Trent Institute of Learning and Teaching

Trent Institute of Learning and Teaching
Learning and Teaching Sabbatical Scheme 2015-16
Colleagues are invited to apply for the inaugural round of sabbatical scheme awards offered by the
Trent Institute of Learning and Teaching (TILT).
Overview of the TILT sabbatical scheme
The sabbatical scheme is intended to provide colleagues with dedicated time to pursue
developments which will impact positively on learning and teaching at NTU. These might include, but
are not limited to:
a. Researching and testing innovative approaches to learning and teaching
b. Visiting other HEIs and organisations to undertake scholarly activities related to
learning and teaching
c. Developing new methods, products and means of engaging students in learning
d. Establishing more effective pastoral and academic support mechanisms
e. Integration of key themes into learning and teaching practices, such as
employability, globalisation
f. Developing innovative approaches to curriculum design and delivery and new course
g. Pedagogic research and scholarship
h. Writing and submitting a pedagogic research bid with a defined timescale and target
funding body
The broad parameters governing the Scheme are the same as those in NTU’s Sabbatical Leave Policy
and Procedure. Academic and Professional Services staff are eligible to apply. What differentiates
the TILT Scheme (the Scheme) from the generic NTU approach is that the TILT Scheme is
competitive, and offers funding to enable salary buy-out for successful applicants. As a competitive
scheme, it has also been designed to enable institutional oversight of the range of sabbaticals
undertaken under TILT.
How the Scheme works
1. Number of places and resources available
TILT is offering up to 10 funded sabbaticals for 2015-16. The number of sabbaticals to be
awarded will be determined on the basis of the quality of submissions and the funds
available to support these. The sabbaticals will be awarded on a competitive basis, as
outlined below.
Funding is available to the individual up to the sum of £1,500 to cover costs associated with
the sabbatical such as:
Purchase/hire of new equipment/resources to use in learning and teaching, where these
are not already available within NTU
Travel and subsistence for visits to other organisations/HEIs
Purchasing access to resources and materials to inform practice
Any equipment, books, or other resources purchased using these funds remain the property
of the individual’s School on conclusion of the project, to assist with dissemination and
sharing of practice.
Funding is available to the School to release the sabbatical holder, in the form of salary
2. Eligibility to apply
Academic and Professional Services staff are eligible to apply, with the support of their line
manager. Applicants must have achieved Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy to be
eligible for this Scheme and should have worked at NTU for a minimum of 5 years.
3. Length and timing of sabbaticals
Sabbaticals for between one and six months will be considered. Applications should be made
by 31 May 2015 for sabbaticals to start from early 2016. This gives ample time for
alternative cover for duties to be arranged by the local academic team or employing
4. Making an application
The application must:
Contain objectives that are in support of University and School/College strategic
goals, supported by the ATL;
Identify the anticipated outcomes of the sabbatical leave; these need to be
measurable and to relate to the objectives of the leave;
Present a plan for the proposed use of time and other resources, which identifies
inputs to the sabbatical leave;
Set out the monitoring and evaluation process which will underpin the plan;
Identify any funding sought (up to £1,500), on what and by when this will be spent;
Include a plan for dissemination of the learning and outcomes from the sabbatical;
Support the professional development of the individual member of academic staff.
5. Supporting evidence
Evidence of the applicant’s track record in teaching and supporting learning should be
provided. The following is extracted from the NTU Sabbatical Leave Policy and Procedure:
“Staff must compile a portfolio of evidence to support a teaching-based application, e.g.
course materials prepared for students, evidence of curriculum development activities or
innovative strategies in teaching and learning, publications on teaching-related matter,
awards etc.”
For the TILT Scheme, applicants are advised to select evidence that demonstrates their
commitment to student learning and their own professional development, including
feedback from students, attainment and progression rates for modules they teach and
EvaSys outcomes. The selection panel will be looking for evidence that the applicant has
sufficient experience and knowledge to suggest a sabbatical will be successful and will
progress effectively within the timescales proposed. Evidence should be carefully selected
and should be presented succinctly.
6. Application process
An application form is appended. The applicant should identify an appropriate mentor
within or outside their School to support them in devising and implementing their
submission. The application should be developed with and supported by the applicant’s’
Academic Team Leader or line manager prior to being forwarded to the email address on the
application form for receipt by 31 May 2015 at the very latest.
A TILT Review Panel, convened by the PV-CA and including student representation, will
consider all applications and will award up to 10 sabbaticals. The Panel will consider the
viability of each proposal, its relevance to current and future NTU priorities and the track
record of the applicant as part of their review. The Panel will be seeking a range of projects
that complement each other and which, in the round, have the potential to move NTU’s
learning and teaching agenda forward.
The Panel will also review the application of the scheme, taking into account issues of
diversity, equality and impact.
Trent Institute Sabbatical Leave Application Form
Applicant information
Job Title:
Length of Service with NTU:
Proposed start date and duration of
the period of sabbatical leave:
Organisation at which you would be
based, if outside of NTU:
Location at which you would be
based, if outside of NTU:
Name of mentor supporting
application and implementation:
Year of achievement of HEA
Details of previous sabbaticals undertaken at NTU or elsewhere
If you are applying for a sabbatical that is also likely to attract funding from another funding body,
please provide details of any external funding applied for:
Name of funding body
Title of scheme
Duration and value of award
Objectives: outline the objectives and anticipated outcomes of the sabbatical, which must be in
support of University and School/College strategic goals. Please refer to section 3 of the Scheme.
Proposed Programme of Work/Resource Plan: outline the proposed programme of work, the use of
time and other resources and any funding required to support the sabbatical - identifying inputs to
the sabbatical and measurable targets and outputs
Monitoring and evaluation process: summarise how progress will monitored and the evaluation
approach for the sabbatical
Please attach a portfolio of evidence in support of your application which demonstrates evidence of
your track record in teaching and supporting learning. This should be an electronic document. See
section 5 above for guidance on what this might include.
Signed ____________________________________ Date__________________
Please forward the signed Sabbatical Leave Application Form and supporting documentation to your
manager for completion.
I confirm that the criteria identified within the Sabbatical Leave Policy have been applied and I
support/am not able to support the application (delete as appropriate).
Name (print) ____________________________________
Job Title________________________________________
Signed _________________________________________ Date___________________
N.B. Where the application has not been supported, written confirmation of the reasons for this must
be provided by the manager to the applicant.
The completed and signed Sabbatical Leave Application Form should be passed back to the member
of staff who should email it to with the subject of the email entitled ‘TILT
Sabbatical Scheme Application’ by 31 May 2015.