11th OECD-NBS Workshop on National Accounts 25-28 September 2007 Beijing

11th OECD-NBS Workshop on
National Accounts
25-28 September 2007
Cooperation between China and
the OECD in national accounts
• Background
• Work so far
• What is next?
1. Background
• Significant and rising interest of OECD
countries in China
• OECD Government gave OECD a
mandate to focus on large non-member
countries, including China
• Work programme with NMCs cuts across
all OECD areas
• Enlargement discussions at the OECD
1. Background
1. Background
• More recently:
– The OECD Ministerial Council decided on
May 16, to invite Chile, Estonia, Israel, Russia
and Slovenia to open negotiations for
membership to the OECD.
– The Ministerial Council also decided to
strengthen its relationship with Brazil, China,
India, Indonesia and South Africa through a
process of enhanced engagement
1. Background
• At the G8 Summit held at Heiligendamm on June
5-7, the German government invited Brazil, China,
India, Mexico and South Africa to discuss global
• The G8 agreed to create a new framework to
engage in dialogue with the leaders of these five
countries on such policy areas as promoting and
protecting innovation, freedom of investment,
development with special regard to Africa and
improving energy efficiency (called the
Heiligendamm process).
• All this requires analytical information and sound
data, including on national accounts
2. STD work with NBS
CSTAT meeting attendance
2004, 2005, 2006
STESWP meeting attendance
2004, 2006, 2007
BTS / COS meetings
2003, 2004, 2006
OECD Workshop on CLIs for NMEs – April 2005
NAWP meeting attendance
OECD - NBS National accounts meeting
OECD Statistics, Knowledge, Policy World Forum Palermo
2004, 2007
OECD Statistics, Knowledge, Policy World Forum Asian pre conference (Korea)
Publication of Indicators in monthly Main Economic
yes (since 2002),
currently 74 series
Publication of indicators in annual OECD Factbook
2006 (35); 2007 (44)
National accounts data transmission
2007 and beyond
2. National accounts in particular
• OECD-NBS workshop
• National Accounts Data Transmission
– NBS staff at the OECD in 2006
– More information about progress in this
• Objective: produce comparable National
Accounts data
3. What next?
• Implement and expand national accounts
data collection
• NBS participation in OECD National
Accounts Working Party
– A possibility of holding the OECD-NBS
workshop back-to-back with the NAWP in
Paris in 2008, maybe with one overlap day
devoted to Chinese national accounts?
3. What next?
• Other areas
– Future of ICP (International Comparison
Project) uncertain beyond current round. Any
plans for further work in this area by China?
– Intensify co-operation in some key areas
relating to the SNA revision:
• Goods for processing
• R&D capitalisation
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