Return survey to: Instructions: 1. Highlight and type the word HIDE next to any question that you do not want to ask. (optional) 2. Below, please add your 5 custom questions that will appear at the end of the survey (optional) # Custom Questions (optional) Question type (open-ended, multiple choice, check all that apply) Include answer options if applicable. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Primary Contact (Who will we work with on your campus to deploy this survey): a. Name: b. Email: c. Phone: 4. Survey start/end dates (Recommend 2-weeks. We will send 1-reminder after one week and a final reminder 2 days before the survey closes). a. Start date: b. End date: Student Health and Counseling Center Use the buttons at the bottom of each page to move through the survey. Depending on your screen, some pages may require you to use the scroll bar at the right of the screen to move down the page. Campus specific IRB information or can include in email. STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER 1. Q1 In the last 12 months, have you received any health services through the Student Health Center on campus? Yes Return survey to: 2. Q2 3. Q3 4. Q4 5. Q5 6. Q6 No In the last 12 months, have you received any counseling or psychological services through the Student Health Center on Campus? Yes No Are you currently covered by major medical insurance through your employment, through your spouse or parents, or through a government program? Yes No Don't Know Does your insurance plan require prior authorization to receive medical services from an entity other than your regular health care provider or limit your visits to only approved locations and providers? Yes No Don't Know Does your insurance plan have deductibles of $500 or more per year and/or copays of $15 or more per visit? Yes No Don't Know You indicated that you have not used any health services through the student health center in the last 12 months. Please indicate why not. (Check all that apply) Have not needed to use it Did not know about the services Used my own medical provider Thought I had to have insurance to use it Had a bad experience there before Had heard bad things about it from others Had to wait too long for an appointment to see someone Hours are not compatible with my schedule Did not know where the health center was located. Concerns about confidentiality Concerns about what others might think Did not know there is no charge for basic medical visits Decline to answer Other (Other Describe: If you have not received health services at your campus, please indicate why not.) Q6a __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ 7. You indicated that you have not used counseling or psychological services through student health services in the last 12 months. Please indicate why not. (Check all that apply) Q7 Have not needed to use it Did not know about the services Used my own mental health professional Thought I had to have insurance to use it Had a bad experience there before Had heard bad things about it from others Return survey to: Had to wait too long for an appointment to see someone Hours are not compatible with my schedule Did not know where the health center was located. Concerns about confidentiality Concerns about what others might think Did not know there is no charge for basic visits Decline to answer Other (Other Describe: If you have not received counseling or psychological services at your campus, please indicate why not.) Q7a __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ Knowledge of Services 8. Q8a Q8b Q8c Q8d Q8e Q8f Q8g Q8h Q8i Q8j Q8k Q8l Q8m Before taking this survey, did you know that... ...most basic services are pre-paid by your Student Health Fee. ...there is no additional charge for basic medical visits at the student health center. center records are confidential and that your information cannot be released without your consent, even to your family members. ...we have male healthcare providers on staff and that we offer men's health services. ...we have female healthcare providers on staff and that we offer women's health services. can request appointments with the physician or nurse practitioner of your choice. can get free, anonymous HIV testing onsite. ...we have an onsite pharmacy for low cost prescriptions. ...our onsite pharmacy also sells over-the-counter (no prescription needed) medications. ...counseling and psychological services are pre-paid by your Student Health Fee. ...counseling and psychological records are confidential and are not part of your academic record or health services records ...we offer couples counseling. ...there is a low cost private health insurance plan available through Associated Students that supplements the basic services offered by our health center, to cover things such as hospitalization, ambulance and after hours emergencies. Yes No 9. What can we do to better communicate student health or counseling and psychological services to you? Q9 __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ Return survey to: You indicated that you have used health services in the last 12 months. 10. Q10 11. Q11 12. Q12 13. Q13 Approximately how many times have you visited student health services in the past 12 months? 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 or more times Approximately when was your most recent visit? May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 Overall, how satisfied are you with student health services? Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know Based on your experience, how likely are you to recommend student health services to a friend? Definitely Would Not Probably Would Not Might or Might Not Probably Would Definitely Would STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER 14. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following. If you cannot rate the item, or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Very Dissatisfie Dissatisfie d d Q14a Ability to get appointment time when you wanted it Neutral Satisfied Very Don't I have not Satisfied Know / NA made an appointme nt for my visits to the health center Return survey to: 15. Q15 16. Was your most recent visit with a physician or a nurse practitioner? Physician Nurse Practitioner I'm not sure Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following items. If you cannot rate the item, or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know / NA Q16a How well he or she explained your medical condition. 17. For your most recent visit, did you make an appointment, or did you walk-in without an appointment? Q17 18. I made an appointment I walked-in without an appointment Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following items. If you cannot rate the item, or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q18a Q18b For your most recent visit, how satisfied were you with the amount of time it took from when you initially checked in until when the physician or nurse practitioner arrived to see you. Overall, how satisfied were you with your most recent visit? Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know / NA STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER 19. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the service provided by the following individuals during your visits to Student Health Services. If you did not have service from an individual, select "Don't Know / NA." Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q19a Q19b Q19c Q19d Q19e Q19f Q19g Q19h Q19i Q19j Q19k Q19l Q19m Q19n Q19o Q19p Q19q Q19r Q19s Q19t Q19u Front Desk Staff Receptionist Triage Nurse Clinical Assistants / Nursing Staff Immunization / Screening Nurse Physician Nurse Practitioner Laboratory staff X-Ray Technologist Pharmacist Pharmacy Technician Cashier Nutritionist Physical Therapist Sports Rehabilitation Orthopedic Surgeon Sports Medicine Specialist Health Educator Family PACT Coordinator Chiropractor Acupuncturist Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know / NA Return survey to: Q19v Q19w Q19x Dentist Massage Therapist Optometrist STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER 20. Q20 21. Have you received Family P.A.C.T. Services through the Student Health and Counseling Center during the past 12 months? Yes No You indicated that you have received Family P.A.C.T. Services. If you cannot rate the item, or it is not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q21a Q21b Q21c Q21d How well your personal privacy and dignity were respected. How well you were given a freedom of choice in selecting a contraceptive method. The adequacy of verbal and written information we provided. Family PACT Coordinator. Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know / NA STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER You indicated that you have used counseling or psychological services in the last 12 months. 22. Approximately how many visits have you had in the past 12 months? Q22 23. Q23 24. Q24 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 or more times Approximately when was your most recent visit? May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 Overall how satisfied are you with counseling or psychological services? Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Return survey to: 25. Q25 26. Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know Based on your experience, how likely would you be to recommend counseling or psychological services to a friend? Definitely Would Not Probably Would Not Might or Might Not Probably Would Definitely Would Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following. If you cannot rate the item, or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Very Dissatisfie Dissatisfie d d Neutral Satisfied Very Don't I have not Satisfied Know / NA made an appointme nt for my visits to the health center Q26a Ability to get appointment time when you wanted it 27. For your most recent visit, did you make an appointment, or did you walk-in without an appointment? Q27 I made an appointment I walked-in without an appointment STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER 28. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of counseling and psychological services. If you cannot rate the item, or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q28a Q28b For your most recent visit, how satisfied were you with the amount of time it took from when you initially checked in until when the counselor or psychologist arrived to see you. Overall, how satisfied were you with your most recent visit? Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know / NA STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER 29. Q29 30. Did you see a.... Counselor Psychologist Psychiatrist Graduate Student Trainee I am not sure what their title was. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of counseling and psychological services. If you cannot rate the item, or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know / NA Return survey to: Q30a Q30b Q30c 31. How well he or she explained your psychological condition. How helpful he or she was. If you had cultural specific issues, how appropriately they were addressed Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of counseling and psychological services. If you cannot rate the item, or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q31a Q31b Q31c Receptionist or front-office staff Cashier Location of the clinic Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know / NA Student Health or Counseling Services 32. Q32 Where do you go to find information regarding the clinic's services, hours, or health education events/activities? (Check all that apply.) Flyers Student Health and Counseling Center website Campus Newspaper Friends/roommates Orientation Catalog/Class Schedule Faculty/Staff Other (Other Describe: Where do you go to find information regarding the clinic's services, hours, or health education events/activities?) Q32a __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___ STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER 33. Please take a moment to describe what you appreciate the most or what is working well for you regarding our services. Q33 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 34. Please take a moment to describe any difficulties you have had with any aspect of our services. Q34 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 35. What suggestions, if any, do you have for improvement of our services? Return survey to: Q35 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 36. Please use the space below to add any other comment or feedback you wish to make. Q36 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 37. Please use the space below to add any other comment or feedback you wish to make. Q37 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER 38. Q38 39. Q39 40. Q40 Based on the number of academic units you have completed, what is your present class level? Freshman - (0-44 quarter units or 0-29 semester units) Sophomore - (45-89 quarter units or 30-59 semester units) Junior - (90-134 quarter units or 60-89 semester units) Senior - (135+ quarter units or 90+ semester units) Graduate, Postbaccalaureate Decline to answer If you are currently employed, on average, how many hours per week do you work on your job(s)? Not Working 1 - 10 hours 11- 20 hours 21 - 30 hours 31 - 40 hours More than 40 hours Decline to answer Race/Ethnicity White Only, Not Hispanic Black Only, Not Hispanic American Indian Only, Not Hispanic Asian Only, Not Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander only, Not Hispanic Two Or More Races, Not Hispanic Hispanic/Latino (Any race) Unknown Non-Resident Alien Return survey to: 41. Q41 42. Q42 43. Q43 44. Q44 45. Q45 46. Q46 Are you primarily a: Day Student Evening Student Both day and evening student Weekend Student Decline to answer Do you live on or off campus? On campus Off campus Decline to answer What is your gender? Male Female Decline to answer What is your age group? Under 18 18-20 21-25 26-30 31-40 Over 40 Decline to answer How many units are you taking this term? None 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19 or more Decline to answer How long has it been since you first enrolled at this campus? New student (i.e.,this is your first term on this campus) Less than 1 year 1 - 2 years 3 - 4 years 5 - 6 years 7 - 8 years 9 - 10 years More than 10 years Decline to answer Return survey to: STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING CENTER This survey is anonymous unless you want us to contact you and you provide us with your contact information. If you do provide your contact information, only your comments on this page will be associated with your name. Your responses to individual rating questions and other comments will not be associated with your name. 47. Q47 Would you like us to contact you to better understand your concerns or suggestions? Yes No 48. Please briefly list the topics you would like us to contact you about. Q48 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like us to contact you, please enter your name and contact information below. Name Q48a __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Phone Q48b __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Email Q48c __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___ 49. Campus_Name Q49 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Thank you for responding to our survey. Your feedback is important to us. Please select the "Submit" button to complete the survey. Return survey to: