COUNCIL FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH Influencing Government Decisions from the Ivory Tower Terry A. Ring Ch.E. University of Utah How Did I get Started? Volunteerism High School Football Neighborhood Association Board of Directors • Influence Zoning in Neighborhood Ran International ACS meeting CCR • Administration Committee • Government Relations Committee Curiosity in Government Student Offices • High School • University Boy’s State Politics in UK Politics of R&D Funding in England, Switzerland and Japan CCR - Government Relations Committee COUNCIL FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin CCR Government Relations Committee Agency Visits Budget Position Papers Congressional Visits Day Tell them the importance of Chemical R&D on Utah’s Economy Give Awards to Congressmen Science & Technology Town Meetings Rep. Chris Cannon Rep. Merril Cook R&D Funding History 1996 - Newt Gingrich’s Contract With America NIH 2x over 7 years Much of new medical technology is built on traditional science and engineering! Where is the equivalent funding increase for traditional science and engineering? Government funding of R&D over the years has decreased significantly. Year 2, 00 0. 0 19 98 19 96 19 94 19 92 19 90 19 88 19 86 19 84 19 82 19 80 19 78 19 76 19 74 19 72 19 70 19 68 19 66 19 64 19 62 R&D $ as % of GDP Government Funding of R&D as % GDP 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Different Perspective Science and Engineering Funding in Europe is Strong and Stable. Each country has its strengths that are being maintained. Japanese Funding for Science and Engineering is directed to areas where Japan will control the market. USA thinks that it can do it all well and win them all. Richard Gross, CTO Dow Chemical CCR President Move from anecdotes to statistical backed knowledge Commission a Study of the Situation with respect to Chemical R&D and its effectiveness. Council for Chemical Research as vehicle. CCR Study-Phase I (2001) David Sicilia U. of MD Francis Narin CHI Research Barouch Lev NYU Ashish Arora CarnegieMellon U. History of Technology Literature/Patent Analysis Financial Analysis Overview CCR Study History of Economic Impact Follow Research to Patents Importance of Research on Chemical Patents Exploitation delay Follow R&D $ spent to Corporate Profitability to Tax Revenue Chemical Technology Enables other Industries. It is the most enabling of all industries! What to do with the Study? Rollout (my job) Make this Public at the Highest Levels! Study Rollout Team Jim Albertine, Gov’t. Relations Press Relations Albertine Enterprises M. Smith, A. Rickard, Association Vision P. & J. Garfinkel, Imagemaker Speeches CCR Staff CCR Action Network W. Wachob, Dow Report Editing/Writing Layout & Printing Coordination Coordination/Overview Study Manager Study Rollout Combine studies into one coherent document Publish Report Press Release Documentation Press Contacts Meetings with • Business Week, Wall Street Journal • Chemical Week, C&E News Government Release Congressional Briefing HB 153 & Dear Colleague Letter • Work with Lobbyist & Congressional Staff Study Findings History of Impressive Impact Balance of Trade 50% of GDP growth Can Follow R&D spending to Profit Can Follow R to Patents and Products (exploitation delay) Papers lead to patents in the same states R&D is good for the economy (so we should do more of it) 1 10 3 Number of Patents w Profit Greater Than Data from Scherer, F., Ann Econ. & Statistic, 1998 $2.00 $1.50 $1-10M $1.00 100 $0.50 10 $- Barouch Lev, CCR Study-2001 $(0.50) 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 Profit (Millions $) Scientific Publication(s) Proposal 100 After Tax ROI=17% $(1.00) TIME $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Years 0 1yr 2yr 3yr 4yr 5yr 6yr 7yr 8yr 9yr 10yr 11yr 12yr 13 yr 14yr 15 ~$15-$100k Technology Transfer ~$300k Basic Research 1) National Lab Research 2) University Research ($29.5B in 2000) (87% Gov’t. Funded) Exploitation Delay 125 20968 Data from 5 years, 1013 patent disclosures @ University of Utah, Innovation, vol.12 # Licenses >$1M=0.6% Research Drives Each Innovation Cycles Profit Expenditure, Profit, Taxes ($ Million) Technology Business Cycle 10 Fundamental R&D Sustaining R&D Applied R&D 1 Taxes 0.1 10 5 trace 1 trace 2 trace 3 trace 4 0 Gov't. R&D Expenditures Business Expenditures Profit Taxes 5 Years 10 15 Product Launch Patent License Invention 20 Exploitation Delay Cumulative % of Inventions 1.2 Patent Life 1 TV 0.8 Fluorescent Lamp Terylene Nylon 0.6 0.4 Streptom ycin DDT 0.2 Freon 0 0 20 40 60 80 Years from Invention to Exploitation Data from Birchall, J.D., Chemistry and Industry 7/18/1983. 100 Business Innovation Cycles – long view Business Cycles Profit ($ million) 2 1 0 40 35 30 25 20 Years 15 10 5 0 Business Cycles are Shortening!! International Competition is heating up! Chances of Innovation Success Innovation Activity Success Probability Proposal Grant 1 in 10 Research Publ’cn, 1 in 2 Publ’cn Patent 1 in 100 Patent Profit 1 in 25 1 in 500,000 Within TTO Invention Patent App. 1 in 2 Patent App. Patent 1 in 2 Patent License ~1 in 1 License Royalty ~1 in 3 License Start-up Odds are like Napoleon’s Russian Campaign Work After CCR Study CCR Study Phase II Chemistry is Enabling (2006) Government ROI • $1B spent $8B Tax 20 years later Annual Congressional Visits Pushing for more R&D • Seed corn for the business in the next generation Work with Gov’t Relations Staffer in Washington DC NSF Doubling Bill Signed into Law in 2002 NSF Doubling Bill Initiated by calls by CCR Government Relations Staffer Precipitated an Avalance of Support ACS, APS, AAAS Success in politics is all about timing. Read the sentiment • Needs bi-partisan support – Many people need to look good Acting only when sentiment is behind the initiative NSF Doubling Bill Signed into Law in 2002 No money in 2003,2004,2005,2006 What is going wrong?? Two Types of Bills Authorization Bill • This is a good idea Appropriations Bill • Fund it at $ level Making It Happen “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” Report 2005 State of the Union 2006 • American Competitiveness Initiative Money in 2007 NSF, DOE-OS, NIST “Measure for Measure: Chemical R&D Powers The US Innovation Engine” 2006 Report Chemical technology enables more industries than any other technology. “Measure for Measure: Chemical R&D Powers The US Innovation Engine” What have I learned about Government? Government is a study in dynamics! Issues are constantly changing The players are constantly changing Political power is never real nor constant. Political power is in the eye of the beholder. What Have I learned about Government? You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. Congressman Don Manzullo, Chair Small Business Committee “Government is a mile wide and a micron thick.” Kurt Markva, Chief of Staff for Don Manzullo For success on any issue, keep the drum beating! It does not matter how good the music is just keep the drum beating. If you want government to do the right thing you must be talking to your legislators. Help with campaign to get (re)elected Respond to questions from them about upcoming legislation Go to Town Meetings and express opinions It doesn’t matter who you are, you can make a difference! But you must be persistent!