Document 17862718

№ 17 APRIL 2 002
№ 17 КВІТЕНЬ 2002
21th Colloquium of the Association of French speaking diatomists (ADLaF)
Nantes (France), September 10-13, 2002
The colloquium will take place in the Museum of natural History, in the city centre.
Participants are invited to present oral communications or posters (both in French) dealing with
fossil and recent diatoms from freshwater, marine and brackish environments, taxonomy, ecology,
water quality,... Statutory assembly of the association will be held on Thursday September12th in
the late afternoon. Wednesday 11th will be partly devoted to an excursion to the Loire estuary area.
Registration and deadline for abstracts of the oral communications and posters: June 28, 2002.
Abstracts are to be sent to Dr Yves RINCE / ISOMer / 2, rue de la Houssiniиre, B.P. 92208, F44322 Nantes cedex 03, France.
The conference registration fee is 50 euro. Information can be obtained at the association's
web site: or by e-mailing to the following address:
Secretariat and organisation of the colloquium:
DIREN-SEMA Pays de la Loire
12, rue Menou
F-44035-NANTES cedex
№ 17 APRIL 2 002
К 250-летию Московского Государственного Университета им. М.В. Ломоносова
Одиннадцатое Международное совещание по филогении растений
28-31 января 2003
1е Информационное письмо
Дорогие коллеги!
Приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе Одиннадцатого Международного совещания по
филогении растений, которое будет проходить 28 -31 января 2003 г. на Биологическом
факультете МГУ.
Председатель Оргкомитета:
Декан Биологического факультета МГУ,
заслуженный профессор МГУ М.В. Гусев
член-корр. РАН, проф. В.Н. Павлов,
проф. Ю.Т. Дьяков,
проф. В.С. Новиков,
д.б.н. А.К. Тимонин
Секретарь Оргкомитета:
Предполагается обсуждение широкого круга вопросов по следующим основным
- Филогения разных групп грибов, высших и низших растений.
- Основные особенности микро- и макроэволюции растений и грибов.
- Структурные и молекулярно-генетические основания выявления филогении растений и
Для участия в совещании необходимо до 15 сентября 2002 г. представить:
1. Заявку на участие в совещании с указанием Ф.И.О., места работы, должности, ученой
степени, почтового адреса, факса и e-mail.
2. Просим представлять не более двух докладов от одного лица (второй - в соавторстве).
3. Тезисы доклада:
- Объем – 1 стр. стандартного размера: заголовок, авторы, учреждение и город.
- Общее число знаков в тексте тезисов не должно превышать1800 (29 строк х 65 знаков).
- Текст должен быть набран в формате MS-DOS (например, в редакторе Lexicon без
выделения шрифтов и выравнивания правого края) или в редакторе Winword при сохранении
текста в формате RTF или “Текст DOS”.
- Параметры страницы: верхнее и нижнее поля - по 2,5 см; левое - 3 см; правое - 1,5 см;
бумага - А4.
- Шрифт: “Times New Roman”, 12 пунктов.
Оформление абзацев: выравнивание - по левому краю; абзацный отступ - 0,7 см (просьба
пробелами или табуляцией не устанавливать).
Помимо тезисов в печатном виде обязательно предоставление электронной версии по
электронной почте (в качестве прикрепленного файла) или при отсутствии такой
возможности - на дискете.
Заявки и тезисы могут быть высланы по почте, по e-mail, или переданы лично.
Оргкомитет уведомит Вас относительно принятия или отклонения Ваших тезисов.
Оргвзнос ориентировочно составит 100 рублей (организационные расходы) с каждого
участника, и 150 руб. за публикацию каждых тезисов (сумма зависит от числа тезисов, а не
от числа авторов).
Адрес Оргкомитета:
119 992, Москва, Ленинские горы,
Московский государственный университет,
№ 17 APRIL 2 002
Биологический ф-т, каф. высших растений;
Площинская Мария Евгеньевна
Тел: (095)939 16 03
Предпочтительной формой связи с Оргкомитетом является электронная почта.
Мы будем очень признательны, если Вы сообщите эту информацию Вашим коллегам.
С уважением,
April 2002, Volume 38, Issue 2
Algae - Highlights:
Russell L. Chapman and Debra A. Waters. Green algae and land plants—An answer at last? J.
Phycol. 2002 38: 237-240.
Ecology and Population Biology:
Helena Guasch, Maria Paulsson, and Sergi Sabater. Effect of copper on algal communities from
oligotrophic calcareous streams. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 241-248.
Two sets of experiments were done to quantify the effects of chronic copper exposure on natural periphyton in a nonpolluted calcareous river. The results of short-term (up to 6 h exposure) experiments
corroborated the significance of pH on copper toxicity. Copper toxicity increased when pH was reduced from
8.6 to 7.7, and this was related to the effect of pH on copper speciation (free copper concentration increased
from 0.2% to 2.3% of total copper). Longer term experiments demonstrated that periphyton communities
exposed to copper under pH variation (8.2–8.6) were already affected at 10 µg·L-1 (20–80 ng·L-1 Cu2+) after
12 days of exposure. Copper exposure caused stronger effects on structural (algal biomass and community
structure) than on functional (photosynthetic efficiency) parameters of peri- phyton. Changes in community
composition included the enhancement of some taxa (Gomphonema gracile), the inhibition of others
(Fragilaria capucina and Phormidium sp.), and the appearance of filament malformations (Mougeotia sp.).
