COAST SEMINAR SPEAKER SERIES AY 2016-17 Final Report A final report is required thirty (30) days after the seminar to better understand the impact of this support and to fulfill the conditions of the award. Please complete and submit this report via email to: within 30 days of the seminar. Faculty Host: Campus: Department: Speaker: Campus: Department: Date of Seminar: Award Number: Award Amount: 1. Please outline and describe the seminar speaker’s schedule for the day(s). 2. Please list first and last names of any faculty, undergraduate and/or graduate students who met with the seminar speaker (add more rows if needed). Last Name First Name UG/G Student or Faculty 3. Did any meetings yield significant potential for future collaborations? Please describe. 4. Please provide a statement on how COAST support made it possible for this speaker to come, and how this helped enhance the Department’s seminar series overall. Please complete and submit this report via email to: no more than 30 days after the seminar. 2