TM The Penguin & The Elephant: Half a Billion b Quarks at BaBar Jeffrey Berryhill University of California, Santa Barbara For the BaBar Collaboration Rutgers High Energy Physics Seminar March 21, 2005 Outline • • • • Quark Flavor and CP Violation B Factories Gluon Penguin B Decays Photon Penguin B Decays • The Electroweak Penguin B Decay b→ sll Brand new results for B →Kll, K*ll Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 2 TM Quarks, Flavor Violation, and CP Violation Quarks and the problem of mass Standard Model “explanation” of quark mass: Six quark species with unpredicted masses Spanning almost six orders of magnitude Up type (q=+2/3) Up u Charm c Top t Mass (GeV/c2) 10-3 1 175 Down type (q=-1/3) Down d Strange s Bottom b Mass (GeV/c2) 5 10-3 10-1 5 The origin of different fermion generations, masses, flavor violation, and CP violation are all arbitrary parameters of electroweak symmetry breaking. A comparative physics of the quark flavors directly probes this little-known sector. Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 4 Quarks and Flavor Violation Photon, gluon or Z boson: quark flavor conserving interactions W boson: changes any down type flavor to any up type flavor d u qI = s qJ = c b Vij t Vud V Vcd V td Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb The (Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa) CKM matrix: complex amplitude of each possible transition Conservation of probability → CKM matrix is unitary 3X3 unitary matrix has (effectively) four degrees of freedom: 3 angles + 1 complex phase Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 5 CKM Unitarity Inner product of first and third columns of CKM matrix is zero: Rescale, rotate and reparameterize to describe a Unitarity Triangle in the complex plane , VudVub VcdVcb 2 0, 0 Rutgers 21 Mar 05 3 VtdVtb Measure sides (decay rates) VcdVcb and angles (CP violation) to test unitarity 1 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 1, 0 6 Three Paths to Flavor Violation 1. Tree diagram decay: down → up (b→c, b→u) Not generally sensitive to new physics 2. Box diagram: neutral meson mixing (K0,Bd0,Bs0) down-type → anti-down type (b→b) via double W exchange 3. Penguin diagram: (b→s, b→d) down-type → down-type via emission & reabsorption of W; top-quark couplings Vtd, Vts dominate g,,Z SM penguins are suppressed; new physics can compete directly! + 4th gen. quarks, technicolor, LED, etc., etc., with possible enhanced flavor couplings Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 7 Three Paths to CP Violation CP violation → an observable O of particles (f1,f2,…) such that O(f1,f2,…) ≠ O(CP(f1,f2,…)) = O(f1, f2, …) 1. CP violation in meson mixing f B 0 B 0 2 f ≠ B 0 B 2 0 Mixing rate of meson to final state f not the same as Mixing rate of anti-meson to same final anti-state In the Standard Model, very small ~10-3 CP violation in K0 decays first observed through this path forty years ago! Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 8 Three Paths to CP Violation 2. CP violation in meson decay → “Direct CP violation” f B 2 0 f ≠ B Decay rate of meson to final state f not the same as Decay rate of anti-meson to same final anti-state 0 BABAR Recently observed in B0 →K+ p- at the 10% level! Rutgers 21 Mar 05 2 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) Candidate mass Blue Red mB B 0 K p B 0 K p 9 Three Paths to CP Violation 3.Time dependent asymmetry of meson/anti-meson decay rate to a common final state fCP B 0 B 2 fCP ≠ B 0 2 0 B 0 If B0 and B0 decay to the same final state fCP, there is interference between amplitude of direct decay and amplitude of mixing followed by decay In the presence of CP violating phases in these amplitudes, can induce large time-dependent asymmetry with frequency equal to mixing frequency: AfCP C fCP cos(mt ) S fCP sin(mt ) C fCP 0 implies Direct CP Violation Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 10 B Factories TM b Quarks and CKM Unitarity B decay rates, CP asymmetries measure the entire triangle! Triangle sides: B+→ 0 l- n decay rate measures b→u transition (|Vub|) B0 mixing rate measures |Vtd| Angles: B0 → + - time dependent CP asymmetry measures sin 2 B0→ J/y KS0 time dependent CP asymmetry measures sin 2 B+→ D(*)K+ decay rates measure , VudVub VcdVcb 2 Rutgers 21 Mar 05 0, 0 3 Need large sample of B0, B+ mesons produced under controlled conditions td tb cd cb V V V V 1 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 1, 0 12 Asymmetric B Factories Resonance on top of qq continuum, S:B = 1:4 e+ 3.1 GeV B0 e9 GeV Y(4S) Y(4S) B0 Y(4S) meson: bb bound state with mass 10.58 GeV/c2 Just above 2 × B mass → decays exclusively to B0 B0 (50%) and B+ B- (50%) B factory: intense e+ and e- colliding beams with ECM tuned to the Y(4S) mass Use e beams with asymmetric energy → time dilation due to relativistic speeds keeps B’s alive long enough to measure decay time (decay length ~0.25mm) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 13 Time-Dependent CP Violation: Experimental technique µ+ µ- J/ψ Fully reconstruct decay to CP eigenstate f π+ π- KS B0 e- e+ B0 Asymmetric energies produce boosted Υ(4S), decaying into coherent BB pair Δz=(βγc)Δt Determine time between decays from vertices s(t) ≈ 1 ps - K l- Determine flavor and vertex position of other B decay Compute CP violating asymmetry A(t) = N(f ; t) – N(f ; t) N(f ; t) + N(f ; t) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 14 PEP-II at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Linac PEP-II Storage Rings SF Bay View BaBar detector Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 15 PEP-II performance PEP-II top luminosity: 9.2 x 1033cm-2s-1 (more than 3x design goal 3.0 x 1033) 1 day record : 681 pb-1 About 1 Amp of current per beam, injected continuously Run1-4 data: 1999-2004 On peak 211 fb-1 s(e+e- →Y(4S)) = 1.1 nb → 229M Y(4S) events produced 458 million b quarks produced! Also ~108 each of u, d, s, c, and t Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 16 USA [38/300] INFN, INFN, INFN, INFN, The BABAR Collaboration California Institute of Technology UC, Irvine UC, Los Angeles UC, Riverside UC, San Diego UC, Santa Barbara UC, Santa Cruz U of Cincinnati U of Colorado U of South Carolina Colorado State Stanford U Florida A&M U of Tennessee Harvard U of Texas at Austin U of Iowa U of Texas at Dallas Iowa State U Vanderbilt LBNL U of Wisconsin LLNL Yale U of Louisville U of Maryland [4/20] U of Massachusetts, Amherst Canada U of British Columbia MIT McGill U U of Mississippi U de Montréal Mount Holyoke College U of Victoria SUNY, Albany U of Notre Dame Ohio State U China [1/5] U of Oregon Inst. of High Energy Physics, Beijing U of Pennsylvania Prairie View A&M U France [5/51] Princeton U LAPP, Annecy SLAC LAL Orsay 11 Countries 80 Institutions 593 Physicists The Netherlands [1/5] NIKHEF, Amsterdam Norway [5/31] Ruhr U Bochum U Dortmund Technische U Dresden U Heidelberg U Rostock Italy [1/3] U of Bergen LPNHE des Universités Paris VI et VII Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet CEA, DAPNIA, CE-Saclay Germany Perugia & Univ Roma & Univ "La Sapienza" Torino & Univ Trieste & Univ [12/101] INFN, Bari INFN, Ferrara Lab. Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN INFN, Genova & Univ INFN, Milano & Univ INFN, Napoli & Univ INFN, Padova & Univ INFN, Pisa & Univ & ScuolaNormaleSuperiore Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) Russia [1/11] Spain [2/2] Budker Institute, Novosibirsk IFAE-Barcelona IFIC-Valencia United Kingdom [10/66] U of Birmingham U of Bristol Brunel U U of Edinburgh U of Liverpool Imperial College Queen Mary , U of London U of London, Royal Holloway U of Manchester Rutherford Appleton Laboratory May 3, 2004 The BaBar detector Electromagnetic Calorimeter 6580 CsI crystals e+ ID, p0 and reco Instrumented Flux Return 19 layers of RPCs m and KL ID e+ [3.1 GeV] Cherenkov Detector (DIRC) 144 quartz bars K,p separation Drift Chamber 40 layers Tracking + dE/dx Silicon Vertex Tracker e- [9 GeV] Rutgers 21 Mar 05 5 layers of double sided silicon strips Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 18 Penguin Portrait Muon from other B decay B+ → Ks p Candidate High energy photon Ks → pp and p+ Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 19 Our Friendly Competitors Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 20 TM Gluon Penguins and CP Violation CKM Unitarity Triangle: Experimental Constraints Constraints from Remarkable validation of the CKM mechanism for both flavor violation and CP violation! Decay rates and Mixing Rates CP violation in kaon decay CP violation in b→ ccs Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Do penguin decays agree with this picture?? Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 22 B0 → KS0 and sin 2 Decay dominated by a single “gluonic penguin” Feynman diagram: b → sss b Decay rate 100X smaller than J/y KS → small signal, large background B0 W u,c , t g d s s , ,( KK )C s 0 K d S 114 ± 12 B0 → KS events out of ½ billion b quarks produced! Time-dependent CP violating asymmetry A can be measured in the same way as J/y KS Same combination of CKM complex phases as J/y KS → same relation between A and sin 2 Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 23 B0 → K0 and sin 2 B0KS SK 0 0.29 0.31 S B0KL SK 0 1.05 0.51 L 0 Btag K 1 0 S 0 Btag 0 Btag K 1 0 L 0 Btag sin 2 = S( K0) = +0.50 ± 0.25 ±0.07 vs. S(y K0) = +0.72 ± 0.04 ±0.02 Penguin decay consistent with tree decays, about 1 s low Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 24 Trees(green) vs. Penguins(yellow): World Average Averaging over many penguin decays: World discrepancy with tree decays = -3.7 Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) s 25 Trees(green) vs. Penguins(yellow): World Average Averaging over many penguin decays: World discrepancy with tree decays = -3.7 s Red boxes: estimate from theory of errors due to neglecting other decay amplitudes Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 26 New Physics Scenarios •New physics at the electroweak scale generically introduces many new large flavor-violating or CP-violating couplings to quarks Ex: Right handed (b →s) squark mixing in gluino penguins could introduce a new phase in b → sss penguins without affecting B mixing nor b → ccs nor b → s Effects in gluon penguins should generically produce effects in electroweak penguins Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 27 Photon Penguins TM Photon Penguin Decays Radiative penguin decays: b → s and b → d FCNC transitions SM leading order = one EW loop Vts, Vtd dependent precise SM prediction: Measured two different ways: Inclusive photon spectrum Rutgers 21 Mar 05 BF(b→s)TH = 3.57 ± 0.30 x 10-4 (SM NLO) Sum of B → Xs exclusive states Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 29 b s Branching Fractions Excellent agreement with SM Systematics, theory limited: both could improve to 5% precision “Standard Candle” of flavor physics Constrains numerous models Strongest bound on H+ b→ s Colliders Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 30 b s Asymmetries •CP asymmetries consistent with SM (0.4%) at the ~5% level •K* isospin asymmetry 0- consistent with C7 < 0 •Statistics limited up to ~1 ab-1 sgn 0- = -sgn C7 Can we exclude C7 > 0 ? Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 31 Search for b → d Penguins: B → , w Simplest and most “common” b → d exclusive decays are and w: B+ → , → p p0 B0 → 0 , 0 → p p B0 → w , w → p p p0 BF ≈ BF K* x |Vtd/Vts|2 ≈ 1.6 x 10-6 Huge backgrounds suppressed by neural net multi-dimensional likelihood fit excellent K-pi separation Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) BF = (0.6 ± 0.3 ± 0.1) x10-6 significance = 2.1s BF < 1.2 x10-6 90% CL 32 b→d CKM matrix constraint Ali et al. hep-ph/0405075 SU(3) breaking of form factors z2= 0.85 ± 0.10 weak annhilation correction R = 0.1 ± 0.1 (z2,R) = (0.75,0.00) theory error (z2,R) = (0.85,0.10) no theory error Penguin data now provide strong CKM constraint Direct competitor with Bs mixing Reduction of theory errors needed! 95% C.L. BaBar allowed region (inside the blue arc) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 33 TM The Ultimate Electroweak Penguin Decay: b → s l+l- The Physics of b s l l Three separate FCNC diagrams contribute→ multiple ways for new physics to interfere Three body decay→ non-trivial kinematic and angular distributions sensitive to magnitude and phase of different amplitudes Rare decay→ 10-6 branching fractions approach limits of B-factory sensitivity Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 35 The Physics of b s l l b→ s ll rate computed from operator product expansion with s and L/mb corrections general Hamiltonian of b→s transitions Wilson coefficients Ci encode short distance physics (order s) C7 photon penguin from b → s C9 (mostly) Z penguin C10 (mostly) W box unique to b→ s ll BF(b→smm) = 4.2 ± 0.7 10-6 15% uncertainty in inclusive rate Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 36 The Physics of B K l l, K*l l Dominant exclusive decays are B → Kll, K*ll K ll, K*ll rates computed from (perturbative) b→ s ll amplitude convolved with (non-perturbative) B→ K, K* form factors for each Oi et al. 3 B → K form factors BF(B→Kmm) = 0.35 ± 0.12 10-6 7 B → K* form factors et al. BF(B→K*mm) = 1.2 ± 0.4 10-6 30% form factor uncertainty (Light-cone QCD sum rules) Exclusive branching fractions not a precision test of the SM → Asymmetries and distributions are higher precision tests (form factor uncertainty cancels) EX: Direct CP asymmetry ACP ≈ 10-4 in SM, could be order 1 beyond SM Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 37 Dilepton Mass Distribution Dilepton mass distribution probes Wilson coeffcients J/Y K(*) Y(2S)K(*) Pole at q2 ≈ 0 for K*ee (nearly on-shell B→K* Huge long-distance contribution from B →charmonium decays Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Dilepton