The results of our study demonstrated that several weeks of exposure to copper (10–20 µg·L-1) were
sufficient to cause chronic changes in the periphyton of oligotrophic calcareous rivers. This degree of copper
pollution can be commonly found in the Mediterranean region as a result of agricultural practices and
farming activities. SUMMARY.
Kathleen M. Rühland and John P. Smol. Freshwater diatoms from the Canadian Arctic treeline
and development of paleolimnological inference models. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 249-264.
Relationships between surface sediment diatom assemblages and measured environmental variables
from 77 lakes in the central Canadian arctic treeline region were examined using multivariate statistical
methods. Lakes were distributed across the arctic treeline from boreal forest to arctic tundra ecozones, along
steep climatic and environmental gradients. Forward selection in canonical correspondence analysis
determined that dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total nitrogen (TN), lake
surface area, silica, lake-water depth, and iron explained significant portions of diatom species variation.
Weighted-averaging (WA) regression and calibration techniques were used to develop inference models for
DIC, DOC, and TN from the estimated optima of the diatom taxa to these environmental variables. Simple
WA models with classical deshrinking produced models with the strongest predictive abilities for all three
variables based on the bootstrapped root mean squared errors of prediction (RMSEP). WA partial least
squares showed little improvement over the simpler WA models as judged by the jackknifed RMSEP. These
models suggest that it is possible to infer trends in DIC, DOC, and TN from fossil diatom assemblages from
suitably chosen lakes in the central Canadian arctic treeline region. SUMMARY.
Pauli Snoeijs, Svenja Busse, and Marina Potapova. The importance of diatom cell size in
community analysis. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 265-281.
№ 17 APRIL 2 002
The large variation in size and shape in diatoms is shown by morphometric measurements of 515
benthic and pelagic diatom species from the Baltic Sea area. The largest mean cell dimension (mostly the
apical axis) varied between 4.2 and 653 µm, cell surface area between 55 and 344,000 µm2, and cell volume
between 21 and 14.2 x 106 µm3. The shape-related index, length to width ratio, was between 1.0 and 63.3 and
the shape- and size-related index, surface area to volume ratio, was between 0.02 and 3.13. Diatom
community analysis by multivariate statistics is usually based on counts of a fixed number of diatom valves
with species scores irrespective of cell size. This procedure underestimates the large species for two reasons.
First, the importance of a species with higher cell volume is usually larger in a community. Second, larger
species usually have lower abundances and their occurrence in the diatom counts is stochastic. This article
shows that co-occurring small and large diatom species can respond very differently to environmental
constraints. Large epiphytic diatoms responded most to macroalgal host species and small epiphytic diatoms
most to environmental conditions at the sampling site. Large epilithic diatoms responded strongly to salinity,
whereas small epilithic diatoms did so less clearly. The conclusion is that different scale-dependent responses
are possible within one data set. The results from the test data also show that important ecological
information from diatom data can be missed when the large species are neglected or underestimated.
Rodney D. Roberts, Michael Kühl, Ronnie Nøhr Glud, and Søren Rysgaard. Primary production
of crustose coralline red algae in a high arctic fjord. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 273-283.
Crustose coralline algae occupied ~ 1%–2% (occasionally up to 7%) of the sea floor within their depth
range of 15–50 m, and they were the dominant encrusting organisms and macroalgae beyond 20 m depth in
Young Sound, NE Greenland. In the laboratory, oxygen microelectrodes were used to measure net
photosynthesis (P) versus downwelling irradiance (Ed) and season for the two dominant corallines
[Phymatolithon foecundum (Kjellman) Düwel et Wegeberg 1996 and Phymatolithon tenue (Rosenvinge)
Düwel et Wegeberg 1996] representing > 90% of coralline cover. Differences in P-Ed curves between the two
species, the ice-covered and open-water seasons, or between specimens from 17 and 36 m depth were
insignificant. The corallines were low light adapted, with compensation irradiances (Ec) averaging 0.7–1.8
µmol photons·m-2·s-1 and light adaptation (Ek) indices averaging 7–17 µmol photons·m-2·s-1. Slight
photoinhibition was evident in most plants at irradiances up to 160 µmol photons·m-2·s-1. Photosynthetic
capacity (Pm) was low, averaging 43–67 mmol O2·m-2 thallus·d-1 (~ 250–400 g C·m-2 thallus·yr-1). Dark
respiration rates averaged ~ 5 mmol O2·m-2 thallus·d-1. In ice covered periods, Ed at 20 m depth averaged ~ 1
µmol photons·m-2·s-1, with daily maxima of 2–3 µmol photons·m-2·s-1. During the open water season, Ed at 20
m depth averaged ~ 7 µmol photons·m-2·s-1 with daily maxima of ~ 30 µmol photons·m-2·s-1. Significant net
primary production of corallines was apparently limited to the 2–3 months with open water, and the small
contribution of corallines to primary production seems due to low Pm values, low in situ irradiance, and their
relatively low abundance in Young Sound. SUMMARY.
