Nottingham Trent University Collaborative Business Evaluation - VS
! This form is initiated by the Collaborative Partnerships Office (CPO).
If this proposal if for a course at a new validated centre it will be considered in conjunction with a separate form for the centre proposal.
Contact: Julie Page, CPO,
or telephone extension 88181 or Chris
Cox, Manager CPO,
or telephone extension 88196.
Please use this form: when your outline proposal has received support from School
Executive and CMT and you have been asked to undertake a fuller investigation
As the partner is not asked for any further information at this stage CPO will provide you with this form at the same time as the Outline form
School action: Please attach the earlier, outline, proposal to this form, to save the need to repeat information. This form is set out as a continuation of the Outline Form.
G. About the proposal – to be completed by CPO
Centre Name
Course title
G1 Has anything in the outline proposal changed since it was completed?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please give details:
H. Financial appraisal and due diligence – to be completed by the College
Finance and Planning Manager
H1 Further Education Colleges only. FECs are subject to a standard financial schedule and the fees are set and reviewed on an annual basis by CPO.
For existing FEC partners a copy of the current Financial Schedule will be attached to the Outline form. For new FECs a copy of the charges will be attached. For FEC proposals questions H2 to H6 do not apply.
For existing FECs - Financial Schedule is attached ☐ Yes
For new FECs – standard costs are attached ☐ Yes
H2 For new centres due diligence is required at Centre level. The due diligence document should be attached to the centre Business Evaluation
Financial evaluation report is attached ☐ Yes ☐ Not required
H3 Specific considerations Is in the evaluation?
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Nottingham Trent University Collaborative Business Evaluation - VS a. Income structure b. Cost structure:
(i) Initial set up
(ii) Annual verification (number of annual visits)
(iii) Review costs
(iv) Other professional fees c. Academic and support staff time
☐ Yes ☐ No
H4 If this proposal is at a new Centre, have financial negotiations with the
partner been completed? Yes/No (delete as appropriate)
If no, what is the current state of play:
H5 If an existing partner , what is the current status of the negotiations with the Centre regarding any additions to the Financial Schedule?
H6 What are the legal and tax implications of trading in this Country?
H7 Additional comments (if needed)
College Finance and Planning Manager action: having completed section F above, please forward this form and attachments to the Administrator to the Dean for the
School Executive Agenda
Streamlined sign-off - If this business case was approved at outline stage to go forward using the streamlined business sign-off process, please provide the Dean with the signed form and attachments and proceed directly to Gate 4 - College Management
School Executive appraisal
I1 Purpose: Based on the full business evaluation, should this proposal be approved for academic approval?
Prompts for consideration:
Does the proposal still fit with the School’s collaborative strategic plan?
Does the proposal still fit with the NTU Collaborative Strategy, and for overseas proposals, the College Internationalisation Plan and NTU
Internationalisation Strategy?
Is the supporting evidence complete and convincing?
Has the Centre evidenced a market?
Can the School resource this development, i.e. provide a verifier?
Can this additional work be covered by an existing verifier or is a new one required?
Can the verifier be available to visit at the time of the Exam Board (is it a busy time at NTU)?
Will cover be required while the verifier is visiting the centre, for the required period of time?
Can the School confirm that the verifier can commit time to other related verifying duties, in addition to the visit. For example, report writing, reading
CSQRs, commenting on EE nominations, attending VSSC when necessary, attending the Verifier Annual Meeting and the biennial Collaborative Partners
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Nottingham Trent University Collaborative Business Evaluation - VS
Can the School confirm all financial negotiations have taken place and agreed by both parties?
Can the School confirm due diligence has taken place and is satisfactory?
Can the School confirm that any tax or legal requirements have been considered and taken into account?
For overseas proposals, can the School confirm the host Country is considered financially stable, ethically sound and safe for traveling staff at this time? (It is recognised that this could change).
How does the School prioritise this proposal, relative to other developments?
Does the timescale for development look feasible?
I2 Comments
I3 Decision (please select one)
☐ Reject
☐ Approve proposal to go forward to College Management Team
☐ No decision possible: rework is required. Please give details of missing information
I4 Date of meeting
I5 Signed (Chair)
Administrator action: Please ensure the above box is completed and signed and that the decision is recorded in the minutes. Please provide the Dean with a copy of the form and advise stakeholders of the decision.
