Nottingham Trent University Collaborative Partnerships Office Information for new External Examiners at Validated Centres Contents Overview Page 2-3 External Examiner Reports Page 4-9 Useful Contact Details Page 10 Payment of Fees Page 11 Academic Standards Handbook: Section Examining and 7: Quality External Page 12-21 Academic Standards and Quality Handbook: Section 15: Assessment Principles and Policies This is NTU’s policy – please see the important note at the beginning of this section. Page 22-36 1 of 36/September 2012 OVERVIEW ABOUT NTU Nottingham Trent University (NTU) is a large, diverse and vibrant modern university. It acquired university status under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. Its origins can be traced to the Nottingham Regional College of Technology, the Nottingham College of Art & Design and the Nottingham College of Education. Trent Polytechnic was established in 1970 and renamed as Nottingham Trent University in 1989. NTU has 3 sites. The City campus and the Clifton campus are within the city of Nottingham and are about 4 miles apart. The third site, the Brackenhurst campus, was added in 1999 with the adoption of Brackenhurst College, and is just outside the picturesque town of Southwell, 12 miles from the city centre. NTU has over 25,000 students, of whom 7,700 are part-time. Undergraduates account for some 20,000 students and postgraduates for about 5,000. Additionally, as at September 2008 NTU had some 7,000 students on its collaborative register of whom approximately 5,500 are studying overseas. NTU’s Mission is ‘to deliver education and research that shapes lives and society’. The University is divided into 3 colleges which together comprise 9 schools: College of Business, Law and Social Sciences Nottingham Law School Nottingham Business School School of Social Sciences College of Art & Design and Built Environment School of Architecture Design and the Built Environment School of Art and Design College of Arts and Science School of Education School of Arts and Humanities School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences School of Science and Technology VALIDATION SERVICE NTU has many collaborative partners, 22 of which have been awarded Validated Centre status. A validated centre is an institution which is approved to offer one or more specified awards and where the institution has developed quality assurance and supporting institutional systems to ensure the standard of the award on an annual basis. The University retains responsibility for the approval of modifications to existing courses, introduction of new courses and provides substantial input into the quality assurance processes underpinning the courses of study offered. Students studying and successfully passing a validated course at one of our validated centres will be awarded a Nottingham Trent University certificate. For more information on Validated Centres please visit the CPO website at the following link: 2 of 36/September 2012 As an external examiner at a validated centre you are contracted to the centre rather than the University and your fees and expenses are paid by the validated centre. The validated centre is also responsible for your induction into the role, setting out your responsibilities and duties and providing you with a copy of the validated scheme of work. This guidance is offered in the spirit of partnership and in addition to the information you will be provided by the validated centre. CPO and CADQ The Collaborative Partnerships Office (CPO) serves as a central source of information about the University’s collaborative provision, partners and developments; to advise on partnership arrangements, support their further development, including due diligence and contractual arrangements; and to facilitate fluency and consistency in complex relationships with partners engaged with more than one school. CPO manages the validated service arrangements and is the central point of contact for all validated centres. If you have any queries with regards to submitting your external examiner on line report please contact Julie Page in CPO at any other queries should be directed to your contact at the validated centre. The University appoints a verifier to each NTU validated course. The verifier is normally an academic subject specialist, representing the University’s Academic and Standards Quality Committee. Their role is to ensure, through a spirit of partnership, that the academic standards, quality and subject health of the provision are maintained. A verifier would typically visit the Validated Centre once a year, usually for the examination boards. You will have the opportunity to meet the verifier at this time. Part of the verifier’s role is to ensure that the external examiner has been inducted by the validated centre and understands the University’s reporting system. The management of academic matters at NTU rests with the Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC). The Standards and Quality Management SubCommittee (SQMSC) and Validation Service Sub-Committee(VSSC) maintain an oversight of quality and standards and make recommendations to ASQC concerning appropriate action. AQSC also oversees the appointment process for the recruitment of external examiners and reviews annually the institutional-level issues arising from external examiner reports. The Centre for Academic Development & Quality (CADQ) acts as the executive arm of ASQC. Amongst its responsibilities is the implementation of external examiner policy. CPO and CADQ work closely together on many aspects of collaborative provision. Validated Centres are responsible for the day-to-day liaison with external examiners. 3 of 36/September 2012 EXTERNAL EXAMINER REPORTS Guidance Notes External Examiners must report annually to the University using the online reporting system. These guidance notes provide instructions on completing this report: Accessing the report: Type the following URL into the search engine: Or, click onto Academic Standards located at the bottom of the NTU website homepage ( and: select ‘Quality Assurance’; select ‘External Examiners’; select ‘Current and Prospective Examiners’. You will then be able to click Electronic Version of the External Examiner Report Form; this will bring you onto the ‘login screen’ The Online Reporting System for External Examiners You are required to complete a number of sections of the report. These are provided on separate electronic pages. You can progress through the form by clicking on the ‘next’ button, or using the progression bar at the top of each screen. Each section has a set of questions to which you are required to respond ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. A response is required and it will not be possible to submit the form unless these questions have been completed. The University extrapolates this quantitative data to assure itself that courses of study are meeting stated aims and learning outcomes and maintaining the standards of their awards. Given the importance of the report to the University, we would strongly request that after each section you provide a commentary where appropriate. Your comments in relation to each of the sections are of particular interest and will be used by the University to inform both annual reports and Periodic School Reviews. Where appropriate would you also please highlight what you consider to be particular strengths and distinctive or innovative features, or weaknesses, in the course(s) examined. You may find that there is some apparent overlap in a few of the questions you are asked in the report. We would like to advise that each section of the report seeks to raise slightly different considerations, i.e. standards, operation of assessment processes, quality of learning, action taken on previous reports, etc. Please do not name any individuals in this report, as it will be considered by appropriate University Committees, which will include student membership. If 4 of 36/September 2012 you wish to refer to a candidate (for example, in respect of a dissertation) please use the candidate’s examination number. When should I complete my report? You should return your completed report within 4 weeks of the Board of Examiners meeting. Please note you will not be able to log on and complete your report prior to your Board of Examiners meeting. Time-out Please note: to protect the security of the application, unless you click the “save” button within 90 minutes from the opening of the page, the application will be deemed as inactive and will close. You will lose any unsaved work if this happens. Please ensure therefore that you activate the “save” button in the timeframe above. Logging onto the system You will have been provided with a username and password with your appointment letter. The username is the email that you have provided. If your email, or personal details change or they are incorrect please contact us via The system will automatically generate a unique password for you, which will normally consist of 8 letters and numbers. The username and password are case sensitive. Type your password and username and then press submit. You have now logged into your personal reporting system. The first time you use the reporting system there will be no reports visible. Creating a report Click onto ‘add new report’. 5 of 36/September 2012 If you are reporting on a single course, please click the relevant subject. If you are writing one report for multiple subjects select the individual courses and press the "ctrl" button located at the bottom left hand corner of your keyboard. Now select the academic year for the new report. To do this please select the appropriate reporting year from the ‘dropdown’ menu. Press ‘create this report’. 