Banner Finance Security Review

Banner Finance Security Review
Dear Banner Financial Manager,
You are receiving this email because you are the financial manager on record in Banner for one or more
organizations. It is time to review access security for each of your organizations. You are going to be
requested to make this review quarterly. Please review your organizations and submit any changes by
December 20th.
Through the Accounting Department website, all of the tools necessary to review and request changes
to finance security are available. Directions of how to log in to the application on the website are listed
below. You can log in each time or set up your computer to be recognized every time.
As the financial manager, you need to request users to be removed if they currently should not have
access to an organization. This could happen if a person has changed departments and no notifications
were made at the time they moved.
Typically for any student activity organizations (Sxxxxx), the Budget Coordinator for Student Services will
automatically have access. This access will not be removed unless specific approval is given from the VP
of Student Services. There are similar situations for other departments as well.
Off campus users and MAC users will not be able to access the administrative portal.
Please contact me if you have question about accessing the web application or requesting changes.
Lisa Harper
AVP for Financial Operations
Logging into the Administration Portal
If using Internet Explorer 7 or 8, you can set your computer up to automatically log you in each
time. **Do this before you go to the admin web site**
1. From the Browser, choose Tools / Internet Options
2. Click on the Security Tab
3. Click on Local Intranet and click on the Sites button
4. When that opens click on the Advanced button
5. Type in the box that says Add this Web site to the zone. Click the
Add button
6. Click Close and OK and OK until all of the property pages are closed
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Banner Finance Security Review
7. Go to the department website following the link below
To Log in Each Time Without the Above Set Up:
Go to the admin website following the links below. The username and password you should be using is
your UCO Windows Network login. The same one you use to login to your computer each day. Not your
Banner login if it is different, and Not your UConnect login.
Internet Explorer 7 & 8: For example, User name: jdoe17. The password will be the same that you
use for logging into your work computer.
Website Link On the left side of the screen at the bottom you will see the words
Admin Portal. Scroll down to see the link and click on it.
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Banner Finance Security Review
Expand the Accounting Fold (+) – From here you can view the security report, request organization
changes of users or financial managers.
Change Financial Manager
If you are incorrectly listed as the financial manager of an organization,
please make a request to have the financial manager of the
organization changed following a link in the application on the website.
Use either Change Single Organization or Change Multi Org Financial
This can also be used as a tool to look up all organizations that are
associated with a financial manager. The same information can be
obtained from the Org Security Access Report (see below).
Inactivate Organization
If the organization needs to be inactivated, please complete a request
to do so.
Note: Some restrictions to making organizations inactive are if there is
1) a remaining cash balance (positive or negative) or 2) an outstanding
receivable for a detail code linked to the organization, then the
organization can’t be inactivated until these things are resolved.
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Banner Finance Security Review
*All of the fields in this section are independent of each other.
1. Find your name in the financial manager drop down list.
2. Display the report using HTML (fastest) or Export to Excel.
3. Review for errors.
4. Submit requests for changes following the on screen instructions for each different type of
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Banner Finance Security Review
Add or Remove User Access Single Org– use Org
Security One page
Complete only the section with your name, phone, and
email. Use the comments sections to request a user
to be removed. Follow the submission information for
routing your request.
Note: If you are the financial manager, you may route
the request directly to the person listed in step 4
without any additional approvals.
This form is also used for additions to someone’s
security for an organization. Please complete which
type of access the user requires.
*A user only needs Modify Access if they complete
requisitions in Banner or run system reports. All other
access should be view only.
Add or Remove User Access for Multiple
Organizations – use Org Security Multi page
Select all of the organizations that are affected by
double clicking on them in the box on the left. This will
transfer them to the right. (To remove them from the
box on the right, double click them in the box on the
right.) Choose the submit button to go to the next
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Banner Finance Security Review
Add or Remove User Access for Multiple
Organizations – use Org Security Multi page
List the name of the person that needs to be
removed. Complete the contact information.
Note in the comment section the action to be
taken. Submit and follow the routing instructions
on the page.
Note: If you are the financial manager, you may
route the request directly to the person listed in
step 4 without any additional approvals.
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