Implementation Guide for academic year 2015/16 NTU Learning and Teaching Professional

NTU Learning and Teaching Professional
Development Policy 2015
Implementation Guide
for academic year 2015/16
Centre for Professional Learning and Development
June 2015
Introduction to Guide
In May 2015, Academic Board approved revisions to the 2012 NTU Learning and
Teaching Professional Development Policy. The updated policy will be
implemented from 1 September 2015. The revisions will impact in various ways
on all staff teaching and supporting learning at NTU, including new permanent
and hourly-paid lecturers, and Postgraduate Research Students wishing to apply
for hourly paid teaching roles at NTU.
This guide has been produced by CPLD as part of on-going support for Schools to
implement this policy.
The guide is intended for use by staff:
Conducting lecturers’ PDCRs from July 2015
See Section 2 below
Recruiting new permanent lecturers to start in 2015/16
See Section 3 below
Recruiting Hourly Paid Lecturers (HPLs) in 2015/16
See Sections 4 and 5 below
Recruiting Postgraduate Research Students as Hourly Paid Lecturers in
See Section 5 below
Nominating Course Leaders
See Section 6 below
Academic and HR Managers when planning professional development
See Appendices 1, 2 and 3
This guide should be read in conjunction with a copies of:
 The NTU Learning and Teaching Professional Development Policy
(September 2015) see CPLD website
 The NTU Teaching Observation Policy 2014
 The NTU Academic Workload Planning Framework
Lecturer/Senior Lecturers and Principal Lecturers
Current - in post before 1.9.2015
Current permanent part-time and full-time lecturers (L/SL/PL), who
were in post at 31 August 2012 are required to gain HEA Fellow recognition by
31 July 2016.
Current permanent part-time and full-time lecturers (L/SL/PL), who
were in post on or after 1 September 2012, continue to be required to gain
HEA Fellow recognition within 3 years of their date of appointment to NTU.
The policy also requires all staff who teach and support learning at NTU to
demonstrate explicitly their active engagement in appropriate continuing
professional development appropriate to their role including ongoing maintenance
and enhancement of their practice standards throughout their NTU employment.
When conducting a Lecturer’s PDCR:
Review their current HEA professional recognition status.
Ask the lecturer to update their personal information held online in the
NTU staff database to reflect accurate information about their academic
teaching qualifications and HEA professional recognition. Follow this link to
the HR database.
Agree an appropriate plan EITHER for achieving any required HEA
professional recognition (outlined above) within the required timeframe,
OR continuing professional development plan for maintaining and
enhancing practice standards. Time for this should be a priority use of
some of their Staff Development Allocation time (SDA). The specific
objective should be recorded in their PDCR and Academic Workload Plan
for 2015/16.
Agreeing a plan to apply for recognition? Use information in Appendix 1 to
select an appropriate application route, and allocate time required. Please note
that those applying for HEA Fellow in 2015/16 are expected to apply via the
direct application route in the NTU Professional Recognition Scheme managed by
CPLD. Further information available from CPLD website.
Agreeing continuing professional development? Information in Appendix 2
indicates some of the Teaching and Learning CPD opportunities available at NTU.
Other appropriate opportunities may exist including action research to develop an
aspect of practice, contributing to practice enhancement within School, teaching
qualifications, and/or collaborative research scholarships.
Lecturer/Senior Lecturers and Principal Lecturers
NEW - starting on or after 1.9.2015
Newly appointed part-time and full-time lecturers (L/SL/PL) who hold no
level of HEA professional recognition nor a qualification to teach in HE
are required as a contractual condition of appointment to:
a) Complete module 1 of the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
(PGCAP) within one year of their start date at NTU and to
b) Achieve HEA fellowship via the NTU accredited scheme within 3 years of their
start date at NTU.
Newly appointed part-time and full-time lecturers (L/SL/PL) who already
hold HEA Associate Fellowship and/or a qualification to teach in HE that
does not also confer HEA Fellowship, are required as a contractual condition
of appointment to achieve full HEA Fellowship via the NTU accredited scheme
within 3 years of their start date at NTU.
When recruiting and inducting lecturers in 2015/16:
Review their HEA professional recognition status, and identify any
requirement to apply for HEA professional recognition as outlined above.
Use the information in Appendix 1 to select an appropriate application
route to complete any recognition required. Record the objective and
study time in their probationary objectives and workload plan.
Email to notify CPLD of the names of new
lecturers who need to complete the PGCAP module 1 in their first year at
NTU. This can be done prior to an individual starting at NTU.
