>> Yuval Peres: Hi all. Welcome this morning. It’s my pleasure to introduce Vasilis Syrgkanis from Cornell University. He’s done some really interesting and fundamental work in the analysis of simple mechanisms for complex markets. So let’s hear about it. >>: Thank you, Nikhil, and thank you for coming. >> Vasilis Surgkanis: One primary example being electronic markets for ad impressions, such as search ads or ad exchanges. Other examples being electronic markets for goods like ebay, auction marketplaces; or even markets for information made primarily in the context of, say, targeted advertising; and even crowdsourcing for user-generated content or even effort. My research addresses mainly game-theoretic and algorithmic questions in these markets, motivated primarily by the interplay between incentive … by individual incentives and social efficiency. The main technical work that I will be presenting today is motivated by the following observation: most of these markets, you can think of them as being markets that are composed of simple mechanisms, where players participate in many of these mechanisms at the same time. So for example, you can think of an ad auction marketplace as being composed of several generalized second-price auctions, each second-price auction selling an ad impression, and then advertisers, at the same time, participate in many of these simultaneously, or they might be interested in several different listings or keywords, so they might be participating in many auctions at the same time, and they need to decide how to bid on these different auctions. You can also think of ebay marketplaces as also being composed of simple mechanisms: you have different sellers, each selling his item via a single-item second-price or ascending-price auction, and then buyers in this market are participating in many of these mechanisms at the same time and trying to acquire the goods that they want by one of these auctions. Moreover, these electronic markets have some very distinct characteristics that have not been the focus of classical mechanism design. So for instance, in most of these markets, thousands of mechanisms are run at the same time; like almost seven thousand search queries happen per second, and most of these queries trigger an ad auction. So we need the mechanisms that are used in these markets to have very simple rules with a very fast implementation. So we cannot base our mechanisms on very hard combinatorial problems. Moreover, these are markets, as I said, that … where players participate in many mechanisms at the same time, either simultaneously or sequentially, and so designing mechanisms under the assumption of that they are going to be run in isolation is not a good feat for mechanism design in this electronic auction market context. Moreover, these are environments where the decision-making process is far too complex to believe that the advertisers—or the participants—are going to optimally behave and reach an accord … a classic economical equilibrium, and it’s more … it’s a better feat to think that because of the repeated nature of these markets, that players instead are going to be use simple learning rules to learn how to play in the game, and they’re going to try to adapt, and in the limit, learn how to play almost optimally. Last, most of the participants in these markets have very incomplete information about the environment, so they don’t even know the valuations of their opponents, and they might not even know who they’re playing against. So when designing mechanisms for these markets, we need to take into account all of these distinct characteristics, and so the main question then becomes: how should we design efficient mechanisms for such markets and how efficient are existing mechanisms? >>: So efficiency here is economic or operational? >> Vasilis Surgkanis: Economic, yes. I mean, like the allocation should be close to the optimal allocation of resources. The main technical question I’m going to address in this talk is going to be: how should we design mechanisms such that the market composed of such mechanisms is approximately efficient at equilibrium? And the high-level outline of the talk is: I’m going to give the … I’m going to introduce the notion of a smooth mechanism—of the class of smooth mechanisms—and then I’m gonna argue that a market composed of smooth mechanisms is globally approximately efficient at equilibrium, and by equilibrium, I mean a robust notion of equilibrium that even involves learning behavior by the agents and incomplete information. Okay. Now before moving to the introduction of the notion of a smooth mechanism, let me give you a simple example of how statistic inefficiency can arise in a market that is composed of many mechanisms and how it compares to classical mechanism design. So suppose that you’re a seller and you have a single item to auction, and you ask an auction theorist how should I sell my item such that the highest value player gets the item—such that the allocation of the item is efficient? The auction theorist would tell you that you should simply run a Vickrey auction, a second-price auction. You should solicit bids; you should award the item to the highest bidder; and he should pay the second-highest bid. Now the classic result by Vickrey says that this mechanism is going to have a dominant strategy equilibrium that is going to be efficient and truthful, meaning that no player is gonna have any incentive to misreport his true value, and under such truthful report, the highest-value player is going to win. So in this example, the highest-value player is going to win the item, and he’s going to pay the second-highest valuation. However, suppose now that we move this auction into a market where you have several such mechanisms that are running at the same time. So suppose now that we are in a market where, for example, two second-price auctions happen at the same time, and you have buyers that are participating in these auctions, and maybe they just want, for example, only one camera, and they might have different preferences of their cameras. So in this particular example, let’s assume that the top player … both players want only one camera, and the top player prefers the top camera; the bottom player prefers the bottom camera. So here, the top player has a value of two if he gets the top camera, a value of one if he gets the bottom, and if he gets both of them, he only values the highest-value item that he got; so he gets a value of two. Now in such a market, it doesn’t even make … even the notion of truthfulness doesn’t even make sense, so the fact that each market is truthful—for example, the fact that each auction is truthful, that it’s a second-price auction—doesn’t even make so much sense, because the value of the player for each auction depends on what