Britas Klemens Eriksson, Gustav Johansson, and Pauli Snoeijs. Long-term changes in the
macroalgal vegetation of the inner Gullmar Fjord Swedish Skagerrak coast. J. Phycol. 2002
38: 284-296.
We examined long-term changes in the macroalgal vegetation at Stora Bornö Island in the inner
Gullmar Fjord on the Swedish Skagerrak coast. This was made possible by access to a 1941 diving
investigation. The same sites were reinvestigated in 1998. Community composition and depth distributions of
species were compared and changes were analyzed with focus on functional groups (size, thallus shape, and
life-history traits). We discovered a significant decrease in the depth extension of macroalgal species and a
dramatic decline of species richness in the lower littoral (below 16 m of depth) compared with 57 years
earlier. Ordination analysis revealed that there was a significant difference in the community composition
between the two study periods. In general, small (<10 cm), thin, filamentous, and aseasonal ephemerals
increased in relative abundance, whereas larger (>10 cm), coarsely branched, and perennial algae decreased.
Calibrations of individual species to local sediment cover, using canonical correspondence analysis, indicated
that part of the change in species composition was related to sediment load. Furthermore, large-scale climate
differences (NAO Winter Index) between the study periods indicated a higher impact of Baltic Sea and
Kattegat water in the nutrient dynamics of the fjord in the 1998 study. We concluded that the observed longterm changes in the macroalgal community at Stora Bornö Island were consistent with an increased nutrient
availability. SUMMARY.
№ 17 APRIL 2 002
Physiology and Biochemistry:
Yukie Yoshii, Shinichi Takaichi, Takashi Maoka, Satoshi Hanada, and Isao Inouye.
Characterization of two unique carotenoid fatty acid esters from Pterosperma cristatum
(Prasinophyceae, Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 2002 38: 297-303.
Carotenoid composition and spectroscopic characteristics were analyzed for Pterosperma cristatum
Schiller, one of the most primitive known members of green algae. This alga contained a substantial amount
of carotenoid esters, siphonaxanthin C14:1 trans-Δ2 ester and 6'-OH siphonaxanthin C14:1 trans-Δ2 ester,
but lacked lutein. This is the first report of carotenoid C14:1 trans-Δ2 esters from phototrophic organisms. In
vivo absorption spectra and excitation spectra of the cells revealed that these carotenoids absorbed blue-green
light and could transfer energy to chl a. These carotenoids were concluded to function as antenna pigments in
P. cristatum. SUMMARY.
Myung-Soo Han, Young-Pil Kim, and Rose Ann Cattolico. Heterosigma akashiwo
(Raphidophyceae) resting cell formation in batch culture: strain identity versus physiological
response. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 304-317.
In this study, we examined the impact of environmental perturbation on the movement of the toxic
bloom-forming alga Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hada ex Y. Hara et Chihara [syn. H. carterae (Hulburt)
F.J.R. Taylor] between vegetative and resting cell phases of the life history. Resting state induction, in batch
culture, was most effective when vegetative cells were subjected to low temperature (10° C) and darkness for
extended time periods. Heterosigma cells in stasis had neither a cell wall nor scales but were surrounded by a
calyx, most probably of polysaccharide composition. The resting cell was completely immobile, although
both flagella remained attached. Heterosigma resting cells did not require a maturation period before
successful activation to the vegetative state could occur. Cell division and motility were impacted
sequentially during both the induction and activation phases of resting cell development. Our data show that
Heterosigma had an obligate light requirement for resting cell activation. In replete medium, very low light
fluences of 5 µmol photons·m-2·s-1 were as effective as 60 µmol photons·m-2·s-1 in the initiation of activation.
Such sensitivity to extremely low light might give Heterosigma a competitive advantage for bloom formation
in nature. Reduced nitrate levels significantly shortened the temporal transition of vegetative cells into the
resting cell phase of the life history. Additionally, when resting cells induced in nitrate-limited medium were
activated under nitrate-replete condition, the efficiency of the activation response was directly correlated to
light availability. Both vegetative and resting cells maintained a haploid DNA complement. Rapid amplified
polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis demonstrated variation in genetic identity among axenic Heterosigma
strains. Strain identity influenced success in resting cell induction and survival in stasis. To date, no defined
sexual cycle has been described. These observations are discussed in terms of population fitness. The data
presented in this report provide a model algal system wherein the molecular events that govern long-term
stasis in an obligately autotrophic organism can now be assessed. SUMMARY.
Shinya Yoshikawa, Chikako Nagasato, Yumiko Makino, Akio Murakami, Hiroshi Kawai,
Terunobu Ichimura, and Taizo Motomura. Nuclear histone proteins of gametes in an oogamous
and two isogamous brown algae. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 318-324.