Ensure that establishing effective HE teaching practice is the primary
professional development priority for new lecturers. When agreeing new
lecturers’ workload plans, allocate:
70 hours from SDA for those completing module 1 of the PGCAP.
65 hours each for modules 2 and 3 for those gaining HEA Fellow
through the PGCAP Route.
It is anticipated that those completing the PGCAP will normally
undertake one module per academic year.
There is also the expectation that new lecturers have a maximum
teaching load of no more than 400 hours STD in their first full year
as a permanent lecturer at NTU.
In line with current requirements for new staff, appoint someone from
within the academic team to act as a mentor to the new lecturer. The
mentor should hold a postgraduate teaching qualification and HEA
Fellowship. The mentor will support the new lecturer’s teaching
observations, and progress on PGCAP module 1.
Hourly Paid Lecturers (HPLs)
Current Hourly Paid Lecturers with substantial contractual teaching
hours are required to gain minimum of HEA Associate Fellow recognition over the
next two academic years to 31 July 2017.
Hourly Paid Lecturers with substantial contractual teaching hours who
start at NTU after 1 September 2015, are required to gain HEA Associate
Fellow recognition within a timescale appropriate to their HE teaching experience,
and normally within 2 years of starting at NTU.
Each School is responsible for identifying HPLs with substantial teaching
commitments. They will normally be those who have their teaching observed in
line with the NTU Teaching Observation Policy 2014.
Not included are:
 Laboratory or workshop demonstrators working in sessions run by another
 People hired to provide guest lectures on a course.
All Hourly Paid Lecturers new to teaching in HE (irrespective of the hours
they are contracted to teach) are required to complete appropriate
professional development to orientate them to teaching and learning at NTU, and
in HE generally. Please note that, although Demonstrators and Guest Lecturers
are not required to gain HEA professional recognition, they, too, should be
appropriately inducted within the School to ensure they are equipped to carry out
their role and responsibilities.
When supervising HPLs during 2015/16:
Use the information in Appendix 1 to agree an appropriate plan and
study time for HPLs to gain any required HEA professional recognition
within the required timescale. HPLs will normally be required to apply via
the direct application route in the HEA-accredited NTU Professional
Recognition Scheme managed by CPLD.
Please note that the higher hourly HPL payment fee includes an allowance
for administration, course review meetings including examination boards
as required, and professional development associated with their role.
Schools can agree to pay HPLs required to gain HEA Associate Fellow
professional recognition, additional paid time to cover some of the time
Postgraduate Research Students (PGRs)
All postgraduate research students (PGRs) applying for hourly paid
teaching posts at NTU are required to complete an appropriate professional
development programme and demonstrate they hold the ‘NTU Readiness to
Teach’ certificate before being appointed as HPLs. The ‘NTU Readiness to Teach’
certificate can also be gained via APEL.
This applies to all PGRs who apply for HPL roles, in which they are required to:
 Design and/or deliver sessions on their own (of any type including
lectures, seminars, workshops);
 Assess formative and/or summative work.
This does not apply to PGRs acting as:
 Laboratory or workshop demonstrators working in sessions run by another
tutor. Please note that, although Demonstrators and Guest Lecturers are
not required to complete the certificate, they should be appropriately
inducted within the School to ensure they are equipped to carry out their
role and responsibilities.
How PGRs achieve the certificate depends on their previous HE teaching
experience as follows:
PGRs with no prior HE teaching experience will be required to
successfully complete the Essential Teaching Toolkit Professional
Development Programme (ETTiHE) delivered by CPLD to enable them to
achieve the ‘NTU Readiness to Teach’ certificate. Information about ETTiHE
on CPLD website.
PGRs with prior HE teaching experience can apply direct for their ‘NTU
Readiness to Practice’ certificate by having their teaching practice
assessed by CPLD. Those whose practice does not demonstrate the
required standards will be required to complete further development (such
as the ETTiHE course) and have their teaching re-assessed.
When recruiting a PGR to an HPL role 2015/16:
Check that a PGR has the ‘NTU Readiness to Teach’ certificate before
appointing them to an NTU hourly paid teaching role.
Advise those who don’t have the certificate to contact to make an application to the ETTiHE course, or
to have their teaching practice assessed.
Leave sufficient forward planning time when recruiting PGRs as HPLs.
When supervising PGRs during 2015/16:
Ensure that the research student(s) you supervise who wish to teach at
NTU, are aware of the requirement. PGRs needing to complete ETTiHE will
be required to apply via CPLD.