6 of 36/September 2012 The first page of the report will look like this: Please input the date of the Board of Examiners, the system will not allow you to submit your report without this information. Using the following progression bar as a reference you will be able to identify which screens you have completed: If you have completed all the mandatory input fields of a screen the related Part will be ‘ticked’ on the progression bar. If you have missed a mandatory field this will prevent you from submitting your report. Please note: There are specific questions for examiners in their first year of appointment. If you decide to leave the system, having partially completed the report, please ensure you press the ‘save for later’ button. 7 of 36/September 2012 You can submit your report once all Parts on the Progression bar are ticked. Now press ‘Part H’. Pressing this button takes you to the submit screen – there’s still one more button to press! Press the ‘submit’ button within this section. Once the report has been successfully submitted the following screen will appear: 8 of 36/September 2012 You will also receive the following eMail: The next time you log onto the reporting system you will be able to see your report history, which shows previous reports submitted and the date they were submitted. Press the ‘view’ button to access any previous reports. 9 of 36/September 2012 USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS Validated Centre Contact: Name: Position: Centre: Address: Telephone Number: E-mail address: University Contacts: Address: Nottingham Trent University Burton Street Nottingham NG1 4BU Telephone: 0115 9418418 (switchboard) Collaborative Partnerships Office (CPO) Contact name: Position: Direct Line Telephone Number: E-mail address: Julie Page Collaborative Provision Senior Officer (Validation Service) 0115 848 8181 Contact name: Position: Direct Line Telephone Number: E-mail address: Chris Cox Collaborative Partnership Manager 0115 848 8196 Centre for Academic Standards and Development (CADQ) – to be used in Julie Page’s absence. Contact name: Position: Direct Line Telephone Number: E-mail address: Nick Titmus Senior Standards & Quality Officer 0115 848 8200 10 of 36/September 2012 PAYMENT OF FEES As an External Examiner at a Validated Centre you are contracted to the Centre rather than the University. Your fees should be negotiated directly with the Validated Centre, who are also responsible for paying your expenses. Your report is submitted directly to NTU via the on line system. Your report is read by CPO and CADQ, logged and forwarded on to the Validated Centre within 1 working day. On receipt of your report the Validated Centre will contact you to arrange payment of your fee. 11 of 36/September 2012 Version as at September 2012 To ensure you are referring to the latest version please check the website at the following link: 19.pdf Nottingham Trent University Academic Standards and Quality Handbook Section 7: External examining CONTENTS Sections A. Introduction B. Principles of external examining C. Appointment: Policy and Process Criteria for appointment Restrictions on appointment Period of appointment Extension of period of appointment Letter of appointment D. Induction and Briefing E. Carrying out the role of the external examiner Roles Responsibilities Rights Entitlements F. External examiners' reports G. Chief external examiners H. External examining of collaborative courses I. Fees J. Resignation of an external examiner K. Premature termination of an external examiner appointment L. Key issues in implementation M. Links to External Examiner nomination forms on the CADQ website 12 of 36/September 2012 A. Introduction 1. In support of its commitment to deliver high quality and continuously improving courses, the University operates a system of external examining. This system involves academics and practitioners of suitable standing from outside the University in a process which is intended to ensure the comparability of academic standards with other UK HE institutions, deliver independent oversight of assessment processes and give course teams the benefit of an impartial perspective on the running of their courses. This system is informed by The Quality Code for Higher Education, developed and maintained by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. B. Principles of external examining 2. This University policy emphasises the importance of rigorous management and enhancement of academic standards and quality. The external examiner is a significant element in our standards and quality procedures and brings an independent and impartial perspective to the process, focusing particularly on the standards of our assessment processes and ensuring the fair and equitable treatment of students in assessments. Specifically, external examiners help the University to ensure that: the academic standard for each award and award element is set and maintained at the appropriate level and that student performance is properly judged against this; the assessment process measures student achievement against the intended outcomes of the course appropriately, and is fair and equitably operated; our awards are comparable in standard with those of other higher education institutions; we receive expert external and independent opinion that can be utilised to enhance the standards and quality of our courses. 3. The principles outlined in this policy emphasise the reviewing and monitoring role of the external examiner as part of the University's moderation processes – external examiners do not act as second markers and should not be used to reconcile differences between internal markers. External examiner reports comment, through analysis and reflection, on the standards and quality of our courses, as demonstrated by student performance, and the appropriateness of the assessment process in testing learning outcomes. C. Appointment 4. 5. 6. Policy and Process At least one external examiner must be appointed to each University award-bearing course (the same external may examine a group or cluster of courses). For new post-graduate, short courses or any course of up to one year in length; an external examiner should be in place for the start of the course. The course team is responsible for nominating an external examiner at least six months before the commencement of their appointment. The course team should ensure that potential external examiners are provided with sufficient information to enable them to identify whether they can carry out their responsibilities effectively. As part of this, the external examiner should consult the CADQ website. 13 of 36/September 2012 7. 8. 9. 10. Each nomination should be initially scrutinised and approved by the appropriate School Academic Standards and Quality Committee (SASQC). For Validated Centre Collaborative Provision, scrutiny of the nomination should be by the EEAP (External Examiner Appointments Panel), following approval by the Centre's Academic Board. School approved external examiner nomination forms, signed by the Chair of SASQC, should be forwarded to CADQ. Schools should use the standard University nomination forms (which can be downloaded from the CADQ website). Validated Centres should also use the standard form. CADQ will ensure that the University's External Examiner Appointments Panel considers the nomination. Nominations will be approved by the panel and will be ratified by ASQC. The name and institution of the external examiner will be published on the relevant course pages of the NTU Online Workspace (NOW). Students will be cautioned against attempting to contact the external examiner, and external examiners are requested to refer any such attempted contacts to the course leader. Criteria for appointment 11. Course teams, SASQC and the External Examiner Appointments Panel will be guided by the following criteria when considering external examiner nominations. An external's academic and/or professional qualifications, standing, expertise and experience should be appropriate to the course in terms of both level and subject. An external should have sufficient recent external examining or comparable related experience to indicate competence in assessing students in the subject. An external may be appointed with no previous external examiner experience provided they have sufficient internal examining experience or other relevant and recent experience or training. Where possible, the examiner should join an experienced team or work initially alongside the current external, or be subject to other special induction arrangements. The nomination form should include an appropriate supporting statement clarifying these points. The appointment should secure an appropriately balanced team that is able to cover the academic and/or professional subject content. The Dean/Head of the Validated Centre has a duty to ensure that the appropriate number of externals is appointed to ensure adequate expertise is available to cover the major areas of the course and cope with the volume of student work. Restrictions on appointment 12. The following restrictions on appointments apply. An external must not be over-extended by the duties. S/he should not concurrently hold more than the equivalent of two substantial external examiner appointments. (If the external appears to exceed this norm, the course team should provide supporting arguments, for example that the phasing of assessments alleviates the workload during an academic session). An external is expected to be impartial in judgment and should not have any direct current ties with the University or its staff, or have had any in the last three years. This applies also to external examiners for Validated Centre Collaborative Provision. An external should not have acted as a consultant to a course team within the last three years. Prior to their appointment an external may have been a member of a panel established to approve the course, however following their appointment they may not be a 14 of 36/September 2012 member of a panel established to review the course. No external examiner may be appointed if by doing so a reciprocal arrangement for external examining would arise. An external should not normally be replaced by an individual from the same institution. Except in very large examining teams, there should be no more than one external from the same institution. Exceptions to this policy will only be approved where there are compelling reasons set out on the nomination form. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Period of appointment Following the approval of a new post-graduate, short course or course of one year in length an external examiner should be appointed in time to take up their duties at the start of the course. A replacement external examiner should be appointed in time to take up their duties on or before the retirement of the predecessor. An external's normal term will be four annual reporting cycles but may be longer in respect of new courses where the first output will not occur in the first year of appointment. For courses operating to the standard academic year, appointments will run from the September of the first year to December of the fourth year, e.g. from September 2011 to December 2015. For other courses, appointments should run from the standard intake date and cover referrals. For Validated Centre collaborative arrangements, the period of appointment will be subject to a successful institutional review. Extension of period of appointment/additional/reallocated duties An application for an extension of the period of appointment or to add or reallocate duties will be considered according to the standard procedures using the separate nomination forms - EE2 and EE3 (copies available from CADQ website). To request an extension to the period of appointment there should be a strong rationale for doing so. Only in exceptional circumstances may the total period of appointment for an external exceed five annual reporting cycles. Application may be made to the External Examiner Appointments Panel to vary the scope of responsibility of an external examiner without varying the period of appointment. A rationale should be provided to support the application. Letter of Appointment For all University-based courses, CADQ will send a set of general briefing materials to each newly appointed external examiner via email as follows: a letter of appointment; a copy of the External Examining section of the Academic Standards and Quality Handbook; a copy of the relevant Common Assessment Regulations; a copy of the Assessment Principles and Policies section of the Academic Standards and Quality Handbook; a username and password to allow access to the online reporting system Hard copies of these documents are available on request. For Validated Centre collaborative arrangements, letters of appointment will be sent by CADQ but induction will be the prime responsibility of the Validated Centre. The University Verifier may assist in the induction of new 15 of 36/September 2012 external examiners. D: Induction and Briefing 22. 23. Induction events organized jointly by CADQ and Schools will be held for newly appointed external examiners. The School will be expected to brief and induct external examiners fully on all relevant aspects of the operation of the course as part of the induction event. If an external examiner is unable to attend the induction event, alternative arrangements should be made to brief the external as soon as possible. The briefing should cover: the external's responsibilities in relation to the overall external examining team; details of any mentoring arrangements; the conduct of the Board of Examiner meetings; the dates, where set, or anticipated dates for on-site visits to undertake the review of assessment samples; the dates, where set, or anticipated dates of the Board of Examiner meetings; school policies in relation to notification of exceptional circumstances, academic misconduct and decision making at the borderline; the impact of any professional, statutory and regulatory bodies or approved deviations from the common assessment regulations on the decision making process; moderation procedures; course aims and outcomes, and those of the modules; assessment and teaching and learning strategies; assessment methods and marking scheme; assessment regulations including those for compensation; opportunities for reassessment; the extent of examiners' discretion; standards and quality reporting arrangements; the University's requirements and conditions for awards as set out in the Academic Standards and Quality Handbook. 24. Additionally, the following should be made clear: University policy on equal opportunities; the contractual arrangements - including fee and expenses, term of appointment etc. 25. As a minimum the external examiner should be provided with the following documentation: a copy of the course and module specifications; the course handbook; external examiner reports for the past three years; a copy of the CSQR or relevant parts of it. 26. Validated Centres are responsible for making their own arrangements for the induction of external examiners, and should ensure that they receive a comparable induction to that offered by the University. 27. CADQ will periodically contact existing external examiners to inform them about developments, as appropriate, in the University's academic 16 of 36/September 2012 28. standards and quality arrangements. The CADQ website will also act as a source of guidance to externals. The course team will keep the external examiner informed about appropriate developments to the course and module specifications. E: Carrying out the role of the External Examiner Role 29. 30. The principal role of the external examiner is to monitor the academic standards of courses and the internal moderation and assessment processes and, in their judgment, to report on: whether the standards set for the course are appropriate for its awards, award elements or subjects, by reference to published national subject benchmarks, the national qualifications frameworks, institutional course specifications and other relevant information; the comparability of the standards with those of similar courses or parts of courses in other UK higher education institutions; the standards of student performance in the assessments for those courses or parts of courses which they have been appointed to examine; the extent to which the processes for assessment and the determination of awards are sound and have been fairly conducted; whether the action points in previous external examiner reports have been acted upon, and standards and quality thereby enhanced; strengths and distinctive innovative features in relation to academic standards, the operation of the assessment process and the quality of learning. In order to perform these roles, the external examiner will be party to the internal moderation process, normally sampling work that contributes to the final award, through: consideration, as requested, of the form and content of the assessment tasks that are used to assess students; reviewing a sample of assessed work on site at NTU (the approximate size of the sample of assessed work to be reviewed by the external examiner should be agreed with them at the start of the course/module) - the University's moderation policy provides indicative sample sizes (see I of Section 15 of the ASQ Handbook) Guidance note From 2010-11 it is the University’s policy that the review of samples of assessed work undertaken by external examiners should normally take place on site. This applies to all external examiner appointments made after September 2010. Transition arrangements for existing external examiner appointments can be negotiated and agreed at course level. The new policy seeks to mitigate the potential risk of assessment samples getting lost through the postal system, create some time saving benefits for local marking and moderation and strengthen networking opportunities between the course team and external examiners. 17 of 36/September 2012 31. occasionally, and at the request of the course leader or the Chair of Board of Examiners, advising internal assessors on cases where they cannot agree marks (but not to arbitrate on differences). The following rights and responsibilities apply to the role of the external examiner. Responsibilities The external examiner is expected to attend the NTU induction event for newly appointed external examiners. This excludes external examiners for Validated Centre Collaborative Provision, where the Validated Centre will conduct an appropriate induction, and non-UK based external examiners where Schools will conduct an appropriate induction. The review of assessment samples undertaken by external examiners should normally take place on site. Exceptional alternative arrangements require notification by the Academic Team Leader to the School Academic Standards & Quality Committee for approval. Guidance note The circumstances that will justify alternative arrangements being put in place for external examiners to review assessment samples off site will vary case-by-case. Schools may wish to draw a distinction between the unexpected ‘one off’ event relating to the unforeseen personal circumstances of an external examiner and other situations relating to the particular nature of the provision. An external examiner must normally be present at a Board of Examiners meeting that agrees final awards (an external examiner need not attend progression Boards). If exceptional circumstances result in the external examiner being absent from such a meeting, the external should subsequently indicate by written notification – via the course leader – that he/she has been involved in the assessment process and agrees with the decisions made at the Board. In the case of Referral Boards, at least one external examiner should be involved in the process but not necessarily through attendance. The external examiner should always sign the conferment statement to confirm that they have been involved in the assessment of students and agree with the final recommendations reached. The external examiner must submit an annual report in the format prescribed by the University on the standards and quality of the course(s) and awards for which they are responsible. This report is used in the production of the annual Course Standards and Quality Report (CSQR) and for course monitoring and enhancement generally. In order to carry out the preceding responsibilities an external examiner may, by prior arrangement with the appropriate School/ Validated Centre, meet students to assist him/her to judge the overall quality and standards of the course(s). This does not give the right to carry out viva voce examination of individual students. Assessment samples remain the property of the University and if taken off site should be returned in a timely manner. 