Nuclear basic proteins (histones) were studied in male and female gametes of the isogamous brown
algae, Colpomenia bullosa (Saunders) Yamada and Analipus japonicus (Harvey) Wynne and sperm of the
oogamous Cystoseira hakodatensis (Yendo) Fensholt by using SDS- and AUT-PAGE. Four major core
histones and several linker histone H1s were detected by electrophoresis. Each of the core histones was
identified by amino acid sequence analysis and peptide mapping. Electrophoresis patterns of histones were
the same in male and female gametes and quite similar between the two species. The composition of histone
H1s in conspicuously condensed sperm nuclei of C. hakodatensis was different from that in isogamous
gametes. Electrophoresis after micrococcal nuclease digestion of chromatin in male and female gamete
nuclei of C. bullosa and A. japonicus and sperm of C. hakodatensis resulted in regular ladder patterns of
DNA fragments (ca. 200 base pair). The chromatin of the brown algal gametes thus has the typical
nucleosome structure. These results showed that chromatin condensation in sperm nuclei of C. hakodatensis
was associated with a modification of linker histone H1 but not by change of core histones, replacement by
other basic proteins, changes of repeating patterns, or disappearance of nucleosomes. SUMMARY.
Mirash Zhekisheva, Sammy Boussiba, Inna Khozin-Goldberg, Aliza Zarka, and Zvi Cohen.
Accumulation of oleic acid in Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae) under nitrogen
№ 17 APRIL 2 002
starvation or high light is correlated with that of astaxanthin esters. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 325331.
The chlorophyte Haematococcus pluvialis accumulates large quantities of astaxanthin under stress
conditions. Under either nitrogen starvation or high light, the production of each picogram of astaxanthin was
accompanied by that of 5 or 3–4 pg of fatty acids, respectively. In both cases, the newly formed fatty acids,
consisting mostly of oleic (up to 34% of fatty acids in comparison with 13% in the control), palmitic, and
linoleic acids, were deposited mostly in triacylglycerols. Furthermore, the enhanced accumulation of oleic
acid was linearily correlated with that of astaxanthin. Astaxanthin, which is mostly monoesterified, is
deposited in globules made of triacylglycerols. We suggest that the production of oleic acid-rich
triacylglycerols on the one hand and the esterification of astaxanthin on the other hand enable the oil globules
to maintain the high content of astaxanthin esters. SUMMARY.
Ana T. Lombardi, Armando A. H. Vieira, and Luiz A. Sartori. Mucilaginous capsule adsorption
and intracellular uptake of copper by Kirchneriella aperta (Chlorococcales). J. Phycol. 2002 38:
The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate possible ecological and physiological
functions of mucilaginous capsules produced by the freshwater algae Kirchneriella aperta Teiling
(Chlorococcales) as related to copper ions. All experiments were performed using synthetic media under
laboratory-controlled conditions. Copper interactions were investigated by distinguishing between adsorption
onto the mucilaginous material present at the surface of the cells, intracellular uptake, and differentiation
between total dissolved copper and free copper ions in the culture medium. Kirchneriella aperta is sensitive
to copper, as revealed by a 96-h EC50 value of 10-9.22 M Cu2+. We demonstrated that the mucilaginous
capsules were able to sequester copper ions from the medium through a passive mechanism, thus providing
the cell with a mechanism able to postpone the toxic effects of copper. The organic material that diffuses into
the test medium as well as the mucilaginous capsules produced by K. aperta both effectively complex
copper; thus, toxicity must be related to free copper ions and not the total dissolved copper concentration in
the medium. SUMMARY.
Runar Thyrhaug, Aud Larsen, Corina P. D. Brussaard, and Gunnar Bratbak. Cell cycle dependent
virus production in marine phytoplankton. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 338-343.
In this study we investigated virus production in two marine phytoplankton species and how it relates
to the host's cell cycle. Phaeocystis pouchetii (Hariot) Lagerheim and Pyramimonas orientalis McFadden,
Hill & Wetherby, growing synchronously in batch cultures, were infected with their respective viruses (PpV
and PoV) at four different stages in the cell cycle and the production of free virus was then measured for 30
h. The virus production in P. orientalis infected with PoV depended on the time of infection, whereas no such
relation was found for P. pouchetii infected with PpV. The P. orientalis cultures infected at the end of the
dark period and at the beginning of the light period produced three times more virus than those infected in the
middle of the light period and eight times more virus than those infected at the beginning of the dark period.
The latent periods for PpV and PoV were 12–14 h and 18–20 h, respectively, and in both cases were
independent of the host cell cycle. The differences in virus production may be attributed to light or cell cycle
dependent regulation of host infection, metabolism, or burst size. Regardless of the mechanism, these
differences may be related to differences in the ecological strategies of the hosts and their ability to form
blooms. SUMMARY.
José Manuel Estevez, Marina Ciancia, and Alberto Saúl Cerezo. Carrageenans biosynthesized by
carposporophytes of red seaweeds Gigartina skottsbergii (Gigartinaceae) and Gymnogongrus
torulosus (Phyllophoraceae). J. Phycol. 2002 38: 344-350.
Carrageenans biosynthesized by gametophytic and tetrasporic plants of seaweeds belonging to the
Gigartinaceae and Phyllophoraceae are different: gametophytes produce carrageenans of the kappa family,
whereas lambda-carrageenans are extracted from tetrasporophytes. For Gigartina skottsbergii Setchell and
Gardner and Gymnogongrus torulosus Hooker et Harvey, mature cystocarps were isolated and carrageenans
were extracted. Structural determination by methylation analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,
and 13C-NMR spectroscopy showed that they were kappa/iota-carrageenans. For the extract obtained from
cystocarps of Gigartina skottsbergii with water at room temperature, the ratio kappa:iota was 1:0.30 and at
90° C was 1:0.43; significant amounts of precursors were also present. The extract obtained from cystocarps
of Gymnogongrus torulosus at 90° C showed prevalence of iota-carrageenans (ratio kappa:iota 1:1.21). These
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extracts are similar to the polysaccharides produced by gametophytes of these seaweeds. For Gigartina
skottsbergii, it was possible to separate the pericarpic tissue from the carposporophyte. Thus, they were
extracted separately, and the carrageenans isolated were studied as described before, obtaining similar
conclusions. These results clearly show that whereas the carposporophytes are located inside the cystocarp,
they produce carrageenans of the kappa family despite of being diploid cells. SUMMARY.
Cellular and Molecular Biology:
Allison M. L. van de Meene and Jeremy D. Pickett-Heaps. Valve morphogenesis in the centric
diatom Proboscia alata Sundstrom. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 351-363.
Valve morphogenesis in Proboscia alata Sundstrom was followed in living cells and during treatment
with antiactin and antimicrotubule drugs. Once cleaved, sibling cells rounded up and retracted. Soon, a
granular organizing center (OC) appeared adjacent to the stub of the initiated valve. Silicification started
within a silicon deposition vesicle (SDV) adjacent to the OC. The elongating valve was initially tubular and
sealed at one end, creating the proboscis of the conical valve. The edge of the SDV and thinnest region of the
forming valve was lined by a sleeve of bundled microtubules (MTs) that terminated short of the older more
rigid part of the valve. The growing proboscis of living cells treated with the anti-MT drug oryzalin became
grossly distorted. EM revealed dense material lining the growing edge of the SDV; immunofluorescence
microscopy showed a ring of actin here. Applied to living cells, the antiactin drug cytochalasin D caused the
very young proboscis to collapse; in older valves, the base of the proboscis expanded. Thus, valve
morphogenesis appeared controlled by the MT cytoskeleton, keeping the proboscis straight while actin
molded its conical outline. At the tip of the proboscis was a slit resembling a labiate process. Its
morphogenesis involved striated fibers and two MTs, reminiscent of the fibers and MTs associated with
raphe morphogenesis. In contrast to spine-like processes that elongate by tip growth, the tip of the proboscis
was formed first, and the consequent "antitip growth" suggests the tip was originally the center of the valve
face. SUMMARY.
Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:
Monique Turmel, Megumi Ehara, Christian Otis, and Claude Lemieux. Phylogenetic relationships
among streptophytes as inferred from chloroplast small and large subunit rRNA gene
sequences. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 364-375.
To gain insights into the phylogeny of charophytes and into their relationships with other green algae
and bryophytes, we analyzed the chloroplast small and large subunit rRNA sequences of charophytes
belonging to five orders (Charales, Coleochaetales, Desmidiales, Klebsormidiales, and Zygnematales), of
chlorophytes from the four remaining classes of green algae, and of bryophytes representing the three classes
reported in this group of land plants. We also probed the gene organization and intron content of the
chloroplast rDNA operon in charophytes and bryophytes. The organization of this operon proved to be highly
conserved, except in members of the Desmidiales and Zygnematales. Homologous group II introns were
identified in the trnA(UGC) gene of all charophyte groups examined and in the trnI(GAU) gene of
charophytes from all orders except the Desmidiales and Zygnematales. Phylogenetic analyses of
concatenated rDNA sequences consistently placed the prasinophyte Mesostigma viride Lauterborn at the base
of the Streptophyta and Chlorophyta, although alternative topologies positioning Mesostigma within the
Streptophyta could not be rejected. A sister group relationship was unambiguously established between
Chaetosphaeridium globosum (Nordstedt) Klebahn and members of the Coleochaetales. The Charales,
Coleochaetales, Desmidiales, and Zygnematales were found to be monophyletic, and a sister group
relationship was observed for the Desmidiales and Zygnematales. Although our analyses failed to resolve the
branching order of the Coleochaetales, Charales, Desmidiales/Zygnematales, and bryophytes, they revealed
that the problematic charophyte taxon Entransia fimbriata Hughes strongly clusters with Klebsormidium
flaccidum (Kützing) Silva, Mattox et Blackwell to form a basal lineage relative to the other charophyte
orders examined. SUMMARY.
Mark A. Buchheim, Julie A. Buchheim, Tracy Carlson, and Paul Kugrens. Phylogeny of
Lobocharacium (Chlorophyceae) and allies: A study of 18S and 26S rDNA data. J. Phycol.
2002 38: 376-383.
The phylogenetic affinities of Lobocharacium coloradoense were investigated by analysis of
combined 18S and 26S rDNA data. Results from both parsimony and likelihood methods supported a close
alliance among Lobocharacium, Characiosiphon, and Characiochloris. These three taxa formed a clade near
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the base of the "Dunaliella" group within the chlamydomonad lineage. Protosiphon, which exhibits a
siphonous habit similar to Characiosiphon and Lobocharacium, was not resolved as a close ally of the latter
two taxa. The Lobocharacium alliance was characterized by the presence of an attachment pad associated
with the nonmotile vegetative stage and pyrenoids that possess cytoplasmic invaginations. The pyrenoid
feature is an ultrastructural trait that has now been observed in five different chlorophycean lineages. The
Lobocharacium–Characiosiphon–Characiochloris clade is not predicted by any classifications of green
algae. Additional taxon and data sampling need to be completed to resolve inconsistencies between the
molecular phylogenetic evidence and at least some of the current family-level taxa. SUMMARY.
Denis Baurain, Laurent Renquin, Stana Grubisic, Patsy Scheldeman, Amha Belay, and Annick
Wilmotte. Remarkable conservation of internally transcribed spacer sequences of Arthrospira
("Spirulina") (Cyanophyceae, Cyanobacteria) strains from four continents and of recent and
30-year-old dried samples from Africa. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 384-393.
The internally transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of 21 Arthrospira clonal strains from four continents
and assigned to four different species (A. platensis, A. maxima, A. fusiformis, A. indica) in the culture
collections were determined. Two main clusters, I and II, were differentiated by 49 positions out of 475 nt or
477 nt, respectively. Each cluster was further subdivided into two subclusters. Subclusters I.A and I.B were
separated by two substitutions, whereas subclusters II.A and II.B were distinguished by four substitutions.
After direct sequencing of the PCR products, three dried samples from Chad aged between 3 months and 35
years yielded a sequence belonging to subcluster I.A, as did a recent commercial product. The strains grown
in production plants belonged to the same (sub)clusters as strains from culture collections, mainly I.A and II.
PCR primers specific for each cluster and subcluster were designed and tested with crude cell lysates of
Arthrospira strains. One dried sample ("dihé" 1) and a herbarium sample from Lake Sonachi (Kenya) only
contained I.A sequences, whereas the commercial product was a mixture of the four genotypes and the other
two dried samples contained minor polymorphisms characteristic of different clusters. Five clonal
Arthrospira strains, thought to be duplicates, showed the simultaneous presence of the two forms of the four
diagnostic positions that distinguish subclusters genotype II.A and genotype II.B. This is likely to be caused
by multiple copies of the rDNA operon, in a intermediate stage of homogenization between subcluster II.A
and subcluster II.B. The high conservation of ITS sequences is in contrast with the assignment to four
different species, the great morphological variability of the strains, and their wide geographic distribution.
Charles F. Delwiche, Kenneth G. Karol, Matthew T. Cimino, and Kenneth J. Sytsma. Phylogeny of
the genus Coleochaete (Coleochaetales, Charophyta) and related taxa inferred by analysis of
the chloroplast gene rbcL. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 394-403.
The genus Coleochaete Bréb. is considered to be a key taxon in the evolution of green algae and
embryophytes (land plants), but only a few of the approximately 15 species have been studied with molecular
phylogenetic methods. We report here the sequences of the gene rbcL from six new cultures of Coleochaete
and two of Chaetosphaeridium Klebahn. These sequences were combined with 32 additional sequences, and
phylogenetic analyses were performed with maximum likelihood, distance optimality, and parsimony
methods. Important subgroups within Coleochaete include two primary lineages, one marked by fully
corticated zygotes and the other by naked or weakly corticated zygotes. In the first lineage there is a subclade
with tightly joined filaments and distinctive ("T-shaped") cell division, an assemblage of strains that
resembles the endophytic species Coleochaete nitellarum Jost, and a clade with loosely joined filaments and
"Y-shaped" cell divisions. Consistent with recent multigene phylogenies, these analyses support the
monophyly of the Coleochaetales, place the Charales as the sister taxon to land plants, and indicate that
Chaetosphaeridium is far more closely related to Coleochaete than to Mesostigma Lauterborn. SUMMARY.
Isabelle C. Biegala, Gabrielle Kennaway, Elsa Alverca, Jean-François Lennon, Daniel Vaulot, and
Nathalie Simon. Identification of bacteria associated with dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae)
Alexandrium spp. using tyramide signal amplification–fluorescent in situ hybridization and
confocal microscopy. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 404-411.
In the marine environment, phytoplankton and bacterioplankton can be physically associated. Such
association has recently been hypothesized to be involved in the toxicity of the dinoflagellate genus
Alexandrium. However, the methods, which have been used so far to identify, localize, and quantify bacteria
№ 17 APRIL 2 002
associated with phytoplankton, are either destructive, time consuming, or lack precision. In the present study
we combined tyramide signal amplification–fluorescent in situ hybridization (TSA-FISH) with confocal
microscopy to determine the physical association of dinoflagellate cells with bacteria. Dinoflagellate attached
microflora was successfully identified with TSA-FISH, whereas FISH using monolabeled probes failed to
detect bacteria, because of the dinoflagellate autofluorescence. Bacteria attached to entire dinoflagellates
were further localized and distinguished from those attached to empty theca, by using calcofluor and DAPI,
two fluorochromes that stain dinoflagellate theca and DNA, respectively. The contribution of specific
bacterial taxa of attached microflora was assessed by double hybridization. Endocytoplasmic and
endonuclear bacteria were successfully identified in the nonthecate dinoflagellate Gyrodinium instriatum. In
contrast, intracellular bacteria were not observed in either toxic or nontoxic strains of Alexandrium spp.
Finally, the method was successfully tested on natural phytoplankton assemblages, suggesting that this
combination of techniques could prove a useful tool for the simultaneous identification, localization, and
quantification of bacteria physically associated with dinoflagellates and more generally with phytoplankton.
Book Reviews:
Robert C. Carpenter. Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology. J. Phycol. 2002 38: 412414.
Флора и фауна водоемов и водотоков Баргузинского заповедника
(Аннотированные списки видов) // Флора и фауна заповедников СССР. Вып. 91. М., 2000.
180 с. Тираж 250 экз.
В 91 выпуск "Флора и фауна заповедников СССР" вошла работа, посвященная флоре
водорослей Баргузинского заповедника:
А.Б. Бочка. Водоросли (под редакцией Г.Ф. Мазеповой). С.8-123.
Edited by WF Prud'homme van Reine and GC Trono
PROSEA: Plant Resources of South-East Asia 15. 318 pages, figs, tabs.
To order on-line:
Price:GBP85 2001 NHBS Stock Code:#107939A hardback
Backhuys, Netherlands
Edited by T Fatma
272 pages.
To order on-line:
Price:GBP57.50 1999 NHBS Stock Code:#123459A hardback
Alpha Science
Уважаемые коллеги! Вышла в свет коллективная монография, некоторые сведения о
которой я посылаю для информации в Альгологическом Вестнике. Она вызвала большой
интерес у специалистов, однако тираж ее ограничен (300 экз.).Стоимость одного экз. 20 грн.
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монографию на сайте Отдела проблем качества водной среды
Анна Георгиевна Петросян
Ст.н.с. отдела Проблем качества водной среды
Одесского филиала Института биологии южных морей НАН Украины
Контактный адрес:
Килийская часть дельты Дуная весной 2000 г.:
Состояние экосистем и последствия техногенных катастроф в бассейне
Одесса, 2001.
НАН Украины, Одесский филиал института биологии южных морей
128 с. Ил. 19, табл. 46, библиогр. 104 назв.
Редакционная коллегия выпуска:
Ответственный редактор: к.б.н. Б.Г.Александров.
Ю.П. Зайцев, академик НАН Украины,
А.К. Виноградов, д-р.биол.наук.,
Л.В. Воробьева, д-р.биол.наук.,
В.Н. Золотарев, д-р.биол.наук.,
В.А. Иваница, д-р.биол.наук., профессор,
Г.Г. Миничева, д-р.биол.наук.
Ответственный секретарь – А.Г. Петросян, канд. биол. наук
Монография подготовлена на базе материалов Государственной санитарноэпидемиологической станции Одесской области и Дунайской ГМО (г. Измаил), данных
комплексных экспедиционных исследований, проведенных силами временного творческого
коллектива под руководством к.х.н. Н.И. Рясинцевой (ОФ ИнБЮМ НАН Украины) в период
с 22 по 27 апреля 2000 г. и анализа ретроспективных материалов. В работе дан анализ
гидрологических, гидрохимических и гидробиологических характеристик района нижнего
течения реки Дунай, Килийской дельты и авандельты. Показаны изменения загрязнения
цианидами и тяжелыми металлами в контролируемых створах, дана общая санитарногигиеническая, экологическая и токсикологическая оценка качества вод и донных
отложений. На основании сравнения с аналогичными периодами предыдущих лет показаны
изменения качества среды и характеристик сообществ фитопланктона, зоопланктона и
макрозообентоса. Выявлены факторы экологического риска прямо или косвенно связанные с
техногенным воздействием. Проведена предварительная оценка размеров платежей за сброс
загрязняющих веществ в поверхностные воды и ущерба рыбным запасам вследствие
аварийных сбросов предприятиями Румынии токсичных загрязняющих веществ (цианиды,
тяжелые металлы) в период с 31 января по 10 марта 2000 г.
Издание рассчитано на специалистов в области гидрологии, гидрохимии,
гидробиологии и экологии, а также охраны и рационального использования водных и
рыбных ресурсов.
Печатается по решению Ученого совета ОФ ИнБЮМ НАН Украины
© Одесский филиал Института биологии южных морей НАН Украины
ISBN 966-02-2186-X
ВВЕДЕНИЕ (Н.И. Рясинцева)
№ 17 APRIL 2 002
Гидрологические и гидрохимические условия (В.В. Адобовский, О.Р. Крутько, Н.И.
Рясинцева, Т.И. Коновалова)
Уровень загрязнения вод и донных отложений (П.Т. Савин, Н.И. Рясинцева, Н.Ф.
Подплетная, С.А. Доценко)
Цианиды в воде и донных отложениях (Л.И. Засыпка, Л.А. Харина, Н.И. Рясинцева, Ю.Е.
Тяжелые металлы в воде и донных отложениях (Л.И. Засыпка, Л.А. Харина, Н.И.
Рясинцева, Л.Ю. Секундяк, Е.А. Павлова, Ю.Е. Чумак)
Бактериопланктон и бактериобентос (Н.Г. Теплинская)
Фитопланктон (Д.А. Нестерова, А.И. Иванов)
Физиологическое состояние сообществ фитопланктона (И.А. Скрипник, Е.В. Кирсанова)
Зоопланктон (Л.Н. Полищук)
Макрозообентос (И.А. Синегуб)
ТЕХНОГЕННЫХ КАТАСТРОФ (С.Е. Дятлов, А.Г. Петросян, О.Ф. Ганган, М.С. Дятлова)
Определение размера платежей за сброс загрязняющих веществ в воды украинского
участка р. Дунай (Ю.Е. Михалечко)
Расчет ущерба, нанесенного рыбному хозяйству в результате загрязнения вод
украинского участка р. Дунай (С.Г. Бушуев, В.Е. Рыжко, Е.Г. Воля)
Оценка экономического ущерба, нанесенного загрязнением популяциям проходных
осетровых бассейна р. Дунай (Ю.А. Лукаржевский)
Оценка ущерба от потери нерестилищ в результате вынужденного прекращения
водоподачи в придунайские озера Украины (Г.Ю. Толоконников)
ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ (Н.И. Рясинцева)
Source: Анна Георгиевна Петросян:
Уважаемые коллеги!
Может быть вас заинтересует следующая информация, которую я нашла в Сети. Может быть
ее можно включить в Альговестник. Я подумала, а что если в АВ делать небольшие обзоры
интернет-страниц по альгологии? Там попадается зачастую нужные и интересные вещи.
1. На сайте Американского фикологического общества есть раздел – The Phycological
Newsletter, где представлены некоторые pdf версии этого журнала.
2. На сайте Университета Нью Джерси имеется раздел "The Euglenoid Project"
Интересной частью этого проекта, помимо массы информации о эвгленовых водорослях,
являются определительные ключи для родов эвгленовых водорослей и видов рода Euglena
(свободный доступ, download). Ключи выполнены в виде приложения программы Lucid.
Свободно распространяемую версию этой программы можно скачать на сайте
№ 17 APRIL 2 002
3. На сайте "The SilicaSecchiDisk" приводятся данные по исследованиям золотистых и
диатомовых водорослей. Имеются микрофотографии, база данных по родам и видам (с
возможностью поиска) и определительные ключи по Синуровым водорослям и роду
Mallomonas. Ключи также выполнены в виде приложения программы Lucid.
Хотелось бы обратить особое внимание на очень хорошее качество фотографий водорослей.
Source: Анисимова Ольга Викторовна
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№ 17 APRIL 2 002
ул. Доброхотова, д. 24, ком. 54,
г.Киев, 03142, Украина
Мантурова Оксана: (for O. Manturova)
Ярмошенко Людмила:
Романенко Петро:
Демченко Едуард: (For E.N. Demchenko)
Михайлюк Тетяна:
Селезнева Наталья:
Горбулін Олег:
Громакова Алла: (for A.Gromakova)
Віннікова Ольга: (for O.Vinnikova)
Садогурська Світлана і Садогурський Сергій:
Масюк Надія Прохорівна.
Ліліцька Галина Георгієвна.
Виноградова Оксана:
Борисова Олена Володимирівна.
Царенко Петро Михайлович: (To P. Tsarenko)
Леонтьєв Дмитро:
Петльований Олег.
Патова Елена Николаевна:
Кузяхметов Григорий Гильмиярович:
Шарипова Марина Юрьевна:
Шкундина Фаина Борисовна:
Алейникова Мария Даниловна (редакция журнала “Альгология”).
Теренько Галина Викторовна:
Прибыловская Наталья Сергеевна:
Комулайнен Сергей Федорович:
Дубовик Ирина Евгеньевна:
Анисимова Ольга Викторовна:
Ляшенко Оксана Александровна:
Болдина Ольга Николаевна:;
Хайбуллина Лилия Салаватовна:
Ситникова Юлия Алексеевна:
Харитонов Вячеслав Гергиевич:
Бухтиярова Людмила Николаевна:
Михайлова Татьяна Александровна:
Иванова Анна Петровна:
Миничева Галина Григорьевна:
Дятлов Сергей Евгеньевич:
Петросян Анна Георгиевна:
Солоненко Анатолий Николаевич: (for A.N. Solonenko)
Вознячук Ирина Петровна:
Витенайте Тересе:
Шадрин Николай Васильевич:,
Козлова Дина Владимировна:,
Леман Наталья, Челомбицкая Мария: