing it by the number of variables within that factor. Score 1 = (Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4+Q5+Q6+Q7+Q8+Q9)/9 Score 2 = (Q11+Q16+Q19+Q20+Q21+Q24)/6 Score 3 = (Q14+Q15+Q17)/3 The mean for each factor is shown in the table below: SERVQUAL Mean Scores Factor 1 (Staff) Factor 2 (Services) Factor 3 (Professionalism) -0.5733 -0.5833 -0.8333 Furthermore, a Crombach Coefficient Alpha instrument was applied in order to guarantee that the results obtained had internal consistency reliability. The Crombach Alpha possesses a value between 0 and 1. Any value above 0.6 indicates satisfactory internal consistency reliability. The Crombach Alphas for each factor is in the following graph. Where Factor (1) is 0.962, Factor(2) is 0.930 and Factor(3) is 0.804, all of which are above 0.6. Crombach Alpha 1 0.962 0.93 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.804 0.8 0.75 0.7 Factor 1 Factor 2 11 Factor 3 Information Technology Survey 2009 Once the means for 2009 were calculated, data from previous years were collected in order to determine if there was improvement or downgrade in services. The graph below shows the comparison with the exception of data from years 2000-2004 as this data was unavailable. Overall, Factor 1 showed a slight decrease from last year (-0.0753). Factor 2 also decreased by a slight amount (-0.0253). However, Factor 3showed a significant decrease in that there was a drop by -0.3063 within the past year. 0 1999 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 -0.2 -0.4 Factor 1 -0.6 Factor 2 Factor 3 -0.8 -1 -1.2 Factor 1 – Staff, Factor 2 – Service, Factor3 – Professionalism Statistical Results T-Tests We ran many t-tests. For each of the tests gender or student lives on or off campus were the independent variable. The dependent variables were as follows… each of the 3 factors from the SERVQUAL instrument, or Q38: perception of, counting on the computer labs to have the software and hardware I need to complete my assignments, Q40: perception of relying on the computer lab software and hardware to operate smoothly, Q42: perception of the computer labs containing state-of-the-art computers and peripherals, Q44: perception of the variety of software available in the computer lab, Q46: perception of the variety of special equipment (i.e. scanners and color printers) available in the computer labs, Q48: 12 Information Technology Survey 2009 perception of disk space provided to me on the server (my P: drive) is adequate for my data storage, or All survey questions from Part II. The following are significant. This means that for each below, there is a relation between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Independent Variable I_Live (on or off campus) Gender Gender Gender Gender I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) Gender Dependent Variable Factor 3 - Q14: Ability to find an available work station in one of the six labs on campus. Q15: Being directed by staff to an open workstation at another computer lab if the first computer lab is full. Q17: Computer lab staff who are dressed appropriately for their position. Significance Level .017 Q70: If your phone supports Wi-Fi, do you use the oncampus wireless network? Q76: If so, was your wireless access (easy to set up without assistance, required assistance from help desk, or required assistance from friend.) Q98: Do you use Photobucket? Q104: Do you use Youtube? Q66: During the academic year, what is your most frequently used method for access to the Internet from your personal PC or laptop? Q75: If you own a laptop, is it set up for wireless use on campus using Clean Access? Q103: Do you use Skype? .034 Q106: Are you interested in having more group work areas with a shared large monitor? Q107: Would you be interested in having access to a multimedia room to practice your presentation for classes? Q108: What is your overall impression with the technology provided in the classroom? Q109: Have you ever has a class delayed or cancelled due to a technology issue? Q110: How many classes are you taking this semester? .018 Q111: How many use a data projector? .048 Q131: If you were asked to give an OVERALL grade to the ASU technology services, what would it be? .016 13 .004 .031 .028 .001 .000 .032 .004 .010 .008 .030 Information Technology Survey 2009 Gender Gender Gender Gender I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) I_Live (on or off campus) Q157: Have you used, MCS Quiet Area? Q178: Providing an iPod-Touch to be checked out for campus use. Q179: Public scanners that will work with my laptop. Q180: Printing services for my laptop. Q130: Have you ever encountered issues using these resources? (textbook) Q135: Were you aware of… residence hall internet access? .001 .000 Q136: Have you used… residence hall internet access? .024 Q141: Were you aware of… dialup? .014 Q153: Were you aware of… wireless network access on campus? Q154: Have you used… wireless network access on campus? Q161: How satisfied were you with… discounted hardware/software? Q171: Were you aware of… technology support in the Texas Hall? Q172: Have you used… technology support in the Texas Hall? Q175: Providing access to a music downloading service? .002 Q178: Providing an iPod-Touch to be checked out for campus use. .002 .002 .002 .006 .000 .000 .018 .000 .000 .037 ANOVAs We then ran many ANOVAs. For each of the tests academic standing, age, and college of major were the independent variable. The dependent variables were as follows… each of the 3 factors from the SERVQUAL instrument, or Q38: perception of, counting on the computer labs to have the software and hardware I need to complete my assignments, Q40: perception of relying on the computer lab software and hardware to operate smoothly, Q42: perception of the computer labs containing state-of-the-art computers and peripherals, Q44: perception of the variety of software available in the computer lab, Q46: perception of the variety of special equipment (i.e. scanners and color printers) available in the computer labs, Q48: perception of disk space provided to me on the server (my P: drive) is adequate for my data storage, or 14 Information Technology Survey 2009 All survey questions from Part II. The following are significant. This means that there is a significant difference between the means in each category. Independent Variable Dependent Variable Significance Level Age Factor 3 - Q14: Ability to find an available work station in one of the six labs on campus. Q15: Being directed by staff to an open workstation at another computer lab if the first computer lab is full. Q17: Computer lab staff who are dressed appropriately for their position. .018 Academic Standing Factor 1 – Q1: The computer lab staff’s willingness to help me. Q2: The staff’s ability to instill confidence in me to use the computer lab software and hardware. Q3: Staff who has the knowledge to answer my questions about computer lab policies, operating hours, software, and hardware. Q4: Computer lab staff who deal with me in a caring fashion. Q5: Receiving a prompt response to my computer lab problems and/or suggestions. Q6: Computer lab staff who have my best interest at heart. Q7: Computer lab staff who understand my computing needs. Q8: Computer lab staff who give me personal attention. Q9: Staff who have the knowledge to answer my questions about software and hardware. .001 Academic Standing Factor 2 - Q11: Services provided at times listed. Q16: Convenience of normal operating hours to personal schedule. Q19: Counting on the computer labs to have the software and hardware I need to complete my assignments. Q20: Relying on the computer lab software and hardware to operate smoothly. Q21: The computer labs containing state-of-the-art computers and peripherals. Q24: Disk space provided to me on the server (my P: drive) is adequate for my data storage. .008 Academic Standing Factor 3 - Q14: Ability to find an available work station in one of the six labs on campus. Q15: Being directed by staff to an open workstation at another computer lab if the first computer lab is full. Q17: Computer lab staff who are dressed appropriately for .005 15 Information Technology Survey 2009 their position. College of Major Factor 2 - Q11: Services provided at times listed. Q16: Convenience of normal operating hours to personal schedule. Q19: Counting on the computer labs to have the software and hardware I need to complete my assignments. Q20: Relying on the computer lab software and hardware to operate smoothly. Q21: The computer labs containing state-of-the-art computers and peripherals. Q24: Disk space provided to me on the server (my P: drive) is adequate for my data storage. .018 College of Major Factor 3 - Q14: Ability to find an available work station in one of the six labs on campus. Q15: Being directed by staff to an open workstation at another computer lab if the first computer lab is full. Q17: Computer lab staff who are dressed appropriately for their position. .044 Academic Standing Q38: Perception of… Counting on the computer labs to have the software and hardware I need to complete assignments. Q40: Perception of… Relying in the computer lab software and hardware to operate smoothly. Q48: Perception of… Disk space provided to me on the server (my P: drive) is adequate for my data storage needs. Q140: How satisfied were you with… kiosks? Q176: Providing technical assistance for your personal computer. Q131: If you were asked to give an OVERALL grade to the ASU technology services, what would it be? Q180: Printing services from my laptop. .044 Q129: How many of your classes use the disk or website that comes with your textbook? Q176: Providing technical assistance for your personal computer. Q179: Public scanners that will work with my laptop. .004 Academic Standing Academic Standing Age Age Academic Standing Academic Standing College of Major College of Major College of Major Results 16 .017 .025 .050 .011 .035 .024 .032 .044 Information Technology Survey 2009 Part I Results These results were obtained from the SERVQUAL analysis made with the data from the surveys collected. The largest gap between the perception and desired satisfaction level of the students was Factor 3 with a mean score of -0.8333. This means that the Information technology department should direct its efforts to the area of professionalism. The factor with the closest margin between desired and perceived satisfaction level is Factor 1 which means that Information Technology is excelling in this area. Factor 2 stands in the middle which means it is satisfactory. Part II Results The results and the conclusions for this part are listed below: When the survey-takers were asked if they owned a personal computer, 245 respondents said that they own their own personal computer, which makes a 94% of the student body surveyed. On the other hand, 15 individuals did not possess a computer, representing the 6% remaining. 