18 of 36/September 2012 Rights The external examiner has the right to be informed of major changes to course(s) and may be consulted in advance about proposed changes, particularly where they affect the course award(s), title(s), outcomes or the assessment scheme, major changes to modules or course closure. This will allow the external examiner to comment on the changes from the perspective of his or her responsibilities. The responsibility for moderation and for agreeing marks and awards rests with all the members of the Board of Examiners. As a member of the Board, the external examiner has the right to contribute to discussions on the moderation of marks and on decisions concerning marks and awards to individual students. 32. For some courses there are subject and award external examiners. Subject examiners exercise the above rights and responsibilities in relation to a number of modules in a subject area, and are expected to attend Subject Boards to consider the results for all students taking the modules for which they have responsibility. Award examiners exercise these responsibilities in relation to a named course or award. They are expected to attend the Award Board. Entitlements 33. An external examiner has the following entitlements. The external examiner may report directly to the Vice Chancellor on matters of major concern that pose a serious risk to the quality and standards of a Nottingham Trent award, if serious issues are not satisfactorily addressed by the Dean of School/Head of the Validated Centre (or nominee). In the event of an external examiner disagreeing with a recommendation for conferment, the matter should be decided by a vote of Board members. If, following a vote, an external examiner does not support the majority decision the matter should be referred to Academic Board before the results are ratified. In such cases, the external examiner may withhold their signature from the conferment statement. If the external examiner has major concerns about the internal moderation of marks from the samples they receive, they have right of access to all student work that is assessed in their area of responsibility for the purposes of further monitoring and checking. The external examiner does not have the authority to alter individual marks. However, it may be appropriate for the external examiner to recommend a review of marks in a particular mark band. F: External Examiners’ Reports 34. External examiners (including those for Validated Centres) will make an annual report, using the University’s online reporting format. The reporting system can be accessed using the login and password sent to each external examiner by CADQ with the appointment letter. External examiners’ reports will be published on the relevant course pages of NOW. The report will cover academic standards, the quality of learning, and the operation of the assessment process. 19 of 36/September 2012 The external is required to reflect, in his/her annual report, on the level and appropriateness of the assessment procedures and standards of student attainment in the light of his/her experience of the subject provision nationally. The external is also invited to comment on strengths and distinctive or innovative features. It is anticipated that an external examiner report will also include comments and observations, which the team will wish to respond to outside the rubric of the CSQR and within a reasonable timeframe. The report must not refer to individual students or staff members by name. For courses that have multiple intakes and Board of Examiner meetings, the external is only required to submit one annual report as agreed between the course leader and the external. At the conclusion of a Board of Examiners’ meeting, the external examiner will normally be asked to raise verbally any concerns or good practice that are likely to lead to action points in their report. The report should be submitted via the NTU online external examiner reporting system within four weeks of the Board of Examiners’ meeting. The report is automatically received by CADQ, the named School or Validated Centre contacts and the Vice Chancellor. The CSQR will contain responses to the action points raised in external examiner reports. In some cases, the Course Committee may wish to have more time to consider fully the action points, in which case those outcomes will be reported in the next CSQR. However, the current CSQR will always contain an initial response to any pressing action points; A copy of the CSQR will be sent to the External Examiner. G: Chief external examiners 35. 36. A chief external examiner may be appointed from within the team of approved externals. The approval of the appointment of a chief external examiner will be subject to the normal criteria set out above and the person will be expected to have subject responsibilities within the team. The additional responsibilities of a chief external will be decided in conjunction with the course leader but are expected to include the following: to confirm - by negotiation with other externals in the team - that a consistent and acceptable standard is being maintained across the course(s), to coordinate the work of the team of externals and to liaise as appropriate with the course team(s), to act as mentor for new and/or inexperienced externals, to produce a summary report capable of publication on behalf of the external examining team if agreed for the course. H: External examining of collaborative courses 37. The external examining arrangements for courses offered in collaboration (all categories of collaborative provision, see Section 10 of ASQ Handbook) with a partner institution(s) are equivalent to those that apply to courses offered internally. This will include the criteria for selection and 20 of 36/September 2012 38. 39. 40. 41. appointment, the roles, responsibilities and powers of external examiners, and annual reporting. Schools have responsibility for ensuring that the University's procedures and policy on external examining are clearly communicated to their collaborative partners. In some forms of collaboration the precise external examining arrangement may be varied to meet the needs of the partnership, e.g. the requirement for on-site review of assessment samples can be more flexible, the partner institution may scrutinise external examiner nominations and reports before submission to the University or the partner institution might provide payments or induction. Any such variations need to be clearly specified in the course documentation for approval and subsequently monitored and reviewed by the course team and School through annual reporting and by CADQ through collaborative review. Where courses are delivered with an overseas partner, the course team will need to ensure that the external examiner has the necessary language skills where instruction and/or assessment is not in English or will need to ensure that translation arrangements are sufficiently robust. In addition, it is expected that the external examiner team will include at least one examiner with experience of UK higher education. In all collaborative arrangements, the University's EEAP is responsible for the approval of external examiner nominations. I: Fees 42. 43. The School/Validated Centre determines the amount of the fee payable to an external examiner. Payment of the fee is authorised on receipt of a satisfactorily completed External Examiner Report Form. Payment of the fee is processed by the relevant School. Claims for expenses should be submitted to the School/Validated Centre. J: Resignation of an external examiner 44. Other than in exceptional circumstances (e.g. serious illness) an external is normally required to give six months notice of resignation in order to protect students on the course and the quality assurance arrangements associated with it. A resignation should normally take effect at the end of an academic year. K: Premature termination of an external examiner appointment 45. ASQC may terminate the appointment of an external examiner not considered to be fulfilling responsibilities, on the basis of a recommendation from the Dean of the School to which the external was appointed. Grounds for the termination of appointment include: Failure to carry out properly the duties and responsibilities of an external; Failure to produce an adequate report; Conduct contrary to that required and expected of an external of the University. 46. The EEAP will consider the recommendation and the evidence provided by the School against these grounds. Termination of the tenure will not be considered where the recommendation is based on a difference of opinion about how the course should be run; on any perception that an external 21 of 36/September 2012 examiner is unreasonable in his or her professional opinions; or where the examiner has been thought to be overly critical of the course or the course team. 47. Where the EEAP approves the recommendation, the external examiner will be provided with an opportunity to address the School’s concerns within 10 working days. The EEAP will consider the external’s response, but if this response fails to satisfy the panel, it will recommend to ASQC that the examiners tenure be terminated. L: Key issues in implementation External examiner nominations should be sought in good time, and presented to the External Examiner Appointments Panel at least six months before the commencement of their appointment. Course teams should ensure that their nominee has the appropriate qualifications, standing, expertise and experience to fulfil their duties. Course teams should make themselves aware of the restrictions on the appointment of external examiners. Newly appointed externals should be properly briefed and inducted into their role, responsibilities and powers and about the course specification. Externals should report annually using the University's online report form. Course teams must provide an appropriate response to external examiners on their reports within a reasonable timescale. From 2010-11 it is the University’s policy that the review of samples of assessed work undertaken by external examiners should normally take place on site. This applies to all external examiner appointments made after September 2010. Transition arrangements for existing external examiner appointments can be negotiated and agreed at course level. 