>> Zhengyou Zhang: Okay. So let’s get started. ... pleasure to introduce Greg Hager. Greg is a Professor...

>> Zhengyou Zhang: Okay. So let’s get started. It’s really my great
pleasure to introduce Greg Hager. Greg is a Professor and also Chair of
Computer Science Department at Johns Hopkins University. Johns Hopkins, as
you know, is very well known for medical things. Greg used to work in a
computer division for general robotics, but later it move evolved into a
vision for surgical robotics I guess. And he has been interested now in a
lot of other things like interactive [indiscernible] display and today he
will talk about collaborative computing in the physical world.
>> Greg Hager: All right. Thank’s Zhengyou.
all of you for coming today and listening.
It’s a pleasure and thanks to
So when I was putting this talk together, you know, I kind of chose the title
intentionally to change a little bit the thought pattern of the usual talk I
give which tends to revolve around collaborative systems, specifically in
robotics. And I wanted to kind of broaden it a little bit and thing more
about collaborative computing beyond robotics, including robotics, but really
computing in the physical world.
And part of what I started to think about as I was putting it together is:
what’s the difference between where we are now in computing research in this
area and where were we roughly a decade or a decade and a half ago? So this
is actually, this is a slide for Rick. So this is work that came from my lab
really around, I guess the mid 1990s/2000 time frame. And I guess the
interesting thing to me really is a lot of the things that I see today were
going on back then; we were talking about them.
You know, so we have got, this looks speciously like what I guess used to be
called the Microsoft surface that we were developing in the lab, just your
base interaction, you know real-time feedback from robotics. If any of you
remember [indiscernible] he actually built that video game that you just saw
go by there; so interactive video games.
So certainly both human and machine interaction using perceptive devices and
you know robotic interaction with the physical world using perceptive devices
was out there. So why is today different than what we were doing back then?
And I think there is a really simple answer, which is computing has won the
You know if you look at what we had in terms of computing platforms and in
terms of sensing and robotics 10-15 years ago it’s wildly different. So as
you all know we have now got computers, you know winning Jeopardy. We are
all carrying super computers in our pockets. I actually checked so that’s
about equal to a [indiscernible] two, for anybody who actually cares. And
you know computing is just showing up anywhere. This is actually a shot from
Johns Hopkins sitting outside the OR. That’s what people are doing, using
their computers.
And of course obviously people think about computer diagnosis. This I think
might actually also be from [indiscernible], it’s third world education.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Greg Hager: Yeah, MSR India. And of course now in entertainment
practically everything, you know, lives on computing. It’s just, it’s
pervasive. In fact just to check it out I looked to see how many computing
devices are there in the world? And I will just define that as
microprocessors. And so as close as I can guess there is somewhere between
50 and 100 billion active microprocessors in the world right now.
So like what does that work out to be? Like 10-20 microprocessors per person
on the face of the earth. So you know if this were a virus we would be
looking for an anecdote or if it were a form of life we would be worried
about it taking over. And it’s just continuing to grow at remarkable speed.
The other thing that’s different is, you know, platforms for input. So of
course I am at Microsoft so I have to give Microsoft credit for really
changing my live over the last 2-3 years by introducing the Kinect, because
suddenly you have got a low cost, easy to use platform that gives you direct
3D perception of the physical world.
And of curse originally was introduced for gaming, which is a lot of fun. My
kids certainly enjoyed it, but in my life just about everything I knew
suddenly grew a Kinect. So you know robots sprouted Kinect’s. There are
actually Kinect’s at the ICU at Hopkins right now observing patient care.
And this is actually a video that almost went viral from our lab where we are
running a da Vinci surgical robot from a Kinect. And again this continues to
grow. There are probably 20 Kinect’s in my lab at this point doing just
about anything that you can imagine.
So we now have a rich source of input to connect to all this computation.
And in fact it’s not just the Kinect, you know, there is every form of input
known to man. So you know accelerometers, gloves, every laptop now has a
camera; you know you wear a fuel band and decide how much you moved today.
So the world is just now connected to computing in a way that it was never
connected before. And it’s the same on the output side. So this is a set of
platforms that I can now get in my lab.
And again 10 years ago none of these existed, but now you can get the Willow
Garage PR2. That’s the DLR Justin robot; it’s just a crazy mechanism in
terms of what it can do. NASA Robonaut’s actually up in the space station
right now. And many of you probably saw in the New York Times the discussion
of Rethink Robotics which is a new low cost manufacturing platform that’s
actually just being introduced by, well Rethink Robotics. A company founded
by Rod Brooks.
So we have not only just the input and the computation, but the output is
there as well. And so it really makes for an interesting mix. And
furthermore it’s actually having practical input in the real world. So for
those of you who don’t know this, this is the intuitive surgical da Vinci
system. It’s a commercially available robot that does surgery. Right now
there are about roughly speaking 2,500 of them installed around the world.
They do in excess of 300,000 procedures a year.
And for example if you go to get a radical prostatectomy the odds are better
than 80 percent that it’s going to be done through a robotic surgery as
opposed to traditional open or laparoscopy surgery. And those numbers
continue to go up. So it’s very rapidly becoming a standard of care in
certain areas.
Now so that’s all great and I think this really exemplifies the opportunities
that are out there in connecting people with really computational systems.
What’s missing here, I will get rid of the bloody slide. What’s really
missing though is kind of the level of interaction that’s going on there.
So everyone is familiar with traditional robotics which grew out of
automation research. So it’s really a programmable, controlled machine.
It’s writing a program just like you write Microsoft Excel, it just happens
to take place in the physical world.
The other extreme is the da Vinci robot we just saw, which is strongly human
interactive, but its direct control. There is really no intelligence in the
machine what so ever. It’s there just to replicate hand motion into the
patient and to transmit light back to your eyes so you can see what’s going
on. And it really promises to do nothing else in between.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Greg Hager: There is effectively no force feedback. So it’s really --.
And that’s actually not unusual in laparoscopic surgery that you don’t get a
lot of forced feedback in the system.
>>: So what is the main advantage of using this robotic system; a sort of rescaling of the surgeon?
>> Greg Hager: No it’s actually it’s more subtle. So the longer story is
this. So we started out with open surgery where you could put your hands
inside the patient and you could do anything you wanted. Then in the 80s we
went to laparoscopic surgery. And what did we do? We separated the surgeon
from the patient using tools, but those tools are pretty much straight
chopstick tools.