110 ( 42.30%) of the respondents said that they own a personal desktop computer that runs Windows while another 197 (75.76%) students established that they own a laptop computer that runs Windows. A total of 9 (3.46%) students own a desktop computer Mac and other 22 (8.46%) students indicated that they possess Mac laptops. In addition, 7 (2.69%) students said that they own a desktop computer running Linux and another 7 (2.69%) survey-takers said that they own laptops that use Linux as their operative system. Furthermore, students were also asked about other devices that they possess, among the most commons were: 222 own a cell phone device, 134 students own a Blackberry, 113 have an iPhone mobile device, 124 have other kind of Smartphones, 198 own an electronic music device such an iPod, 124 possess a digital camera, 109 have a personal gaming device, and finally 130 students have a personal printer. When interrogated about the most frequent method for internet access, 121 (45.31%) the students said that they got internet access by using commercial broadband services, 38 (14.23%) said that they got it with cable in their residence hall room, 95 (35.58%) said that they got it with wireless connection in their room and finally 13 (4.86%) stated that they got internet connection by using wireless at other locations on campus. Furthermore, when asked about whether they pay for web access on the cell phones they own, 46% of the (125) students said that they did while the remaining 53% (145) said they did not. They also stated that 183 (67%) students did not check their email account from their cell phones while 88 (32%) individuals do check their email accounts using cell phones. Furthermore, a total of 138 (50.2%) students said that they do check their ASU email account from their cell phone devices while 133 (48.5%) do not. When asked if 17 Information Technology Survey 2009 they would be interested about the possibility of accessing ASU email through their iPhone, Blackberry or other smart phones 27 (10.1 %) individuals said that they would be interested while 238 (89.8%) students said that they would not. Also, when asked if their phones supported Wi-Fi and used the on-campus wireless network, 60 (23.16%) students said that they did, 110 (42.47%) students stated that they did not, and 89 (34.36%) students said that they did not know about the feature. Furthermore, the students where asked if they had ever viewed the ASU website regarding smart phones, 27 (10.18%) students said that they had viewed it while the remaining 238 (89.81%) had not. The survey also asked the students to identify what medium was primarily used to store the data. 9 (3.30%) students responded that the used Floppy Disk to storage their information, 194 (71.32%) students choose the USB as their data storage device, 56 (20.58%) used the network/Pdrive; while 4 (1.47%) students choose Google docs and another 9 (3.30%) picked email. When asked about whether they would be interested in drive space associated with each student’s Blackboard account, 174 (66.6%) students expressed interest while 87 (33.3%) students said that they would not be interested. Also, the survey interrogated survey-taker about the use of the personal drive that ASU provides to every student. 228 (86%) students answered that they use their personal drive to store information while 37 (13.9) students do not. In addition, the students were questioned if their laptops (if they owned one) were set up for wireless use on campus using Clean Access. 143 (60.3%) respondents said that they do while 94 (39.6%) do not have their laptop set up with Clean Access. The question that followed inquired about what kind of assistant the students had needed when setting up the wireless access, 75 (44.11%) students expressed that the wireless access was easy to set up without assistance, 61(35.88%) students required assistance from help desk while another 34 (20%) required assistance from a friend. When the students were asked if they had tried to use wireless inside a building and found it to be unavailable, 57 (24.56%) of them said that they had gone through that situation whereas the remaining 175 (75.43%) students said that they had not. The students were also asked if they would be interested in having wireless access available in outdoor areas, 27 (10.30%) students responded that they were not interested in this service, 66 (25.19%) said that they were somewhat interested, 75 (28.62%) were interested while 94 (35.87%) students said they were very interested. The survey also asked questions about the interest of students in having a universal charging station for their laptops and smart phones around campus, library and in general use labs. 51 (19.17%) students said that they were not interested at all, 68 (25.56%) students were somewhat interested, and 71 (26.69%) were interested while 76 (28.57%) were very interested. 18 Information Technology Survey 2009 The survey was also designed to understand the students better by collecting information about their habits and the uses they have for technology. When asked if they owned a laptop, the next answers were given and the student had to check which one applied best to him or her. 182 students selected that they use their laptops only in their rooms or homes. 36 students said that they sometimes use their laptops between classes on campus while 21 students stated that they use them in the ASU study rooms. Also, 11 students said that they have their laptops with them and use them in class while 28 students carry their laptops with them and use them at all times. The survey also asked the reasons why they do not use a laptop outside their room or home. 71 (16.98%) students said that their laptops were too heavy to carry around, 75 (17.94%) students stated that they are afraid of theft, 38 (9.09%) students said they are not able to connect to wireless, 34 (8.13%) said that there is not a convenient place on campus where to use it, and finally 27 (6.45%) students selected that their professor do not allow them use a laptop in class. Also, 46 (11%) survey-takers said that their laptops took too long to set up, 20 (4.78%) stated that none of their friends did it, 44 (10.52%) students expressed they could not print files from their laptops and finally 63 (15.07%) students selected “other” option. The students were also asked to react to the following statement, “I believe students should pay for only what they print so that light users would pay less and heavy users would pay more.” 69 (25.74%) students said that they strongly agree with the statement, 85 (31.71%) said that they agree, 39 (14.55%) stated that they disagree, 25(9.29%) students said that they strongly disagree and 50 (18.65%) students do not have an opinion over the subject. When asked about how often they check their ASU e-mail account, 169 (66.01%) students check their ASU e-mail daily, 70 (27.34%) students check it weekly, 9 (3.51%) monthly, 4 (1.56%) students check it 1-2 per semester and finally 4 (1.56%) students stated they never check their ASU e-mail. 18 students did not answer to this question. Furthermore, the students were asked if they used sites such as Facebook and MySpace among others. 212 (78.51%) students used Facebook while 58 (21.48%) said they did not. 104 (38.51%) used Twitter while 166 (61.48%) did not. 68 (26.66%) students stated that the use Photobucket and 187 (73.33%) students do not. Also, 147 (56.75%) students stated that they use MySpace while 112 (43.24%) do not. 161 (60.52%) students admitted to use Google or Yahoo! Groups while 105 (39.47%) students do not access to those sites. When asked about iTunes, 113 (44.31%) said that they use it and 142 (55.68%) said that they do not. Also, 72 (27.58%) students said that they use Flickr and 189 (72.41%) stated that they do not. Among the surveyed students we found 39 (15.29%) who use Skype while the remaining 216 (84.70%) respondents do not. Finally, the students surveyed 215 (81.13%) uses YouTube while 50 (18.86%) do not. 19 Information Technology Survey 2009 The survey also questioned the students about how interested they would be if ASU checked out laptops to use in student gathering areas. 146 (54.68%) students said that they were not interested at all in this service, 52 (19.47%) said that they were somewhat interested, 49 (18.35%) established that they were interested and 20 (7.49%) added that they were very interested. 7 individuals did not answer. When asked how interested they were in having more group work areas with a shared large monitor, 120 (43.79%) answered that they were interested while 132 (48.17%) said they were not. 22 individuals did not answer representing an 8.02%. Also, the students were interrogated if they would like to have access to a multimedia room to practice presentations before classes, 50 (18.24%) students stated that they were not interested at all, 100 (36.49%) said that they were somewhat interested, 79 (28.83%) students stated that they were interested and 42 (15.32%) expressed that they were very interested. 3 individuals did not answered representing a1.09%. The survey asked questions related to the overall impression that the students had with the technology provided in the classroom, 55 (20.07%) students had an excellent impression of the technology provided, 162 (59.1%) thought it was good, 49 (17.88%) expressed that had some issues and 4 (1.45%) thought it was poor. 4 individuals did not answer representing a 1.45%. When asked to the students if their classes had ever been delayed or canceled due to a technology issue, 142 (51.82%) expressed that they had gone through that situation whereas 119 (43.43%) respondent that they never had a class delayed or canceled due to technology issues. 13 individuals did not respond representing a 4.74%. Furthermore, students were asked how many classes they were taking this semester, 4 (1.45%) individuals answered that they were taking one class, 12 (4.37%) students said that they were taking two classes, 19 (6.9%) said that they were enrolled in 3 classes. 84 (30.65%) students stated that they were enrolled in 4 classes. 99 (36.1%) said that they were enrolled in 5 classes and finally 29 (10.6%) said they are taking 6 classes. The remaining 27 entries were invalid which represented a 9.8%. In addition, we interrogated these students about how often their classes used the data projector, 40 (14.59%) students said that they did not use data projectors in any of their classes, 33 (12.04%) say that they used it in one, 60 (29.89%) students said that they used it in two of their classes, another 60 (29.89%) students stated that they used it for three of their classes. 