22685 >> Yuval Peres: Okay. We're very happy to have Charles Smart from NYU, soon moving to MIT. He'll tell us about scaling limits of the abelian sandpile. >> Charles Smart: Great. Thanks for the invitation. All right. So I want to talk about scaling limits of the abelian sandpile. So before I actual start on the math, I should mention that most of what I'm going to be talking about is joint work with Wesley Pagden, who is at NYU, and a little later, if I actually get to it, it's also joint work with Lionel Levine, who is here now and moving to Cornell. All right. So to start, I want to give a little bit of an introduction. I know that probably most of you are already familiar with the sandpile, but I guess for our viewers at home, I'm going to try to start from a little more basic point. Okay. So I'm going to start by talking very briefly about internal DLA, which I think as sort of like the natural precursor to the sandpile. You guys may disagree about this, but somehow this is how I ended up thinking about it. Okay. So what is internal DLA? So internal DLA or internal diffusion limited aggregation is sort of a growth process for subsets of the integer lattice. So this is a diffusion-driven growth process for subsets. Can you all see this? For subsets of the integer lattice Z to the D. So D dimensional integer lattice. What's the idea? Well, you have some subset. Maybe this thing is going to be in the way now. Can you actually see if I write down here? Probably not. Hmmm. Okay. Well ->>: Two more lines we can see. >> Charles Smart: Two more lines. Okay, I'll try to stick to this little area. I guess I should try to very quickly get to the part where I want to actually show the important picture, and then we can get rid of the screen. Okay. So what's the idea? Well, you take some subset of the lattice. I can only draw two dimensional pictures but the idea is you have some subset of the lattice. Some subset A of Z to the D. Okay. And you grow this set by sort of dropping a token somewhere on one of the vertices inside and you run a random walk. You let that And then you start with A next set be, origin. token walk randomly on the lattice until it exits the set. Okay. add that exit vertex to A. Okay. So the idea is let's say we 0 just being the set that contains the origin, and then we let the well, the first set union of exit vertex of a random walk from the Okay. So you iterate this process. Because a random walk on the integer lattice sort of looks like Brownian motion if you zoom out. We expect the set will be spherical looking. In fact, that's exactly what happens. And, well, if you rescale it properly, you know, it really does converge to a sphere. So what is the proper rescaling? Okay. So if we define this sort of rescaled set A to be, well, the set of points in R to the D, so that, well, N to the 1 over D power times X is NAN. Okay. Well, then for a certain notion of convergence of sets, what we get is that these rescaled guys converge to, well, the ball of radius -- I think this is to the -- ball of radius, the volume of the ball to the minus 1 over D power. I think this is right. Okay. notion of convergence here. Okay. So I want to think this. Okay. So the idea okay, what we're going to has sort of a token arise Almost surely. Okay. For some appropriate of the sandpile as just a deterministic version of is, well, instead of actually having a random walk, do is we're going to -- okay. So I can imagine this at a point then it jumps to a random neighbor. That keeps happening until that token gets outside the set. Okay. Instead what I'm going to do is I'm going to have it be the case that a vertex sort of just stores tokens. Until it has, at least as many tokens as there are neighbors in the lattice, okay, and then when it has at least that many tokens it just distributes them all at once to all of its neighbors. So the process is -- the way you build a sandpile is you add -- you start with sort of N tokens or chips at the origin. And then you iterate this process where if some vertex X and NZ to the D has at least 2 D tokens, then we topple X, okay, by removing 2 D tokens from X and adding one to each of its neighbors. And there are 2 D neighbors on the dimensional lattice. Okay. So what happens? We keep doing this until it stops. We get some final configuration SN mapping as Z to the D until, well, the possible numbers of tokens for stable configuration. So every vertex has to have between 0 and 2 D minus 1 tokens left over. Okay. So if you did a good job of actually making internal DLA deterministic, then we'd expect that the result would be a circle. You expect the result would be a circle. And that maybe which value you take when you're inside of the circle would be kind of randomly distributed. Right? And, of course, this fails spectacularly. So we have this picture of what the final sandpile looks like. Maybe I'll look at a low res one first which my laptop doesn't want to display. So this is just one with a thousand chips. So if you start with a thousand tokens at the origin, and you run the process -- you get something like this, okay, but as you get -- as you add more, it gets a little more refined and so you get sort of a, kind of stranger and stranger looking picture. >>: Grade of, shade of gray. >> Charles Smart: That's