q2 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 38 SUSY Higgs physics at a B Factory b→ smm = Bs → mm turned sideways Sensitive to “neutral Higgs penguin” for SUSY with large tan Ratio R(K) = BF(B→ Kmm)/BF(B→Kee) isolates Yukawa enhancement in muon mode In SM, equal to unity with very high precision RK limit of 1.2 = Bs→mm limit of < 10-6 Also contributes to R(K*) (=1 above the photon pole) Complementary to Tevatron Bs→mm limit Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Hiller & Kruger hep-ph/0310219 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 39 Forward-Backward Asymmetry Angular asymmetry of lepton (anti-lepton) angle with B (anti-B) momentum in dilepton rest frame Standard Model Theoretically clean probe of relative size and phase of C7/C9/C10 dAFB/dq2 Varies with dilepton q2 Can be dramatically modified by new physics Zero of AFB provides simple, precise (15%) relation between C7 and C9 (for LHCb) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) Ci modified by SUSY Dilepton q2 40 B K l l, K*l l Measurement Find ~50 needles in a haystack of 500 million B’s + 2 billion light quarks Full B decay reconstruction to charged tracks: (brem photons added for ee modes) B→ Kll B+ →K+ e+ eB0→Ks e+ e- B→K*ll B+→K*+ e+ eB0→K*0 e+ e- B+ →K+ m+ m- B+→K*+ m+ m- B0→K*0 m+ m- K*+→Ksp+ K*0→K+p- B0 →Ks m+ mKs→p p Strict particle ID requirements BLIND ANALYSIS Veto “peaking” backgrounds of B decays similar to signal Construct multivariate discriminants to suppress “combinatorial” backgrounds Signal yield extraction via multi-dimensional unbinned maximum likelihood fit Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 41 “Killer App” of the Y(4S): precision kinematic constraints Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 42 Particle Identification 0.3 GeV 0.7 GeV m, K fake rates < 2% e fake rate < 0.1 % Huge control samples for efficiency and misid studies Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 43 Charmonium Background Huge (100 times signal) J/y K(*) and y(2S) K(*) background eliminated with 2D veto on dilepton mass and E Mismeasured mass correlated with E Bigger veto for electron modes (Bremsstrahlung tail) Energy loss and tracking response to leptons well-calibrated in MC (checked with huge radiative Bhabha and mm samples) Reduced to < 1 event expected per mode Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) Veto sample is huge control sample for validating signal efficiency! 44 Continuum Background Suppression linear combination of variables for which multi-dimensional gaussian dist. of signal and background are maximally separated Signal shape from MC; background shape from off-resonance data Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 45 Continuum Suppression Kaon-lepton mass in Fisher reduces large background from semileptonic D decays Background cuts off at D mass Large charmonium samples validate signal shape; sidebands validate background shape Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 46 Semileptonic B Decay Background Large fraction (10%) of B’s decay to leptons→ large “combinatorial” B background Separation of B background from signal using likelihood function (product of shapes): Signal vs. Background missing energy Missing energy B production angle Vertex probability Cut values scanned For maximal S2/(S+B) Likelihood shapes from MC Sideband data Charmonium data Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 47 Hadronic B Decay Background B decays to hadrons misidentified as leptons will have same kinematics as signal Electron modes: misid ~0.1%, negligible Muon modes: misid ~1-2% for pions and kaons Misid rate calibrated from large B→D*p, D* →D p, D→ K p samples K mm, K*mm events with Km mass consistent with D decay vetoed Non-resonant B→K(*)pp background estimated from data: Convolve misid rates with B →K(*)mp events in data Extract background from a binned fit to mES distribution Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 48 Maximum Likelihood Fit Unbinned maximum likelihood fit of (m ES, E, m(Kp)): maximizes LH function K*0ee MC Components: signal, peaking backgrounds, combinatorial background Pi = Pi(mES)*Pi(E)*Pi(m(Kp)) (negligible correlation) Signal shape parameters fixed from charmonium data Signal shapes (narrow peaks) Signal yield, background yield and background shape parameters are floating in fit K+em data mES: “ARGUS function” models phase space cutoff at MB E: linear or quadratic M(Kp: quadratic (+ small 5% K* fraction) Background shapes (not peaked) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 49 Branching Fraction Systematics Measure single