41 (14.96%) students assured that they used it for four of their classes whereas 16 (5.83%) students said that they used it for five of the classes they were enrolled in. Finally, 1 student said that he or she used the projectors in six of his or her classes while 23 (8.39%) individuals did not respond. Also, the students were asked about the frequency in which they used the smart boards in their classes. 185 (67.51%) students said that they did not use the smart board, 31(11.31%) students 20 Information Technology Survey 2009 stated that they used it for a class, 17 (6.2%) said that they used it for two classes, 7 (2.55%) of them used it for three classes and 5 (1.82%) students use it for four classes they were enrolled in. 29 (10.58%) students did not respond to the question. Moreover, when asked about clickers, 159 (58.02%) students said that they did not use them, 43 (15.32%) used them for at least one class, 21 (7.66%) students used them in two classes, 11 (4.01%) students used them in three classes, 9 (3.28%) students used them for four classes and 3 students used them for five. 28 (10.21%) students did not answer this question. Finally, when asked about Synchroneyes, 157 (57.29%) students said that they did not have any class that used the feature, 73 (26.64%) had at least one class where it was used, 11 (4.01%) used it on two of their classes, 1 (0.36%) student used the feature for four classes and 32 (11.67%) students did not answer this question. The students were asked how frequently they accessed RamPort, 197 (71.89%) students said that they accessed RamPort daily, 53 (19.34%) stated that they checked it on weekly basis, 10 (3.64%) students accessed it monthly, 4 (1.45%) students check it once a semester and 4 (1.45%) students stated that they never access RamPort. 6 individuals did not respond which represent a 2.18%. Following this question, the students were surveyed on the areas that they access through RamPort, 237 students said that they accessed Blackboard through RamPort, 156 used it for registration, 79 students used it for library access and 231 used it to access their e-mail while another 32 individuals used it for other purposes. When asked about how frequently they accessed to the ASU website, 56 (20.43%) students indicated that they access it daily, 83 (30.29%) do it on weekly basis, 80 (29.19%) access to the website monthly, 34 (12.40%) students use it once a semester and 13 (4.74%) students never access it. 8 individuals abstained from answering this question which represents a 2.91% of the responses. Also, the students were asked to specify that areas of the ASU website they visit the most, 44 students answered technology, 57 stated that they used the library website, 99 students looked up the calendar, 114 answered that they checked the faculty and class pages, 78 students checked the campus life webpage, 70 survey-takers accessed to see the academic life webpage and another 70 students selected “other” as their destination within the ASU webpage. The students were also asked to disclose how many of their classes use the disk or website that comes with their textbook, 56 (20.43%) students said that they have at least one class that requires to use the disk or the website that comes with the textbook, 27 (9.85%) students said that 2 classes required it, 18 (6.56%) students said that 3 of their classes, 36 (13.13%) stated that 4 of their classes while 130 (47.44%) students selected “none” as their choice. 7 individuals did not answer this question, representing a 2.55% of the respondents. 21 Information Technology Survey 2009 When asked to the students if they had ever encountered issues using the previous resources, 56 (20.43%) students said that they indeed had issues while 203 (75.18%) stated that they had not. 15 students did not answer this question, which represents a 5.47% of the respondents. The students were asked to answer the overall level of satisfaction with ASU Technology. 69 (25.18%) individuals said that the technology services deserved between 100% to 90%, 74 (27%) said that they were in the “B” range with 89% to 80%, 9 (3.28%) students said that ranking-wise, I.T deserved a “C” grade 79% to 70% and 1(0.3%) student said that it deserved less than 69%. This question had a very large amount of individuals that left it blank with a total of 121 (44.16%). In addition, I.T asked the students if they were familiar with certain services that they offer and if they were satisfied by the service received. When asked about Help Desk, 110 (40.14%) students said that they had used it, 29 (10.58%) said that they had not and 135 (49.27%) students left this question blank. Also, the students left their opinions of whether or not they were satisfied with the service at hand. 3 (1.09%) students said that they were not satisfied at all, 6 (2.18%) students said that they were slightly satisfied, 25 (9.12%) said that they were satisfied. On the other hand, 53 (19.34%) students said that they were very satisfied and 33 (12.04%) students were extremely satisfied. 154 students did not respond to this question representing a 56.20%. When asked about the Residential Internet Access service, 75 (27.40%) students said that they had used it while 39 (14.20%) had not. 160 (58%) survey-takers did not respond to this question. According to the survey, 3 (1.10%) of the students were not satisfied at all with the residential internet access, 6 (2.20%) were slightly satisfied, 25 (8.80%) were satisfied and 31 (11.30%) were very satisfied. Furthermore, 21 (7.70%) students said that they were extremely satisfied with the service. 189 (69%) of the survey takers did not respond to this question. When asked about the Kiosks that Information Technology offers in different buildings on campus, 37 (13.50%) students said that they had used them while 54 (19.70%) had not. 183 (66.78%) students did not answer this question. The survey takers also defined their levels of satisfaction: 6 (2.18%) students did were not at all satisfied with the service, 3 (1.09%) were slightly satisfied, 14 (5.10%) survey takers said that they were satisfied. Also, 16 (5.83%) students said that they were very satisfied with the service and 11 (4.01%) were extremely satisfied. 224 (81.75%) individuals did not respond to this question. The students were also asked about the color printing service in the computer labs. 72 (26.27%) students said that they had used it while 57 (20.80%) did not. 145 (52.91%) abstained to answer this question. When asked how satisfied they were with the printing service, 4 (1.45%) students 22 Information Technology Survey 2009 said that they were not satisfied at all, 2 (0.72%) were slightly satisfied, 20 (7.29%) survey takers were satisfied. Also, 33 (12.04%) students were very satisfied and 22 (8.02%) students were extremely satisfied. 193 (70.43%) did not answer this question. Regarding Blackboard, 147 (53.64%) survey takers have used it before wile 3 (1.09%) had not. 124 individuals did not answer this question representing a 45.25%. Also, 2 (0.72%) students said that they were not satisfied at all by the service, 7 (2.55%) said that they were slightly satisfied, 22 (8.02%) survey-takers were satisfied, 65 (23.72%) students were very satisfied and finally 55 (20.07%) were extremely satisfied. 123 (44.89%) individuals did not respond to this question. When asked about RamPort e-mail, 147 (53.64%) students said that they had used it while 3 (1.09%) had not. 124 (45.25%) individuals did not answer the question. The level of satisfaction according to the students is: 2 (0.72%) students are not satisfied at all with RamPort email, 4 (1.45%) are slightly satisfied, 22 (8.02%) students are satisfied and 50 (18.24%) survey takers are very satisfied. Finally, 70 (25.54%) students are extremely satisfied with the service and 126 (45.98%) did not answer the question at hand. Regarding Campus Wireless, 89 (32.48%) of the students surveyed had used it before while 45 (16.42%) had not and 140 (51.09%) did not answer. When asked about satisfaction, 3 (1.10%) students said that they were not satisfied at all, 8 (2.91%) students said that they were slightly satisfied, 16 (5.83%) were satisfied, 35 (12.77%) students were very satisfied, and 33 (12.04%) were extremely satisfied. 179 individuals did not answer this question, representing a 65.32%. The quiet area or also called quiet room at the MCS computer lab has been used by 77 (28.10%) students while other 54 (19.70%) have not tried it yet. 143 (52.18%) people refrained from answering this question. In levels of satisfaction, 3 (1.09%) students say that they are not satisfied at all, 5 (1.82) students seem to be slightly satisfied, 19 (6.93%) students say that they are satisfied, 26 (9.48%) survey takers say that they are very satisfied by the service and 33 (12.04%) students are extremely satisfied. 188 (68.61%) individuals did not respond this question. When asked about the discount that I.T provides for Hardware and Software, 25 (9.12%) students said that they had used it while 70 (25.54%) said that they had not. 179 (65.32%) refrained from answering this question. Furthermore, on satisfaction levels, 5 (1.82%) students say that they are not at all satisfied by this service, 4 (1.45%) say that they are slightly satisfied, 8 (2.91) students are satisfied, 16 (5.83%) are very satisfied and 10 (3.64%) are extremely satisfied. 231 (84.30%) people abstained from answering this question. In addition, 54 (19.70%) students said that they had used the McAfee Virus Protection offered by I.T while 57 (20.80%) students had not. 163 (59.48%) individuals refrained from answering this question. Based on the levels of satisfaction, 8 (2.91%) students said that they are not satisfied at 23 Information Technology Survey 2009 all by the service, 8 (2.91%) seem to be slightly satisfied, 13 (4.74%) students are satisfied, 15 (5.47%) students are very satisfied and 21 (7.66%) students are extremely satisfied. 