happened on the other auction. So the value of the player for the top camera—if he doesn’t win the bottom camera—is two, but if he wins the bottom camera, the marginal extra value that he gets is just one. So there’s no … it doesn’t make sense to say that the player’s going to truthfully report his value in the auction, because the player needs to understand what’s gonna happen in the other auction that is happening simultaneously. So instead, the players in this situation are gonna play a game. So they’re gonna play a game where they need to decide how to bid on each of the cameras, and then we need to analyze the situation at equilibrium. So it’s easy—relatively easy—to see that one equilibrium of this situ … of this setting is going to be where players mismatch and go to the cameras that they value less. So here, suppose that they bid their true value on the camera that they value less, and bid zero on the other thing. Now, this bidding strategy is an equilibrium, because even if a player wants to go and get his best camera, he has to pay the price that the other player is bidding. So he has to pay at least one, and he’s already getting a utility of one, because he’s getting his least favorite camera, but he’s paying zero. So not only isn’t dominant strategy truthfulness a relative concept in such a market composed of many mechanisms, but the allocation that might arise when you have such a composition of such mechanisms might even be inefficient. So we need another theory to tell us when can we get composable efficiency guarantees in a market that is composed of such mechanisms? And we need a theory that will tell us when our auctions and mechan … and games that arising from such auction game … from such auction mechanisms are going to lead to approximately efficient equilibria. And this is exactly what the smooth mechanism framework’s trying to achieve. So it’s a mech … a framework analyzing efficiency at equilibrium, leading to robust and composable efficiency guarantees. Okay. Now as a first point, as a … judging from the previous example, we see that an equilibrium analysis is necessary, so we need to have a theory that is going to allow us to quantify the inefficiency or the efficiency of a market at equilibrium, and the reason is that truthfulness is a concept that doesn’t compose. There is no coordinator to run a centralized—in most of these markets—there’s no coordinator to run a centralized global mechanism, or even if there is, this centralized mechanism might be too complex or costly to implement. So for instance, you can gather all the ad impressions that happen in an hour and run a centralized—that happen in a second—and run a centralized mechanism for all the allocation, but that might be too costly to implement. But on the other hand, we need our efficiency guarantees and our predictions to be robust under rationality assumptions and formation assumptions. So for example, two things that I’m going to focus in this talk: we need our guarantees to extend, even if our players use no-regret learning strategies to learn how to play the game, and even if they have incomplete information about the game that they are playing, and I’m going to model that as a Bayesian incomplete information. So the players are going to have Bayesian beliefs about the environment that they’re playing. Now, to portray how we can quantify the inefficiency of such auctions at equilibrium, let me give you a very simple example—arguably the simplest auction that is not dominant strategy truthful, and we need to analyze its equilibrium—which is the single-item first-price auction. So I’m going to give an analysis of how can we claim efficiency guarantees for the single-item first-price auction, which is also going to uncover some structures which motivate the definition of a smooth mechanism. So let’s assume that you are … have a single item, you have bidders which have a value for the item, and that you’re running a first-price auction. So you solicit bids for the item; the highest bidder wins and pays his bid. Let’s assume that the preferences are quasi-linear, so the player has some value for the item, and if he gets the item, his value … his utility is his value minus his payment, which is his bid. And the objective that we want to analyze is that of social welfare, which is simply the value of the resulting allocation. Now before moving to the robust solution concepts that we want to analyze, let’s first visit … try to argue about efficiency this single-item first-price auction in the most vanilla setup, which is a pure Nash equilibrium and complete information. So let’s assume that all the players know each other’s valuations, and let’s also assume that they are all going to use deterministic strategies so that they all going to submit a deterministic bid, and this bid is going to constitute a pure Nash equilibrium, meaning that each player is going to maximize his utility conditional what everyone else is doing. Now, there is an easy theorem that says that any such pure Nash equilibrium has to be efficient. So it has to be that the highest-value player is going to get the item. Now, the proof is very simple, but let me just go through the proof, because it’s going to give rise to the property that is gonna motivate the definition of a smooth mechanism. So the equilibrium … it has to be efficient because highest-value player—so in this case, player one—can always deviate and bid just above the current price of the item. So suppose that you have some equilibrium b—some bid profile that is an equilibrium—then there is an increasing price of the item, which is the maximum of all these bids, then the highest-value player can always bid just above this current price. By doing that, his utility from this deviation is going to be equal to his value minus this … just above the current price, because he’s deterministically winning, and because in equilibrium, it must be that his utility at this equilibrium is greater than his utility from this deviation. Now all the rest of the players can also always deviate to zero, so you … we know that their utilities are always non-negative. And so by these two properties, we get that the total utility at equilibrium has to be at least this deviating utility, which is equal to the value of the highest-value player minus the current price. And because of quasi … because of co-quasi-linearity of preferences, we’re gonna get that the total utility is total allo … the value of the allocation at equilibrium minus the prices, and hence the prices are gonna cancel out, and we’re gonna get that the total welfare at equilibrium is at least the value of the highest-value player. So the total welfare is optimal, right? But the pure Nash equilibrium and complete information setting is a very brittle setting, so guarantees for such a