Information they need
Record of decision
Action needed
How to advise
Original signed form
CPO Record of decision Minutes please email
Dean action: If the proposal is approved, please forward the business case to CMT and request an agenda item for you to present the proposal.
College Management Team appraisal
J1 Purpose: To evaluate whether, and when, this proposal can be made operational.
Assumption: That the School has appropriately assessed the case.
Prompts for consideration:
Does the proposal continue to fit with College and University objectives?
Are any new implications for College or University apparent?
Can the College support the development timescales?
Are College resources needed in order to progress? Can these be supported?
(i.e. services of the Finance and Planning Manager)
Can the College be assured that the School has the resources to support the proposal (i.e. verifier)
Does this proposal warrant priority, in relation to other course proposals?
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Nottingham Trent University Collaborative Business Evaluation - VS
J2 Comments
J3 Decision (please select one)
☐ Reject
☐ Approve proposal to go forward to the University Internationalisation
Committee (for overseas centres only)
☐ Approve proposal to go forward to the University Executive Team (UK proposals)
J4 Date of meeting
J5 Signed (Chair)
Administrator action: Please ensure the above box is completed and signed and that the decision is recorded in the minutes. Please provide the Head of College with a copy of the form and advise stakeholders of the decision.
Head of College
College Finance and
Planning Manager
Information they need How to advise
Record of decision Minutes
Action needed Original signed form
Record of decision
Record of decision
Record of decision Minutes please email
Head of College action:
Overseas proposals: If the proposal is approved, please forward the business case to the
University Internationalisation Committee (UIC) and request an agenda item to present the proposal.
UK proposals: If the proposal is approved, please forward the business case to the
University Executive Team (UET).
University Internationalisation Committee appraisal. OVERSEAS proposals only.
K1 Purpose: To evaluate whether, and when, this proposal can be made operational.
Assumption: That the College has appropriately assessed the case.
Prompts for consideration:
Does the proposal fit with the University’s internationalisation strategy?
K2 Comments
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K3 Decision (please select one)
☐ Reject – proposal should still be submitted to the University Executive
☐ Recommend proposal be submitted to the University Executive Team
K4 Date of meeting
K5 Signed (Chair)
Administrator action: Please record the decision on this form and in the minutes.
Please provide the Head of College with the minutes and a signed copy of the form
(including SEG and CMT), and advise stakeholders of the decision.
Chair of UIC
Head of College
College Finance and
Planning Manager
Information they need How to advise
Record of decision
Record of decision
Action needed
Record of decision
Record of decision
Record of decision
Original signed form
Minutes please email
Head of College action: If the proposal is recommended for approval, please forward the business case to UET and request an agenda item for you to present the proposal.
You will be asked to present a summary of discussions following full consideration of the proposal at SEG, CMT and UIC. Overseas proposals are presented to UET with UIC recommendations both positive and negative.
University Executive Team appraisal
L1 Purpose: To evaluate whether, and when, this proposal can be made operational.
Assumption: That the School and College have fully considered and appropriately assessed the case and UIC (where appropriate) have assessed the case.
Prompts for consideration:
Does the proposal fit with College and University objectives?
Can the College support the development timescales?
Are College resources are needed in order to progress? Can these be supported?
L2 Comments
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L3 Decision (please select one)
☐ Reject
☐ Approve to proceed: begin academic approval
L4 Date of meeting
L5 Signed (Chair)
Administrator action: Please ensure UET has signed the form to confirm the decision and record in the minutes. Please advise the stakeholders and provide CPO with the signed form
Chair of UIC (overseas only)
Head of College - CMT
Dean - School Executive
College Finance and Planning Manager
Information they need How to advise
Record of decision Minutes
Legal Services (Tracy Landon)
Record of decision
Advise the validated centre of the outcome.
Advise CADQ to commence academic approval.
Record of decision
Instruction to commence academic approval
Extract of minutes and completed form signed at all stages. Please email
and send hard copies to CPO,
Dryden 202
Minutes – please email
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