209 (76.27%) abstained from answering this question. Regarding the check out of digital cameras, 18 (6.56%) students had used the service before while 63 (22.99%) claimed to have not. 193 (70.43%) individuals did not answer this question. On levels of satisfaction, 5 (1.82%) individuals were not satisfied at all with the service, 1 (0.36%) person was slightly satisfied, 10 (3.64%) students were satisfied, 8 (2.91%) students were very satisfied, 10 (3.64%) individuals were extremely satisfied and 240 (88%) of the individuals did not participate in this question. When asked about ASU Alert, 72 (26.17%) of the surveyed individuals have used ASU Alert while 54 (19.70%) of the students have not. 148 (54.01%) of the individuals refrained from answering this question. When asked about the level of satisfaction with the service, 3 (1.09%) individuals were not satisfied at all, 5 (1.82%) students were slightly satisfied, 21 (7.66%) survey takers were satisfied, 27 (9.85%) students were very satisfied, 27 (9.85%) individuals were extremely satisfied and finally 191 (70%) individuals did not answer the question asked. Furthermore, when asked about the technology support desk at Texan Hall during the fall semester, 20 (7.29%) individuals said that they had used the service while 69 (25.18%) said that they had not. 185 individuals did not reply, representing a 67.51% of the survey takers. When asked about overall satisfaction regarding to this service, 3 (1.09%) students were not satisfied at all, 1(0.36%) student was slightly satisfied, 6 (2.18%) individuals were satisfied, 14 (5.10%) students were satisfied, and 10 (3.64%) survey takers were extremely satisfied. A total of 240 (88%) individuals did not respond to this question. Finally, the Information technology department asked the students to provide opinions about which services they found most desirable. 52 (18.97%) students thought that providing access to a music downloading service would be the most beneficial to them. 46 (16.78%) stated that they were interested in technical assistance for their personal computers. 44 (16.05%) established that they would like laptops to be checked out for campus use while another 35 (12.77%) thought that provide wireless access outdoor areas on campus should be implemented. On the other hand, 29 (10.58%) thought that printing service for laptops would be useful. Furthermore, 19 (6.93%) thought checking out iPod-Touch is most desirable than the other options. 15 (5.47%) students liked the idea of large format color printing while 9 (3.28%) would like public scanners for their laptops. 7 (2.55%) students think it is a good idea to have EBook for checkout in the library while 18 (6.56%) did not answer the question. Part III: Results 24 Information Technology Survey 2009 It is composed by the demographics of the student that took the survey. Among the valid entries we received, 130 (47.44%) were male students and 134 (48.90%) were female students, 10 (3.64%) individuals did not answer this question. Also, according to academic classification, the survey was composed by 95 (34.67%) freshman, 42 (15.32%) sophomores, 34 (12.40%) juniors, 73 (26.64%) seniors and 22 (8.02%) graduate students. 8 individuals failed to respond to this question representing a 2.91% of the responses. The survey takers were divided by age in the following brakes: 133 (48.54%) students were under 21 years of age, 106 (38.58%) were between 21-25, 19 (6.93%) students were between the ages of 26 and 35, 3 (1.09%) students were between 36-45 years of age and finally 3 (1.09%) students were over 45 years of age. 10 (3.64%) individuals did not answer this question. The survey-takers were also classified according to the college of their major, 116 (42.33%) students belong to the College of Business, 13 (4.74%) to the College of Graduate Studies, 49 (17.88%) to the College of Sciences, 18 (6.56%) to the College of Education and finally 53 (19.34%) to the College of Liberal and Fine Arts. 26 individuals failed to complete this section, representing a 9.48% Finally, the last question of the survey had to do with whether or not the students reside on campus. 97 (35.40%) survey takers live on campus while 164 (59.85%) life off campus. 13 individuals failed to answer this question which represents a 4.74%. Recommendations The main problems areas related to wireless network and services are Texan Hall and the Rassman Building. It is recommended to focus special efforts on these areas to guarantee a good quality service. Furthermore, after the research made, we have noticed that most of the students have had their classes delayed or canceled because a technology problem. It is important for IT to address this issue by making their response time shorter and service more efficient. Information Technology should focus more on educating the student body about all the services that it offers. IT has outstanding services but most of the students seem not to be aware of them. There has been an increase of professors asking their students to use the software that comes with their books; also, we have seen how students often encounter problems using these resources. IT could help the students by training some of the personnel so they know how to use the main textbook software. 25 Information Technology Survey 2009 As shown in the statistical results, 72.26% of the ASU students that participated in the IT survey own an electronic music device such as an iPod or Mp3 player. Therefore, the IT Department should implement a plan to provide students with a music downloading service. Since 48.45% of the ASU students that participated in the IT survey own a personal computer and 86.91% own a laptop, the IT department should provide technical assistance for student’s personal computers and laptops. Furthermore, it would be recommended to create a cover letter for the survey explaining the students the time that it would take to complete the survey. Students are used to short surveys and that is why the study has such high non-response rate. Also, the survey needs to be shortened it to maximize the validity of the answers obtained, Furthermore, the graduate students in charge of analyzing the data should be included in the selection of questions and development of the survey. Finally, we feel that if all the recommendations are taken into consideration, I.T will perceive a positive change throughout this year. The data presented in this report should be examined by the Information Technology personnel in order to create an action plan, not only to improve the services but also to make future decisions. This report possesses the details on the methods and analysis that were used to provide the different recommendations and conclusions presented. The report also illustrates the results for every question asked during the survey, giving a valuable opportunity for I.T in order to recognize possible problems areas and new trends. 26 Information Technology Survey 2009 Graphical Representation of the Results Part II Graphics The second part of the survey is based on the services and products that Information Technology is currently offering to ASU students. The questions asked in this section change yearly as the Information Technology department wants to obtain feedback about the latest I.T related trends among the student body. Results of student who own a personal computer: Students Who Own a Personal Computer Yes No 6% 94% The students were also surveyed about the kind of computer they own and the operating system they use. The final results can be seen in the following graph: 27 Information Technology Survey 2009 80.00% 75.76% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 42.30% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 8.46% 10.00% 3.46% 2.69% 2.69% Desktop (Linux) Laptop (Linux) 0.00% Desktop (Windows) Desktop (Mac) Laptop Laptop(Mac) (Windows) In conclusion, this graphics shows that most of the students possess a laptop or desktop with windows. The percentages do not add up to a 100% since some students have more than one device. Furthermore, the students were indicated to pick the devices that they own, these are the results: 90.00% 81.02% 80.00% 72.26% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 48.90% 41.24% 45.25% 47.44% 45.25% 39.78% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 28 Information Technology Survey 2009 This figure shows the number in percentages of the people who possess the different devices. We can say that after cell phones, most of the student body owns some kind of Electronic Music Device. It is recommended for the I.T department to take this information into consideration when making new plans and developing new services. When interrogated about frequent internet access, the students answered: Internet Access 5% Commercial Broadband Service 45% 36% Cable in Residence Hall Room Wireless Connection in their room Using wireless in other places 14% This graphic relates to the question is whether or not the student lives on or off campus. As we can see, most of the students in our survey live out of campus and therefore use commercial broadband service as the main method for internet access. However, a total of 50% of the students said that they either use wireless connection on their room or cable in the residence hall rooms. It is important for ASU to continue performing this service and improve it by offering more wireless areas. 29 Information Technology Survey 2009 Furthermore, when asked questions related to web access on their cell phones we got the following answers: Do you pay for web access on your cell phone? 46% Yes No 54% Even though the majority of people do not pay for internet access on their phone, there’s a strong minority group who does and might represent an opportunity for ASU so that they can adapt some of its services to web access on cell phones. Do you currently access email from your cell phone? 32% Yes No 68% 30 Information Technology Survey 2009 Do you check your ASU email account using your phone? Yes 49% 51% No Even though most of the people do not use their phones to do web access, within the small group that does, e-mail account checking is the most popular option. Therefore, if I.T feels that is important to adapt their webpage and services to make them available by cellphone, the e-mail service should be the first one to be considered. Would you be interested in accessing ASU email through your iPhone, Blackberry or other smart phone? 10% Yes No 90% 31 Information Technology Survey 2009 If your phone supports Wi-Fi, do you use the on-campus wireless network? 23% 34% Yes No Do not know 43% Finally, it is important to let the student know about the services that the Information Technology department offers. An example of this is the Wi-Fi network that works on campus. The students can apply it to their phones and get free internet access. 32 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you ever viewed the ASU website regarding smart phones? 10% Yes No 90% The survey also questioned the students about how they storage data: What medium do you primarily use to store your data? 2% 3% 3% 21% Floppy Disk USB Drive Network / P: Drive Google Docs E-mail 71% 33 Information Technology Survey 2009 In conclusion, most of the students at ASU use USB Drives for their data storage, followed by the P: Drive service. A good idea would be to minimize the use of Floppy Disk in labs and classes since it does not seem to be useful anymore. Would you be interested in drive space associated with your Blackboard Account? 