scenario might … most probably will not carry over to a practical application, like electronic markets. The reason might be that a pure Nash might not always exist. In a first-price auction, it might always exist—or at least an epsilon pure Nash exists—but the goal is to study more complicated auction scenarios, and there, a pure Nash is not always guaranteed to exist. Moreover, the game might be played repeatedly, and players might be using learning strategies to play the game, so that would lead to correlated and randomized behavior. The players might not know the other valuations, and so we need to take into account probabilistic beliefs about the values of the opponents. So the two extensions, for example, you can say that we want is guarantees for no-regret learning behavior … so suppose that you’re in a market—in an electronic market—where this first-price auction is happening over time—so you have repetition of this first-price auction—and then the players are bidding on this auction time after time; they are observing the history of play; they are adapting their bidding strategy based on the history of play. And in the beginning, they might not know how to play the game, but you would assu … you would believe that as time goes by, they are playing almost optimally. We don’t want to assume how they are going to play this repeated game, but to the … at least, we want to assume that their regret for any fixed strategy vanishes to zero. So their average utility of this sequence of first-price auctions is going to be at least as good as if they had switched to a fixed bid throughout the time. So they might doing some very complicated learning rule, but to the least, they should be achieving at least as much utility as a fixed strategy over time would achieve. And what’s nice about this property is that there are several … there are many simple rules that can achieve this property in such a game-theoretic scenario, such as the multiplicative weight updates algorithm or the regret-matching algorithm, and what’s nice about these algorithms is that in fact, the player doesn’t even need to know the game that he is playing, he can simply … he just needs to be able to get his utility from any bid, and then he doesn’t even need to argue about how the opponents are behaving, and so on and so forth, so that this is a very robust solution concept, even in an electronic market scenario. So we would want to say that the average welfare of such a no-regret sequence is at least as good as the as the optimal welfare. The other … >>: What kind of feedback are you assuming the players [indiscernible] >> Vasilis Surgkanis: So … in the most … in the simplest setting, I’m assuming that players know the utility from any bid. So for example, they might be getting statistics about their opponent distribution in an auction marketplace, and then they can calculate the average cost per click or the average … you know, clicks per bid. But there are even algorithms that can work in such a scenario when if players can only—you know—get the utility from the bid that they submitted, not from any bid … but they might take longer time than this setting. Moreover, we want to analyze settings where players have probabilistic beliefs about their opponents. So let’s assume, for example, that the value of each opponent is not common knowledge, but rather, it’s drawn from some distribution, independently for each bidder, and then the players in this setting are going to be playing a Bayes-Nash … a Bayesian game, where the equilibrium is going to be a Bayes-Nash equilibrium, meaning that it’s going to be a mapping from values to bids such that each player is maximizing his utility in expectation over the values of his opponents. And then we want to say that the expected equilibrium welfare of any such Bayes-Nash equilibrium is at least as good as the expected expost optimal welfare under such a value distribution. And we might even want to combine both learning rules and Bayesian settings. The theory works even for such combinations, but I’m not going to be going into this combination of these two settings in the talk. So the nice … so idea is: what if the conclusions that we drew for the pure Nash equilibrium and complete information setting directly extended to these more robust solution concepts. So wouldn’t it be very nice if we could just study the pure Nash equilibrium and complete information, and then whatever guarantee we derived directly extends to these more robust solution concepts? Now, it’s obvious that the full efficiency theorem that we proved for the first-price auction doesn’t carry over, and it’s known, for example, that under Bayesian beliefs, a first-price auction can be inefficient. However, it’s possible to have such a direct extension as long as we restrict the analysis that we do for the pure Nash complete information setting, and that’s the approach that we’re gonna take. So we’re gonna say: just focus on the pure Nash complete information setting, prove an efficiency guarantee based on some restricted type of analysis, and then, whatever guarantee you’re gonna get, it’s going to directly extend to no-regret learning and to Bayesian beliefs and incomplete information. Now let’s revisit the pure Nash complete information proof and see where that proof is going to break when we try to move to the more robust solution concepts. So recall that the reason why the pure Nash equilibrium is efficient is because at this equilibrium, the highest-value player doesn’t want to deviate to bidding just above the current price. But the challenge is that if you are … want to apply this reasoning to a no-regret learning sequence or to a mixed Nash equilibrium, let’s say, or even to Bayesian games of incomplete information, then there is no such thing as the current price. The bid of the players is a randomi … comes from some randomized distribution; the price is going to be a random variable, so then the player doesn’t know what is going to be the realization of the price. In games of incomplete information, he doesn’t even know what the value of the opponents are, so he doesn’t even know whether he’s the highest-value player or not. So both of these things break when we try to prove it for more robust settings, and the idea is to … let’s restrict the type of analysis to not depend on the current price of the auction. So let’s try to argue about efficiency of the pure Nash equilibrium setting and complete information setting, but without using—when we’re doing this deviation analysis—without using the current value of the price. So let’s try to deviations, bi prime, for all the players that don’t depend on the current price. Now, is that even possible? So, at least for the first-price auction, that’s actually possible. So you can think that the highest-value player can always