22 of 36/September 2012 IMPORTANT NOTE: The nature of the Validation Service Agreement allows Validated Centres to develop and implement their own assessment principles and policies, in which case the Centres’ assessment policy would have been approved by the University at the validation event. The Centres’ approved assessment policy will be included in the definitive set of course documents and should be your first point of reference. These definitive documents will be provided to you by the Centre. Some Validated Centres however choose to adopt the University’s Assessment principles and policies which is why this section is included here. This is the Validated Centre’s choice so please check with the Centre. In 2012-13 the University moved to grade based assessment. Validated Centres do not have to follow these regulations. If centres are following NTU’s Common Assessment Regulations the version on the website they should refer to are dated 2011-2012 (Undergraduate and Foundation). Nottingham Trent University Academic Standards and Quality Handbook SECTION 15: ASSESSMENT PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES CONTENTS Sections A. Introduction B. Purposes of assessment C. Principles of assessment D. Boards of Examiners E. A note on plagiarism F. A note on assessment in languages other than English G. A note on the assessment of students with disabilities H. University policy on feedback to students on assessments I. University policy on moderation of assessments J. University policy on anonymous marking K. A note on the retention of student work L. Implementation of policy 23 of 36/September 2012 A. Introduction This section of the ASQ Handbook is concerned with (a) the principles that underpin assessment practices at NTU (including collaborative provision), (b) the policies to ensure that these principles are translated into practice, and the section leads into important information in Section 16 on assessment regulations for undergraduate and postgraduate provision. The context within which we plan, design, carry out and evaluate assessment practices has developed significantly. Assessment is a core element in the processes by which we and other external bodies, such as QAA reviewers and PSRB assessors/accreditors, evaluate standards. One important way of determining whether our Courses are successful in their intentions is through measuring the extent to which students achieve the intended learning and development. It is crucial that the processes of measurement we design are fit for their purposes. The following sections incorporate ideas and precepts contained in external guidance documents, for example the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ), the QAA Code of Practice section on Assessment of Students, and material in the subject benchmark statements. In June 2008, the University formulated new guidance on the development of eAssessment. These notes have been formulated on the clear understanding that the purposes and principles of assessment set out in this Section of the ASQH equally apply to e-Assessment. However the guidance note is designed to raise a range of specific issues that should be considered when designing and introducing e-Assessment to a module or Courses. The full guidance note is set out in Appendix 15.1; it will be reviewed on a regular basis. In support of the new policies relating to assessment, the University will provide staff development to ensure that staff are competent to implement these changes and successfully undertake their roles in assessment. B. Purposes of assessment Assessment is a generic term for the processes that measure the outcomes of students' learning, in respect of knowledge acquired, understanding developed, and cognitive, subject-specific and transferable skills gained. At NTU, assessment: provides the means by which our students are graded, passed or failed (this process is referred to as 'summative'); provides the basis for decisions on whether a student is ready to proceed, to qualify for an award or to demonstrate competence to practice (a 'summative' process); enables staff to identify whether students have acquired a particular area of knowledge, understood a concept or developed a skill (this is referred to as 'diagnostic' assessment); enables students to obtain feedback on their learning and development and helps them improve (this process is referred to as 'formative'); and enables staff to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching. C. Principles of assessment The principles underlying assessment policies, practices and regulations are: 1. appropriateness to learning and to level, 24 of 36/September 2012 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. reliability, validity, openness, fairness, and maintenance of standards. 1. Appropriateness to learning and level is achieved through the careful and coordinated planning and design of assessments. The development and publication of an explicit assessment strategy for each Courses of study ensures that: assessment is an integral part of Courses planning and design; assessment tasks are explicitly related to intended learning outcomes; all learning outcomes intended through delivery of the various modules are assessed; there is appropriate variety in assessments to reflect the range of learning outcomes relating to knowledge, understanding and skills development; assessment methods are selected that are the most effective in enabling students to demonstrate specific outcomes and to enhance learning; duplication of methods or over-emphasis on one particular form of assessment is avoided; staff and students are informed of the assessment methods and their operation, and consistency in approach is achieved. examinations on undergraduate degrees should be confined to the final 4 weeks of the third term – and spread throughout this period – to minimise the disruption to learning at other times in the year. viva voce examinations should not normally form part of the assessment at undergraduate level as it can lead to problems of transparency. Policy: Each Courses of study delivered within every school must have an assessment strategy available for staff and students. Courses specifications should contain clear assessment information. 2. Reliability of assessments and their outcomes is assured through thorough planning and careful design of assessment tasks and through clarity and explicitness of criteria for assessments and marking schemes and arrangements. Feedback to students on courseswork has been identified by the National Student Survey and NTU’s own satisfaction survey as an area for further development across the University. Staff are therefore required to adhere to the University’s policy set out in part H of this section, and to produce and monitor Assessment and Feedback Plans. Policy: Courses and module staff are required to publish and disseminate clear briefings and assessment criteria for all assignments. Where used, mark schemes should be accessible to students to inform their preparations for assessments. Students must receive effective feedback on their assessments. 3. Validity of assessments (Do the tasks assess what they are meant to? At the right level?) is ensured through initial moderation processes when assessments are being planned. Policy: Courses and module teams should ensure that - at the planning stage of assessment tasks - appropriate peers (other module tutors and/or in external examiners at levels that contribute to the final award) are consulted to check the validity of the tasks being prepared. 4. Openness with students about the processes and outcomes of assessments is crucial to their learning formation. The procedures above related to clear briefings and criteria are relevant here. Additionally, it is critically important that students receive open, constructive formative feedback on their assessments at all stages 25 of 36/September 2012 of their development. The University's policy on feedback to students on their assessments follows in part H of this Section of the Handbook. 5. Fairness means having procedures in operation to ensure that students receive consistent treatment in assessment processes, practices and judgements. The University's policies on assessment moderation and anonymous marking relate to fairness and are included later in this section. 