cut efficiencies for particle ID, Fisher, likelihood directly from data using vetoed charmonium events Ex: B background likelihood cut, data vs. MC Charmonium data Systematic uncertainty on cut efficiency reduced to a few percent Dominant systematic on efficiency (4-7%) is model dependence (form factor models change q2 distribution) Fit systematics: change in signal yield from choices of Signal shape parameters (mES, E, m(Kp) mean and width) Background shape scheme (introduce correlations, higher polynomial terms) Peaking background mean rates (total varied within uncertainty) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 50 Fit Validation: Charmonium KsJ/y(ee) data Feed-down from J/y K*+ Test fit procedure on charmonium J/y K(*) branching fractions agree with PDG ACP consistent with 0 (bounds detector bias) K*0J/y(ee) data Signal and background well-modeled by PDFs Also: Y(2S) K(*) branching fractions K(*)em Lower-dimensional and/or smaller range fits Sideband yields agree with MC Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 51 Kll Fits Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 52 Kll Fits K+ee K+mm Ksee Ksmm Eff. Syst. Fit Syst. Kll modes consistent Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 53 Kll Combined BF Simultaneous fit to four individual decay modes Partial rates constrained to same value K*ll feed-down Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) Kll signal 54 Kll Sidebands Fit describes background shape well Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 55 K*ll slide Fits Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 56 K*ll Fits K*0ee Rutgers 21 Mar 05 K*+ee Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 57 K*ll Fits K*0mm Rutgers 21 Mar 05 K*+mm Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 58 K*ll Combined Branching Fraction Simultaneous fit with constraint G(B→K*mm)/G(B→K*ee)=0.752 (“K*ll BF” ≡ K*0mm BF) Alternatively, with pole region removed and equal partial rates: Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 59 K*ll Sidebands Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 60 BF Summary BaBar and Belle branching fractions agree with SM predictions Experimental uncertainty already better than theory Difference between BaBar and Belle becoming significant? Smallest B branching fractions ever measured!! difference = 2.6s difference = 1.9s Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) “Sum-of-exclusive” b→sll BF also agrees with SM 61 Ratios of BFs and ACP Ratio of Kmm/Kee BFs consistent with unity: ACP measurements consistent with 0 Ratio of K*mm/K*ee BFs consistent with SM (=0.752): Ratio of K*mm/K*ee BFs (excluding pole) consistent with unity: Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) Dominant systematic from unknown asymmetry of peaking background 62 Towards AFB First, need partial BF measurement vs. q2 Signal candidates span entire range Separate fits for optimal q2 bins Fit method for cosq*: 4D LH fit Check with charmonium and Kll J/yK*+ Need asymmetric efficiency and background PDFs Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 63 Towards AFB Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 64 Summary •Strong penguins beginning to crack the standard model? •Decay rate measurements of b→ s penguins are well into the precision era. •CP asymmetries of b→ s penguins are statistics limited and will continue to test the SM b→ d penguins are only now beginning to reveal themselves in B-factory data. They could also uncover new physics, or measure the poorly known |V td|. BF(B → ,w ) < 1.2 X 10-6 |Vtd/Vts| < 0.19 (90% CL) “Ultimate” b →sll penguin will ultimately disentangle all electroweak penguin effects, SM or not. B→Kll ratios and K*ll angular asymmetries are high precision tests of the electroweak scale and beyond Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 65 b B0 W u,c , t g d s s s 0 K d S Penguin decays are strongly challenging the Standard Model! TM Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 66 Search for B → , w (191 fb-1) Simplest and most “common” b → d exclusive decays are and w: B+ → , → p p0 B0 → 0 , 0 → p p B0 → w , w → p p p0 BF ≈ BF K* x |Vtd/Vts|2 ≈ 1.6 x 10-6 BF ≈ ½ BF Comparable to rarest BF ≈ ½ BF B decays measured! Previous BaBar limit: BF < 1.9 x 10-6 90% CL (78 fb-1) Preliminary Belle evidence (3.5s): BF = 1.8 ± 0.6 ± 0.1 x 10-6 (140 fb-1) Ratio of exclusive b → d and b → s decay rates measures |Vtd/Vts| via Ali et al. hep-ph/0405075 R weak annhilation correction z2 SU(3) symmetry breaking of exclusive form factors Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 67 Continuum Background