deviate to bid half of his value, right? So this is a price-ignorant deviation—a price-oblivious deviation—it doesn’t depend on the current price, and we can argue that either the current price of the auction is going to be at least the value of the highest-value player, or—if that … if the current price is below, then the player is going to win, and his utility from this deviation is going to be equal to half of his value. So in any case, the utility from this deviation plus the current price is going to be at least half of that player’s value, right? So we’ve got some type of inequality similar to what we got for the pure Nash equilibrium setting, and similarly, also all the other players can always deviate to zero and hence their utility is going to be non-negative. And by combining these inequalities, we’re gonna get that because at the equilibrium, the utility of the player at the pure Nash equilibrium is going to be at least this deviating utility, we’re gonna get that the utility at equilibrium—at the pure Nash equilibrium—is greater than half of the highest-value player’s value minus the current price. And so, again, by quasi-linearity of utilities, the prices are gonna cancel out, and we’re gonna get a worse theorem that says that the social welfare at the pure Nash equilibrium is at least half of the optimal welfare. But now we did it using deviations that are price-oblivious, and the whole point is that this guarantee—the half approximation guarantee—is going to directly extend to learning outcomes and to Bayesian beliefs. So we proved a weaker theorem, but because we proved it using price-oblivious deviations, it’s going to directly extend to other solution … to more robust settings. So for example, how does it … it’s easy to see how it would extend to no-regret learning sequences: we know that every player is going to have a utility that is at least his utility from any fixed strategy, so plug in here the fixed strategies that we used in the proof, which is half his value for the highest-value player. We’re gonna get that the average utility for the highest-value player is at least this aver … at least the utility from this fixed strategy, and by the analysis that we did previously, this utility’s gonna be at least half of his value minus the current price—whatever the price of each iteration is. And so we’re gonna get that the average utility of the highest-value player is at least the … half of the optimal welfare minus the average price, and so, also using that the other players are gonna get non-negative utility, and prices again are gonna cancel out, you’re gonna get that the average welfare of this no-regret learning sequence is at least half of the optimal welfare minus some term that vanishes to zero as time goes to infinity. Now, for the case of Bayesian beliefs, it’s slightly more subtle of how it directly extends, mainly because the deviation that we use depends on the opponent values. So we said that the highest-value player should bid something, and the other players should bid zero, so we kind of used that people know what is the … who is the highest-value player. So we need to instead construct deviations that are feasible in the Bayesian game of incomplete information. So we need to construct other deviations, based on this deviation that we used in the complete information setting, that depend only on what the player knows, which is his value, and on the distributions of other players. So there’s actually a black box reduction of how to do it, which I cannot go through the technical details, but essentially what’s going to happen is that the deviation of the Bayesian game is going to be: simply random sample the value of your opponents, and then play the complete information deviation that you used in the complete information setting, assuming that the true value of your opponents are this random sample that you drew. And you—because of independence of value distributions, similar analysis is gonna work out— and you’re gonna get that even the Bayesian Nash equilibrium is going to be at least half of the … achieve half of the optimal welfare. ‘Kay? So going back to the proof, the main property that allowed us to prove all these extensions was that we could find the price-oblivious deviations for each player such that the sum of these deviating utilities is at least half of the highest player’s value minus the current price. And so this is the core property that enabled all of the efficiency guarantees: that there exist deviations that don’t depend on the current price—or more generally, on the current bid profile … or the current equilibrium bid profile—such that this property holds: that the deviating utilities is at least half of the optimal welfare minus the current price—or more generally, half of the optimal welfare minus the current revenue of the auctioneer. And this is exactly the approach that we want to generalize to any mechanism design scenario. So this is the property that we would try to prove for any mechanism to get robust efficiency guarantees. So what do I mean by a general mechanism design scenario? So I mean any mechanism that solicits some action by the players—let’s call them bids, but it could be some arbitrary, abstract action that they could submit to the mechanism. The mechanism then, given these actions that the players submitted, is going to decide an allocation and some payment for each player. The allocation can come from some abstract allocation space, which can have some weird feasibility constraints—whatever you want. And then, the players have quasi-linear utility, meaning that their utility from an allocation and the payment is their value for the allocation minus the payment that they were asked to pay. And we’re interested in analyzing the social welfare of the equilibria of this game that is defined by this mechanism, whereby social welfare is simply the value of the resulting allocation. So this, for example, could capture combinatorial auction settings, where the mechanism is trying to split the items to the bidders; it could capture public projects, where the mechanism has to pick a single project to build, which is gonna be shared among all the participants; or—even more abstract— bandwidth allocation scenarios, where you have a divisible resource—a divisible capacity—which you want to split among the participants. And in this general setting, we say that this mechanism is going to be lambda, mu smooth if there exists special deviations for each player that don’t depend on what … on the current bid profile, such that, whatever that current bid profile is, the sum of these deviating utilities is at least lambda of the optimal welfare minus mu the current revenue. So in the first-price auction, we had the property that there always exists such deviations that you get at least