VALIDATED CENTRE STANDARDS AND QUALITY REPORT (VCSQR) A Validated Centre Standards and Quality Report is required by centres who offer more than two/three NTU validated Courses, and at CPO/ CADQ’s discretion. A VCSQR should bring together matters for consideration at institutional level and should cut down on repetition in CSQRs. VCSQRs are subject to the same process of consideration as CSQRs (see CSQR section). CSQR and VCSQR templates are found in the CADQ Quality Handbook Supplements section (VS7, VS8 and VS9), guidance notes are integrated into the template: Navigate to the Quality Assurance section, Academic Standards and Quality Handbook, section 6, Course monitoring and annual reporting. CADQ are happy to offer staff development on an individual Validated Centre basis – please contact Julie Page in CPO for more information. Again additional guidance can be provided on request.