And so when you introduce the robot you introduce two things: the first is
you get stereo visualization, which you don’t get in laparoscopic surgery.
And the second you get a wrist inside the patient. And so suddenly you can
do all types of reconstruction surgery, or reconstructive I should say that
you can’t really do comfortably with traditional laparoscopic tools.
So you can sit down ergonomically, you feel like your hands are in the
patient again, you can see in 3D, it’s just a completely different platform
again really for people to think about surgery. And part of the game has
been for people really to re-learn and re-think how you can do surgery when
you have got that kind of platform available.
>>: So is it better than just using your two hands?
>> Greg Hager: It doesn’t save labor. So to begin with it’s minimally
invasive. So the big thing is with minimally invasive surgery you are
reducing blood loss, you are decreasing morbidity of the patient and reducing
scarring. So it has all the advantages of traditional laparoscopic minimally
invasive surgery. And then it actually has two really key advantages I
The first is, you know as we said, you have additional dexterity in the
patient so there are things that are just much easier to do with it. And the
second is actually it’s a lot more ergonomic for the doctor. So if you look
at certain areas of the medical profession they have some of the highest
rates of back and neck injury of any industry. And it’s because, I know
surgeons who have 18 hour procedures. They just stand there for 18 hours.
And usually it’s something that’s not particularly ergonomic. So it provides
a lot of interesting possibilities.
>>: So essentially they get little tiny hands.
>> Greg Hager: Yeah, exactly.
>>: They become little tiny surgeons.
>> Greg Hager: And
you sit down. You
quickly understand
eye coordination.
actually it’s called intuitive and it is intuitive when
could sit down and within 10 minutes you would very
what’s going on because it feels like your natural hand
I feel like I am an add for intuitive surgical here.
But, so the key thing though is that we are transmitting the surgeon into the
patient, but we are not really augmenting the surgeon in any real way, except
perhaps for some motion scaling. And so a lot of what we have been thinking
about is well how do you operate in kind of this mid-space where, you know,
what you can imagine is in structured environments we can do a lot of
autonomy. In un-structured environments, like surgery, we have the human
strongly in the loop. Are there places where we can kind of find a middle
So for example if you are trying to do remote telemanipulation you can
actually scan the scene. You have got, the robot has got a model of the
scene and now you can phrase the interaction at the level of moving objects
around in the scene. Not just raw motion in terms of the robot or if you are
doing this particular task it’s a task which has extremely poor ergonomics.
You can basically do it for a week or two and then you have to go out for a
few days because you have basically got repetitive motion injuries.
So could we bring a robot into this task which is hard to automate? But if
we could have a robot doing at least some of the more injurious parts of it a
person can still be in the loop, but they can do it without injuring
themselves. I guess my other video collapsed, but retinal surgery is another
area where now it’s about scales. How do we do really [indiscernible] and
interaction at scales that people can perceive?
And it’s not just these. There are any numbers of places where we can talk
about really augmenting human capabilities. So not replacing human
capability; not doing one to one, but augmenting human capability.
>>: So [inaudible] makes the middle task difficult, but it’s just difficult
for robots to essentially tie knots that have the dexterity [inaudible] like
>> Greg Hager: Yeah so there are two things. The first is that it’s a
complex task from a robotics point of view. It’s hard to model what’s going
on. It’s hard to solve the computer vision problem for example just to find
the components of the task. Also it’s a small [indiscernible] problem. So
that actually is, they are doing cable ties for refurbishment of a Boeing
aircraft. And so you do maybe a few thousand of these cable ties and then
you are done with that task. And maybe a month later you pull it out and you
do it again.
And so it’s just not effective to think about completely programming a robot
or building a robot that’s going to do just that task. And this is actually
very typical right now. This is actually where in fact it turns out the US
is still relatively competitive in a funny way, which is these kind of small
OT manufacturing cases, because it’s not big enough to off shore it and there
is not really an automation solution either.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Greg Hager: Yeah, exactly. Right, so you can project, basically you can
project people in whatever format makes sense for that particular task,
exactly right.
So I mentioned it’s not just these tasks. So one of the things I happened to
look up the other day was the prediction for the most rapidly growing
profession in the United States. And it’s in home assistance. That’s
expected to grow I think over 10 years by 70 percent or something like that.
And again, if you think of in home assistance it’s not about automation.
It’s not like you are going to give somebody a one to one telemanipulation
environment, but interactions with people to help them in their daily lives.
So how do you develop these sorts of interactive systems that can replace or
augment certain functions as needed? And I happen to find this too. So I
guess maybe there are even some third world applications of a human
augmentation of robotics. I think that’s made out of wood, so it’s also
recyclable. Apparently you can throw it in the fireplace, burn it and then
make a new one.
>>: Is that real?
Is it really real?
>> Greg Hager: I don’t think it is.
and I couldn’t resist.
I can’t tell actually.
Anyway, so I think there are a number of opportunities where
we are now just in the technology curve in terms of sensing,
robotics we can start to think about these interesting mixes
devices in the physical world, sensing of the physical world
interesting things.
I just found it
because of where
computing and
of people,
to do
So a lot of our work has been in medicine. So you guys asked a lot of
questions about the da Vinci robot. So you kind of get how it works. So we
started to look at it and we realized that it’s really a unique opportunity.
And the reason it’s a unique opportunity is because for the first time you
are really interposing between the doctor and the patient a computational
system. And what it means when you have got a computational system is not
just that you can program that system, but in fact that becomes a data
collection device as well.
We can build a complete record of everything that happened at procedure down
to the minutest motions, most minute motions that the doctor made inside the
patient. And so we actually have developed a data recording system that now
allows us to make those records. And if you think about it we can start to
study how humans perform interesting manipulation tasks in the real world now
at scale. You know hundreds of thousands of procedures and principle.
And you can immediately see interesting things. So for example this is an
expert surgeon doing a simple forth row suturing task. You can actually see
one, two, three, four rows. This is someone who knows surgery. They have
actually used the robot before. They are just still in their training cycle
and they are doing exactly the same task. And so you can start to realize
that what you would really like to do is take somebody who looks like this
and make them look like that as quickly as possible through whatever types of
augmentation teaching or training that you would like to have. And so you
can start to think about a space of task execution and skill in ways that you
couldn’t think about before.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Greg Hager: Well, this is a training task. So it’s not inside the body,
but in principal yes, exactly. And I will show you in fact in a little bit
what that task is.