right. Yeah, yeah. So here the shade of grade is just the density. So black in this case is just three chips and the dark gray is two and the light gray is one, and white is zero. And I guess maybe it's a little difficult to tell but the light colored specs in here are light gray. The only 0s are outside. No, wait a minute. No, no, there are 0s in there. There are 0s in there. Okay. So then finally, if I just load a really high res one we get a picture like this. So this is 16 million starting nodes. We get this picture, which, okay, so I want to point out a couple of things. First of all, it is definitely not a circle. Right? You can see that there are sides. So it's flat on the bottom. I guess maybe full screen mode is not so great. Okay. So it's actually flat on these sides here. So you get this what looks to be like a 12-sided figure. Except that these things maybe are slightly curved. Okay. And then, of course, on the inside it doesn't look at all randomly distributed. There are these regions where you just get solid 3s, and then if you zoom in, okay, to some region where there aren't solid 3s, what you see is that rather than having sort of solid 3s what you have is some sort of solid periodic pattern in these other regions. Okay. So this is not at all what you would like to get if you were actually just trying to make a deterministic version of internal DLA. Okay. So what the heck did Wes and I prove? Well -- oh, man, this is just -this is just not working at all. I apologize. Well, the pictures will soon go away and ->>: 18 million. >> Charles Smart: This was 32 million. Okay. Maybe that's the problem. I think, actually, the hard drive is failing on this thing. So that's probably what's going on. Okay. So I guess I'm done with the screen. [laughter]. >>: [inaudible] $1 million. So I don't know how -- great. [laughter]. >> Charles Smart: I said the wrong thing. So what the heck did Wes and I prove? I guess actually one thing I didn't point out when they had those pictures up there is that as you add more chips, the picture gets more and more refined. It doesn't change that dramatically as you add more chips. In fact, it seems like the image is actually converging to something. And this is what Wes and I did. So we figured out that in fact there really is a limiting image. I want to explain how we did that. Okay. So let me talk about that. So in order to explain the proof I need to give a little bit more background about the sandpile. >>: Proof, could you clarify the statement what kind of convergence you mean. >> Charles Smart: Exactly. That's part of what I need to talk about. Let me first give a little more background. I guess, you know what, I can tell you the notion of convergence now, if you want. Okay. So if you remember, for internal DLA in order to get the set to [inaudible] we had to rescale. So you can do the same kind of rescaling here. Okay. So there's this final reconfiguration, after you run the dynamics, when you add N chips you get some map from Z to the D into 0 through 2 D minus 1. Okay. But this map sort of the support of this map is expanding. It's blowing up as N goes to infinity. Okay. So we need, in order to keep it bounded, we have to rescale it. So the idea is, okay, well we're going to rescale like this. set S bar sub N of X to be SN of, well, H inverse X. So we're going to Okay, where H is N to the minus 1 over D. Okay? So now this guy is SN bar. Well, this is a function from HZ to the D into 0 through 2 D minus 1. Okay. So they're defined on sort of ever-finer lattices. >>: So there's some rounding? >> Charles Smart: Right? Some rounding -- >>: [inaudible] in the lattice. >>: No, it is because X is ->> Charles Smart: this ->>: I'm sorry. All right. So like this argument is supposed to be in >> Charles Smart: So you hit it with H inverse, and it goes into here. >>: So if you do this, actually, well, SN is going to stay bounded. So the support of this guy is compact. Okay? Sort of independently of N. Okay. And even better, you can check that the mass is constant. Okay. So the idea is if I -- here I'm integrating over R to the D. I'm sort of abusing notation a little bit. The idea is if I have some function on the lattice I'm just going to make it piecewise constant in a little square around each lattice point. Okay. So if I rescale like this, the mass stays constant. And the support stays bounded. So what Wes and I can prove is this: The theorem. Okay, is that, well, there exists -- so there's the function S which is in L infinity on R to the D. It's bounded. It's a measurable function. It's been -- its value state is between 0 and 2 D minus 1. And these guys converge weakly star L infinity to S as N goes to infinity. Okay. So what the heck does this mean? Okay. What this means is -- so that is -- okay, if I integrate against a test function, I get convergence. So the integral of SN bar times some test function phi converges to the integral of S against that test function as N goes to infinity, for all test functions. So all continuous functions, or you could even just take smooth functions on R to the D that have compact support. Okay. So this is a weak notion of convergence. It says nothing about what's actually happening to the values. Okay. But it really is the correct notion of convergence for this