half of the optimal welfare minus the current revenue, but in other scenarios, you might get … it gives you more freedom to track … to quantify the inefficiency in more general mechanism design settings if you put some arbitrary lambda and mu there—some quantifiers. And this definition is closely related to the notion of smooth games by Tim Roughgarden, but the definitions are slightly … are kind of orthogonal, but the intuition is the same. And also this definition … it’s more of … tailored to a mechanism design setting with quasilinear preferences and gives a much more market-clearing interpretation, like an envy-free type of interpretation of smoothness. Now, the main theorem is that—one of the main theorems—is that if you have a mechanism that is lambda, mu smooth, then every pure Nash equilibrium with the complete information setting is going to achieve at least essentially lambda over mu of the optimal welfare. And this is going to extend directly to no-regret learning outcomes and to the Bayesian setting of incomplete information, assuming the value … the distribution of valuations of the players are independent, and even to no-regret outcomes under incomplete information. And this direct extension theorem generalizes some previous result that Tim Roughgarden and I had that was for more general game-theoretic scenarios, but used a stronger smoothness property … and so—you know. But that stronger smoothness property wor … also implied guarantees for more general games rather than games arising from mechanism design settings. Now, you can see that this condition is kind of artificial. Maybe there are not so many mechanisms that satisfy it, or that the … maybe we were lucky just with the firs-price auction. But in fact, almost all of the recent literature on quantifying the analysis of simple mechanisms can be cast as showing that the corresponding mechanism is actually smooth. So you can view all of these recent results in the algorithmic game theory literature that says that simple auctions are approximately efficient as showing that the corresponding mechanism is smooth for some constants of lambda and mu, and some of this can actually be thought—of these papers—can actually be thought as compositions of smooth mechanisms, and this will become even clearer in the second part of the talk. So … for instance … there were … there are several applications of smooth mechanisms, and in fact, by using the smooth mechanism framework—because it’s a cleaner type of argument—you can optimize over the lambda, mu parameters, and you can improve a lot of the previous results in the literature. So for example, you can show better bounds for the first-price auction, or for combinatorial auctions that are based on greedy algorithms, or even for uniform-price or marginal-price multi-unit auctions. It also enabled so new results. So for example, we got results for the all-pay auction, which is useful in modelling contest scenarios; we got results for first-price position auctions that applied to more general valuations that were … than what was studied before in the literature for position auctions—so for example, you can even have values per impression or values … different values for different slot, and you can still get that there exists a simple mechanism that is going to be approximately efficient. Or … we even revisited older games that were studied in the operations research literature, such as the proportional bandwidth allocation of Johari-Tsitsiklis, and by applying the smoothness framework, we were able to get guarantees that extend to incomplete information and to learning outcomes—something that was not analyzed before. So the smoothness … the smooth mechanism framework is quite applicable, and it can improve previous results, generate new results, or even extend previous results to incomplete information or learning outcomes. Okay. So I hope I convinced you that smooth mechanisms yield robust efficiency guarantees, and under very general scenarios. And now I want to move to the second part of the talk, which is to argue that this smooth … these guarantees are also composable in a market that is composed of such smooth mechanisms. >>: Maybe before you move on, can you again state in which settings you think the … actually the goal of maximizing social welfare is the right one? Because you didn’t mention how the—you know— sometimes the prices will mean that the auctioneer will have to invest in achieving this. >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: Yes. You mean, like, how it compares to revenue guarantees and … >>: Right. I mean, have you looked at what kind of revenue results from the mechanism? >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: Yes. So I haven’t looked at the revenue in my work. So the reason why I’m … I was started with welfare … so I think … so the … both welfare and revenue are kind of like correlated: if you have a mechanism that as the market grows large, the welfare goes to zero, then you go … then the revenue you can achieve also is going to go to zero, so it’s going to … it’s a … >>: That implication doesn’t go the other way. >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: True. Yes, but it’s one—you know—at least it’s one benchmark that you can say that your mechanism is … that your market is working well. It’s also that if you are in a market—the classical reasoning of why you would care about welfare—if you’re in a market with several competitors—you know—if your market does not yield good allocations, then your participants are gonna go to the other market which achieves better efficiency. And also, welfare is a measure of if there are money left on the table; like, if there is a lot of value that is left on the table, this is bad for—I guess—for all the participants of the market. So we shouldn’t be very greedy in focusing about Microsoft or Google, we should be also focusing on advertisers also in some sense. But I also want to argue that … so there are … there is some recent work by Jason Hartline that tries to apply the smoothness framework in trying to get revenue guarantees for non-truthful mechanisms, and I think that’s a very nice direction. So that’s something that I wanted to look at. Jason—you know—did it before me, but I think there’s a very … there are many good questions to explore in that direction, especially in settings where things are multi-dimensional. So this paper that Jason has is mostly in simple single-dimensional settings, but can we get some efficiency guaran … some revenue guarantees for multi-dimensional scenarios? Maybe not with respect to the optimal mechanism, which is very complicated, but maybe with respect to some other benchmark. Sure. >>: Yeah … if you go back a slide, you had e listed. How do you go about … it seems like if you have a really