6. Standards in assessment relate to ensuring that the assessments set and the judgements reached are appropriate to the level and comparable with similar provision across the sector. Boards of Examiners are critical to the process of assuring and maintaining standards in assessments and judgements, and information about their operation follows below. The University's regulations for assessment (see Section 16 of this Handbook) and undergraduate and postgraduate frameworks (see Section 12 and Section 13) are key to assuring standards. D. Boards of Examiners Purposes Each award-bearing Courses should have a Board of Examiners to: a. b. c. d. ensure there are consistent and fair arrangements for assessment; make academic judgements on the progress of students; make academic judgements on the conferment of awards; consider any case of student performance that is giving cause for concern. Context a. A Board should operate with due regard to: the Courses specification; any Academic Board agreements with other validating, accrediting or professional bodies (or a collaborating centre) as appropriate; principles and policies on assessment as set out in this Handbook. b. A Board may appoint a Subsidiary Examination Board if this is necessary, normally in the context of collaborative arrangements. c. A Board may be responsible for more than one Courses provided this is approved at validation. d. A Board may operate a two-tier, Award Board/Subject Board, structure. Membership a. The membership of a Board of Examiners should comprise: a Chair (normally a senior academic member of the School, for example an Academic Team Leader), a Secretary, the Courses leader (Courses co-ordinator from a collaborative centre), academic staff who teach on the Courses, the external examiner(s), the University Verifier for Courses operating under a Validation Service agreement. b. A Progression Board may be chaired by a member of academic staff below ATL level with appropriate experience, expertise and independence, and appointed by the Dean. An external examiner is not required to attend. 26 of 36/September 2012 c. An external examiner who is unable to be present at a Board meeting should subsequently indicate by written notification, via the Courses leader, their involvement in the assessment process and their agreement to the decisions made at the Board. An external examiner need not attend Progression Boards and Referral Boards. (In the latter case they should be involved in the process.) d. Module leaders (or their nominees) should attend meetings unless prior arrangements have been made with the Chair, to ensure that the business of the meeting can still be conducted properly and thoroughly. Other members of teaching staff should do their utmost to attend. e. All members must uphold the confidentiality of all meetings of the Board of Examiners. f. A member of the Board is required to declare any personal interest, involvement or relationship with a student being assessed. g. A student cannot be a member of a Board of Examiners or attend a meeting other than as a candidate for assessment (i.e. where a viva voce is held). Terms of reference a. The Board should meet: at the key stages in order to determine student progress or awards; to consider referrals; to consider - as required - any case of student progress that is giving cause for concern and is likely to lead to the termination of a student's study on the Courses (In these circumstances it will be the responsibility of the Courses leader, or equivalent person, to notify the Registrar or his nominee of the need to convene such a meeting); when required by Academic Board to reconsider any recommendation regarding student assessment. b. The business of the Board is to: confirm that the student assessments have been conducted in accordance with the appropriate Common Assessment Regulations (and any special validated dispensations); ensure that appropriate moderation arrangements are in place and have been used in the setting and marking of assessment tasks; receive and consider agreed marks and all other information pertinent to student assessment and to make decisions on the progress of or the conferment of the award on each student accordingly; exercise academic judgement upon individual matters concerning student assessment arising; act on special situations and/or academic misconduct, and - in exceptional circumstances - academic appeals; confirm the procedures to be followed in notifying students of its decisions; consider any special issues concerning student assessment brought to its attention by an external examiner or member of the Board; consider any matter referred to it by the Academic Board. Duties of key members of the Board a. Chair It is the duty of the Chair to ensure that: 27 of 36/September 2012 attendance at the meeting enables the Board to fulfil its terms of reference (where this is not the case it is the Chair's responsibility to determine a courses of action); Board members have all the information necessary for them to exercise a judgement, including student results and the outcome of the consideration of special situations and/or academic misconduct; assessments have been conducted in accordance with the appropriate Common Assessment Regulations (and any special validated dispensations); the Board takes into account all information pertinent to student assessment and that the Board's decisions in respect of progression and the conferment of the award result from informed and impartial academic judgement; proper procedures are in place to notify all students of the Board's decisions and that - in cases of student referral or failure - immediate and appropriate actions are taken to notify students of the decisions; together with the external examiner, sign the conferment statement or annotated results sheet; marks and award recommendations as confirmed by the board are prepared and checked in close collaboration with the minute-secretary; following the board that the minutes are checked and approved as a true record of the proceedings; feedback is provided to School Executive in accordance with School procedures on any issues arising from the Board to inform the monitoring and enhancement of practices and processes associated with the work of Boards of Examiners. New chairs are required to undertake the training provided for this role and existing chairs are expected to attend refresher training events. b. Courses leader The Courses leader is responsible for ensuring that: assessment activities are planned, including the dates of Board meetings and the moderation procedures, and this is agreed with the external examiner; the membership of the Board is agreed annually with the Chair, and that the membership list is accurately maintained for the Courses and that the external examiner appointment(s) is valid to cover the appropriate assessments; the business of the Board is well defined and appropriate agendas are prepared (in conjunction with the Chair and Secretary); all information necessary for the Board to fulfil its duties has been collated, scrutinised and agreed before the meeting and that copies of this information are available to all members; the final decisions are accurately recorded and the Board's decisions are carried out efficiently and effectively. c. Secretary The Secretary will be expected to: make all the administrative arrangements for the effective operation of the Board, e.g. the notification of dates and times, room booking, the circulation of papers; record all decisions accurately; ensure all the necessary administrative actions are carried out following the meeting. 28 of 36/September 2012 E. A note on plagiarism The University takes very seriously the issues of plagiarism in its various forms, which it defines as follows (the University's policy/guidance on academic misconduct is accessible on the CADQ WebPages): 'The incorporation of material derived from the work (published or unpublished) of another by unacknowledged quotation, paraphrase, imitation or other device in any work submitted for progression towards or for completion of an award in a way which suggests that it is the student's original work.' Additionally staff take preventative measures to minimize the likelihood of plagiarism through the following strategies: Providing clear guidance to students (a) on the nature of plagiarism, (b) on ways of checking that material has not been plagiarised inadvertently, (c) on the University's processes for investigating suspected plagiarism and (d) on the range of possible penalties; Using a variety of forms of assessment including those in which the student's involvement is evident and difficult to disguise, e.g. projects, portfolios, logs, presentation/performance, unseen examinations; Avoiding setting the same assignment for different cohorts. Academic Misconduct Groups (AMG) have operated in all Schools since 2008/09. AMGs operate to: make fair and consistent recommendations for penalties or actions in all confirmed cases of major misconduct; provide a retrospective review of minor cases, so that the School may be confident in the efficacy of its follow-up procedures; act as an advisory group to the School on academic misconduct. For more details, see Section 17 of the ASQ Handbook. F. A note on assessment in languages other than English The language of assessment and teaching will normally be English. If, for valid reason this is not the case, the Courses team should ensure that standards are not at risk. The Courses team will be expected to demonstrate at validation: how individuals with the necessary expertise in the appropriate language(s), subject knowledge and assessment methods will be identified and employed; how suitable external examiners fluent in the relevant language(s) will be identified; appointed and involved with the assessment process; If translation is used, how the reliability and validity of the assessment judgements arising from the marking of translated assessments will be assured. The moderation procedures for the Courses should reflect the approved arrangements. G. A note on the assessment of students with disabilities Under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005, the University has a duty to ensure that disabled students are not placed at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with their 29 of 36/September 2012 non-disabled peers. This duty applies to modes of teaching and learning and to assessment methods. If a student is unable, through disability, to be assessed by the normal methods set out in the Courses specification, the Board of Examiners may make reasonable adjustments to ensure that such students are not substantially disadvantaged, provided that such adjustments enable academic or other prescribed standards to be maintained. It is the responsibility of the Courses leader in consultation with module leaders and referring to Student Support Services