CSU Academic Technology Initiatives: Supporting Learning Environments Everywhere, Anytime Meeting Date Meeting Location Wednesday March 17, 2010 Virtual meeting Time 1:00 am to 2:30 pm https://csuelm.calstate.edu:443/join_meeting.html?meetingId=1265224654883 Dial: 866-213-2185, access code: 5042895 Anticipated Attendees John Tarjan Otto Benavides Bob Buckley C. E. Tapie Rohm Steven Filling Saeed Monemi Joe Grimes Carl Phillips Wayne Veres ATAC Agenda Representing Co-Chair/ Ac Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU Academic Senate CSU FDC COLD ITAC Anticipated Attendees Sandra Flake Joe Sheley Harry Hellenbrand Herm Lujan Desdemona Cardoza Marilyn Crego Gerry Hanley Stephanie Brasley Jeff Gold Cheryl Washington Representing Co-Chair/ Provosts Provosts Provosts Provosts Provost CO- Extended Ed CO/ATS ICT Literacy/CO CO/ATS IS/ITS Meeting Objective Provide policy advice to EVC Echeverria and plan next steps for ATAC’s recommendations concerning CSU’s security policy issues, ATI, LMS governance and management strategy, Affordable Learning Solutions Meeting Materials Beta website for Affordable Learning Solutions: http://als.csuprojects.org Time 1:00 1:05 1:30 pm 1:35 pm 1:50 Agenda Topic Welcome, review/revise agenda, opening comments Led by Sandra and John Information Security Policy and Training Issues: Part 2 Review progress made at last meeting Subcommittee provide their comments/input Next steps on training and awareness of security issues Cheryl Washington, Bob, Tapie, Otto Learning Management Services: Update on governance/management document and systemwide LMS efforts Gerry Accessible Technology Initiative (new policy) Review progress made at last meeting Subcommittee provide their comments/input Next steps on training and awareness of security issues Affordable Learning Solutions Campaigns – policies Tapie, Otto, Gerry Gerry AGENDA pm 2:05 pm 2:15 pm Status of project Identify policy issues and recommendations for next steps Create a subcommittee to work on actions CMS Update and response to ASCSU resolution Uncertain if we can get this on schedule Schedule for Spring 2010 - monthly 90 minute sessions 4/28 Wed 1-2:30 pm 5/19 Wed 1-2:30 pm ASCSU appointment of Barry Pasternack to advisory board on a CSU Eastbay project on “smoothing” the pathways from local CCC to CSU Eastbay academic projects with an online academic program planning support tool. See Barry’s report on meeting (below) and discuss Amir Sandra and John Open Forum: 2:28 pm Plus Delta and Adjourn at 2:30 pm All From: Pasternack, Barry [mailto:bpasternack@Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU] Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 12:41 PM To: ascsu Subject: California Online Program Planner Meeting Notes Colleagues, We had our first meeting (virtual) of the newly formed California Online Program Planner Board of Advisors. I was on the call representing the ASCSU. This is a project that grew out of work being done at CSU East Bay to enable undergraduate students to more easily plan transfer between and among different colleges and universities. We had about twelve people on the conference call representing all three segments of public higher education. We reviewed the Charge of the Board and spent most of the two hours getting a demonstration of the prototype system under development. While the system has great potential to assist students in planning their educational career, it is clear that much work still needs to be done before the system is ready for roll-out. Information, for example, as to courses cost, number of available seats, and possible enrollment restrictions (e.g. minimum GPA requirements) need to be accounted for. It may also be important that any such system developed be robust enough to account for courses offered through state as well self-support. I suggested that as the system development gets to a more robust stage that APEP and AA be briefed. We are going to be sent a White Paper giving more details as to the genesis of the project as well as a copy of the PowerPoint slides presented. I am not sure seeing the PowerPoint slides on their own would be of much value (they are fairly technical), but I will forward to the ASCSU a copy of the White Paper once I receive it. Best regards. Barry ATAC agenda Page 2 of 2