problem. And the reason is that well the values of these S and bars really don't converge to anything. The reason is if you look in the sandpile, if you actually look at those images, well, okay, there are regions where SN bar is piecewise constant. It's like there are these regions where it's solid black, where it's all 3s, and those regions it does converge point-wise, but in other regions you have these rapidly oscillating periodic patterns. And in those regions, as you rescale -- so as SN gets bigger and as N gets bigger and bigger, okay, well, those patterns stay the same but you're sort of zooming out on the pattern. And what happens is in the limit, these patterns are replaced by their average value rather than any of the individual values. And that's exactly what this notion of weak star convergence captures. >>: Here's a question. So here's a [inaudible] convergence which it seems ought to be also true, whether you do this or not, that the proportion of 0s and 1s and so on converges. >> Charles Smart: Hmm. Okay. So, yes, that's true. But I have no idea how to prove it. But that's definitely true. Based on a open set of full measure, that's true. But I don't know why. >>: Compared from the pictures or ->> Charles Smart: Yeah. Yeah. There's a little bit of additional secret evidence that we have that hopefully I'll get to later. >>: This is just the average height used? >> Charles Smart: That's right. So you just get the average height. So of course I want to try to explain how you prove this. Okay. I guess I didn't mention this before, because I got distracted talking about the statement of the theorem. But so the dynamics, so the reason this thing is called the abelian sandpile is because the dynamics are abelian. So if you remember, when I wrote down the definition I said, okay, you iterate this process where if some vertex has at least 2 D chips you topple it, right? But that doesn't specify the order in which you're supposed to topple the vertices. But it turns out that the order doesn't matter at all. So this is what is meant by us saying the process is abelian. Because all that actually matters in determining the final configuration is just the number of topplings that occur at each vertex. So I just want to mention some more background before giving the proof. So the final configuration, SN from ZD and to Z, not to the Z but into the interval. Okay, this guy is determined by the odometer function. VN. So this guy is a map from ZD into, well, the not negative integers. So where does this guy count? This just counts the number of topples. So the number of topples at each vertex. And so from this odometer function, so from this function which counts from the number of topples you can calculate very easily the final configuration. The final configuration is it's just the initial configuration, so N chips at the origin. So I'm using this for the indicator function of the origin. Plus the redistribution caused by the odometer function. So this is the discrete Laplacian of the odometer function. So what's this guy? So the discrete Laplacian is just the sum over all the neighbors in the grid of the difference between that neighbor and the center. Like this. Can you guys actually see this past the podium? Okay. Great. So because the process is abelian all we actually care about is the odometer function. And you can find the odometer function by essentially just -- you can run the dynamics and what is that doing? So the idea is you're just taking the maximum of all of the legal odometer functions. So if you have some legal odometer functions, so some number of topples you've achieved so far, legally according to the dynamics, okay, well either the configuration is stable or you can increase the odometer function somewhere. You can topple again. So you just kind of build out the odometer function until you can't make it any larger. And that gives you the final odometer function. Okay. So Lionel and Yuval in a paper together -- this one was also with Ann Fay, what they did was figure out basically what the dual of that sort of construction is. Rather than trying to take the maximum of all the legal odometer functions, here what you do instead is you take the minimum of all the stabilizing odometer functions. So what they figured out is that this final odometer function -- so this is -this is -- wait. This is Fay Levine. What they figured out was that you can write the odometer function as the minimum -- so rather than maximum -- over all functions integer value functions on the lattice, such that two things are true: Well, it has to be nonnegative. And it has to be stabilizing. So what does that mean? That means if you take the starting configuration, and you redistribute it according to W, that this better be less than or equal to 2 D minus 1 everywhere. Okay. So they figured this out. our proof of convergence. And this is basically the starting point for So what's the idea? So in some sense this is like the dual of the dynamics, like linear programming of the dual of the dynamics. But you can also think of it as sort of So the idea here is, well, we want sort at the minimum of all W, which are sort certain right-hand side, which are also a discrete elliptic obstacle problem. of -- we want W to be -- we're looking of discrete super