CSU Academic Technology Initiatives: Supporting Learning Environments Everywhere, Anytime Meeting Date Meeting Location ATAC Agenda Tuesday February 23, 2010 1:00 am to 2:30 pm Time Virtual meeting https://csuelm.calstate.edu:443/join_meeting.html?meetingId=126 5224354963 Dial: 866-213-2185, access code: 5042895 Anticipated Attendees John Tarjan Otto Benavides Bob Buckley C. E. Tapie Rohm Steven Filling Saeed Monemi Joe Grimes Rod Hersberger Wayne Veres Debby Kaplan Representing Co-Chair/ Ac Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU FDC COLD ITAC CO/ATI guest Anticipated Attendees Sandra Flake Joe Sheley Harry Hellenbrand Herm Lujan Desdemona Cardoza Marilyn Crego Gerry Hanley Stephanie Brasley Jeff Gold Kathy Fernandes Representing Co-Chair/ Provosts Provosts Provosts Provosts Provost CO- Extended Ed CO/ATS ICT Literacy/CO CO/ATS CO/ATS Meeting Objective Provide policy advice to EVC Echeverria concerning CSU’s security policy issues, update on LMS governance and management strategy Start processes for feedback on revision of ATI Coded Memo and Affordable Learning Solutions Meeting Materials DRAFT ATI Coded memo revision attached Beta website for Affordable Learning Solutions: http://als.csuprojects.org Time 1:00 1:05 1:40 pm 1:55 pm Agenda Topic Welcome, review/revise agenda, opening comments – reminder on ATAC’s mission Information Security Policy and Training Issues: Identifying action items for ATAC on security issues o Policy advice o Communication strategy Learning Management Services: Update on governance/management document Webinars/sharing (see end of agenda) Accessible Technology Initiative (new policy) Status of developing policy Create a subcommittee to work on ATI actions Led by Sandra and John Cheryl Washington Gerry Debby Kaplan AGENDA 2:10 pm 2:15 pm 2:28 pm Affordable Learning Solutions Campaigns – policies Status of project Create a subcommittee to work on actions Schedule for Spring 2010 - monthly 90 minute sessions 3/17 Wed 1-2:30 pm 4/28 Wed 1-2:30 pm 5/19 Wed 1-2:30 pm Open Forum ASCSU appointment of Barry Pasternack to advisory board on a CSU Eastbay project on “smoothing” the pathways from local CCC to CSU Eastbay academic projects with an online academic program planning support tool. Gerry Sandra and John Plus Delta and Adjourn at 2:30 pm All Meet the Expert Webinars For CSU Faculty, Staff and Administrators “Current CSU LMS Activities: Campus and Systemwide Strategies” Moderated by: Kathy Fernandes Event Details Objective The CSU Learning Management Systems (LMS) landscape is under rapid change. Many campuses are considering major changes in their LMS especially as we approach our Blackboard license renewals in March. In the current budget environment, cost control is a major concern, but it is not the only factor that campuses are considering. What changes are campuses making? How is the Chancellor's Office planning to assist campuses by providing "opt-in" LMS services? In this webinar Dr. David Levin from CSU Northridge and Dr. Linda Scott from CSU San Marcos will speak about their campus migrations from Blackboard to Moodle. They will discuss the decision-making process on their campus, their timeline, course migrations, implementations, training and support resources, and lessons learned. Kathy Fernandes and John Whitmer will speak about the Chancellor's Office Initiative to provide systemwide LMS Services. These services began with the LMS RFP and CSU Sandboxes, and ATAC agenda Page 2 of 3 AGENDA Date Time Location (Web) On-line Instructions are being expanded to provide an LMS "safety net" and a "superset" of LMS services that include systems, integrations, migrations, support services, and educational practices. The CSU is also working closely with the IMS Global organization to ensure we are leveraging IMS standards in these LMS Migrations. Participants will learn about these current efforts and plans for the implementation of the LMS recommendations approved by the CSU Academic Technology Steering Committee in December 2009. Thursday, March 4th 3 PM-4:15PM PDT Webinars are presented using Wimba web conferencing using the following login information: Webinar URL: Conference Call: 201.549.7592, PIN: 39500637 Note: Use your computer speaker and microphone OR if you choose to call in, then call the number below and turn off your computer speakers so we don't get feedback. Presenters Who Should Attend? Skill Level ATI Contact Sharing Dr. David Levin, Senior Director of Academic Technology, CSU Northridge Dr. Linda Scott, Director, Academic Technology, CSU San Marcos Kathy Fernandes, Director of System-wide LMS Initiatives, CSU Chancellor's Office and Director of Academic Technology, CSU Chico John Whitmer, CSU Chancellor's Office and CSU Chico Anyone interested in status of LMS services in the CSU Any Level John Whitmer, jwhitmer@csuchico.edu Please pass this announcement on to any CSU faculty, staff or administrator you think will benefit from this training. Registration Not required Deadline No Deadline Requirements None Accessibility If you require captioning, please contact John Whitmer jwhitmer@csuchico.edu Archived No LMS Website http://dat.cdl.edu/lms ATAC agenda Page 3 of 3