AEOLIAN HARPINGS ________________________________________________________________________ January 19, 2011 Department of English Volume XLIV Number 2 Baylor University _____________________________________________________________ Dr. William V. Davis’s poems, “Thought” and “A Morning Like This” have been published in the Hawaii Review, Issue 72, Vol. 32-1 (Spring, 2010), 121-122. In a gathering of poets, Dr. William V. Davis was “Featured Poet” at the Emily Dickinson Birthday Celebration held at the Montgomery County Library in Montgomery, Texas, December 16, 2010. He read both Dickinson’s poetry and his own. (The “Featured Critic” for this celebration was Brenda Wineapple, author of White Heat: The Friendship of Emily Dickinson and Thomas Wentworth Higginson, the recent dual biography of Dickinson and Higginson.) **** Dr. Beth Coggin Womack’s article, “A Pledge out of Time: Redemption and the Literary Pawnshop,” has been accepted for publication by Victorian Literature and Culture, which is published by Cambridge University Press. **** In October, Dr. Greg Garrett’s book One Fine Potion: The Literary Magic of Harry Potter was published by Baylor University Press (in the United States), and by Darton, Longman, and Todd (in the United Kingdom). One Fine Potion was chosen as a “Best Theological Book” by the Association of Theological Booksellers for Fall/Winter 2010. Dr. Garrett also published theological and homiletical essays in Feasting on the Word, an award-winning multi-volume lectionary Bible commentary published by Westminster John Knox. In October, Dr. Garrett began writing a weekly column on faith and politics, “Greg Garrett: Faithful Citizenship,” for the online magazine Patheos ( His essay “Would Jesus Work on Christmas?” appeared in the Christian Science Monitor; “Nine Years after 9/11: Islam, Glenn Beck, and a Nation Divided” and “Understanding Greed” appeared in Huffington Post; “Going Down? Why Evangelicalism Could Be Declining” appeared in Ethics Daily. He continues to publish essays in his Christian Century featured blog The Other Jesus; these essays are cross-posted at Ethics Daily and Religion and Science Today. This fall, Dr. Garrett taught a four-session fiction-writing class for the Writers’ League of Texas, at the Austin headquarters of the League, and an introductory course in theological writing and research for ordination-track seminarians at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest. September 8, 15, 22, and 29, Dr. Garrett taught a class on Harry Potter and theology at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Waco. September 19 and 26, Dr. Garrett taught a class on Harry Potter and theology at St. Julian’s Episcopal Church in Austin. On October 4, Dr. Garrett spoke to all three sessions of Baylor Chapel/Forum. October 6, 13, and 27, Dr. Garrett taught a class on Harry Potter and theology at First Baptist Church, Austin. On October 10, Dr. Garrett preached at the 11:15 service at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Austin. On October 16, he discussed and signed One Fine Potion at Bookpeople in Austin. On October 20, he delivered a lecture entitled “The Deeper Meaning of Harry Potter” at Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas, and on October 21, Dr. Garrett led a full-day practicum on narrative and grief for hospital chaplains, social workers, and clergy in Hays, Kansas, sponsored by the Hays Medical Center. October 2921, Dr. Garrett led a parish retreat drawn from his books on religion and culture for Grace Episcopal Church, Georgetown, at Camp Allen, Texas, and preached at the Sunday morning Eucharist. On November 13, Dr. Garrett signed books at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, and on November 18, Dr. Garrett discussed and signed One Fine Potion at The Front Porch in Austin. On November 21, Dr. Garrett spoke and signed books at Central Presbyterian Church in Austin; the topic was his book We Get to Carry Each Other, which was the fall book study for Central Presbyterian. December 9th, he was the guest at “Lunch with the Author” at Seton Cove Spirituality Center in Austin; Dr. Garrett spoke on his work on religion and culture and signed books. December 22-29, he had a writing residency at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, where he completed a novel and worked on nonfiction projects. This fall, Dr. Garrett was interviewed by or his work reviewed by The New Yorker, Christian Science Monitor (twice), Church Times (UK), Beliefnet, Patheos, Read the Spirit, ChristianWeek (Canada), Cross Rhythms (UK; twice), Third Way (UK), United Methodist Reporter, Baptist Standard, The Mennonite, The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, The Waco Tribune Herald, The Baylor Lariat, CRN Radio Network, AZTV (Prescott, AZ), KUT (Austin, TX), WJR (Detroit, MI), WTN (Nashville, TN), WCHE (Pittsburgh, PA). WTVN (Columbus, OH), Point of View radio (Dallas, TX), WSPD (Toledo, OH), KLPW (Washington, MO), WERC (Birmingham, AL), KIXZ (Amarillo, TX), KUHL (Santa Maria, CA), WLEA/WCKR (Hornell, NY; twice), WSAU (Wausau, WI), KZIM (Cape Girardeau, MO), WOCA (Ocala, FL), KWKY (Norwalk, IA), WIZM (LaCrosse, WI), The Dove radio (Medford, OR). **** Dr. Lisa Shaver’s essay “’Serpents,’ ‘Fiends,’ and ‘Libertines’: Inscribing an Evangelical Rhetoric of Rage in the Advocate of Moral Reform,” was published in the January (2011) issue of Rhetoric Review. **** Adrienne Akins had an essay entitled “‘Put Banner on the map!’: Knowledge, Power, and Colonialism in Welty’s Losing Battles” accepted for publication in Eudora Welty Review. Adrienne Akins also presented a paper entitled “‘If you know how to read it’: Oral and Written Literacy in Losing Battles” at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference in Atlanta on November 6. **** Joshua Boyd’s essay “The Impulse Toward Beauty in ‘Prufrock,’ The Waste Land, and Four Quartets: T. S. Eliot’s Aesthetic Response to Spiritual Collapse” was printed in the Spring/Summer issue of Yeats Eliot Review. CONFERENCES—CALLS FOR PAPERS Information has been received from Sudden Storm Entertainment concerning their Adapt to Film 2011 Writing Competition. Students are encouraged to submit “Underlying Material” from a novel, play, short story or other original piece of literature published before 1960 that they wished to see adapted to a film. Those interested should submit a two-sentence “log line” summarizing the story/piece and the publication information; a two-paragraph synopsis of the piece as it is written in its original form; a one-page document detailing why you feel this piece would make an adaptation of the material. The person whose submission is selected will receive a $750.00 CDN cash, plus the chance to become the “Development Executive” on the project should the production company decide to develop it. All submissions should be sent no later than March 1, 2011 by email to For more information, please visit their website at, or see the flier on file in CS 106. **** Information has been received from The University of Tulsa concerning their 6th Annual English Graduate Student Conference, March 24-March 26, 2011. The conference means to explore the intersection of literature and media that complicates, alters, or further enriches literary scholarship and communication. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Elizabeth Abel, Professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley. Interested students can submit proposals related, but not limited, to pedagogical approaches; approaches to digital studies; periodicals and databases; film/television adaptations; and social networking sites and the academy. Abstracts of no more than 300 words for papers not exceeding 20 minutes should be submitted by February 7, 2011 to the organizers at, or by mail to: EGSA Conference Committee, English Dept. Zink Hall, The University of Tulsa, 800 S. Tucker Drive, Tulsa, OK 74104. Please include the title of your paper, name, contact information, institutional affiliation, and any AV requirements you may have. A $20.00 registration fee for all presenters is also required. For more information, please email the conference co-directors Melissa Antonucci or Kate Williams at and, or see the flier on file in CS 106. FURTHER STUDIES Information has been received from the University of Denver concerning their 36th Annual Publishing Institute. The institute is designed to help recent college graduates and career changers seeking careers in book publishing. Admission is selective and competitive, with enrollment limited to 95 students. Applications must be postmarked by March 22, 2011, and accompanied by two letters of recommendation, a personal statement, resume, transcripts and a nonrefundable fee of $50.00. Forms may be obtained by contacting the Publishing Institute at 303-871-2570, or downloaded at For more information, please visit their website at, or see the flier on file in CS 106. **** Echoes of the Aeolian Harp “Stifling the Truth: The Current Assault on Morals, Letters, and Humane Society,” an article by Dr. James E. Barcus, appeared in the November issue of Mission Journal. From Aeolian Harpings 31:18 (16 December 1981)