[Minor revision: June 10, 2014] Angelo State University Operating Policy and Procedure OP 20.02: Intercollegiate Athletics DATE: June 10, 2014 PURPOSE: This Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) describes the procedures to be followed to ensure that the Angelo State University Athletic Department remains in compliance with all rules, regulations, and bylaws of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Lone Star Conference, Texas Tech University System, Angelo State University, and the laws and constitution of the state of Texas governing intercollegiate athletics. REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in April every three years, or as needed, by the athletic director and the Athletic Council with recommended revisions submitted to the president. POLICY/PROCEDURE The intercollegiate athletic programs of Angelo State University shall be conducted in strict compliance with all rules, regulations, and bylaws of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Lone Star Conference, Texas Tech University System, Angelo State University, and the laws and constitution of the state of Texas. The president of the university shall provide direction to the athletic department to ensure compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, bylaws and laws governing intercollegiate athletics. The athletic director will be responsible for implementing procedures to ensure that the Athletic Department remains in compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, bylaws, and laws governing intercollegiate athletics. A faculty athletics representative will be designated by the president. The individual will be a tenured faculty member outside of the athletic department. The Athletic Council shall be appointed annually by the president to give direction to the athletic programs, to review and make recommendations on matters related to the athletic programs, and to conduct reviews or studies as requested by the president. The president, faculty athletics representative, director of athletic compliance, and athletic director will meet annually, usually in August, with all athletics department personnel to discuss new rules, interpretations, the need for strict adherence to the rules, and the consequences of noncompliance. Page 1 of 1 OP 20.02