70.00% 60.00% 66.60% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 33.30% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Yes No According to the results, it is recommended to add drive space to the Blackboard accounts. It seems like is a service that ASU students would enjoy and be interested in. 34 Information Technology Survey 2009 Do you use the P: drive, your personal drive space provided by ASU? 100% 90% 80% 86% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 13.90% 0% Yes No These responses show that the P: Drive is used by the majority of ASU students and fully accomplishes its goal. The service should still be in place and maybe improving by offering more storage space. If you own a laptop, is it set up for wireless use on campus using Clean Access? 70.00% 60.00% 60.30% 50.00% 40.00% 39.60% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Yes No Most of the students are currently using Clean Access in order to access the internet on the ASU campus. 35 Information Technology Survey 2009 If you own a laptop, was your wireless access: 20% Easy to set up without assistance 44% Required assistance from help desk Required assistance from a friend 36% Even though the majority of people though that the wireless access was easy to set up, a recommendation would be to distribute pamphlets regarding wireless set-up and maybe showing the students step by step what they need to do. Have you tried to use wireless inside a building and found it to not be available? 200 180 175 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 57 42 20 0 Yes No No answer Most of the students have not found major problems trying to connect to the wireless network on the university. However, there are a few spots in different buildings that should be improved. 36 Information Technology Survey 2009 Would you be interested in having a wireless access available in outdoor areas (outside of the buildings)? 10% 36% Not interested at all 25% Somewhat interested Interested Very Interested 29% The internet access in outdoor areas seems to be a popular idea for the ASU students and, according to the students, they would support if it were to be implemented. However, it is important to see at the results of the following graphics. Would you be interested in having an universal charging station for your laptop and smart phone around campus, in the library and in general use labs? 29% 19% Not interested at all Somewhat interested Interested 25% Very Interested 27% The survey was also designed to understand the students better by collecting information about their habits and the uses they have for technology. 37 Information Technology Survey 2009 If you own a laptop which best applies to you: 200 180 160 182 140 120 100 80 60 40 36 20 21 11 28 0 I only use it in my room or home I sometimes use it between classes on campus I use it in the ASU study room I have it with me and I have it with me and use it in class use it all the time As shown in the graphics, the majority of the ASU students surveyed use their laptops only in their room. Knowing this, the possibility of implementing wireless in outdoors areas would be a popular service, but not one that caters to the majority of the student body. 38 Information Technology Survey 2009 If you do not use your laptop outside your room or home, why? It is too heavy to carry around 15% 17% I am afraid of theft I am not able to connect wireless There is not a convenient place on campus to use it 11% 18% 5% My professor does not allow laptop use It takes too long to set up None of my friends do it 11% I can't print files from my laptop 9% 6% Other 8% These results make us believe that it would be important to implement a plan where the ASU Police and maybe I.T offer their students insurance for their laptops on a small fee. The fee can be included on tuition or paid directly to the police station when filing the paper work. 39 Information Technology Survey 2009 How do you feel about the following statement: "I believe students should pay for only what they print so that light users would pay less and heavy users would pay more." 19% 26% Strongly Agree Agree 9% Disagree Strongly Disagree No opinion 14% 32% How often do you check your ASU e-mail account? 180 160 169 140 120 100 80 60 70 40 20 4 4 9 Never 1-2 times per semester Monthly 18 0 Weekly Daily Did not answer Most of the users surveyed use their ASU e-mail account daily or weekly. This makes us think that I.T has been successful in making students to rely on its services. 40 Information Technology Survey 2009 Do you use the following? 250 200 150 100 50 0 Facebook MySpace Flickr Photobuc YouTube ket Twitter Google or Yahoo! Groups Skype iTunes Yes 212 147 72 68 215 104 161 39 113 No 58 112 189 187 50 166 105 216 142 As seen in the previous graph, ASU students are heavy users of social and multimedia networks on the internet. For this websites to work properly, it is important for I.T to keep improving on the bandwidth it offers to the students. 41 Information Technology Survey 2009 How interested are you in checking out a laptop to use in student gathering areas? 160 140 146 120 100 80 60 52 40 49 20 20 7 Very interested Did not respond 0 Not interested at all Somewhat interested Interested As shown before hand, most of the ASU students who responded this survey said that they already own a laptop computer. Therefore, this makes the service of checking out laptops irrelevant to them. Are you interested in having more group work areas with a shared large monitor? 8% 44% Yes No Did not answer 48% 42 Information Technology Survey 2009 When discussed about a group area with a shared large monitor, there was a highly split opinion among the survey takers. The majority said that they do not want such area; however, a 44% of the respondents would like to experience this service. We suggest that in the case of implementing this service, to place it in an area apart from the main computer labs. The work areas could be placed in the Rassman Building or another lab that is not as congested as the MCS or the Library. Would you be interested in having access to a multimedia room to practice your presentation for classes? 1% 15% 18% Not interested at all Somewhat interested Interested Very Interested 29% 37% No response The same suggestion would apply to this case; the students are overall interested in having access to a multimedia room. We recommend that room to be somewhat private and maybe have sign-up sheets to make the use of it organized. 43 Information Technology Survey 2009 The survey asked questions related to the overall impression that the students had with the technology provided in the classroom What is your overall impression with the technology provided in the classroom? 180 160 162 140 120 100 80 60 40 55 49 20 4 4 Poor / Unacceptable No response 0 Excellent Good Has some issues The department of Information Technology seems to be regarded as excellent and good on overall impression. It is suggested to work on the issues that it possesses; however, the students are overall satisfied. Have you ever had a class delayed or canceled due to a technology issue? 160 140 120 142 119 100 80 60 40 20 13 0 Yes No 44 No response Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you ever had a class delayed or canceled due to a technology issue? 5% Yes 43% No 52% No response This information is very relevant to the study. As we can see, a 52% of the people surveyed had their classes affected due to technology issues. We advise I.T to implement a plan for faster response in order to avoid these situations. How many classes are you taking this semester? 120 100 99 80 84 60 40 20 4 12 1 Class 2 classes 29 27 6 classes No response 19 0 3 classes 4 classes 45 5 classes Information Technology Survey 2009 The information received makes us conclude that most of the students surveyed come to school as full-time students; therefore, they spend a higher amount of time on campus and using the facilities available. How many of these classes are using: 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 None One Two Three Four Five Six No response Data Projector 40 33 60 60 41 16 1 23 Smart Board 185 31 17 7 5 0 0 29 Clickers 159 43 21 11 9 3 0 28 Synchroneyes 157 73 11 0 1 0 0 32 This distribution concludes that most of the classes majorly use a data projector in order to function. Also, the clickers can be classified as the second most important tool. It is recommended for I.T to encourage professors to use the facilities and equipment provided by the university. The I.T department could offer classes or small seminars on how to use some of the devices on the classroom; this might complement the lectures of the professors and boost their confidence towards the use of technology. 46 Information Technology Survey 2009 The following questions were inquires made about RamPort and its use: How frequently do you access RamPort? 2% 1% 2% 4% Daily 19% Weekly Monthly Once a semester Never 72% No response RamPort is a highly used tool but the students and it is an important place to put announcements and other relevant information. We suggest taking advantage of RamPort’s popularity and adding more services, links and important information. 47 Information Technology Survey 2009 What areas do you access in RamPort? 250 237 231 200 150 156 100 79 50 32 0 Blackboard Registration Library Services Email Other Based on this graphic, we suggest focusing the improvements on Blackboard and the email services while making the library services and registration more known around the student body. 48 Information Technology Survey 2009 The following questions were inquires made about ASU webpage and its use: How frequently do you access the ASU website? 3% 5% 21% 12% Daily Weekly Monthly Once a semester Never 29% 30% No response According to the responses obtained, the ASU website is highly used by the student body, most of them accessing it daily, weekly or monthly. It is important for Information Technology to make the website easy to access and understand for the students, so their searches are easier to make. 49 Information Technology Survey 2009 What areas do you access from the ASU website? 120 114 100 99 80 78 70 60 70 57 40 44 20 0 Technology Library Calendar Faculty and class pages Campus Life Academic Life Other The students surveyed responded that they mostly look at faculty and class webpage, while the second area most accessed was calendar. It is important to keep this websites up to date so that the students get the most accurate information. 