Rational for: Germany Study Tour

Rational for:
Germany Study Tour
HIST 4970/5970: Germany: National Problem, Creative Powerhouse, Economic Giant
The German Study Tour 2014 explores the history and culture of Germany through two of its
key cities: Munich and Berlin. Through reading and discussions, site-visits, museums, and course
projects, students will explore important developments that have led Germany from World War
II to become Europe’s economic powerhouse.
The German Study Tour for summer 2014 serves three purposes for the UCO student. Firstly,
the student learns the basic skills of international travel: to plan a trip, carry through on the travel
in a safe and educational manner, record experiences that contribute to global learning, and
finally evaluate experiences to become a well-rounded global citizen. Secondly, by enhancing
learning with on-site experience, the student will learn about crucial aspects of European
intellectual and cultural history, covering historical, social, political, artistic, economic, and
technological topics. And thirdly, the traveler/student will return to UCO prepared to recontextualize these experiences with several additional semesters of learning. This study tour can
become a central component of a lifetime of travel, reflection, and evaluation for UCO students.
Students who take HIST 4970/5970 Germany Study Tour will:
Increase their global awareness;
Develop a greater sense of cultural literacy;
And learn more about the geography of Germany & Europe.
Qualifications of Instructor
In addition to previous experience teaching the 2009, 2010 and 2012 German study tour, my
qualifications include:
A Ph.D. in European history from the University of St Andrews (Scotland), with a
research specialty in German history;
More than three years experience living and working in Germany;
A network of travel and educational contacts in Germany to enhance the student
Strong knowledge of German customs and culture;
German language proficiency.