harmonic, with a greater than or equal to some obstacle. So this is a discrete elliptic obstacle problem, because we have an obstacle here. And here we have sort of an elliptic differential inequality. Albeit a discrete one. >>: Planning to say the words action ->> Charles Smart: Oh, that's right. This is called the least action principle, yes. Yeah. The idea being that W is sort of a measuring the total action, right? So the number of topples is in some sense a measure of action or activity. And then you're trying to do the least amount possible. >>: Since this is going to be on the Web do you also want to mention DAR? it related? DARs. >> Charles Smart: Is I don't know. >>: Is it different? The DARs least action principle? >> Charles Smart: Okay. So we have this lease action principle. So the idea is, well, if I were just to sort of draw a picture what do these things actually look like? So I have 0 and the function sort of comes in and it lifts off 0 and has this cusp here. So this is sort of what a typical VN looks like. The idea it's going to be actually equal to 0 outside of some radius. And then at the origin it's going to have this cusp because of this N delta 0 sitting here. And every else it's going to be curving up as much as it possibly can. How much it's allowed to curve up is determined by this 2 D minus 1 here. And so it's trying to curve up as much as possible, because if you can curve up more, you can get lower. So if I were to increase the curvature, the allowed curvature, I could get a function which stayed in here and just was much more curved and still had sort of the same angle in the cusp. Okay. So it's sort of trying to bend up as much as possible here so it can get as low as possible. Okay. But it's pushing up against this obstacle, the 0 obstacle here. And that's sort of what actually keeps it up. Okay. Great. So now already -- I guess I already talked about the rescaling for the sandpile. So there's this way you need to actually rescale the final configurations in order to get convergence. And along with that rescaling there's a natural way to rescale the VNs. So if you remember, we had H being N to the minus 1 over D. SN bar is SNH inverse X. Okay. And then the natural rescaling that you get for V, okay, for the odometer function looks like this. So we do H squared VNH inverse X. Okay. So why is this the natural rescaling? It's the natural rescaling because it preserves this calculation here. Right? So what it does is it lets us write SN as, well, N times a direct at the origin, plus the H discrete Laplacian of VN, where this guy, this is exactly what you would expect . So this guy is just defined to be 1 over H squared times the sum over all the neighbors of X of the difference between you and your neighbor. Okay. Okay. Great. So there's this natural rescaling for V that preserves this. And we still get the least action principle for this guy. So this guy is still the minimum over a certain set of functions, but now we have to change which lattice we're working on, so now W goes from HZ to the D to H squared Z. And we have the same sort of constraints. So something like that. goes along with it. So we've got a rescaled least action principle that Okay. Great. So I guess I need to hurry up a little bit. So how do we get convergence? So the idea is what we're going to show is that there's a unique limit for these rescaled odometer functions. Okay. And from that using this calculation here, okay, we'll get that there's actually a unique limiting sandpile. Okay. And the idea is well just to import techniques from PD, from the theory of elliptical obstacle problems. Okay. So there's sort of two steps to this process. So the first thing I need to do is I need to, well, actually check that there is sort of a limit at all for these guys. So how does that work? So I first want to talk about convergence along subsequences. All right. So this has sort of two ingredients. So the first ingredient is so Lionel and Yuval already did a lot of the work for us in that they showed that these guys, these functions are sort of equi bounded away from the origin. So what they showed is that so VN is bounded independently of N in any compact set K that doesn't contain the origin. So any subset of R to the D minus the origin. Okay. So they showed this in their paper on the strong sphere class symptotics, I guess you didn't quite state it like this, but what you have there implies this very easily. Okay. So we have this and from the least action principle here, we know that, well, the discrete Laplacian, the H discrete Laplacian of VN is between 0 and 2 D minus 1. Okay. So what does this tell us? Well, it tells us that the value is bounded, and the discrete Laplacian is bounded. And any contact set away from the origin. And so from that what we get -well, okay. So from that we get basically for free from standard theory of finite different schemes, we get regularity estimates from VN. So from this plus some standard theory, finite different schemes. We get something like -- so one thing you can prove, for example, is that if you picked this compact set K, then you have something like this. You get some kind of holder continuity. So, for example, it's easy to prove this with one-third for the Laplacian. This is for all X, Y and K. >>: Theory [inaudible]. >> Charles Smart: Well, okay, I mean it's like there are a bunch of textbooks that you can dig this out of. Or, for example, papers by Trudenger and Cuoo [phonetic] I think, they have some nice papers, actually much more general fine deterministic equations like this, they give you things like this or if you want this is just kind of a fun exercise. You can do it in a few hours. It's not that bad. Okay. But you get this. And this is enough to apply the Arzolascoly theorem [phonetic]. So this is enough to run our Arzolascoly. Okay. So what you get is that, well, for every sequence let's say MJ going to infinity, okay, there is a subsequence. So N, J, K going to infinity and a function V which is continuous on R to the D take away the origin, if you remember, all of this was away from the origin, such that the rescaled guys, VNJK, converge locally uniformly to V, as J goes to infinity, sorry, as K goes to infinity. So from these sort of standard fine difference techniques we get at least convergence along subsequences. So the question is is this continuum limit unique? So how do we do that? Well, sort of as a first attempt at trying to get uniqueness, so feel like sort of the natural thing to do is to look at this lease action principle. We know the VNs satisfy this. So some sort of continuum version of this is going to be inherited by this limit. Okay? And hopefully we can find a version, a continuing version that's inherited which gives uniqueness. So sort of a first attempt would be to just set H to 0 in here. So we just send H to 0. So we could try to show this. So we could try to show that V equal to V star the nth over RW, so this is going to be continuous and R to D take away the origin such that W is greater than or equal to 0, and delta plus D rack W is less than or equal to D minus 1, where this time I mean an actual D rack delta. So maybe I'll put a little hat over it. So this is a rack mass. Not just the indicator function of the origin. So it's the limit of limiting V satisfies by anything over all than or equal to V. is the 0 D this guy. Right? So we get basically for free that the these constraints. Okay? And because V star is computed of those things we get immediately that V star is less So we get this for free. And now we ask, is V star greater than or equal to V? And the answer is sort of immediately no. Or at least it better not be if the pictures are correct. And the reason is very obvious. The reason is just that, well, this equation here, this constraint is regularly symmetric. Whereas if you take any function W satisfying these two constraints, you can rotate it any amount around the origin and it's still going to be in this class. So this theme is going to be regularly symmetric, but we know the limiting isn't. This can't be right. We know from the pictures ->>: We don't know rigorously. >> Charles Smart: Right. We don't know rigorously. That's right. So I don't know how to prove this. Actually, well, okay, I might know how to prove this is not true. I'm not totally sure. Okay. So in any case, this is a bad first attempt. Okay? So how do we make it better? So what we're going to do is just use a simple idea from viscosity solution theory. So I think I told the story before at MIT, but, you know, for me this is kind of a natural thing to do because I learned about this whole problem from Lionel and Yuval who gave talks at a conference about problems in viscosity solutions theory. After I saw this, it was quite natural to sort of go back to NYU and talk to Wes and try to make this work. It's like if you're taking an algebra class and you just learned about C subgroups this week you know probably that the homework exercises require that you use the C subgroup theorems. So I was, well, I have to use viscosity solution somewhere. So how do I use them? Okay? So what do we do? I mean, it's a pretty naive thing to do. So the idea is: Let's suppose I take a smooth test function. So suppose I have some smooth function on R to the D. And suppose this smooth function touches the limiting V at some point X that's not the origin? So the picture is you know I have this V sitting here, okay, going up to infinity, and I touch it from below at some point X, which is not the origin, where the vertical asymptote is with V. Okay? Okay. So what I want to ask is: Well, sort of what does this tell me? About the Hessian of V at X? So this is what I want to know. All right. Well, I don't really know very much about V. But I do know -- well, I know one thing I know that in sort of a little neighborhood of X, well, I know that these approximations, okay, are converging uniformly, right? So I can pick a little finite approximation here. Some V bar NJ, K, for some big K, that's sort of sitting close by. By maybe adjusting phi a little bit I can get it to touch approximation a little bit. I want to use this sort of read-off information about the Hessian. If you're sort of careful about -- you blow up at this point and you're careful how you choose these representatives, what you can prove is the following: Okay. So what we can prove is that -- right. So here's what we can show. We can show that -- for every epsilon greater than or equal to 0, there is a function, a global function from ZD to Z. So global integer valued function such