UCO Travel Card

UCO Travel Card
Travel Card/Cash Advance
Request Form
• Request Declining Balance Travel Card
• Reactivate Travel Card (for previous
• Request Cash Advance Check
Travel Card/Cash Advance
Request Form Policy and Instructions
• How to Request card or cash
• How to activate card
• When to submit travel
Expense Reporting
In accordance with UCO Travel Card Policy, submit all
receipts and travel documents to the UCO Travel
Office, in person, within 14 days of the conclusion of
trip. Please read the Liability Clause statement
located directly above the cardholder signature field on
the Travel Card/Cash Advance Request Form.
Exception: Athletic Department Coaches only, may
retain their travel card until their respective sport
season has ended. This applies to the travel card
only and does not exempt coaches from complying
with the reconciliation regulations pertaining to each
individual trip.
Expense Reporting
Use of the UCO Travel Card requires that the
encumbrance originate from a UCO cash account.
Upon successful completion of all required
reimbursement responsibilities, the assigned faculty or
staff expense may be charged to an E&G organization,
if appropriate. This option is at the discretion of UCO
Travel Department personnel and requested during the
travel application process.
Expenses must be itemized and logged on the
Expense Report Envelope provided. Employee will
enclose all original receipts in the envelope.
Expense Reporting
• UCO Employees, (Coaches, Group Sponsors, etc) who
use the Travel Card to pay for their own travel expenses,
must submit a (UCO) State of Oklahoma Travel
Reimbursement Voucher, itemizing expenses as
requesting reimbursement. The employee will assign
payment to UCO by signing the assignment box on the
bottom right hand corner of the Travel Reimbursement
• All expenses must be in accordance with the State
Travel Regulations and Policies and UCO Student Travel
Regulations and Policies.
Expense Reporting
• Coaches traveling for recruiting purposes and using the
travel card to facilitate payment, must submit a trip log
for expenses not reported on Travel Reimbursement
Voucher (see #3, above). Trip log should list the activity,
expense, and name of recruit.
Travel Office Auditing
Travel office will match all receipts to charges
on credit card statement.
The audit of expenses is in accordance with
State Travel Regulations and UCO Student
Travel Regulations and Policy.
Cardholder will be personally liable for all
prohibited expenses. (Ref. Liability Clause, on
Travel Card / Cash Advance Request Form).
Travel Office Auditing
Travel Card expenses will be charged to the
encumbrance established at the time of application.
(Ref. #2, under Travel Card / Cash Advance Request
Form, Policy and Instruction Sheet).
Student expenses post directly to expense account code
Employee expenses post to the expense account codes
appropriate for the expense and under the employee’s ID until
reconciled. Assignment of payment to the UCO Travel Card
by traveler completes transaction.
State of Oklahoma Travel
Reimbursement Voucher
OSF Form 19
• For Reporting Employee Expenses
Group Travel Expense Report
For reporting the total amount charged to
travel card.
1. Itemized Student expenses
2. Employee expenses (total amount
claimed on OSF Form 19)
Purchasing & Payment Services
Contact Information for University
Dana Stout
Mark Buntyn