The other thing that’s interesting about surgery though or medicine in
general is that it is a highly structured activity. And it’s actually fairly
repetitive. So this happens to be the flowchart for a laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, so taking your gallbladder out. And you can see it’s highly
stylized. There are major areas of the operation and then you can break that
down into subareas, all the way down to dissection of specific anatomic
And so it’s not just that we can get a lot of data, but we can get it in a
case where there is actually a fairly known and taught structure to a
procedure. So it really lets us study it both from the data side and from
the side of understanding semantics or structure. And so we call this the
language of surgery. You know, how can I take data from a robot and parse it
into this sort of a breakdown of a task?
So just to give you a concrete sense of this here, in fact that forth row
suturing task is a training task. So you can see, you can sit down and you
can identify roughly eight basic gestures that take place. And this is the
way that if a doctor were teaching it they tend to break it down and teach
it. And then you can say, “Well how do we model a task like that”?
Well you know the language of surgery kind of suggests the natural thing to
do would be to start with some of the ideas from speech and language. And
say, “Look we know that we have got a set of hidden states, which are
gestures. We have got a set of observables which are the video and the
kinematic data from the robot. Can we train something like an HMM to
actually recognize what’s going on”? And presumably if we can recognize
what’s going on we can now start to analyze what’s going on in interesting
>>: I guess the language [inaudible] would be different than the language of
the human right, because of the physical constraint on the robot?
>> Greg Hager: Well, so that’s an interesting question.
>>: I just wondered, obviously it cannot do everything a human can.
>> Greg Hager: No you can’t, no you can’t. You can recognize, I would argue
you can recognize almost everything the human is doing. Whether you can
replicate it is a slightly different case. So the interesting thing I think
in what you are saying is suppose I was to give all of you video from
surgery. I bet whether it’s open surgery, laparoscopic surgery or robotic
surgery you could very quickly recognize when they are suturing even though
you have not really seen it before; because you have kind of a high level
semantic model in your head of what suturing means.
And you could probably even break it down into sub pieces of what they are
doing. So in some sense this part is invariant I would argue; the language
is invariant. What changes is how that language get’s expressed in the
device or in the domain that you are actually operating in. And we have
actually seen this. So we have applied this not just in robotic surgery, but
in laparoscopic surgery and now in retinal surgery as well.
So we also by the way had some belief that this would work, which is about 10
years ago we did a very simple test in retinal surgery in fact. And we found
that we could actually use HMM’s to parse in some sense what was going on.
So we actually, just too kind of again give you a sense of how this goes, so
what you can do is you can have people sit down. You can have them do a
training task like this. You can record it so you know everything again that
happened. And in fact you get a lot of data out of the robot. It’s not just
the tool tip position. It’s the entire kinematic chain both master and
slave. So it’s really a lot of data.
And you can do this with multiple individuals. You can repeat it several
times. So you can get kind a kind of repetitive data set of people doing
this. Just like if you were training speech you would get a lot of speakers
saying the same sentence for example. So you can start to learn the language
model. So we do the same thing. And in fact if you do just experts and you
confine them to fairly constrained task you can do extremely well at
recognizing what’s going on.
So this is the difference between a manual labeling and an HMM segmentation
of that fourth row suturing task into the gestures. And the main thing you
can see is obviously we have nailed it in terms of the sequence of actions.
The only real difference is these slight discrepancies at the boundaries.
Trying to decide when they transition from one gesture to the next.
So when you see me give accuracies like this 92 percent what I am really
measuring is how often the blue line and the red line are perfectly lined up.
So here 8 percent of the time they don’t line up. And that’s what would
consider the error. So that’s good.
So what if you tried to do this a little bit more in the wild, which is get a
wider range of individuals and you get a wider range of tasks. And you do
the same thing. And these are again pretty standard training tasks in
robotic surgery. So this is a data set we collected a few years ago. And
the first thing you find out is if you just take standard HMM’s and you try
to apply them here they don’t go. They just don’t generalize well as the
data gets more diverse, which is probably not a big surprise in the end. But
at least it was the starting point for looking at this.
So then we started to figure out what’s gone wrong here. So part of what’s
going wrong is we have got really very high dimensional data relative to what
we are trying to recognize. And in fact at different time’s different pieces
of that data matter. Sometimes knowing where the tool is moving matters.
Sometimes knowing how the wrist is being used matters, for example. So we
embroidered the HMM’s a little bit.
So these are factory analyzed HMM’s where there is basically a dimensional
reduction step that’s taking place off of the hidden discrete state. And in
fact once you do that you start to see your numbers pop up. So we have gone
from 54 to 71 percent, but there is still a little bit of a “bugaboo” and
that’s this: you might wonder what is setup one and what is setup two?
Setup one is more or less standard “leave one out” training and testing. So
I just take one trial and I throw it away, train everything and then I test.
But there is a problem with that. Can anybody guess what the problem is?
See now I will go into lecture mode here. Oh, it already says, there you go.
You need to --. This happens to me in class all the time too by the way.
And sometimes they still get it wrong, that’s the amazing thing.
So yeah, we didn’t leave one user out. So what’s it’s getting to do is it’s
getting to see the entire user population and then basically recognizing. As
soon as you take one user out you see things drop pretty quickly. And so
it’s over training in some sense. It’s learning to identify people for all
practical purposes, which in itself is interesting.
Just as a useful thing to keep in your head. So this is what the parses look
like again. This is a good one. So you can see again things overlay pretty
well. This is a bad one, but notice that if I look at the sequence, the
sequence is actually just about perfect. Really all again that’s happening
is it is kind of arguing where the gesture changes take place. So that’s
something useful to kind of keep in the back of your mind for later.
So we weren’t happy with this so we started to look at other ways that we can
improve this. And so there are two things that we have done, both of which
right now seem to give pretty good and about the same results. One is to go
to a switching linear dynamical system. And so the only difference is we are
going to take this, you know, this hidden state and we are going to add some
dynamics to it.
Another way to think of it is instead of saying we are going to view each
discrete stage as essentially having a stationary distribution associated
with it now it can have a little dynamical system that changes a little bit
over time associated with it. And that has its own dynamics somewhat
independent of the discrete state.
