Academic Technology Initiatives: Enabling Education ATSC Meeting #5 AGENDA Meeting Date Friday February 27, 2009 Time Meeting Location ng.html?meetingId=1235145567370 Rm 3:00 – 4:30 pm Telephone Your place of comfort and convenience. DIAL: 866-2132185 access code: 5042895 Members Mike Mahoney Representing CoChair, Provost CSUEB Members Karen Gould Representing Provost, Long Beach Hilary Baker CoChair, CIO, CSUN Gerry Hanley CO – AA/ITS Keith Boyum Retired Administrator Mike McLean CO – ITS/CIO Desdemona Cardoza Provost, Los Angeles Eduardo Ochoa Provost, Sonoma Amir Dabirian CIO, Fullerton Bill Post CIO, Chico Marten denBoer Provost, Pomona Gary Reichard CO – EVC forAA Sandra Flake Provost, Chico Bob Snyder Provost, Humboldt Larry Gilbert CIO, Sacramento John Tarjan Statewide Academic Senate - Bakersfield Jeff Gold CO-ATS Wayne Veres CIO, San Marcos Marilyn Crego CO- Extended Education Meeting Objectives Review elements of strategic plan and development of planning “roadmap”: Design principles; alignment of Ac2Ex and Online Degree Programs; Continue development of CSU’s online degree program strategy Meeting Materials Time 3:00 pm 3:10 pm Agenda Topic Welcome, Updates, Announcements Review work to date on Access to Excellence as Strategic Context for CSU’s Online Degree Programs Strategy Background: Review range of technology mediated education and the current focus is on accelerating the development of online degree programs by campuses. ATSC members have contributed to the list of benefits, dependencies, and success indicators for CSU’s online degree program strategy as it aligns with the Access to Excellence strategic plan. Recognized need to communicate rational for CSU’s strategic priority for accelerating development and delivery of online degree programs. Connecting Ac2Ex goals, Online Degree program strategy, and Design Principles will be an important context for specific campus and system goals and implementation plans. ISSUES: Need to refine the alignment of Online Degree programs with the CSU’s 8 Commitments/Goals from Access to Excellence Facilitated by Mike & Hilary Gerry AGENDA 1. How would online programs advance/accelerate a goal? (Benefits) 2. What are the dependencies for the online programs to succeed? 3. What are the success indicators that we could use to assess our progress? Need to identify key dependencies that are barriers for campuses. By examining the dependencies across the goals, key dependencies will emerge 1. Policies 2. Marketing & Outreach 3. Student Services 4. Methods for cost-effective and timely program development Review the Design Principles: Have we captured all the elements of a project that we would need to evaluate in selecting projects? OUTCOMES: ATSC feedback provided on alignment and Design Principles document resulting in plan for improving the document and prepare for distribution to key stakeholder groups. Identify key dependencies that need to be address by implementation plan. 3:50 pm Mike & Hilary Defining Online Degree Program strategy and the goals that can be achieved Background: We drafted some design principles for the online degree programs (and these design principles could be applied to online, hybrid, and technology enhanced courses). We need to define/refine CSU’s strategy for accelerating the development and increasing the range of online degree programs. For example, our strategy might be to focus on 4 types of online degree programs, including Degree completion programs where transfer students with AA’s can complete an online BA/BS program in 2 years (increase # of BA/BS graduates produced by CSU within the same physical capacity). Masters programs focused on STEM/PSM (increase # of qualified experts to drive the economic engine of CA). Self-support certificate programs that are building blocks to degrees (increase options for working professionals, active duty service personnel). Masters programs that encourage out of state/country students to enroll and occupy 30% of the seat (increase global awareness). These are just ideas/examples and there can be other/alternative types of programs and goals. Issue: What are the set of relevant models for online degree programs? What are the goals that can be best achieved with these models? Outcome: ATSC plans a draft strategy document defining how different online degree programs can achieve CSU goals and the variety of dependencies the CSU will have to manage in order to achieve these goals. 4:15 pm 4:25 pm ATSC agenda Gerry Mike Review status LMS-Futures workgroup Plus/Delta and adjourn Page 2 of 2