University of Central Oklahoma Request for Software/Service Review and Approval Please complete ALL required fields (optional fields are marked with an asterisk). Obtain required signatures and then mail this form and copies of supporting documentation to the UCO Technology Support Help Desk, Box 122. The form and supporting documentation will be scanned and attached to a new service request. The request will be associated with the individual requesting approval and an e-mail with the request details will be sent to the provided e-mail address. Please allow 30 business days to process this request. Forms received that are complete and include the requested attachments will be reviewed and processed by Technology Support within 2 to 5 business days. That information will then be sent to the Office of Information Technology via Campus Mail, where it will typically be reviewed and processed within 2 to 5 business days. It will then be sent to Legal Services via Campus Mail and should be reviewed and processed within 2 to 5 business days. Contracts will then be sent on to the Executive Vice President for the final UCO signature. For incomplete submissions, processing will be delayed until the necessary information is provided by the individual requesting approval (Technology Support will not contact the vendor for information). If a server is involved, this process could take much longer, depending on whether a new project must be started. Section A – Individual Requesting Approval Name: (First) UCO ID #: * (MI) E-mail: Department: (Last) Phone: Classification: Provide the e-mail addresses of other people to notify of status changes to this request. *FYI/Notify: Section B – Software/Service Needing Approval Name: Version: Web page: Web address (URL) for specific software or service, if available. Publisher/Developer: Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, etc. Section C – Purpose of Software/Service Provide an overview of the software or service, including how it will be used at UCO. Overview/ Application: *If for instructional use, please complete Section D below. If for administrative use, you may skip Section D. Intended use: Section D – Software/Service for Instructional Use In what courses will this software or service be utilized? Courses: Section 508 compliant? See If “No”, explain: If “No”, please explain how accessibility needs will be met. Revised July 27, 2016 Section E – Selection of Software/Service IDENTIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS Process: How were requirements identified? Who was involved? List: Provide a list of the requirements identified. IDENTIFICATION OF SOLUTIONS Process: How were potential solutions identified? Who was involved? List: List potential solutions identified. If only one, explain why. (sole source, recognized industry standard, etc.) EVALUATION OF SOLUTIONS How were potential solutions evaluated? (trial installations, vendor demos, customer reviews, etc.) Process: Section F – Implementation of Software/Service Where: In what buildings and rooms will the software or service be installed? Please provide computer names, if available. How: How will the software or service be installed? Who will perform this installation? When: What is the planned date to start using this software or service? For instructional use, when is access to the software or service needed, in order to allow enough time to integrate into coursework? Who: Who will be using this software or service? Staff, Faculty, and/or Students? Approximately how many of each? Are these numbers expected to increase over time? If so, what is the anticipated growth rate? Revised July 27, 2016 Section G – Technical Specifications If help is needed, please solicit the vendor’s assistance to complete this section. Product Type: If option [2] or [3] is selected, please expect additional delays in processing this request. For all applications hosted on OIT-managed servers, this request will be forwarded to the Office of Project Management to start a new project. Project timelines typically range from 2-4 months for small applications and from 6 months to 1 year for larger applications. THIS SECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL PRODUCT TYPES CLIENT REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM RECOMMENDED CPU/Processor: . . . . RAM (Memory): . . . . Hard disk space: . . . . Other hardware: Operating system: Windows XP Windows 7 Mac OS X 10.4-10.6 Check all that apply. Other: List *ALL* dependencies, helper applications, plug-ins, etc., including versions. (Internet Explorer 6.0 and above, Adobe Flash Player 9.0 and above, Sun Java J2RE 1.6.0 and above, Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 SP1, Windows Media Player 11, QuickTime Player 7.1, RealPlayer 12.0, etc.) Other software: A summary of client requirements is available at this URL, or in the attached document. (You must still complete all “Client Requirements” sections above.) *Web page or attachment: THIS SECTION IS REQUIRED FOR PRODUCT TYPES [2] AND [3] SERVER REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM RECOMMENDED CPU/Processor: . . . . RAM (Memory): . . . . Hard disk space: . . . . Ports needed for hardware keys, etc. Other hardware: Operating system: Other software: *Web page or attachment: Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Other: Check all that apply. List *ALL* dependencies, helper applications, plug-ins, etc., including versions. (IIS with WebDAV and ASP.Net, Apache Tomcat 5.0, Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 SP1, SQL Server 2005/2008, etc.) A summary of server requirements is available at this URL, or in the attached document. (You must still complete all “Server Requirements” sections above.) Revised July 27, 2016 Section H – Legal Agreements Attach copies of ALL legal agreements applicable to this product. Attachments (check all that apply): End User License Agreement (EULA) Terms of Use (typical with product type 4 above) Contract (typical with product types 2-4 above) Privacy Policy (may apply to product type 4 above) Other: Section I – Purchase Information If help is needed, please solicit the vendor’s assistance to complete this section. Quote: Quote should include cost of licensing, maintenance and support, training and other professional services. All information below is still required, even if listed in the quote. Quote attached (required) VENDOR INFORMATION FOR PURCHASE ORDER Name: Street address (line 1): Street address (line 2): City: State: Telephone: Fax: ZIP: Country: Tax ID (FEIN): Name of sales rep and their contact info. *Representative: Can we purchase the requested software or service from this vendor via an existing state contract? If so, please provide the contract number. *State contract: PRODUCT LICENSING CLIENT Number of licenses: . Initial cost per license: Cost per add’l license: . Enter “Site” for a license allowing unlimited use at one campus site. Enter “Unlimited” for a license allowing unlimited use at an unlimited number of sites. . Do not include the cost of training, implementation, customization, etc. Do not include initial maintenance or support if it is billed separately. . What is the cost per additional license? If licenses must be added in “packs”, note the size of the pack (i.e. $1,000/10-pack). SERVER . . CLIENT SERVER . $ $ CLIENT SERVER . $ $ Per device or per user? Named users/devices or concurrent? Please answer both questions. License model: PRODUCT MAINTENANCE Annual maint. cost per license: CLIENT . $ SERVER . % $ . . % Include maintenance cost per license, and show that cost as a percentage of the original non-discounted license cost (typically 15-25%). PRODUCT TRAINING Total cost: (include travel, meals, & expenses) Per-person cost: (total cost divided by people trained) $ . Duration: $ . People trained: (in hours or days) . (number of employees trained) . . . OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (IMPLEMENTATION, CUSTOMIZATION, CONSULTING, ETC.) Please provide a brief explanation of these services and their costs, and ensure that they are listed in the attached quote. Revised July 27, 2016 Section J – Technical Support Once implemented, how critical will this software be to performing work or providing instruction? When problems arise, how quickly do they need to be resolved to ensure minimal impact? Criticality: Who will be expected to provide first-level technical support for this software or service? If this is a UCO entity, ensure that you have communicated this expectation (and the criticality, as defined above) to them and that they have agreed to provide this support. First-level support: Vendor support: Is unlimited technical support included in the quoted maintenance fee for this software or service? If not, what is the cost per incident (or per hour, if billed hourly)? VENDOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT INFORMATION Telephone: E-mail: Hours of operation: Website: Alternate methods of support that are available, such as a wiki, forum, blog, user community, live chat, and/or listserv. Other: Section K – Software Updates/Upgrades If help is needed, please solicit the vendor’s assistance to complete this section. SOFTWARE UPDATES & PATCHES How often are “release-quality” updates to this software typically made available? Frequency: How is the software updated? Are these updates automatically downloaded and installed? Is there a vendor-provided method to do this? Is third-party deployment software necessary to facilitate this? Will this be the responsibility of each end user? If so, how will the updates be made available to them? If used in a computer lab or classroom, how often do these updates need to be applied and how will this be managed to avoid an undue burden on technical support staff? Update process: MINOR VERSION UPGRADES (i.e. upgrading from version 5.1 to 5.2) How often are minor version upgrades to this software typically made available? Frequency: Are minor version upgrades included in the maintenance cost? If not, how much does a minor version upgrade typically cost? Are professional services typically needed to implement the upgrade? Cost: MAJOR VERSION UPGRADES (i.e. upgrading from version 5.2 to 6.0) Frequency: Cost: How often are major version upgrades to this software typically made available? Are major version upgrades included in the maintenance cost? If not, how much does a major version upgrade typically cost? Are professional services typically needed to implement the upgrade? Revised July 27, 2016 Section L – Media & License Management Media: Is the software provided on physical media or downloaded via the Internet? If on physical media, in what physical location will the media be stored? If downloaded, how will a copy of the download be maintained for future use? License Mgmt: Who will record, maintain, and secure all license materials, such as certificates and product keys? Who will be responsible for ensuring that maintenance for these licenses is renewed each year? Section M – Review & Sign SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME . DATE . . . I have completed sections A through L to the best of my ability. As necessary, I have sought assistance from the vendor and others in order to complete this form. For all computers on which this software will be used, I have attempted to ensure that hardware and software requirements and recommendations are met or exceeded. I have attached a complete quote (formal, if possible), as well as a copy of all legal agreements applicable to the purchase and use of this software or service. I understand that typical software/service approval requests are processed within 10 to 20 business days and that an incomplete submission will delay the processing of this request. Section N – Approvals SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME DATE Department Head: Technology Support: Office of Info. Tech.: Legal Services: Executive V.P.: Section O – Attachments DOCUMENT TITLE PAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section P – Technology Support Use Only Date Received: Service Request Number: Revised July 27, 2016