So if we do that things get a little bit better in the leave one out case,
but they get a lot better in the leave one user out case. And so it seems to
be capturing more of the essential aspects of the data and not over training
into a single user. And then another bit of work, this is really Rene
Vidal’s group that did this, is looking more at a dictionary based approach.
So instead of just trying to train straight from the data, first develop a
dictionary of motions and then build the entire training apparatus on top of
that dictionary.
And in fact if you do that you get really a roughly about the same
performance. So these two kind of are about equal from the kinematic data.
What’s interesting about this method is if you look at the video data. So
this is some work that appeared in [indiscernible] last spring where we took
the video data, not the kinematic data. We did spatial temporal features on
the video data and then we trained up these models using the video spatial
temporal features.
And so if you take something like this dictionary based HMM on the kinematic
data these were the sorts of numbers we had. But if you now go to the visual
data and you do a little bit more embroidery on the dictionary based methods
you can actually start to get numbers which are getting back to that first
set of trial that we had. We are now looking at kind of 90 percent, 80-90
percent recognition rates.
Interestingly if you add the kinematic data in it goes down a little bit
again; which probably kind of makes sense because the kinematic data had a
lower recognition rate to start with. And so it’s confusing things just a
little bit to put the two together.
>>: [inaudible]
>> Greg Hager: Yeah, well it’s --. So it’s all the tool tip positions,
velocities, the rotational velocities, orientation of the tools; it’s about
190 different variables. It includes things like the gripper opening and
closing as well. So when I say kinematics I just mean anything to do with
any joint on the robot moving one way or another.
But we are getting pretty happy with this now. So we have actually managed
to scale it up at least to a more diverse group. Yeah?
>>: [inaudible]
>> Greg Hager: So the visual data, I am sorry I don’t have, I was going to
get the video from Rene and I didn’t get a chance, the visual data --. So we
are taking the video and we are doing spatial temporal features on the video.
So in every frame you are computing something like a sift feature, but sift
in space and time at the same time. So you get that group of features
together, you run a dictionary on those features and then you build a
dynamical system around that dictionary.
>>: [inaudible]
>> Greg Hager: I wish I knew what I gain in the video. What I probably gain
in the video, you are right, is maybe the best way to think of it as this
way. When I learn from the kinematic data it’s like learning pantomime,
right. I am just looking at hands moving and trying to guess what they are
doing based on when the hands are moving. When I get the video data some of
the features are from the surface as well.
And so I get contextual information. I now know that the tool is moving to
the suture site; as opposed to the tool is moving at a straight line. I can
only infer that it’s moving to the suture site. So that’s my hypothesis, but
you know it is machine learning, right. So there is a black bock and I
haven’t figured out how to open the top of it yet.
But, you know, this really is starting to put us, as I said, in the ballpark
of really being able to use this data to recognize what’s going on in diverse
individuals. So what can we do with that? So I mentioned skill before. So
what is skill? Well right now skill means that you stand next to a doctor,
you know an expert an attending physician, who is doing surgery. You learn
through apprenticeship, they watch what you are doing, they give you feedback
and eventually after roughly a year of fellowship for example they will say,
“Okay, you are now a surgeon. Go do surgery”.
Today there is getting to be a lot more interest in saying well can we define
that a little more formally? How do we assess skill? How do we know someone
is qualified to be a surgeon or how do we do reassessments? So, you know,
how do we re-certify someone who is a surgeon? So for example this is
something called OSATS were what you do is you go through a set of stations
and you have a set of basically skills you have to practice and there is a
checklist. And somebody can more or less grade you on your skills and you
get an overall score.
But this is still, this is problematic. You have got to set all these things
up. You have got to have somebody who is basically licensed to do this sort
of evaluation. We would like to say, “Well could we get it from the data
itself”? And you can actually see stuff in the data that correlates with
skills. So for example if you just look at the sequence of gestures that an
expert uses they look very clean, right. They are linear, they start at the
beginning, they go to the end, and they don’t go back and forward kind of
using intermediate gestures?
And this is what a novice looks like. If
you just plot how they use the gestures.
And in fact if you just do, you take that
space you can actually see pretty quickly
novices start to separate in the space.
you take those basic gestures and
So clearly there is something here.
and you project it down into a 2D
that experts, intermediates and
So we can actually start to see where you are in the learning curve in
surgery from these models. Now that’s using what we call self-declared
expertise. It’s just based on how long you have been using the robot, how
much training you have had. You can also do something like OSATS on the
data. You can have someone actually grade the task that they did.
Interestingly it’s much harder for us to replicate OSATS using these
techniques. So we drop from about 96 percent to a 72 percent chance to 33
And you can see if you do the same sort of collapsing that things kind of
cluster together more if you look at the by trial performance as opposed to
by self-declared expertise performance. So we have been thinking about how
to think about capturing skill a little bit more precisely in these models.
And we think we have something now that’s starting to work, although this is
still in evolution. But what we have done is we have adopted a different
coding scheme for the data.
So one of the problems that I have been complaining about to my group for a
couple of years now is that we are working from the raw data itself. So it’s
a little bit like taking I am going to take the raw recorded speech signal
and we are going to try to parse it into [indiscernible] names. Well you
don’t do that in speech, right. You take the raw signal and you do vector
quantization of some sort on it typically and then you start to do phonetic
So what’s the version of vector quantization for this? Well think of this:
suppose that I take just the curve that you saw and I build a little Frenet
frame at a point. So I can compute the tangent. I can compute basically the
plane of curvature that gives me two directions. The third is now defined
relative to those two. And now I can say, “Well what’s the direction of
motion over a small time unit relative to that local frame”?
Now this has a lot of advantages. One of which is now I am coordinate
independent. So if I am suturing up here or down there it doesn’t matter.
The code is the same and it also abstracts the motion a little bit more. And
so we have actually found that using even very simple sort of dictionaries
based on these Frenet frame discretizations we can push our recognition up
much further.
And the way we do it is we discretize and we actually look for the substring
occurrences in that data. So you get a long string of symbols and you say,
“What are the repeated substrings”? Experts tend to have long repeated
substrings. Novices are much shorter and different repeated substrings. And
so we can build very simple string kernels, string comparisons that actually
get us now again kind of in this 90 percent plus range, which is where we
start to feel like we are actually understanding what’s going on.