and Academic Office for guidance as necessary, to: implement modes of teaching and learning which provide the student with an equal opportunity to acquire the stated learning outcomes; agree new or modified methods of assessment which will enable the student to demonstrate that they have acquired the stated learning outcomes. The Courses leader should ensure that any adjustments to the assessment methods are notified to the Board of Examiners, with due regard to requests for confidentiality from students in relation to communication about the specific nature of the disability. H. University policy on feedback to students on assessments 1. Introduction Constructive feedback is a core part of the learning process and has a variety of purposes. The key purposes are to support students in reflecting on their progress, to help them to enhance their future work and to help them become increasingly independent in their learning. Underpinning these purposes is the belief that assessment itself functions not only to evaluate learning, but also to develop learning. In all of this, the shared responsibility of student and tutor must be recognised. The intended beneficiary of feedback is, of courses, the student; however, feedback may also be used by: module leaders in reflecting on the assessment strategy; personal tutors in advising their personal tutees; external examiners as part of their monitoring of standards and quality. Feedback arrangements may be considered by external and internal reviewers in Periodic School Review or Collaborative Review. It is expected that feedback will be offered for all assessments (inclusive of examinations and placement assignments). However, it is anticipated that the type of feedback may vary considerably. For example, while individual feedback might be appropriate in some circumstances, group or cohort feedback may be more fitting in others. 2. Purposes of this policy This policy is designed to ensure that: all students at NTU receive feedback for their assessments, as appropriate to context, within in a framework of other learning activities; students are informed of feedback timings, types and formats and of their role in engaging with feedback to develop their work; the feedback offered to students is related to learning outcomes and assessment criteria, and is consistent with the mark/grade awarded; the feedback received informs students on their progress and helps them to improve their future performance; students are enabled, by participating in feedback activities, to participate in the process of evaluating their learning and development; and 30 of 36/September 2012 feedback to students for their assessed work is seen as an integral part of the assessment process. Courses should have in place mechanisms for reviewing and monitoring the nature and timeliness of feedback for all forms of assessment. 3. Terms The following designations are used in this document, in referring to feedback: Type the nature of feedback offered, for example, group, individual, tutor, peer, pre-task, post-task, on work-in-progress Format the medium in which feedback is conveyed, for example, written, verbal, audio Method type plus format Content that which is expressed in feedback 4. Feedback characteristics Given the principle that assessment and feedback are integral to learning and teaching activities, then feedback methods may vary considerably, as appropriate to context. However, in all instances, there should be clarity about the date by which feedback will be provided and published feedback dates should be honoured. In addition, all feedback offered should have the following characteristics: a. Feedback should be appropriate to the assessment task and level of study. b. Feedback should relate clearly to the learning outcomes and the assessment criteria. c. Feedback should be developmental, as well as offering an overview of performance. d. Feedback should be timely enough to feed into the next piece of work, as appropriate to context. e. In all instances, there should be clarity about the date by which feedback will be provided and published feedback dates should be honoured. f. Tutors should ensure that students have opportunities to reflect on their performance and development, while recognising that it is each student’s responsibility to take up these opportunities. g. In communicating feedback, or facilitating peer feedback, tutors should be mindful of the diversity of students on the Courses. h. There should be equity in the provision of feedback to students. 5. Planning for feedback and assessment The Courses Leader, with the support of the Courses team, should engage in annual assessment planning and create an Assessment and Feedback Plan. (Guidance note: this is an extension of and additional to the Assessment Schedule required for Courses approvals.) This will include: i. Assessment types ii. Assessment dates iii. Feedback schedule and rationale, including: o Feedback types and formats o Feedback points and/or periods across the year o Where there will be opportunities for students to reflect on feedback with their tutor 31 of 36/September 2012 iv. Return dates for student work and feedback b. Thereafter, there should be ongoing reflection on this Assessment and Feedback Plan at key points of the year. It will be useful to regard the setting of and reflection on the Plan in the context of ongoing Courses monitoring and annual reporting. c. The Assessment and Feedback Plan should be communicated to students in the Courses handbook, or equivalent in NOW, and in module information. d. The module handbook, or equivalent in NOW, should articulate further guidance on assessment tasks, including: the learning outcomes to be assessed; the assessment criteria and how they relate to the intended learning outcomes; guidance on the task; submission deadlines; any additional information on the arrangements for communicating feedback and for the return of work. Notes a. Courses teams should consider which feedback types and formats, or combination thereof, are fit for context and should articulate the pedagogic rationale for their decisions in the Assessment and Feedback Plan b. The feedback schedule in the Plan should refer to all feedback that will be offered. This would include, for example, general cohort feedback, feedback offered in preparation for an assessment, on work-in-progress, or after an assessment task. c. The feedback schedule should balance the ethos of timeliness (Feedback characteristic 4d above), with recognition of constraints in undertaking marking and moderation. d. Where feedback is offered to students on drafts or other work-in-progress, then it is advisable to specify clearly the extent of this and the means by which it be done. e. It is advisable to emphasise that it is each student’s responsibility to take up feedback opportunities and to engage with the feedback offered. 6. Monitoring, evaluation and support a. Courses leaders/ATLs should put in place a regular review of the feedback provided across a Courses/subject (and the mechanisms for offering such feedback). b. Staff should be in a position to outline their approach to strengthening the effective use of feedback. c. Courses teams should comment in Courses Standards and Quality Reports (PSQRs) on the significant outcomes (including enhancements) of their approach to provision of feedback (if appropriate in any given year). d. SASQCs should keep under review procedures for feedback to students on assessments and identify any salient points in the School annual report (SSQR), so that processes across the institution can be monitored and enhanced. Such salient points should be taken forward through the School’s ILTES Action Plan. The Validation Service Sub-Committee(VSSC) will undertake such activities in respect of Validated Centres. 32 of 36/September 2012 e. In the five-yearly Periodic School Review, or in Collaborative Review, reviewers consider the methods and quality of the feedback provided to students within the School. f. CADQ will advise and support staff by providing information and guidance on feedback to students for assessments. I. University policy on moderation of assessments 1. Context The University is committed to sustaining high standards of student achievement, consistency in the standards of its awards and both rigour and fairness in the assessment of students against those standards. In order to ensure that standards remain appropriate and are met through the set assessments, systems for the continuing monitoring and moderation of assessment processes and outcomes are crucial. 2. Rationale It is necessary to have a clearly articulated and consistently applied policy for assessment moderation, in order that: assessments are related to the aims and aligned with the learning outcomes of Courses and modules; assessed student work is marked consistently across Courses and modules; the outcomes of assessments are clear, reliable and valid; and fairness is achieved for students in all their assessment elements. 3. Assessment moderation policy a. Moderation of assessment starts at the initial stage of planning of assessment and extends through to the determination of marks and results. This policy contains 4 sub-sections relating to the stages of the moderation process, and requires the following responsibilities and activities to be undertaken. Moderating assessment planning and coherence b. Working within the overall School (or Collaborative Partner) assessment strategy, the Courses leader has the lead responsibility for ensuring overall assessment coherence within the different levels of the Courses and across the Courses as a whole. Coherence should be checked before students receive the assessment details. c. The Courses committee/team should review overall assessment coherence as part of the normal Courses monitoring process and report on any action points within the PSQR. This report enables the School to consider standards and assessment procedures and processes across all Courses within its SSQR. d. In line with the terms of reference for Boards of Examiners, an opportunity should be provided at their meetings to discuss aspects of assessment design, tasks and coherence and provide advice to Courses leaders, committees and teams on assessment issues that have arisen through the marking and moderation processes. The consideration of this item and the advice offered should be recorded in the minutes of the Board. Moderation of assessment design, tasks and methods e. All assessment tasks and supporting material should be checked by an academic peer, who might be the Courses leader, the curriculum manager, a team leader, a mentor or another member of the module team. Where the assessment contributes to the classification of the final award, the external examiner might 33 of 36/September 2012 also be included as one of the academic peers. Courses committees/teams must specify and record who is responsible for undertaking this checking procedure. This peer moderation process should involve checking: f. the alignment of assessment with the relevant learning outcomes; the clarity of the task description; the clarity of any additional rubric or guidance notes accompanying the tasks; the criteria by which it is intended to mark the assessment; the available guidance for markers, e.g. model answers; the academic challenge of the tasks in relationship to the level; the workload/time requirements of the assessment tasks. The agreed assessment information should then be systematically communicated by staff to students at the appropriate time to support their learning and achievement. Moderation of assessment marking and results g. The main effort in moderation of marking and results should be targeted at assessments which contribute to the final award. h. Courses committees/teams are responsible for planning appropriate moderation and for ensuring clarity and explicitness of: the marking arrangements; the forms of moderation to be employed; the sample to be reviewed (size, range and threshold cases); and the nature of the sample to be referred to the external examiner(s). i. Moderation of marking is generally undertaken by reviewing a sample of students' marked work. This involves the moderator in reviewing (rather than marking in the full sense) an agreed sample of work to establish whether the marking is at the appropriate standard, consistent and in line with the explicit assessment criteria. j. This sampling process should concentrate at the boundaries of classifications and should normally involve between 10% and 25% of assessed student work, depending on the numbers of students within the cohort. For example, where there are more than 50 students, a 10% sample is appropriate and for cohorts under 50 the percentage sample should increase up to 25% according to the precise numbers. Where there are very large cohorts of students (100-200 and more) then the 10% sample guideline can be reduced, but the sample selected needs to be carefully constructed to ensure adequately robust moderation. Where a small cohort of students is involved, the proportion of the sample should increase appropriately. k. Moderation can also be completed in specific instances through double or team marking. In this case student work is independently marked by more than one marker. Double or team marking can be undertaken as blind marking, where each marker is unaware of the marks allocated by the other(s), or as second marking, where all markers are aware of the marks they have assigned. l. Double or team marking should be used as the moderation process for dissertations and major projects/studio work at final award level. m. At levels that contribute to the final award, the external examiner should monitor the moderation process at appropriate stages. The Courses committee/team should indicate in their moderation planning precisely how the external examiner will be involved. Where a level contributes only a percentage to the final award, the involvement of the external examiner may include reviewing a sample of moderated student work, but may be limited to receiving for comment the 34 of 36/September 2012 assessment tasks and checking the final results spreadsheets. The nature of the external examiner involvement in such cases is a matter for negotiation between the Courses leader and the external (also see para. q.iii) - the review of samples of assessed work undertaken by external examiners should normally take place on site. n. Statistical analyses (means, standard deviations) should be undertaken as part of the moderation process to identify anomalies and trends, which can then be addressed by one or more of the preceding moderation techniques. Such statistical analyses can be effectively used to inform decisions of Boards of Examiners and the further development of the Course's assessment strategy. o. Where assessments do NOT contribute to final award classifications, moderation should be focused at the pass/fail threshold, which is the crucial determinant for progression to the next stage of the Courses. In cases where there are no students at that threshold, then the assessed work of the 5 nearest students should be moderated. Courses committees/teams may wish to extend the range of moderation in these non-qualifying assessments in relationship to particular issues of interest or concern. Outcomes of moderation processes p. Schools need to ensure that mechanisms are in place to ensure the validity of assessments and the resolution of differences in cases where the moderation procedures outlined in points 1 - 7 of this policy demonstrate unacceptable variation in assessment approaches and outcomes. q. In cases where differences remain unresolved in the moderation of marking (for example, those occasions where the moderator's mark or review may indicate a significantly different outcome, rank order or distribution of assessments at the classification borderlines), the following procedure is recommended. i. The marker and moderator should review the assessment criteria and their interpretation of them. If a divergence of understanding or interpretation is identified and resolved, re-marking and further moderation should be undertaken as appropriate. ii. If no divergence in interpretation of assessment criteria is identified but a difference in marking remains or if an identified divergence remains unresolved or if re-marking and further moderation still identify inconsistency between marker and moderator, the matter should be referred to the Courses leader, who should investigate the case and determine a courses of action. This might include: iii. r. arranging for a second moderator to sample the student work; arranging for a second marker to mark all the students' work; marking the assignment(s) her/himself and recommending these marks to the Board of Examiners. The external examiner should NOT be used to reconcile differences between internal assessors, but might be called upon to advise internal markers on their resolution of differences. The external examiner's role is to monitor the standards achieved by students on the Courses and the consistency and effectiveness of the assessment processes. (see Section 7 of this Handbook on External Examining.) In implementing this policy staff should ensure that documentary evidence is always kept to enable demonstration of the moderation processes that have been used. J. University policy on anonymous marking 1. Introduction 35 of 36/September 2012 The following statement gives detail of the University's policy on anonymous marking, the underpinning rationale, and the way in which it will be carried out. 2. Rationale The assessment of a student's work without knowledge of the student's identity (anonymous marking) is used to limit the possibility of grades or marks being inadvertently influenced by factors other than the qualities of the work under consideration. The University's adoption of anonymous marking in specified circumstances is, therefore, intended to secure increased fairness for students and enhanced reliability of marking. For complete anonymity, a marker should not know the identity of a student until after the grades for work assessed have been formally recorded. While anonymous marking is relatively straightforward to undertake in relation to formal written examinations and in some forms of coursework, there are other assessed tasks for which the identity of each student is inevitably and unavoidably available to the marker: examples include those requiring direct observation of student performance and those tasks that are unique to each student. 3. University policy It is University policy that anonymous marking should be used wherever possible and appropriate – Validated Centres may implement anonymous marking. This policy is implemented in the following ways. a. Anonymous marking is used for ALL timed written examinations, for which papers will be identified only by student numbers. b. It is the responsibility of each Courses committee/team/subject area annually to identify and agree which of the remaining assessed tasks will or will not be marked anonymously and to have a clear rationale for the decision in each case. c. SASQCs have responsibility for ensuring that (a) Courses committees/teams/subject areas are operating this policy and (b) systems are in place within the school to support anonymous marking and that staff receive clear guidance on the operation of those systems. This policy will have to be sensitive to the needs of students with disabilities. K. A note on the retention of student work The University’s Document Retention Schedule (available on the e-Central webpages) sets out the policy on retaining student work. L. Implementation of the policy a. SASQCs have oversight of the assessment strategy across all Courses and should ensure that there is a clear rationale for the application of not using anonymous marking in assessments other then by examination. b. ASQC will review its assessment principles and policies from time to time to ensure they meet best practice across the sector. 36 of 36/September 2012