Course Leaders
All new undergraduate and postgraduate course leaders will be required to
demonstrate their professional teaching standards are in line with those for HEA
Fellow professional recognition, either prior to, or within 6 months of appointment
to the role.
New course leaders who hold a higher level of HEA professional recognition
(ie Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow) at appointment to the role, are naturally
When nominating Course Leaders on or after 1.9.15:
Review their HEA professional recognition status on appointment, and
identify any requirement to apply for HEA Fellow professional recognition.
Use the information in Appendix 1 to agree an appropriate plan for the
Course Leader to gain any required HEA professional recognition within the
required timescales. Course Leaders will normally be expected to apply
via the direct application route in the HEA-accredited NTU Professional
Recognition Scheme.
Incorporate the objective in their PDCR objectives.
Use information in Appendix 1 to allocate sufficient time as a priority
from their Staff Development Allowance (SDA) in their academic workload
plan to complete their application for recognition.
It is advisable to appoint a more experienced Course Leader as mentor to
the new Course Leader for their first year in the role.
Routes to HEA Professional
Recognition for newly appointed
new to NTU
No HEA recognition
nor qualification to
teach in HE
Qualified to teach in
HE but does not hold
HEA professional
Holds HEA professional
Complete Module 1 of
PGCAP including HEA
Associate Fellow by
end of first year at NTU
Gain HEA Fellow
recognition within 3
years from start date
By completing
Modules 2 and 3 of
(available from
By applying via
direct application
route (CPLD)
(available now)
Suggested MAW allocation from SDA hours:
Applying for HEA recognition
Associate Fellow: 10-20 hours
Fellow: 20-30 hours
PGCAP Module 1: 70 hours
PGCAP Module 2: 65 hours
PGCAP Module 3: 65 hours
Senior or
Identify CPD plan
via PDCR to
maintain and
enhance teaching
see Appendix 2
Indicative list of Continuing
Professional Development (CPD)
opportunities to keep HEA
Professional Recognition in Good
What’s involved
Further information
Coaching and/or
mentoring other
colleagues in team and
School including new
lecturers and HPLs
As required.
Assessing HEA
Assessor induction 4-6 hours
Line Manager
Academic Team Leaders &
Professional Development
Leads within School to find
out more about any
School-based schemes
CPLD website or
Mentoring those
applying for HEA
recognition and those
Assessing applications 1-2
hours / application depending
on recognition level
Mentor induction 2-3 hours
Mentoring time 3-5 hours
CPLD website or
Contributing to HEA
Writing Workshops
3-hour workshops at which you
help review draft applications
Engage in peer review
and teaching
Reviewing other people’s
teaching practice using the NTU
TDF professional standards
Contributing to TILT
special interest &
strategy groups
Meeting per month
Line Manager
School Lead for Teaching
Observation Scheme
Academic Team Leaders
TILT Teaching
Briefings will be held in
advance of next round of
NTU can nominate up to 3
outstanding individuals for this
award annually
NTU Senior Teaching Fellow
30-40 hours
NTU Principal Teaching Fellow
30-40 hours
National Teaching
Working towards a
higher level of HEA
professional recognition
NOW Learning Room ‘HEA
Professional Recognition:
Information for Staff’
Applying for
recognition /
Academic Manager’s
planning check list
Staff maintaining
their HEA
recognition in
good standing
Number of new L/SL/PL to complete
Module 1 of PGCAP Jan- July 2016
Number of L/SL/PL applying for full HEA
Fellow by 31 July 2016
Number of existing L/SL/PL to upgrade
from HEA Associate Fellow to Fellow by
31 July 2016
Number of HPLs with substantial
contracted teaching hours to gain HEA
Associate Fellow by 31 July 2016 via NTU
TDF Scheme
Number of new HPLs requiring
introduction to teaching course
Number of PGRs to complete ETTiHE and
NTU ‘Readiness to Teach’ Certificate prior
to starting to teach as HPLs 2015/16
Number of staff applying for Senior
Fellow by route 31 July 2016
Number of staff applying for Principal
Fellow by route 31 July 2016
Total number of staff with:
o Associate Fellow (AF)
o Fellow (F)
o Senior Fellow (SF)
o Principal Fellow (PF)
Number of those staff who wish to help
deliver the PGCAP as part of their
ongoing CPD
Number of those staff who wish to
assess HEA applications as part of their
ongoing CPD
Number of staff who wish to mentor HEA
applicants as part of their ongoing CPD
Number of staff who have indicated
involvement in other CPD provision to
School as part of their own ongoing CPD