And in fact we can do both gesture and expertise, which is interesting
because now we can actually break it down and say, “Well, what gestures are
you doing poorly and which gestures are you doing well”? And I can
illustrate why you might care about that. I will show you an illustration;
this kind of goes now towards teaching, which is what I have done here. I
have got two videos as you can see. Both of these are experts and what’s
going on is we are taking the video, we are [indiscernible] it.
And then what we are doing is we are playing the videos together when the
same symbol is occurring. Okay. So you can kind of think of it like if they
are speaking in unison the video’s play together and if they are saying
something different one stops and the other advances. So it’s almost a
visualization of edit distance if you will. And what you can see is experts
really do converge to a pretty consistent model. They are running at about
the same pace. They are doing about the same gestures. There is not a lot
of pausing except this guy likes to readjust the needle a little bit and so
you will get a little bit of pause there.
So that’s cool, it shows that we can align a couple of experts. What about
if I take you and tell you to do this task, sit you down with a robot. What
can I do now? So there goes the expert, there is the novice. Actually, you
probably could have told me that already, right. So you can see it’s not so
easy right? Well, so there are a couple of things interesting, obviously --.
Yeah, it’s a little scary isn’t it?
a surgeon.
Luckily that’s a grad student; it’s not
>>: And they call these teaching hospitals?
>> Greg Hager: Well, so here’s the interesting thing. Well there are two
things here. So first just to make a quick point here, this person is doing
things completely different, right. They are holding the needle differently.
The motions are different, but we can still align them. And that goes back
to that diagram I showed you before that we are getting the gestures right in
the right order. And we can even do it when there is this wild style
The other thing is, and this goes to the teaching hospital point, that one of
the problems with robotic surgery, and I think this is going to be generally
the case as we go to these more collaborative technologies, is it’s really
hard to teach people because you can’t stand next to the person and say,
“Here’s what you should do”. You are sitting in a cockpit in this particular
case doing something and at best the expert can be outside saying, “Oh you
are holding the needle wrong there you should fix it”. But they can’t reach
down and say, “Okay, here’s how you should do it”, at least when you are
inside the patient.
>>: But they can have the same video feed.
>> Greg Hager: They can, so they can show you what’s going on. But here what
I can do is I can basically just put the expert in the bottle right. I can
record that video, you can start to do the task and I can immediately detect
when you start diverge from what an expert would do. And you know dare I say
a little paperclip that could pop up and say, “Are you trying to drive a
needle right now; can I help you”?
That may not be the best example, but you see what I mean. You can build now
basically a dictionary of what everybody ever did, you know inside a patient,
in a training task or whatever. And you can start to detect a variation and
you can offer assistance if nothing else by saying, “Here’s what an expert
did at this particular point in the procedure”.
And so it becomes basically a way to do bootstrap training. And also you can
do it at this level now of gesture even. So I can detect that it’s the
needle driving that’s the problem because you are holding the needle wrong
and you don’t have good control. The rest of the tasks are actually doing
just fine. You know, they are passing the needle as well as the expert did.
And so you can actually do now really, what I think of as interactive
training for these tasks.
I will give you one other thing that you can do with it, which is I can also
learn to do pieces of the tasks autonomously if I want to. I have got a
discrete breakdown of the task again. Certain parts of the task are pretty
easy to do like passing the needle. So why don’t I just automate that. So
here’s a little system we built. This is Nicholas Padoy a former
[indiscernible], so you can see this switch probability. So there is a
little HMM running behind here which detects when you are in an automatable
gesture. And then it switches control over and effectively plays it back.
And the trajectory is actually a learned trajectory too. So you sit down,
you do the task for a couple of dozen times, the system learns the model both
in terms of discrete states, but also it does a regression to compute
trajectories for these automated trajectories. So you learn the model, you
break it down into things you want to automate, it learns the trajectory and
now again it pretty reliably recognizes in this case when you are done
driving the needle. And then it says, “Okay, I could do that automatically
if you wanted me to”.
Again, I am not advocating that this is the way you want to do it, but at
least illustrates the concept that the system is capable of now changing how
the robot acts or reacts based on the context of what’s happening within the
So, you know, putting it all together we actually can start to build these
systems which work together with people and they actually have measurable
impact. One of the nice things about this is it’s not just that I can build
it, but I can say, “Well did it change anything”? So in this particular case
it reduces the amount of master motion that you need to do or the amount of
clutching that you have to do, which actually turns out to be important in
terms of efficiency.
We can go one step further with this. We talked about the fact that we don’t
have perception in the loop. So here are a couple of examples of building
perception components that we have picked up. And we can start to look at
how we could use perception to provide even more context and make these
things even smarter. So I am actually going to use the 3D object recognition
side of this. And so we did actually some experiments this summer. This is
what we call Perceptive Teleoperation. So again da Vinci console in this
case it’s wrapped in [indiscernible], it’s connected to a robot which is over
in Oberpfaffen, Germany in the robotics and mechatronics lab there.
And so we were interested in saying, “Well, suppose you are trying to do
these tasks and for whatever reason you have got a poor communication
channel. You can’t really get the information across either with the
bandwidth or the delay that you need to do the task efficiently”. Can we use
perception to augment the performance? And the idea is to say, “Well again,
if I can recognize what you are trying to do and I have got a perceptual
grounding for the task I can automate or augment some part of the task around
the perception cues that are there”.
So this is a little, this is actually work that is going to appear at the
robotics conference in May. So this is the robot in Germany. It’s being
teleoperated from Johns Hopkins on a da Vinci console in fact. And this is
without any sort of augmentation. And there is about probably a quarter to a
half a second time delay just depending on what the internet happens to be
doing at any point and time in this.
And so you can see you end up in this move and wait sort of mode. Where you
move as far as you think you feel safe and then you wait for a little bit.
And this is what they do with the Mars Rovers on Mars, right. They move them
a couple of meters and they wait 20 minutes until they see what happened and
then they move them again. And, you know, in this case the operator grabbed
it, but in fact they didn’t have very good orientation. So this thing kind
of swiveled and moved. And in fact in some cases it will actually fall
Now what we do is we turn on assistance. It actually parses this structure,
this little orange line says, “Oh, I see a grasp point”. It recognizes you
moving to grasp and it simply automates the grasp. And so now you have got
it in the right sort of configuration. It happens relatively quickly and now
you can go back to whatever task you want to do. And it simply automated
that little bit of it. And again you can measure the difference that it
makes. So in this case it just about doubles the time, or halves the time it
takes to perform the task.