complicated mechanism, it might be hard to prove that it’s smooth. How did … how do you prove—I mean … >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: So the only thing … okay, so you need to say—most of these, the idea is kind of similar: you use some random deviation that tries to capture the fact that you don’t know the price … so … and then you are trying to say that if I—so for example in the … in all of these mechanisms, we can even think of deterministic ones, like, you can say in the combinatorial auction setting—so suppose that I am a player and I bid half my value, and I have some, let’s say, single-minded bidders, and I bid half my value for the set that I am interested, then either the threshold for winning is high, or otherwise, you win and you get at least half of your value. So it’s a similar reasoning as what we used in the first-price auction: you argue that by deviating to something that is sufficiently high with respect to your value, then either you’re going to win and then you’re gonna get good utility or the current price is higher than this sufficiently high fraction of your value, and then you get some—you know—the interplay between smooth … price and utility, right? So if you—for example—if you reverse this … if you take this on this side, essentially what you want to say is that either the utility of this deviation is high, or the current price of some item is high—higher than this lambda fraction of my value. So you want to say that there is always a good deviation that a player can grab his optimal set at approximately the current prices that this set is being sold at to some other player. But … so, and I’m now also looking at: can we get more algorithmic characterizations of smoothness? So for example, can we say—so one characterization is something like that: so if you have a combinatorial auction, it’s based on some greedy algorithm, you get smoothness—can we get more general characterizations saying that if your allocation is based on such an algorithm and the feasibility constraint is such and such, then you get smoothness with these parameters? So, some more general smoothness characterization based on the algorithm and the feasibility constraints that you use for the allocation. Okay. Okay, so … going into the composition, let me start with a simple example. So we’ve revisited the guaran … the efficiency guarantees of a single-item first-price auction, and now let’s look at a market that is composed of such first-prices auctions. So suppose that you have a market has several first-price auctions that are being run by different sellers, and the players have uni-demand valuations, and so they want only one of these cameras, but they might have different values for the different cameras. So their game that they’re playing is that they’re submitting simultaneously bids for each of these … in each of these auctions, and the highest bidder is going to win on each of these auctions, and he’s going to pay his bid. And now we want to claim that … can we … whether … we want to analyze the global efficiency guarantees of this market. So can we claim that the allocation of this game that they’re playing is good, based solely on the local smoothness property of each individual first-price auction? So for example, can we say here that the allocation that arises at equilibrium of this simultaneous first-price auction game is going to be a good fraction of the optimal matching allocation? And we want to do it as a … in a black-box way, based solely on the smoothness property of each individual first-price auction. So the idea is that we’re going to try to … we’re going to view this global market as another mechanism that allocates resources, and we’re going to try to prove smoothness of this global mechanism. And to prove the smoothness of this global mechanism, we need to construct a good deviation for each player. And the idea is that we’re going to construct a good deviation for each player based on the local deviations that smoothness implies for each of the first-price auctions. So for example, in the unidemand valuation setting, the good deviation for each player is going to be: go to the item that you’re matched in the optimal matching allocation, and bid the smoothness deviation that we used in the firstprice auction, so bid half your value for that item. Now here, the Bayesian extension theorem is even more important, because for example, the deviation here—very crucial—depends on knowing the other players’ values. So the optimal matching is a function of the … all players … of all players’ values, and the deviation that I used is: go to your item in your optimal matching allocation—so in order to know this item, you need to know what the values of your opponents are, but the direct extension theorem say that: simply do an analysis on the complete information setting, it’s gonna directly extend, through the random sampling trick, to the Bayesian game of incomplete information. So you don’t need to worry about the fact that players don’t know other players’ valuations. Now, smoothness, locally, of each individual first-price auction is gonna give you that the utility of a player from this deviation is at least half of his value for that item minus the current price of that item. And then, by summing this property over all players, you’re simply going to get that the utility of a player from this deviation—the sum of the utilities—is going to be half of the optimal matching allocation minus the current revenue of the whole of the global mechanism, because here you’re summing the prices of all the items, essentially. So, you proved smoothness of the global mechanism based on the one half comma one smoothness of the local mechanism. And so then, directly using the guarantees from the first part, you’re gonna get that every no-regret learning outcome or even incomplete information is gonna achieve half of the optimal welfare. And now, this is not specific to the first-price auction or to uni-demand valuations, this applies to any composition of mechanisms. So suppose more generally, you have m mechanisms, each—and the game that the players are playing is that they are submitting an action simultaneously in each of these mechanisms—each mechanism has its own allocation space, allocation function, and payment function, and then the players have some complex valuation over the outcomes of these mechanisms. So they have some valuation that is a function of the allocation that they get from each of these mechanisms. >>: What independence assumption is made now about the valuations? >> Vasilis Sargkanis: That it’s simply independent across different players, not across different mechanisms. So in the matching, it could be an arbitrary … on the product of … So the composability theorem that we’ve showed is that if you have