Suppression e+e- → qq continuum events are the dominant background e = 76% cut Combine properties discriminating B → + X from continuum into a single-output neural net: •Event shape variables: spherical B vs. jet-like continuum •B flavor tagging variables: kaons and leptons in the rest of the event •B candidate vertex separation from rest of the event Neural net trained on simulated signal and continuum samples Neural net distribution for both signal and background described well by simulation Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 68 B Background Suppression Large (40 x signal) K* background reduced by strict p+ PID requirements (track dE/dx, DIRC qc , DIRC N ) K+ misid 1-2% for most of acceptance E provides additional separation of K* from cut B decays to p0, , wp0, w suppressed by cut on helicity angle Combine helicity angle, B production angle, Dalitz angle (w only) into B Fisher discriminant for additional background separation in signal fit Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 69 Signal Fit: K* Control Sample Validate fit procedure on data with K* sample (0 candidates with no PID requirement) Unbinned extended ML fit of three background components (qq, Xs , 0p0/ and K* component K* + background preliminary E shifted background to 4D data (mES,E,NN,Fisher) qq, Xs , K* yield are free parameters Large K* signal yield consistent with BaBar BF measurement Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 70 b d Branching Fractions: Summary Comparison of measurements with predictions for individual modes and combined BF central value 90% C.L. upper limit 2.0s difference in BaBar, Belle BF Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 71 CKM matrix constraint BaBar BF ratio upper limit < 0.029 → |Vtd/Vts| < 0.19 (90% CL) Ali et al. hep-ph/0405075 (z2,R) = (0.85,0.10) no theory error Penguins are starting to provide meaningful CKM constraint 95% C.L. BaBar allowed region (inside the blue arc) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 72 Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 73 Quarks and their Strong Interactions Quarks cannot be detected in isolation, only as bound states A quark/anti-quark pair forms a bound state (mesons) Flavor u,d s c b t spin 0 p+ (ud) mesons p0 (uu-dd) K+ (us) KS0 (ds+sd) D+ (cd) D0 (cu) B0 (db) B+ (ub) none spin 1 + (ud) mesons 0 (uu-dd) w (uu+dd) K*+ (us) K*0 (ds) (ss) D*+ (cd) U (bb) D*0 (cu) J/y (cc) none b quarks are the heaviest flavor with measureable bound states→ B mesons are a natural starting point for studying the other flavors Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 74 Trees(green) vs. Penguins(yellow): BaBar Data Averaging over many penguin decays: BaBar discrepancy with tree decays = -2.7 Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) s 75 Quarks and Flavor Violation: Mixing Pairs of down (or pairs of up) type quarks can spontaneously swap flavor for anti-flavor via two flavor-violating exchanges “Meson Mixing” aka “Flavor oscillation” Sensitive to Vtd, top quark! B 0 B 0 Prob(B0 → B0) ≈ exp( -G t)/2 * ( 1 – cos(m t) ) Similar to neutrino oscillation, except decay term added Mixing time ~few ps Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 76 Quarks and CP Violation For a particle(s) f with momentum p and helicity l C : Charge conjugation operator C f(p, l) = f(p, l) P : Parity reversal operator P f(p, l) = f(-p, -l) CP f(p, l) = f(-p, -l) CP eigenstate: particle = anti-particle (Ex: qq mesons) CP conservation → left-handed particles have the same physics as right-handed anti-particles Obviously violated for our (baryon-asymmetric) local universe! In the Standard Model CP violation originates from complex phase in CKM matrix → in general, Vij ≠ Vij* Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 77 B0 → J/y KS0 and sin 2 Decay dominated by a single “tree-level” Feynman diagram: b → ccs J/y identified cleanly by decay to a lepton pair; KS identified cleanly by decay to pion pair. Both particles are CP eigenstates → both B0 and B0 decay to them Time-dependent CP violation has amplitude sin 2 and frequency m Works for several other b →ccs decays as well; results can be combined Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 78 sin 2 fit results Raw asymmetry A(t) ≈ ( 1 – 2w ) sin 2 sin mt (cc) KS (CP odd) modes J/ψ KL (CP even) mode Signal yield, background yield, sin 2, flavor tagging, t resolution function all from simultaneous maximum likelihood fit to signal+control samples sin2β = 0.722 0.040 (stat) 0.023 (sys) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 79 CKM Unitarity Triangle: Experimental Constraints Constraints from