And in fact the same idea now is what we would like to do in that little
knock time task that we talked about. You know breaking this down into
component pieces. So one of my grad students I said, “Just as a benchmark
use the da Vinci and see if you can do this task”. So you can see he is
using all three tools on the da Vinci in this case. So you have got to
switch between tools to do it.
So this took, you know we could time this, it probably takes 20 seconds or
something like that for a human. And this right now takes about 3 to 4
minutes to do with a robot. And so I said, “Okay, your thesis is now
defined. So how do you go from 3 or 4 minutes to 20 seconds with a robot”?
And I don’t if he is going to achieve that, but at least we can start to see
the sort of benchmarks we have to achieve to be in this sort of space with
these techniques.
So just the last thing, so I have been talking a lot about robotics. And you
saw in the beginning of my talk I had also human and computer interaction
using vision. And so I wanted to talk a little bit about that. And in fact
that’s part of the reason I wanted to stop bye today. It’s to talk about
something else we are doing, which is now still I think of it as
collaborative computing in physical space. But the physics is much more
about people interacting with virtual environments than robots, interacting
with the physical environment.
This is a display wall project. So in just about a year ago, a little over a
year ago, the library came to us. And they were building a new wing for the
library. And to make a long story short they wanted to have some technology
focus to the library. Just by way of background Johns Hopkins library at one
point in time actually had more digitally stored data than the library of
congress. We host the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We host [indiscernible]
data from biology. This happens to be scans of some medieval French
manuscripts that are in the archives, so terabytes and terabytes of data.
And they said, “Now is there a way that we could start to think about ways
that people can interact naturally with data in the library space”? And so
we built a display wall for them. This is my grad student [indiscernible]
with his back to you who built basically a display wall from scratch.
Starting in about December, he came up with the physical design, the
electrical design, wrote all the software and we opened it in August and we
dedicated it in October; so basically 10 months from conception to completely
The reason again is that our library really thinks of this as a way to start
to think about how people will interact with information in the future and
how research will be done around these large data archives. And so this is
what it looks like. So it’s about 12 feet wide. You can see it’s running
three Kinex for gesture interaction. This is the, kind of the opening screen
that you walk up to. It’s just a montage of images from Hopkins.
So you walk up, it sees you, it builds a little avatar out of the images and
you know you can kind of play around with that if you want to. And then we
use this curios put your hands on your head gesture and you get a fairly
rudimentary, but still workable interface into a set of applications that you
can now drive using gestural input.
And part of what we are after here is not that these are the best
applications or that the user interface is done as well as it could be. But
it’s really interesting that’s it’s out in the middle of the university and
about 10,000 people get to see it at various times during their academic
And so our goal here really is to think of this as a lab. It’s a lab to
learn about how people might want to use technologies like this. And then to
try to run after them to figure out what would we need to make this
technology useful for them. We of course had to have a video game. So we
went live and we have basically got an image viewer, a video game and a
couple of other kind of image modalities.
I was hoping that I would have this to show you. We actually figured out how
to load CAD files of buildings in that. So you can start to do walkthroughs
of buildings basically at scale using spatial interaction. So it really is a
work in progress, but it’s now kind of flipping around and letting us use a
lot of the same ideas and technologies by thinking of it more from people
interacting again in virtual space.
So for example if you are doing something in biology there is a natural task.
You know if I am doing molecular design there are things that I want to be
able to do. Manipulations I want to take place, that’s my task. I want to
parse that and then I want to do anticipatory computing to say, “Well if they
are trying to move this particular binding site over here how can I actually
run a simulation that will check and see if that’s a reasonable thing to be
doing at this point”?
So part of it is just exploring that level of interaction. We have had
people already come to us and say they want to do art and dance. So they
want to make the system react to people doing like a dance performance in
front of it. And make that part of the display. Crowd-source science: so we
are trying to put connectomics data on it and let undergraduates be labelers
for biology data. We need, you know, it’s basically like Mechanical Turk
except now with undergrads. And the payoff for them is we say, “Look if we
publish a paper on this you are a co-author”.
So I would say my goal is if I could publish a science paper with a large
fraction of the undergraduate population of Johns Hopkins than that’s my win.
>>: [inaudible]
>> Greg Hager: So you know there are physics papers with over a thousand
authors on them.
>>: Wow.
>> Greg Hager: Yeah so I was actually talking about these huge experiments,
right. I mean it’s --.
>>: [inaudible]
>> Greg Hager: You know Hopkins is a research university. We advertise the
idea that undergrad’s should get involved in research. So what the heck,
here they go. And actually we have got, well I see I can’t spell, these
French medieval manuscripts are actually motivated by an artist who wants’ to
do research on those manuscripts. And he needs something that allows him to
interact with the data with the sort of visual scale that the wall can give
So I really think of it as it’s really just this lab sitting in the middle of
the library. And it’s just trying to create the idea that people can do this
as a project to create new ways to interact with data in their field. Just
to give you some anecdotes about it. So we are getting about right now 10 to
50 sessions a day. It started out at about 500 a day in fact. We have got
about 10 students a semester right now that actually come up and say, “I
would like to do something with the display wall”.
We get about, on the average, one query a week from somebody in the Johns
Hopkins community saying, “I would like to build something that could run on
the wall for my research or just for whatever personal amusement I have”. We
are actually starting to get sites, other libraries in fact, that are calling
us up and saying, “Hey, could we put this in our library as well? And would
you be willing to share the code”? I don’t think that most libraries quite
understand that this is not quite as much of a turn-key operation as they
might like to think. But, it’s interesting that a lot of people are latching
onto this now.
So let me just kind of close by saying that I started out by saying that I
think the world is different today than it was 10 or 15 years ago. And it’s
really different because of the platforms that we have, and the computational
tools that we have, the output devices, you know that display wall could not
have been built easily even 5 years ago probably the way I can now. And so
we really have to think of what does this mean as --? You know the world has
become porous to computing. You know just about every aspect of life can
cross the barrier from the physical world into the computational world and
back again.
So how does that change how we want to think about computing? So one of the
things I am thinking a lot about these days is what does it mean to program
these sorts of collaborative systems? You have got hundreds, thousands of
different things that you would like these robots or these display walls to
do. And you can’t have a computer science student sitting there next to
somebody every time saying, “Okay, here’s the code that’s going to make this
application work”.
