PHOTO PATTERN DATA ELEMENTS: SANDSTONE The Appalachian Plateaus- In this section is found a high, mountainous, ridge-like plateau having the aspect of a broad valley. The Cumberland Plateau Section contains the upper strata of formations of moderate to strong relief; bituminous coal beds are mined in level tunnels rather than by shafts. Many valleys are flat-floored, separated by mesa-like, flat uplands of sandstone capped ridges. (Humid) Form Upland, with coarse to moderately coarse texture, steep, sharp-sloped ridges, jointed, angular, incised valley, sandstone plain (plateau). Drainage Coarse but modified dendritic becoming subdendritic, partly angular, jointed. Gully Characteristics V-shaped to sub-V-shaped or U-shaped. Special Features Steep rugged, sharp forested ridges of high porosity. Color (Photo Gray Tones) Light to medium grays; light grays found on upland sandstones; darker grays to black are result of greater density of vegetation. Land Use Rangeland and limited farmland, forested. Vegetation Forests, brush. Source: Terrain analysis procedural guide for surface configuration, US Army engineer topographic laboratories, p. 7-75