50 Information Technology Survey 2009 How many of your classes use the disk or website that comes with your textbook? 3% 20% 1 2 3 10% 47% 7% 4 Other No response 13% According to the results, over a 50% of the students have been required for one or more classes to use the CD or website included in the purchase of their textbook. It is important for the personnel of I.T to be familiarized with the most common software in order to give proper customer service. Have you ever encountered problems using these resources? 6% 20% Yes No No response 74% After showing the results on the graphic above, we can conclude that students will eventually require help working the textbook software. Therefore, it is highly suggested to Information Technology to train the personnel on the most common textbooks software available. 51 Information Technology Survey 2009 Rank each one of the services below 60 50 52 40 46 44 30 35 29 20 19 10 9 0 15 18 7 Most Desirable Rank each one of the services below as most desirable Laptops to be checkout for campus use 2% 7% 16% Providing access to a music downloading service 5% Technical assistance for personal computers 11% 19% 3% Provide wireless outside in outdoor areas on campus iPod-Touch check out for campus use 7% 13% Public scanners that will work with laptops 17% Printing service from laptops The responses obtained show the preferences of ASU students toward the different services that I.T might consider offering. We only took into consideration the responses that rated as “most desirable.” The first rated as most desirable is the possibility of providing access to a music 52 Information Technology Survey 2009 downloading service. ASU can make a deal with one of the major firms and even charge a low fee for the use of this service. It seems like the most lucrative idea. Overall Satisfaction Service with ASU technology services 120 100 111 102 80 60 40 20 30 24 7 0 A B C D No response Overall Satisfaction Service with ASU technology services 3% 11% A 9% 37% B C D No response 41% In the previous question, the students pointed out that they are overall very satisfied or satisfied with the information technology services at ASU. 53 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you ever used Help Desk assistance? 160 140 135 120 100 110 80 60 40 20 29 0 Yes No No response Approximately a 40% of the survey takers have used Help Desk before, which means that overall it is a very well known and widely use service. If Yes, how satisfied were you with the service? 1% 2% 9% Not at all satisfied Slightly Satisfied 20% Satisfied Very Satisfied 56% Extremely Satisfied 12% No response Furthermore, 40% of the survey takers also said that they are either satisfied, very satisfied or extremely satisfied by the service they got at Help Desk. 54 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you used the Residential Hall Internet Access? 180 160 160 140 120 100 80 60 75 40 39 20 0 Yes No No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with the Residential Internet Access? 1% 2% 9% Not at all satisfied 11% Slightly Satisfied Satisfied 8% Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied 69% No response Most of the respondents that have used residential internet access expressed that they are satisfied, very satisfied or extremely satisfied with the service. However, we suggest I.T to keep improving on wireless services, especially in Texan Hall. 55 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you used the Kiosks? 200 180 183 160 140 120 100 80 60 54 40 20 37 0 Yes No No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with the Kiosks? 2% 1% 5% 6% 4% Not at all satisfied Slightly Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied No response 82% Looking at the results presented, we highly suggest I.T to encourage the use of Kiosks throughout campus. Also, a good idea would be to try to place one or two Kiosks on residence halls to see how the students react to them. 56 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you ever used Color Printing? 160 140 145 120 100 80 60 72 57 40 20 0 Yes No No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with Color Printing? 1% 1% 7% Not at all satisfied 12% Slightly Satisfied Satisfied 8% Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied 71% No response 57 Information Technology Survey 2009 Overall, the students seem to be satisfied with color printer. One of our suggestions to improve this service would be to teach the L.As and students how to duplex print on those machines. Have you used Blackboard? 160 140 147 120 124 100 80 60 40 20 3 0 Yes No No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with Blackboard?If Yes, how satisfied were you with Blackboard? 1% 2% Not at all satisfied 8% Slightly Satisfied 45% 24% Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied 20% No response In conclusion, the students are in general satisfied with this service. We can correlate this question with the one that asked if the students would be interested in an information storage 58 Information Technology Survey 2009 space linked to their Blackboard account. We suggest I.T to try that idea in order to maintain and improve the quality of service. Have you ever used Ramport E-mail? 160 140 147 120 124 100 80 60 40 20 3 0 Yes No No response If Yes, How satisfied were you with Ramport E-mail? 1% 1% Not at all satisfied 8% Slightly Satisfied 18% 46% Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied 26% No response Students are highly satisfied with RamPort. Among all of the services RamPort e-mail ranks as one of the first and most popular. IT should keep offering this service and maybe use RamPort email as a way to advertise its services. 59 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you ever used Wireless Network Access on campus? 160 140 140 120 100 80 89 60 40 45 20 0 Yes No No response if Yes, how satisfied were you with the Wireless Network Access on Campus? 1% 3% 6% 13% Not at all satisfied Slightly Satisfied Satisfied 12% 65% Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied No response Even though the wireless service seems to be widely accepted and satisfies the needs of the students, we suggest improving it in certain areas such as the Rassman Building and the University Center. 60 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you used the Quiet Room at the MCS? 160 140 143 120 100 80 77 60 54 40 20 0 Yes No No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with the Quiet Room? 1% 2% 7% Not at all satisfied 9% Slightly Satisfied Satisfied 12% Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied 69% No response We highly suggest to advertise the quiet room and maybe to designate a different room for this functions. The MCS computer lab is an area of high activity and even though the room might be closed, it is still subject to noise. 61 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you ever used the Discount on Hardware/Software? 200 180 179 160 140 120 100 80 60 70 40 20 25 0 Yes No No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with the Discount on Hardward and Software? 2% 1% 3% 4% 6% Not at all satisfied Slightly Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied No response 84% The I.T department should advertise their discount on hardware and software since not many students know about it. 62 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you ever used the free McAfee Virus Protection for your Computer? 180 160 163 140 120 100 80 60 40 54 57 Yes No 20 0 No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with the free McAfee Virus Protection for your Computer? 3% 3% 5% Not at all satisfied 5% Slightly Satisfied 8% Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied 76% No response The same case applies to the McAfee antivirus services. I.T should widely spread the fact that they offer free antivirus protection. 63 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you used the check out of Digital Cameras? 250 200 193 150 100 50 63 18 0 Yes No No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with the check out of Digital Cameras? 2% 0% 3% 4% 4% Not at all satisfied Slightly Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied No response 87% This is yet again another case in which the students do not know what services I.T offers. It needs to be improved by the use of advertising. 64 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you ever used ASU Alert? 160 140 148 120 100 80 60 72 54 40 20 0 Yes No No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with ASU Alert? 1% 2% 7% 10% Not at all satisfied Slightly Satisfied Satisfied 10% Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied 70% No response In general, ASU Alert seems to be a success since the students find it useful. 65 Information Technology Survey 2009 Have you ever used the Technology Support Desk in Texan Hall at the beginning of Fall semester? 200 180 185 160 140 120 100 80 60 69 40 20 20 0 Yes No No response If Yes, how satisfied were you with the Technology Support Desk in Texan Hall at the beginning of Fall semester? 1% 0% 2% 5% 4% Not at all satisfied Slightly Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied No response 88% The overall satisfaction within the services offered by I.T we can see that 66 Information Technology Survey 2009 Part III – Graphics Gender 4% 47% 49% Male Female No response Most of the survey takers were female students and the other 47% were male students, which correlated with the amount of male and female distribution on campus. Classification 8% 3% 35% Freshman Sophomore Junior 27% Senior Graduate Student No response 12% 15% 67 Information Technology Survey 2009 The majority of the students surveyed were freshman and sophomores, representing 50% of the sample number used. These groups can be very useful to gauge their perception towards information technology. Throughout the years we can measure how their responses change while they have been exposed to I.T longer. Age 1% 1% 4% 7% Under 21 years 21-25 years 26-35 years 48% 36-45 years Over 45 years 39% No response The two major age groups surveyed were people under 21 or between the ages of 21-25. This represents most of the demographics of college students, which further confirms the validity of the survey. Classification by College 9% College of Business College of Graduate Studies 19% 42% College of Science College of Education 7% College of Liberal and Fine Arts 18% No response 5% 68 Information Technology Survey 2009 In this case, the students were divided by their colleges of origin. The only problem that has been reflected is the lack of response of the College of Education due that it is the largest one in ASU but one of the poorest ones in the survey response rate. I live: 5% 35% On campus Off campus No answer 60% Finally, the majority of the survey-takers were students who currently live off campus. This might affect the study since some of the services that the survey asks about are focus on oncampus residents such as wireless services within residence halls. 69 Information Technology Survey 2009 The survey offered a space for respondents to express their ideas and to offer suggestions of how Information Technology could improve its services. Listed below are all the comments received in this category next to the corresponding survey numbers. All answers that were left in black were omitted from the study. Survey Number 06. Suggestions Have a lab just for entertainment purposes 09. Wireless internet can be easy to access, color printers 15. Making it easier to access P: drive 17. Get rid of clean access 18. More applications 19. Increase availability of wireless internet 23. Computer hardware upgrades 24. Fix blackout areas on wifi 30. Turning in work orders earlier 34. Make everyone aware of services provided 35. Color printing for cash not just rambucks, multimedia labs, 24 hr labs 38. Faster log in and computers, 10 minute timed login for quick printing, a few computers spread 44. More hi-tech devices 46. Able to upload itunes 49. Act like you’re not bothering them when you ask a question 53. Less surveys 56. More help when people call with questions, stronger wireless internet 58. Be more receptive to student opinions and try to be more like larger universities 59. Extend lab hours, make it clear and obvious when classes are scheduled for the lab, improve wireless technology throughout building 63. Wireless access for off campus students 65. Better communication about the advantages of programs students have at ASU 66. More amiable, more software 70 Information Technology Survey 2009 67. Don’t waste money on all these used tvs, no one looks at them 78. Hardware assistance in the MCS 82. Less than 3000 pages to print 84. Take less time to login after changing password 86. Be more aware of students 89. More computer work stations 92. 95. Quiet room should be quiet, better group work facilities, charge by amount of printing b/c no one uses 3000 pages Defrag clean hard devices once a month, dust machines, train technicians on Linux 96. Improve teachers understanding of blackboard 97. Internet access throughout campus 98. Don’t visit friends while working and dress professionally 99. 102. 103. Lesson on changing equipment, checkout services, music downloading services, 24/7 labs Make services known to everyone Expand blackboard and make easier to use, financial aid site needs to be more user friendly 104. Wireless in the dorm rooms 111. Quicker wireless 112. More integration with personal devices 113. Wireless in dorm rooms 116. Wireless outside and music downloading 117. Check email from compatible phones 118. Wider wifi access 119. More mobile device interaction, more Mac stations 121. More Macs instead of PC's 123. More storage on blackboard 127. Be more courteous, more willing to help, fix problem the first time 129. More help desk people 71 Information Technology Survey 2009 130. Hire more knowledgeable staff 131. Check computers for viruses 133. Response time 137. Not charging for color printing, more Mac support 139. Virus help 141. Be more aware of the people that need help and help them 142. Tell lab assistance not to wear head phones 143. Tell where all labs are located, be quieter in labs 144. Find ways to use PC with campus printers and scanner 145. Printing-only pay for what you use, longer lab hours 150. Be more compatible with Mac computers, more Mac computer available on campus 156. Nothing really, just when the lab is full, let me know if somewhere else is open. 158. Enforce the quiet room rules. -Improve the loading time of the computers in the labs; go to msconfig and disable all the software from starting up. This will increase the speed of the computer. -Use the university janitors to keep the computer labs clean. Purchase an anti-virus which is highly rated, such as Kaspersky. -Stop using the HDTV in the MCS111 for advertisements (By the way, students ignore the TV). Use the HDTV in the MCS111 to let students know which computers are 164. not in use. This will prevent students from having to search for a computer that is not in use. -Setup student accounts on exchange. -Update the ATMS in the UC and MCS111 -Remove the desktop wallpaper students are forced to look at. -Allow students to print from their laptop computers. -Find a better program than the Respondus lockdown browser. -Update the look of the IT department labs (Make the labs look more modern.) Currently the labs look out of date. -Actually consider the ideas students' present in this survey 165. Bigger labs 167. Provide free software for students of entire campus. 168. Something great 72 Information Technology Survey 2009 170. 171. None I can think of I like the idea of renting laptops and to supplement that providing wireless internet outside of buildings would be wonderful. SAVE TREES and use proper ETHICS when it comes to HIRING, everyone is 172. equal, that includes your family when hiring they should not have priority over other potential employees 174. 177. 180. Personal laptops for students, appropriate and updated software for all coursework, excellent wireless internet service for laptops IT provides me with everything I need. I have had several classes delayed due to technology not working and it didn't work for the next class meeting so I would suggest quicker response times. 182. Laptops to check out 186. I am not sure. 187. Make it a little easier for Clean Access, I still continue to have problems with it 190. 194. 195. Bringing back computers with floppy disks because some classes still require you to have some. Be nicer Have the same software on all the computers so that students don't have to go to a certain place for the software they need. 198. Need to know a little more about technology, new viruses, and computers 203. ??? 207. Nothing 208. IT should allow access to our p-drives from our laptops and personal computers. 209. Na 211. Hire better friendly employees. 212. More available computers in the mcs; always crowded 213. Provide more group work technologies. 214. Limited amount of free color printing 215. Train employees a little longer 73 Information Technology Survey 2009 217. Have more group work spaces 218. Little bit more professionalism. 219. Maybe be able to help students with actual computer related homework questions. 220. Be educated more on software and hardware. 222. N/a 223. 224. Dress code, lack of knowledge in certain areas, help people find seats when busy Train student employees much better, have new services for students, don't charge students who don't hardly use the services!!!! 227. No suggestions 229. Doin good!!!! 230. Keep the labs stocked with paper, ink, and staples. 232. Free music 236. None 239. Add more computers, the labs are cramped! 240. Uniforms, or something to make them stand out a little more than name tags 243. Make students more aware of what technology is offered to them. 245. New staff, 247. To increase the amount of technology involved in the classroom setting 253. Help not only when needed 257. No charge on copiers 260. Bigger computer labs with more computers :) 261. More pizza parties 262. Nothing 263. More technology 266. Free Microsoft office to students because many who have computers do not have the money to buy the program 74 Information Technology Survey 2009 Furthermore, the survey takers were asked to point out the areas where Information technology excels and “does well.” These are the answers to this question: Survey Number 06. Response Availability, friendliness, effectiveness 08. Help desk 09. Puts info out there, have computer accessible 24 hrs, printers always working 11. Has a lot of computers, easy access, free to all 14. Have computers available, good help, sufficient labs 15. Up to date software, very nice and comfortable employees, many opportunities to access tools 17. Availability, desk support, general assistance 18. Stays open late, friendly, always quiet 19. Provide every students with a chance to use computers, easy accessible internet and fixes problems well 20. Provides computers, internet, and helpful services 21. Assistance and problem solving 22. Help on connecting to wireless is very useful 23. Everything 24. Provides support when needed, try to answers all questions 25 Improve studying habits by providing technology 30. Clean, help, computers always working 32. Computers working, fixing computer problems, labs amazing 33. Gives help when needed, provides 24 hr computer labs, has well working computers 34. Availability of staff assistance 35. MacAfee available, large labs, 3000 pages available to print 38. Helps you quickly, quiet rooms, decent internet speed 39. Provide computers 40. Internet, help desk, facilities 41. Microsoft office help, printer issues, virus scan 75 Information Technology Survey 2009 44. Keeps equipment running, answer questions 45. Maintain clean labs, good lab hours, low cost printing 46. Help people, try to fix problems, supply the cool stapler 49. Help load MacAfee 51. Provides help and in-depth explanations to problems 52. Assist students, enough computers, technology up to par 53. Surveys 54. Help, service and very friendly 56. Very helpful in person and knowledgeable 59. Keeps up to date with latest technology, provides students access to scanners and other devices, keep machines functioning at all times 60. Labs, printers, scanners, and online website 63. Updated computers 65. Top of the line software, help desk features, availability of services 66. Hours, ramport and web registration 67. Addressing issues with tech support 68. Answers questions quickly, provides needed help and keeps computer labs looking good 72. Operations hours, help and quick internet access 74. Help others out 79. Willingness to help, ability to answer questions and providing work stations 80. Help with problems, respond fast, polite and nice 81. Provide adequate facilities, help with problems, 3000 pages to print 82. Adequate facilities, knowledge, and hours 84. Fix problems, mandatory password changing, knowledgeable staff 85. Customer service 86. Current technology, IT workers available, maintenance conveniently scheduled 89. Provide service and friendly staff 90. Provides high performance computers, helpful service, friendly staff 76 Information Technology Survey 2009 91. Provides good support and answer problems, many computers, help when password doesn't work 92. Plenty of computers, helpful and easy access 93. Friendly, good service, prompt to help 94. Help, sit and share knowledge 95. Customer service, clean facilities, nice machines 96. Staff ready and willing to help, MCS hours, computers well kept and P: drive has enough space 97. Customer service, quick service, friendly employees 98. Willingness to help, nice equipment, nice website 99. Knowledgeable, ramport well organized, number of pages to print 100. Convenient lab times, informative help desk 101. Help desk 102. Labs open conveniently, latest technology available 103. Over the phone assistance, ASU site current 104. Assistance and quality computers 106. Computer management 109. Respond to service issues, friendly, offers a variety of services 110. Very helpful, software runs smoothly, hrs very accommodating 111. Help, have computers, nice 112. Available to help with issues, keep labs clean and neat, keep students in mind 114. Help setup computers and laptops, clean labs, assistance 115. Enough useful programs on school computers 116. Help, support and problem solving 117. Provides assistance and maintain labs 118. Service, surveys 119. Knowledgeable workers, operating stations 120. Printers full of paper, computers reliable 121. Hours 126. Internet in the dorms, hours, having great email service 77 Information Technology Survey 2009 127. Understanding problems, very professionally looking, good business hours 128. Computers and printers run well 129. Help with problems, give immediate attention, nice people 130. Always available, knowledgeable 131. Giving out information 132. Willing to help, good hours 133. Help desk, connectivity 134. Help, clean, printers 135. Helpful and informative, clean labs, have needed software 136. Provide good learning places, help, good working computers 137. Wifi, software, hardware 138. Assistance 138. Help students fix problems 141. Help with laptops, help in labs, phone service 142. Friendly, knowledgeable and they find solutions 143. Help desk, printers full of paper 144. Many computers available, many pages allowed to printer for free, wireless internet access in dorms 145. Ramport and Blackboard helpful, programs are helpful, staff willing to help 151. Helping, caring, hard workers 153. Help with applications, fix printers 156. Locations of labs, hours open, tech up to date 158. Hours availability program help 164. -Not using the janitors to clean the computer labs. -Wasting electricity by leaving computers on when they are not in use -Using an anti-virus which does not really protect students’ computers from viruses. -Not providing students with exchange email accounts, which is more secure than squirrel mail. -Creating surveys which have the same questions as last year. Forcing students to see an ugly background when they log into the computers. Why do we have an art department? Maybe the art department 78 Information Technology Survey 2009 should provide the IT department with some tips on how to create clean and crisp desktop background. 165. Help, fix paper jams in printers, and keep paper in printers 167. Provides free software for students of a particular class. 168. Help, smile, talk 169. Responds quickly to technical problems. Keeps printers stocked with paper. Helps find open computers. 170. Help desk, color printer, printers 171. Troubleshoot problems Friendly staff(customer service) Update PCs and equipment every couple of years 172. Getting my money, killing trees, and easy internet access!!!!! 174. Helpful, provides email, is searching for solutions to problems 175. Support, help, organized 177. Provide assistance, have convenient hours, keeps the system up and running well 178. Help organize patient 179. Helping students Being available 180. Knowledge and ability to help 181. Help 182. Answer questions offer assistance and uses good equipment 184. The computers are always working, the software is up to date. The labs are clean. Helps you when you need it. 186. Labs hours Providing assistance Satisfying 187. Provides enough and accurate help 189. Keeps up to date makes it easy to access stuff Has help if needed 190. Give good instructions. Has organized material. Always helpful when you need help. 191. Good technology, quick modems, printing 192. I like that they have disk space on for any info we need to save, the desk people are really nice, the computers run fast!!!!! 79 Information Technology Survey 2009 193. Gives great assistance when needed Can fix problems easily Always willing to help 194. Help, look at student needs, try to make us happy 195. Providing me with the software I need for my classes. They are all friendly. They have a very quick service 196. Good help when I have problems with my computer Friendly 198. Helps you if you have an issue on your personal computer helps you if you have an issue with the school computer always there when they say they are 202. Assistance good presentation overall good technology advancements 203. Idk 206. Provides internet helps when needed have a good knowledge 207. Helping out, Availability, Computers always working fast and up to date 208. Wireless, Printing, and Service 209. 1. The computer labs are open and run at convenient times. always kept clean 2. The labs are 3. The IT department is very helpful if you have a question. 211. Some people answer questions. 212. Provides paper for printing; has someone at the front desk; has hole punch and staplers available 213. Ramport email, Internet speeds, Internet reliability. 214. 24 hours computer labs, free printing, 215. Customer support provide clean labs quick response 217. Keeps printers working and stocked Always has staples Usually can help with a problem or can redirect you do someone that can help 218. Availability, Knowledgeable, and Quick Response 219. Provide working computers, Helpful when needed, open at almost all times 220. Tries hard to solve problems, is always available, keeps area clean. 221. Prompt assistance, hours of operation, 222. Assist with technical questions, scanner issues, and providing information about resources across campus, along with friendly service. 80 Information Technology Survey 2009 223. Helpful, nice, available 224. Good hours 226. Good supply of usable paper 227. Idk 228. Talk to people nice fix tech probs 229. Assistance with questions I have, with the technology, and other stuff 232. Help students, help students learn, greet people 236. Assistance with the technology answers to questions that may arise 237. Updating everything well, updating the ram-page, and keeping the MCS lab well organized and open daily. 239. Keeps systems running in a smooth and sound fashion 240. Being open, helping, friendly 243. Assistance Providing enough computers Hours of operation to use labs 245. Blackboard, e-mail, and Somewhat friendly. 247. Service, internet use, assistance 253. Nice helps knowledgeable 255. Assist the students. Answer Questions Good hours 257. Provides internet provides computers provides communication 261. Headphones, printers, and passwords 262. Printing services, friendly service, great help desk support 263. Service hospitality and willingness to help 266. Service 274. The computers are clean, and free from viruses, quick start-up and restart. Well lit environment 81 Information Technology Survey 2009 Also, according to the students surveyed, the areas that present the most problems with wireless inside are: Survey Number 08. 09. 24. 54. 57. 59. 78. 90. 100. 121. 128. 145. 146. 161. 162. 164. 166. 167. 168. 170. 174. 183. 184. 198. 206. 209. 214. 220. 223. 232. 239. 245. 247. 252. 259. Building / Area Rassman UC Texan Hall Rassman Rassman Rassman Texan Hall Cavness Carr Carr building,2nd floor of MCS In every building Dorm room Academic Texan Hall Texan Hall Texan Hall Dorm Texan Hall All over the place Texan Hall University center My dorm 3rd floor Mary Massie Dorm. Texan hall and academic building Everywhere Texan Hall Rassman, and Academic Rassman 2nd floor UC, Cafeteria My room. Laptop is a bit too old for wireless. It worked but was extremely slow Class rooms Residence halls at times Some Texan dorm rooms Never tired it in a building other tan the dorm room 82 Information Technology Survey 2009 264. 266. 274. A Library The VIN, the lobby of the RAS, the Library When interrogated about a universal changing station for laptops, the students replied that in the case to be implemented, they would like the station to be located on the following areas: Survey number 09. 14. 15. 17. 19. 27. 29. 30. 32. 34. 39. 40. 45. Location Anywhere Lab and/or library UC, library, cafeteria Dorms and labs All buildings Library UC Library and labs and classrooms Computer labs Labs Labs Classrooms Computer labs 48. 51. 58. 59. 60. 64. 67. 72. 74. 75. 80. 86. 91. 93. 96. 102. 105. UC Library, cafeteria, UC Library Labs and library Computer labs Library Rassman, atrium Library Rassman Labs and library General used labs Rassman, MCS Library and labs Library MCS Library All over campus 83 Information Technology Survey 2009 112. 114. 115. 116. 119. 121. 123. 126. 128. 135. 137. 138. 140. 142. 143. 145. 146. 151. 154. 164. 165. 166. 167. 169. 170. 172. 174. 182. 183. 184. 187. 189. 195. 196. 198. 199. UC and library Cafeteria and UC Outside buildings, mainly UC Library and computer labs UC Computer labs and UC Labs and library By the rambucks atm machine Computer labs and library MCS, library, UC, academic, rassman UC, library, computer labs Academic building area UC and library Library UC and MCS UC Labs and library Library, UC and cafeteria MCS Mathematics and computer science building. Anywhere Computer labs Everywhere. There should be wireless access all over the campus as well. Maybe in the less crowded labs such as the CI lab and the library lab. Texan dorms, anywhere else :) Outside the tennis courts, ASU parking lots, lake house!!!!!!!! Lake house!!!!!!!!!! Lake house!!!!!!! Business building, MCS, library, university center UC Everywhere Library It would be very convenient to have it in all the labs. MCS, library.. Places like that. The university center In the library would be great or the UC as well. In the UC UC 84 Information Technology Survey 2009 202. 206. 208. 212. 214. 216. 217. 220. 222. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 247. 252. 254. 259. 263. 264. 274. Labs Doesn’t matter In the UC dining areas. MCS, rassman UC and library Library, food court In ASU study rooms Next to computers. Throughout the library and rassman building. Anywhere Library, labs and UC Library and rassman UC, library Library labs Anywhere In hall lobby, UC Library, dining areas Most buildings, easy access Library, classrooms MCS, UC All computer labs at computer stations Library Library UC Dorm commons and lounges MCS lab library lab and CI lab A The ras, mcs, chp 85