So how do you think about combining what I think of as programming in a
schematic sense? You know saying, “Look, here’s the thing I want to do” with
probably some learning and adaptation that then says, “Okay, now here’s how
it gets customized to what I am trying to do”. So in the robot case for
example if I am doing small OT manufacturing I know the manufacturing steps.
I know roughly the handling that has to take place: build the schema, and
then run through it a few times manually in a training cockpit like you saw
with the da Vinci, have the robot kind of fill in or the system I should say,
fill in some of the details and now I have got a workable program. But
what’s the paradigm around that? And can we make that something that’s
accessible to a broader group?
Shared context is important. If we want these systems to work with people
there has to be a shared notion of task in context. I think I already said
what’s key also is that we have to have these platforms in the wild because
we have to see what people do. It’s, you know, I always said I used to have
things like the display wall inside the lab, and we would bring people in and
they would be really excited, play with it and then go away.
And having that display wall out in the world, you know, we spent two weeks,
we had a soft opening, so we had the wall up for two weeks before classes
started and it was incredible how many revs we went through in that two
weeks. We just watched people use it, kind of fixed things, changed things,
until it got to a stable point. So we really have to test these things in
the wild.
And then I think they key thing is once we have this creating interfaces that
now really do focus on interaction as opposed to input/output. So thinking
about how do I anticipate what’s going on and adapt to it essentially?
Thinking about interfaces in terms of a dialog as opposed to, you know, I
type something in and something comes back to me. There is state, there’s
history, there’s intent around it.
And I think the great thing is there is a real reason to do it, right. There
are real tasks, there are real industries, and there is economics that can
actually drive this. So I will just close by saying you know, I think we are
living in such a cool time. And I am so glad that I was here actually to see
it. I think computing keeps reinventing itself, but at least relative to
what I do it’s now suddenly in a state where we can do all sorts of things
that I just couldn’t have imagined even 10 years ago.
And so with that I will thank probably a subset of my collaborators at this
point in all these different projects. I will also thank the people that
support me to do it. And maybe I will just leave you with that final thought
about where we may be going some day. All right thank you very much for your
>>: I just have a question.
So I am just wondering [inaudible].
>> Greg Hager: Yeah, right.
>>: [inaudible]
>> Greg Hager: That’s right, exactly.
>>: But for Kinect I noticed that usually the Kinect [inaudible].
why sometimes [inaudible].
So that’s
>> Greg Hager: Uh huh, right.
>>: But I wonder if that’s [inaudible].
>> Greg Hager: No it is, absolutely. Well so I should say the kinematic data
has super high fidelity. You know --.
>>: It’s better than Kinect?
>> Greg Hager: Oh yeah, I know where the tools are to you know fractions to a
millimeter; at least in relative motion. But what they are missing is the
context. So the analogy would be if I had a skeleton, the skeleton doesn’t
tell me if you’re holding something.
>>: Right.
>> Greg Hager: And I might be able, within the context of a task, to infer
that. Like if I see you reach down and see a pickup motion I say, “Okay,
they probably just picked up the briefcase that’s part of whatever they are
doing”. But with the video data I can confirm that and I know that. And I
know whether you succeeded or not for example.
So in fact one of the projects that one of my students is playing with just
too kind of get warmed up is can you detect whether or not, in a fairly
automated way, what the gripper is holding; so a needle, suture, if it’s in
proximity to tissue, but do it without hand tuning something? Just get a few
million snapshots and then correlate kinematic data to what you see in the
image. And then learn something about the set of states that the gripper can
be in. And just that little bit of information can make a huge difference.
And we already know that from some manual tests.
>>: Something that you have been hinting at is moving from this pure one to
one manual task to sort of manual plus [inaudible].
>> Greg Hager: Uh huh.
>>: Just curious where your [inaudible] gallbladder removal procedure fairly
standard thing I guess [inaudible] done by a robot a week or so ago. 20
years from now is that going to be a one button or [inaudible]?
>> Greg Hager: No.
>>: I mean [inaudible].
>> Greg Hager: You know, no for a couple reasons. One is no technically I
think that would be incredibly challenging to do. And no socially because I
just don’t think it’s an acceptable solution. So there is always going to be
a human in the loop system. And I think what I imagine more happening --.
So we actually, so to give you an example of the sorts of things that we
think about doing, so one of the procedures that is still on the cutting edge
of robotic surgery is laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. So it’s removing a
tumor from the kidney laparoscopically with a robot. And it’s challenging
for a number of reasons. One is it’s, the way you do it is you burrow into
the kidney, you expose everything and then you clamp the feeder valve to the
kidney and then you go and excise the tumor. And when they do that they
start a clock. And the reason they start a clock is because it’s well known
that after about a half and hour kidney function just drops off like crazy.
And the reason you have to clamp it is because if you try to cut the kidney
when it’s fully, when you haven’t done that, it bleeds like stink. I mean
you just can’t do anything with it at all. So you have now got this really
constrained thing. You have got to go in, you have got to cut out the tumor,
you have got to [indiscernible] it, and you have got to suture it. And so we
look at places like that and say, “Okay, what pieces of that could we provide
some sort of augmentation for?”
And it’s not just physical. So we provide a dissection line so we can
actually, I have got a video where I can show you. We have registered and we
show you where you should dissect to get a reasonable tumor margin. We can
actually start to, in the suturing case, we can start to automate. So you
have to really use three hands to suture so you have got to switch between
hands and that takes time. So if you can automate the movement, retraction,
or any piece of it you can basically shorten that time and that improves the
outcome. And it reduces the difficulty of the procedure.
>>: [inaudible] so with airplanes right and like automatic flight they don’t
let you, for instance, put them into a stall. Like are you thinking there
are other possibilities for [inaudible]?
>> Greg Hager: So my dream is if you had these 300,000 procedures and you had
them all basically in a dictionary as it were and you are going along you can
always be comparing what’s going on now to what happened in other cases. And
you know the outcomes of all those cases now.
So you can start to predict, okay given where you are and what you are doing
this isn’t looking good anymore and by the way here’s the closest example to
what you are doing. And here is what happened. And so you really could
start to have, you know again paperclip is not the right model to think of,
but something that at least could have a little icon that says, “You know,
you have deviated from standard procedure here; you may want to check what
you are doing and think about it”.
>>: The other thing with like thinking of airplanes and like semiautomatic.
And I understand [inaudible], but it’s the transition points right?
