OAKTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE GENERIC COURSE SYLLABUS I. II. Course Prefix Course Number Course Name HUM 127 Introduction to Philosophy Credit 3 Lecture Lab 3 0 Prerequisites None III. Course (Catalog) Description Course focuses on the most fundamental questions that human beings have always asked. Topics include a critical examination of theories about reality and truth, moral values and social justice, personal identity and free will, aesthetic values, and systems of religious beliefs. IAI H4 900 IV. Learning Objectives After completing this class, students will be able to do the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Identify philosophical problems and concepts. Outline at least four selected philosophical approaches to these problems. Analyze philosophical texts. Apply the methods of critical analysis used by philosophers to a variety of topics. Evaluate criticisms from a variety of perspectives of the philosophical arguments and positions they study, both orally and in writing. Develop and debate alternative arguments and approaches both orally and in writing. Integrate the philosophical approaches to thinking about their own lives. Derive ethical implications from the philosophical theories covered and apply them at the personal, national, and global levels. Demonstrate an awareness of the rich diversity of global philosophical traditions. Exhibit values related to teamwork and collaboration, fostered by the pedagogy of shared-inquiry and critical dialogue appropriate to the humanities and philosophy. Generic Course Syllabus HUM 127 V. Page 2 Academic Integrity Students and employees at Oakton Community College are required to demonstrate academic integrity and follow Oakton’s Code of Academic Conduct. This code prohibits: cheating, plagiarism (turning in work not written by you, or lacking proper citation), falsification and fabrication (lying or distorting the truth), helping others to cheat, unauthorized changes on official documents, pretending to be someone else or having someone else pretend to be you, making or accepting bribes, special favors, or threats, and any other behavior that violates academic integrity. There are serious consequences to violations of the academic integrity policy. Oakton’s policies and procedures provide students a fair hearing if a complaint is made against you. If you are found to have violated the policy, the minimum penalty is failure on the assignment and, a disciplinary record will be established and kept on file in the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs for a period of 3 years. Details of the Code of Academic Conduct can be found in the Student Handbook. VI. Outline of Topics (Instructors may choose to take a historical, topical, or “great books” approach. Two sample outlines of topics are provided here. In your outline of topics, please specify the dates on which you will cover specific topics as well as other important dates, such as exams and paper deadlines.) Option I: Historical Approach What is philosophy? (different cultural approaches to philosophy) Ancient philosophy (e.g. Greek, Indian, Chinese, Roman) Medieval Philosophy (Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu) Early Modern and 19th Century Philosophy 20th Century philosophy (analytic, continental, feminism, radical challenges, postmodernism) Option II: Topical Approach Metaphysics: Body and mind relation (e.g. Spinoza, Merleau-Ponty, and the Feminist challenges of Caroline Whitbeck, Lorraine Code, and so on) Free will and determinism (e.g. Sartre, theory of Karma, Stoicism, Spinoza, Mesoamerican cosmologies) Generic Course Syllabus HUM 127 Page 3 Epistemology: Skepticism (e.g. Sextus, Dharmakirti, Hume, Postmodernism) Questions about scientific method (Gandhi, Kuhn, Foucault…) Ethics: What version of morality should we adopt? (Kant, Utilitarianism, Ethics of Care) What is justice or a just state? (Rawls, Marx, Feminism, Cornell West, Charles Mills, Franz Fanon, Gandhi, Simone de Beauvoir, Susan Moller Okin …) Why does community matter? (Rousseau, MacIntyre, Charles Taylor…) What is aesthetic value? (John Dewey, Carolyn Korsmeyer, Emily Hicks…) VII. Methods of Instruction Course may be taught as a face-to-face, media-based, hybrid, or online course. Small group activities Web-based learning Class presentations Lecture and seminar-style discussion Field trips Films VIII. Course Practices Required (Please include information here about all expectations you have for your students regarding behavior, work, etc. The following are sample topics you may wish to cover. Please be aware that you must require students in this course to produce at least 15 pages of critical written assignments over the course of the semester. These may be assigned in a variety of ways including long or short research papers, journals, response papers, field trip projects, etc.) Attendance Standards for written work Quizzes/Exams Participation Essays Final Project Special policies about make-up exams, late papers, or other matters of concern IX. Instructional Materials Note: Current textbook information for each course and section is available on Oakton’s Schedule of Classes. Generic Course Syllabus HUM 127 Page 4 Instructors may choose to use several short works in their entirety such as Plato’s Apology, Descartes’ Meditations, Hume’s Three Dialogues on Natural Religion, Mill’s On Liberty, Sartre’s Existentialism and Human Emotion, and West’s Race Matters. Another possibility is using a fairly comprehensive anthology of primary sources such as Pojman’s Classics of Philosophy. Instructors may also choose to use an introductory text that emphasizes a multi-cultural approach such as Traversing Philosophical Boundaries edited by Hallman. X. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress (In this section, please present the percentages or point breakdown of their final grade. The writing assignments should count for at least 40% of the final grade. An example follows.) A. Quizzes/Exams……40 points A. Essays……40 points B. Final project with oral presentation……10 points C. Attendance and participation………10 points D. Grading scale: 90-100, A…….80-89, B………70-79, C……….60-69……..D XI. Other Course Information A. Disabilities If you have a documented learning, psychological, or physical disability you may be entitled to reasonable academic accommodations or services. To request accommodations or services contact the Access and Disability Resource Center at the Des Plaines or Skokie campus. All students are expected to fulfill essential course requirements. The College will not waive any essential skill or requirement of a course or degree program. B. Discrimination The Oakton Community College Catalog states: Oakton Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, or marital status in admission to and participation in its educational programs, activities and services, or employment practices. The College does not tolerate sexual harassment or sexual assault by or of its students or employees. In keeping with this policy of tolerance and non-discrimination, in this class all of us (myself included) should strive to listen and give careful consideration to all ideas expressed in class, especially those that are different from our own, without attacking or demeaning the people who have those views. We should also strive to Generic Course Syllabus HUM 127 Page 5 avoid using insulting terms or telling offensive jokes when talking to or about individuals or groups. C. Instructor information Office number and office hours: Phone number: Email and website: Approval Dates: (Faculty: Do not include the following information on your individual syllabi created for class distribution.) Effective beginning term: Fall 2013 Ending term: Syllabus prepared by: Hollace Graff Date: March 2006 Revised by: Date: June 2010 Carlos Briones Reviewed by Chair: Hollace Graff Date: July 2010 Approval by Dean: Linda Korbel Date June 2013