that two things are true. So the discrete Laplacian of U is less than or equal to 2 D minus 1 everywhere. So for all Y. And this function majorizes the quadratic form you get from the second derivative, from the Hessian. Okay. So we get something like this. >>: The epsilon ->> Charles Smart: Oh, yes. Minus. So I have to subtract up. I have to lose a little something. I think actually we don't need this. We think we can do this with a linear factor. But I know this is true at least. So if you subtract off a little bit, if you make phi a little steeper here, okay, then you can zoom in and rescale properly and get sort of a global integer function which beats it everywhere, whose curvature is not too big, whose discrete curvature is not too big. So this is for a definition. of this -- I'm such that this all Y and Z to the D. Okay. So now I'm going to turn this into So I want to actually write this as a set. So I want to think going to define gamma to be the set of symmetric D by D matrices is true where I put this matrix here. And what I get from this calculation is that the Hessian is in this set gamma. Okay? Okay. So this gives me a new candidate for the obstacle problem. Okay. So is everyone happy with this definition? There are two quantifiers, so it takes a little while to read. So the idea is if you bend the quadratic form down a little bit then you can find this global integer value function that beats it. Sort of like a global odometer function that beats it. Okay. So now what's the new candidate? So this is the second attempt. Okay. So this new candidate is we're going to nth all of the Ws that are continuous on R to the D take away the origin such that, well, W is not negative and we're going to keep this constraint with the D rack. So we also know this. And then we're also going to include this thing I'm going to use kind of funny notation. I'm going to write D 2 minus W is contained in gamma. Okay. And what this minus is supposed to mean is that well you're only supposed to interpret this in the sub solution sense. So let me just explain what this notation means. This means that if phi is smooth and touches W from below at some point X, then the Hessian of phi at X is in gamma. So that's what this funny notation means. >>: No one can see this. >> Charles Smart: Oh, really? >>: Some people cannot see it. >> Charles Smart: Okay. In the interests of time, they have to ask me afterwards. Because that's okay. Unless you really -- unless everyone wants me to rewrite it? Can I just move this? >>: No. No. [laughter]. >> Charles Smart: Even if I just hit it really hard? >>: No, don't ->> Charles Smart: Don't do that, okay. But you can at least see this notation, right? So this just means anytime you can touch W with a smooth function from below, the Hessian of that smooth function at the contact point has to be in gamma. Okay. So the last like I guess like am I allowed to go five minutes over since I started five minutes late? >> Yuval Peres: You have until 4:30. >> Charles Smart: No one likes talks more than 50 minutes. Okay. So I claim actually now we get uniqueness. So from the calculation that I just talked about, we know again that V star has to be less than V okay. So now the question is just what about the other direction? Okay. So what we're worried about is somehow this fails. So let's suppose for contradiction that we have some point Y where the sky is strictly smaller. Okay? Well, so now at this point I need to I mean sort of brush under the rug even more details. So sort of standard sort of regularity theory for the Laplacian let's us do the following. So if this happens, then sort of by a theory for the Laplacian, which I don't want to talk about, okay, what we get is that we may select a point Z which is not the origin, such that what happens? Well, the second derivatives of V and V star exist. And even better, what I know is that the second derivative at V star is strictly less than the second derivative of V at Z in the matrix order. Okay. So meaning that this minus this is positive definite. So the picture is something like this. So maybe I should mention, so this is nontrivial. So why am I saying these things exist? And the reason is, well, okay, we're just emptying over continuous functions to satisfy some differential constraint. And sort of a priori we have no idea if this thing is even differential and we're asserting there's second derivatives. It takes a fair amount of machinery to make that work. But it's something you can just read out of a textbook. Well, not a very nice textbook, but still a textbook. >>: [inaudible]. >> Charles Smart: So I think actually the only place I know -- you can get this out of Coremander [phonetic] or you can read textbooks on singular operators and sort of get it from there, at least those are the only two places that I know of to find it. Okay. So what's the picture? The idea is okay we have our V sitting here and somehow V star has managed to get below it. So V star is coming in here like this, right? But in order for this to happen, there has to be some point, let's say right here, where V star is curving up more than V above it. Right, because if it weren't, the inequalities, I would have to go the other way. So there has to be this point where this thing is steeper, is curving up more. Okay. So the idea now is, well, if I took sort of a piece of this guy around here, some piece where it's like second derivative, and I translated it up here, it would sort of cut in like this. >>: You said ->> Charles Smart: V star is strictly less than V. >>: Right. But then in your picture you've got the second derivative to be -V star to be bigger than V. >> Charles Smart: That's correct. That's what's supposed to happen. >>: [inaudible]. >> Charles Smart: Yes, I apologize. Yes. So it's supposed to be like this. >>: Much better. >> Charles Smart: So if I took a piece of the sky and moved it up it would sort of cut through like that. Okay. So now if these guys were both somehow -- if these were the finite differentiation problems, these were actually the rebar sub N, then this would be a contradiction, because what I'd be able to do is sort of nth V with this piece of V star, which would allow me to make V lower and still be in the same class, meaning that I've contributed the lease action principle. Okay. But we can actually make that happen. So what do we do? Well, we pick some very close finite approximation of V. So you pick some approximation of V that's very close here. So this is V bar sub NKJ for large J. Okay. And then what I do is I take the global approximation of the Hessian of V star, add Z. So if you remember we had this U which satisfied this. So I have this integer value guy. And what I do with this guy is I just rescale it down the same way this guy's rescaled, right? So I just define this U bar sub -- well, okay. So if I define this guy to be rescaled the same way V is, okay, then I can take some sort of translated copy of this thing and it's going to be sort of sitting here like this and this is going to be U bar NKJ. Okay? Plus a little linear factor. And I can put these two things together and break the Lees action principle and that gives you constriction. So therefore we actually totally out of time, but follows immediately from of the limiting odometer know that these two things are equal. Now, I'm the point is well the rest of the convergence just this because the limiting image is just the Laplacian function. >>: So convergence, local uniform convergence of the odometer functions? >> Charles Smart: Yes. >>: And then all you can deduce from that is the weak star? >> Charles Smart: That's right. That's right. So we know that there's this limiting odometer function and it converges, actually okay, in a certain sense it converges locally uniformly just because of the singularity that's forming but actually we kind of, the singularity is very nice. In fact, if you sort of subtract off the difference between the continuum fundamental solution for the Laplacian and the finite difference fundamental solution, then actually the convergence is uniform. >>: Then all you can infer ->> Charles Smart: All you can infer -- you get convergence and you know that all along the way the discrete Laplacian is bounded and you're converging with something with bounded Laplacian. So all you get from that is weak star conversions. So you don't get anything like convergence of the proportions of the different values. >>: So it looks like up until fairly late in the proof we don't know that there exists any points where V star has a well defined Hessian. you know there's at least one point. >> Charles Smart: And at this stage That's right. >>: Then at the end you're saying ->> Charles Smart: But the way the theory actually works is once you have bounded Laplacian. If you have some function -- if you have some function which is continuous, art of the D or subpart of the art of D, and you know this guy is bounded in the distributional sense, then this guy is differentiable, almost twice differentiable almost everywhere. >>: Any sense of nondifferentability for D star?. >> Charles Smart: It would be nice to know. I know it has measure 0. But that's what we'd really like to know is it's just not twice differentiable like on the boundary of the sales of the picture, of the sandpile. You have regions where you think the second derivative is constant, and it only fails to be twice differentiable on the boundaries between those regions. >>: But there's also the pattern regions where it probably also falls on their boundaries. >> Charles Smart: Which pattern? >>: Periodic patterns. >> Charles Smart: But in the periodic pattern region, the second derivative is actually still constant in there. Because the patterns, because they're so regularly, they weak star converge to a constant. >>: Depending on the boundaries of those patterns->> Charles Smart: On the boundaries of all those regions. There's all these regions in the image where it's not differentiable. This seems to be the case. >>: So it's got some positive fractile dimensions, supposedly? >> Charles Smart: That's right. It should be like a Surpinski gasket [phonetic], basically, the boundaries, natural lies. >>: All right. So Charles is here until Friday. >> Charles Smart: Yes, I'm here through Friday. I'm happy to talk more about this. He didn't get to the part of the new stuff that we figured out. So Wes and I started working with Lionel after we did this and figured out a bunch more exciting stuff. You'll have to come by and ask me about it if you really want to know. [applause]