>> Greg Hager: Right.
>>: Where you go from back you know to the, that’s challenging [inaudible]?
>> Greg Hager: So situational awareness. The thing I have been thinking a
lot about recently is automated driving because everybody is saying automated
driving is going. And you know you can imagine having an auto driving car
which does great until it gets into a situation that it doesn’t understand
that says, “Well, I don’t know what to do; here it’s your problem now”. And
so suddenly you know in the middle of barreling over a cliff it’s your job to
suddenly take over driving and that’s unacceptable.
And I think that goes though to this contextual awareness in a task in
anticipation and saying, “It’s not just can the system do it, but should it
do it right now; because doing it right now might put the human in a position
that later on they don’t know how to recover from”.
>>: I guess you are in computer science? Do you know what’s going on in say
the mechanical engineering/control theory guys in terms of teleoperation,
especially with delay? That really speaks to, I think, having this delay you
have to do something locally, low delay, meaning some kind of intelligence.
Now are they doing anything that will address the sorts of problems you are
looking at?
>> Greg Hager: So that’s another one of my hobbies right now, in fact. A lot
of the science around this in that space right now is looking at things like:
how do you actually prove properties of systems with time delays for example?
So I can prove passivity of a system. And if I have a passive system even
with time delay the system will not go unstable, which if you are doing
surgery you obviously would like to be able to prove that your robot won’t go
unstable inside the patient.
What is missing I think and this is something that, this is kind of my glass
of wine conversations, is if you think about doing those tasks there is a
certain amount of information you need to perform a particular task. What
are the objects in the environment? What are their orientations? Where am I
trying to put them? How much do they weight? Who knows what it is. And if
you are doing full teleoperation you are assuming that all of that
information lives in my head essentially. And I have enough capability to
get movement information to the robot to say, “Here’s how you perform the
task using what’s in my head”.
If you want to start to automate pieces of it what you are doing is you are
moving information into the remote side. So now the remote side plus you
have to have enough information to perform the task. So I think there is
really this notion of information invariance around tasks, which says, “I
could fully automate it if the robot had every piece of information relative
to the task”.
with it.
It probably doesn’t so a piece live with me and a piece lives
Now how do we prove properties or think about properties of systems where
information lives in both places and the sum of the two pieces is enough to
perform the task? That’s not something, as far as I know, the control theory
people are thinking about right now. The practical solutions right now, I
will tell you, are mostly anticipatory. So you try to predict what’s going
on and you feed forward the robot, but you try and do it in such a way that
you can maintain safety.
>>: So [inaudible].
>> Greg Hager: I can’t make the robot data public because that’s actually
governed by Intuitive Surgical. I have an agreement not to share their data
with people. Um, other surgery data, sure, [inaudible] IRB concerns, so
privacy concerns or we could share that data.
>>: Do you usually publish your data on website?
>> Greg Hager: Not until now and that’s largely because again, I have to do
these sorts of studies they involve humans so I have to get institutional
review board to approve it. And if I put it out on the website I would go to
jail. So I kind of try to avoid that, but I can actually ask them for
permission to do it. And we have done it in the past and so we probably
>>: [inaudible]
>> Greg Hager: That’s right.
So that will create some interesting
>> Greg Hager: Well and the other thing, and I am sure some of you know this,
data is gold, right. And so if you have data and you have not yet kind of
mined that data –-. So it’s really a question: what’s a reasonable period of
time that you have to exploit a data archive before it has to be made public?
>>: [inaudible]
>>: Did you watch the Academy Awards yesterday?
>> Greg Hager: I stopped by Rick’s house just to see the [inaudible].
>>: We walked in the house and Michelle Obama was on the screen, so that’s
the part we saw.
>>: So there was a teddy bear in the show, which I have no idea if it was
computer graphics or a robot, it was too small to [inaudible].
>> Greg Hager: Probably teleoperated would be my guess.
>>: It walked out and [inaudible].
>> Greg Hager: Oh, okay.
>>: [inaudible]
>> Greg Hager: I will go check.
It has got to be on YouTube by now I am
>>: Was it related to that movie?
>> Greg Hager: Yeah, the movie.
>>: I wanted to see it again to try to start picking apart whether it was
computer graphic, pre-rendered or what.
>> Greg Hager: Hmm, interesting.
>>: So I have a question regarding the large display on the library stock,
which is very cool. And I have two questions about that. The first one I am
wondering about the user’s usage. So do most students use it to play a game
or use it to get information about the, you know, [inaudible]? And my second
question is: have you observed any frustration from the student to using the
system? And would that frustration, if there is, would that frustration come
from how you navigate the library?
>> Greg Hager: Well, so these are the usage statistics. By the way this is
the dedication day, so that just about got the highest usage. So our usage
right now I think was saying kind of 20 to 30 sessions a day. Most people
play the video game. About a third of them use the image visualization app
and about a small number of them just kind of go through some of the other
how to stuff on the wall. And that’s kind of --. Actually I am kind of
surprised this isn’t bigger. So I am pleased that they are at least looking
at images. And we have got some really nice images. So it actually is fun
to do.
Um and I am sorry what is your second question?
>>: The second question was: have you observed any frustration?
>> Greg Hager: Oh, frustration. Yeah, my frustration is the gesture
recognition not as well as I would like. But I will tell you when we started
the wall project we looked at both Windows and then at Open Source. For a
variety of reasons we ended up going Open Source. So we are using NITE as
the gesture recognition software. We are not using Microsoft. So my firm
belief is that if we were to run Microsoft it would all work perfectly.
>>: Are there any, because it’s a large space, do you guys [inaudible] multiparticipant interaction with that?
>> Greg Hager: Yeah, most of my interest quite honestly is in multiparticipant collaborative interaction. So how do you have three people
solving a problem with computation behind it? And in fact nothing for the
wall is one to one; it’s all multi to one.
>>: So I have a question of the evolution of the training session.
>> Greg Hager: Uh huh.
>>: I mean there is no absolute [inaudible]?
>> Greg Hager: Yeah, that’s right.
>>: Usually people are over confident about their skills --.
>> Greg Hager: So we don’t do self assessment. So people do tell us what
experience they have and we do compare with that as well, but we actually
have some clinical collaborators that go through and they do an objective
assessment of the data. So that OSAT score is done by someone who is not
part of the trial.
All right.
So have we exhausted everyone?
All right, thank you.