Decay rates and Mixing Rates Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 80 Consistency checks Cleanest charmonium sample Χ2=11.7/6 d.o.f. Prob (χ2)=7% Rutgers 21 Mar 05 J/ψKS(π+π-) Purest flavor tagging mode Lepton tags ηF=-1 modes Χ2=1.9/5 d.o.f. Prob (χ2)=86% Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 81 CKM Unitarity Triangle: Experimental Constraints Constraints from Decay rates and Mixing Rates CP violation in Kaon decay Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 82 Future and Follow-up Measurements •Both B factories hope to collect 4-5 X more data over the next 4-5 years •Significance of the penguin problem could double and unambiguously falsify the Standard Model! •Improved measurements of rates and asymmetries in other penguin decays (b →s , b→ d , b→ s l l, B → K*, ……) •Fermilab Tevatron can measure Bs , Lb decays •LHCb, BTeV: scheduled to produce billions of B’s in pp collisions •Super B Factory: 50X version of B factories Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 83 Direct CP Violation: BaBar Data Direct CP violation consistent with 0 for all modes Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 84 Direct CP Violation: World Average Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 85 CKM Constraints Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 86 Direct CP Asymmetry: b →s and B K* < 1% in the SM, could receive ~10% contributions from new EW physics Either inclusive or exclusive decays could reveal new physics B or K charge tags the flavor of the b quark with ~1-2% asymmetry systematic Sum of 12 exclusive, self-tagging B→Xs final states b→s b→s Xs = K/Ks + 1-3 pions E > 2.14 GeV b →s ACP = (N – N)/(N + N) = 0.025 ± 0.050 ± 0.015 PRL 93 (2004) 021804, hep-ex/0403035 Asymmetries also measured precisely in exclusive K* decays: B →K* 0- = G(K*0 ) ACP = -0.013 ± 0.036 ± 0.010 – G(K*- submitted to PRL, hep-ex/0407003 ) = 0.050 ± 0.045 ± 0.028 ± 0.024 preliminary G(K*0 ) + G(K*- ) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 87 Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B →K* (113 fb-1) As in B0→J/y KS, interference between mixed and non-mixed decay to same final state required for CPV. In the SM, mixed decay to K* requires wrong photon helicity, thus CPV is suppressed: In SM: C = -ACP ≈ -1% S ≈ 2(ms/mb)sin 2 ≈ 4% Measuring t of K*(→KSp0) events requires novel beam-constrained vertexing techinque: Vertex signal B with intersection of K S trajectory and beam-line Usable resolution for KS decaying inside the silicon tracker Validated with B0→J/y KS events Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 88 Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B →K* (113 fb-1) Likelihood fit of three components (qq, BB, K*) to 5D data (mES,E,Fisher,mK*,t) preliminary K* signal = 105 ± 14 events S = +0.25 ± 0.63 ± 0.14 C = -0.57 ± 0.32 ± 0.09 submitted to PRL, hep-ex/0405082 Consistent with SM For C fixed to 0, S = 0.25 ± 0.65 ± 0.14 First ever measurement of time-dependent CP asymmetries in radiative penguins! Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 89 Radiative Penguin Decays and New Physics Radiative penguin decays: b → s and b → d FCNC transitions SM leading order = one EW loop Vts, Vtd dependent FCNCs probe a high virtual energy scale comparable to high-energy colliders Radiative FCNCs have precise SM predictions: BF(b→s)TH = 3.57 ± 0.30 x 10-4 (SM NLO) BF(b→s)EXP = 3.54 ± 0.30 x 10-4 (HFAG) Multiple new BF(b→s) measurements coming soon from BaBar Decay rate agreement highly constrains new physics at the electroweak scale! Further tests presented here: •Exclusive b→s decay rates •b→s CP asymmetries •b→d penguins Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 90 Measuring Exclusive Radiative Penguin Decays Small rates (BF < 10-4) on top of large backgrounds Common strategy : select photon + hadrons with strict particle ID cut when possible on meson masses reduce continuum background with multivariate methods extract signal with multi-dimensional maximum likelihood fit Best kinematic constraints from B candidate momentum and energy, compared with Ebeam: Ex: signal fit for B → K*0, K*0 → K+p583±30 events * denotes CM frame For signal, mES ≈ mB, smES) ≈ 3 MeV E* ≈ 0, s(E*) ≈ 50 MeV Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 91 B K* Branching Fractions: Summary •BaBar preliminary measurements on 82 fb-1 •Becoming systematics limited •Exp. vs. theory: data more accurate than form factor predictions! Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 92 Direct CP Asymmetry: b →s and B K* < 1% in the SM, could receive ~10% contributions from new EW physics Either inclusive or exclusive decays could reveal new physics B or K charge tags the flavor of the b quark with ~1-2% asymmetry systematic Sum of 12 exclusive, self-tagging B→Xs final states b→s b→s Xs = K/Ks + 1-3 pions E > 2.14 GeV b →s ACP = (N – N)/(N + N) = 0.025 ± 0.050 ± 0.015 PRL 93 (2004) 021804, hep-ex/0403035 Asymmetries also measured precisely in exclusive K* decays: B →K* 0- = G(K*0 ) ACP = -0.013 ± 0.036 ± 0.010 – G(K*- submitted to PRL, hep-ex/0407003 ) = 0.050 ± 0.045 ± 0.028 ± 0.024 preliminary G(K*0 ) + G(K*- ) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 93 Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B →K* (113 fb-1) As in B0→J/y KS, interference between mixed and non-mixed decay to same final state required for CPV. In the SM, mixed decay to K* requires wrong photon helicity, thus CPV is suppressed: In SM: C = -ACP ≈ -1% S ≈ 2(ms/mb)sin 2 ≈ 4% Measuring t of K*(→KSp0) events requires novel beam-constrained vertexing techinque: Vertex signal B with intersection of K S trajectory and beam-line Usable resolution for KS decaying inside the silicon tracker Validated with B0→J/y KS events Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 94 Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B →K* (113 fb-1) Likelihood fit of three components (qq, BB, K*) to 5D data (mES,E,Fisher,mK*,t) preliminary K* signal = 105 ± 14 events S = +0.25 ± 0.63 ± 0.14 C = -0.57 ± 0.32 ± 0.09 submitted to PRL, hep-ex/0405082 Consistent with SM For C fixed to 0, S = 0.25 ± 0.65 ± 0.14 First ever measurement of time-dependent CP asymmetries in radiative penguins! Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 95 Signal Fit: B+ → + + + background N(signal) = 26 ± 15 ± 2 significance = 1.9 s e = 13.2 ± 1.4 % preliminary background BF = (0.9 ± 0.6 ± 0.1) x10-6 BF < 1.8 x10-6 90% CL Fit of four backgrounds (qq, Xs , +p0/), K*) and + signal qq, Xs , + yield are free parameters Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 96 Signal Fit: B0 → 0 small peaking background N(signal) = 0.3 +7.2 +1.7 preliminary - 5.4 - 1.6 significance = 0.0 s e = 15.8 ± 1.9 % BF = (0.0 ± 0.2 ± 0.1) x10-6 BF < 0.4 x10-6 90% CL Fit of four backgrounds (qq, Xs , 0p0/), K*) and 0 signal qq, Xs , 0 yield are free parameters Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 97 Signal Fit: B0 → w +5.7 +1.3 N(signal) = 8.3 - 4.5 – 1.9 preliminary significance = 1.5 s e = 8.6 ± 0.9 % BF = (0.5 ± 0.3 ± 0.1) x10-6 BF < 1.0 x10-6 90% CL Fit of two backgrounds (qq, wp0/)) and w signal qq, w yield are free parameters Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 98 Summary •Decay rate measurements of b→ s penguins are well into the precision era. •CP asymmetries of b→ s penguins are statistics limited and will continue to test the SM ACP in B → Xs PRL 93 (2004) 021804, hep-ex/0403035 BF, ACP, and Isospin asymmetry in B→ K* submitted to PRL, hep-ex/0407003 time-dependent CPV in B0 → K*0 submitted to PRL, hep-ex/0405082 First measurement! b→ d penguins are only now beginning to reveal themselves in B-factory data. They could also uncover new physics, or measure the poorly known |V td|. BaBar finds no evidence for B → in 211 million BB events submitted to PRL, hep-ex/0408034 BF(B → ,w ) < 1.2 X 10-6 Rutgers 21 Mar 05 |Vtd/Vts| < 0.19 (90% CL) Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 99 B → K* (82 fb-1): Signal fits Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 100 B → K* (82 fb-1): K* lineshape K* lineshape for events with: mES > 5.27 GeV/c2 -0.2 GeV < E < 0.1 GeV Background subtracted with shape from mES sideband Fit to relativistic Breit-Wigner with PDG GK*), mK* Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 101 Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B →K* Z resolution vs. KS decay radius Projection of fit with likelihood cut Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 102 B → : Neural net performance Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 103 B → : K Control Sample 0, no PID , no PID Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 104 preliminary Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 105 Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 106 CKM matrix constraint Ali et al. hep-ph/0405075 SU(3) breaking of form factors z2= 0.85 ± 0.10 weak annhilation correction R = 0.1 ± 0.1 (z2,R) = (0.75,0.00) theory error (z2,R) = (0.85,0.10) no theory error Penguins are starting to provide meaningful CKM constraint Reduction of theory errors necessary to be competitive with Bd,Bs mixing 95% C.L. BaBar allowed region (inside the blue arc) Rutgers 21 Mar 05 Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) 107