simultaneous composition of m mechanisms, and each is lambda, mu smooth, and assuming that these complex valuations here satisfy a no-complement assumption across mechanisms, then the composition is also going to be a lambda, mu smooth mechanism, and so the …you’re gonna have good global efficiency guarantees. Now there is some technicality here of what do I mean by no complements across mechanisms, because we have these abstract allocation and feasibility spaces, so one other technical aspect of this work is trying to extend the definitions of complement-freeness in this more general composition of mechanisms setting. So we know that no-complement valuations are fairly well-understood when you have values defined on sets of items, and we need to define natural generalizations of these complement-freeness assumptions when you have a valuation defined on products of allocation spaces. And the idea is to try to define what we mean by complement-freeness across mechanisms, and not within each mechanism. So we need to have a … to allow for a, like, a left and a right set to be sold within the same mechanism, but we don’t want to allow such complement goods to be sold across different mechanisms. And the more concrete definition is: we want to assume that the marginal value that you get from any … from the allocation of any mechanism can only decrease if more and more mechanisms come into the market and give you some nonempty allocation. And this assumes no structure about the valuation within each mechanism. So, under such a complement-freeness assumption, we get that if you have a market that is composed of the lambda, mu smooth mechanisms, then this market is going to achieve at least lambda over mu of the optimal welfare at no-regret learning outcomes, even under incomplete information, when players have these submodular valuations across mechanisms. There are several other extensions of this smoothness framework, that I didn’t manage to go through, that I did in my research. So for example, smooth mechanisms have implications even when you have sequential composition. So suppose that you played this game, but now instead of these mechanisms being run at the same time, you have mechanisms run one after the other. So you can an ebay-like setting where the auctions have a very different ending time, and assuming that most of the bidding happens towards the end, it’s gonna look more like a sequential auction, rather than a simultaneous auction. So we also get that smooth mechanisms compose well sequentially, but now, for the more restricted class of uni-demand valuations—or a generalization of uni-demand valuations when you talk about more general mechanism design scenarios—and this is in fact tight, through a recent … another recent work that we did, which basically showed that when you have sequential auctions, you cannot hope for global efficiency guarantees for valuations that are more general than uni-demand valuations. So the moment you step out of uni-demand valuations, the inefficiency of a sequential auction process can actually degrade very badly with the size of the items, for example. >>: You mean uni-demand over the whole sequential … >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: Yes. >>: Okay. >>: Vasilis Syrgkanis: So you have many items, and you—for example—you want a … [indiscernible] many items, and you just want one. And then you have good guarantees, but for example, if you have some players being uni-demand, other players being additive—so they want … they could get a value for every item—then you could get a very high inefficience. There are also extensions in trying to capture second-price type of auctions; I mostly talk about firstprice auction schemes, but a similar adaptation … a very similar adaptation of the smoothness framework—a more generalized smoothness framework that we have in the paper—says that you can also have very similar guarantees for second-price payment rules—like generalized second-price—but now you need to make assumptions that players don’t over-bid, and this is, like, a standard assumption in the literature. For example, you can think of in a single-item second-price auction, if you … if people can over-bid—bid more than their value—you can get high inefficiency at equilibria. So under this assumption, which for … all of the guarantees are going to extend. We also have extensions for hard budget constraints on payments, which is even more realistic in ad auction scenarios. So there, we al … though there, the guarantees are not with respect to the optimal welfare, but we get that the … the exact same guarantees with respect to a natural benchmark of efficiency, which is what is the optimal welfare that can be achieved if you cap each player’s value by his budget. So in sum—in brief—we defined the notion of a smooth mechanism, and so that many simple mechanisms are smooth or you … can be thought of as being smooth mechanisms and that their guarantees compose well and they lead … and they are quite robust under learning behavior and incomplete information—and for this, I think that smooth mechanisms are a good … a useful design and analysis tool for efficiency in electronic markets. I also have some related on-going projects that are related to the smooth mechanism framework. So in one project, I’m trying to see how these guarantees degrade with … when you have complementarities in your market—so when you have actually complement goods that are transacted across different mechanisms. So for example, think of an ad auction where you have two slots on the same page, and then you … people might want … might have complementary valuations, because they want both slots, and they … for an impression effect. And then we show that the efficiency—the global efficiency—degrades smoothly with the size of the complements. So for example, if you have pair-wise complements, you’re gonna get half of what you would get for each mechanism in isolation for the global market, and so on and so forth. Another very interesting direction that we’re exploring with Nikhil and with Jamie Morgenstern trying to find alternatives to sequential auctions that have good guarantees, even beyond the uni-demand valuations. So that respect, we studied an alternative to sequential auctions, where instead of auctioning each item sequentially, you auction the right to choose items sequentially—inspired by draft auctions in sports—and for there, we saw that we get an exponential improvement for more general valuations when compared to the sequential auction processes. Another direction that I am exploring is: what is the efficiency of—when you assume that players can cooperate—so what is the worst-case efficiency when players can cooperate? Maybe cooperation can help efficiency in games, because you can think that players are going to get out of bad equilibria by group deviations, for example. So there, you might get that in games where equilibria have high inefficiency, if you restrict to coalitionally-stable equilibria, you’re gonna get much better inefficiency, and that inefficiency … >>: Much better inefficiency? >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: I’m sorry, much better efficiency. And this efficiency might be more … a more reasonable bound than the worst-case Nash equilibrium bound. So towards that direction, we introduce the … a coalitional smoothness framework that quantifies the efficiency of strong Nash equilibria, which is a class of equilibria that are robust to coalitional deviations, and we also show that these guarantees extend to some sort of dynamic cooperative gameplay—which is useful when strong Nash equilibria actually don’t exist, and these are many games where they don’t exist. So more generally, I’m interested in understanding incentives and efficiency in these electronic markets, which is one of these two works that I’m mainly focused today, but I’m also interested in other questions in such markets. So for example, how does information affect bidder behavior in online ad auctions? And how does this extra … third-party information markets affect bidder behavior in ad auctions? So we studied a model of informational symmetries in this paper, and we analyzed the equilibria of common-value auctions with informational symmetries. I’m also interested in crowdsourcing questions. So for example, how do you incentivize user-generated content using virtual rewards in such user-generated content websites? Or more generally, how do you create mechanisms for incentives that are not money-based, but rather virtual-reward-based, like attention or social status and so on and so forth? More generally in the future, I’m interested in exploring how to design large-scale markets, and … both from a theoretical perspective and from a … and a data perspective. So from the theoretical side, I’m interested in understanding efficiency when you have distributed market design such as the work that I presented today. Other questions that I’m very interested is what happens if players have uncertainty about their own valuations, which is very realistic in these electronic markets, where players don’t even know what their own value is, and most of the work that I presented today assumes that players know what their value for each impression. So how does this theory break or doesn’t break for when players have uncertainty about their valuation? What about large-game approximations of these games? And how does the efficiency change when you go to large market limit of these games? What about other out-of-equilibrium dynamics other than no-regret play and other suboptimal models of user behavior? And with that respect, I’m most interested in the practical side of how can we do out-of-equilibrium econometrics in such markets? So if you assume that players use such no-regret learning sequences, how can you le … what way can you leverage that and infer their values, or even if they have data that they’re using, based on data that we have. And so how—if we … if you look at a sequence of bid data in ad auctions—can you infer what … an abstract model of learning behavior of the player, or can you even infer his value under the assumption that he’s using learning update rules, and not that he has reached an equilibrium, which is the standard assumption in econometrics? And that’s it. Thank you. [applause] >> Yuval Peres: Are there any more questions? >>: So … these things sound exciting. One thing I wanted to [indiscernible] composition. Are you assuming in the compositions that they are simultaneous or they can be sequential? >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: So in the main part, I assume that they are simultaneous, and there is this extension for sequential composition, but for more restricted classes of bid … of valuations across mechanisms. >>: So how do you deal with fact that in sequential, say the second-price auction may no longer be truthful, because the value transmitted in the first stage might be useful to opponents in more [indiscernible] >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: Yeah, so the things that … so the nice fact about this analysis, which is like this implicit price of anarchy analysis, is that you don’t even need to argue about equilibrium—how do bidders behave? You just need to argue that, no matter how bidders behave, there’s always a good strategy for me to play. And for example, in sequential auctions, a good strategy for you to play is to play as you would play at equilibrium until your optimal item arrives, and then try to get this optimal item. So, I don’t care what you did at equilibrium—maybe the equilibrium is a very weird fixed point of this game—you cannot compute it in general scenarios, but no matter what equilibrium is, you can always find such a deviation that will give you good deviating utility. And yeah … so it gives guaran … so the good thing is that it gives guarantees for more general scenarios than what you could get by solving an equilibrium and looking at the properties of the equilibrium, but you can think of a handicap as that it doesn’t tell you how bidders behave at equilibrium, it just gives you implicitly what the … the final result. >>: I mean, one more reason is usually given, and that you gave, for focusing on social welfare is because the existence of alternative markets or auctioneers. But somehow … so that’s using social welfare as a proxy for what you really want to understand, which is this larger market [indiscernible]. Part of your analysis was exactly looking simultaneously at multiple markets or auctions going on at the same time, and then maybe this argument for using this proxy of the social welfare goes away, and you really want to focus on revenue of an auctioneer by taking into account alternative competitive auctioneers. >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: So there’s an—actually, that’s a very interesting direction indeed—there has been some papers on trying to—like, for example—compute equilibria of competing auctioneers, and assuming that all their strategy is setting a reserve price. So that’s very nice, but it’s very limited: like only uni-demand bidders, same valuation, and things like that. So yeah … >>: So you mean it’s hard. >> Vasilis Syrgkanis: It’s hard, it’s hard. So it’s hard to find equilibrium, and the implicit analysis that we—all this implicit analysis of price of anarchy currently mostly works for welfare guarantees. So I view this direction of, like, revenue guarantees as one of the most exciting future directions, but currently all we have is for … mostly for welfare. Yes. >> Yuval Peres: That it? [inaudible] [applause]