PHOTO PATTERN DATA ELEMENTS: DRUMLIN The Interior Lowlands- this area, known as the Niagara Cuesta, often called an outer lowland, is adjacent and west of Lake Michigan, and is where the characteristic low, gently rolling prairie topography prevails. The area was covered during continental glaciation creating variations in topography from place to place, producing belts of small hills. (Humid) Form Ridge, cigar-shaped, linear, low, slim groups of flattopped, steep-sloped, smooth, pointed ridges. Drainage Runoff in several directions, surface and internal drainage excellent- no pattern. Gully Characteristics Sheet erosion, short, steep gullies; erosion is common with excellent surface runoff. Special Features Cigar-shaped ridges. Color (Photo Gray Tones) Light on ridge crests where cultivated. Land Use Cultivated farmland, often with orchards where granular soils exist. Vegetation Cleared for agriculture, orchards, pasture; some in natural forest. Source: Terrain analysis procedural guide for surface configuration, US Army engineer topographic laboratories, p. 7-9