PHOTO PATTERN DATA ELEMENTS: ESKER The Interior Lowlands- This area is part of the Eastern Lake Section, south of the Great Lakes. The terrain is characteristic of low, gently rolling prairie topography produced by glaciation; including variations in topography, particularly level till plains, flat stretches interrupted by belts of ridges or small hills and interspersed with lake plains. (Humid) Form Ridge, long, narrow, snakelike. Drainage Internal, no pattern, surface runoff excellent; where surface drainage is poor, water stands at base of esker and marshy areas form. Gully Characteristics Few, if any, but V-notched if occurring near saddles or water gaps. Special Features Snakelike shape. Color (Photo Gray Tones) Light on ridge. Land Use Not cultivated; grazing land, orchards, woodlots, pasture. Vegetation Natural forest, no underbrush, forests form cover on areas near base of esker. Source: Terrain analysis procedural guide for surface configuration, US Army engineer topographic laboratories, p. 7-9