SNA Indicators and the Terms of Trade Michael Davies, First Assistant Statistician, Macroeconomics and Integration Group, Australian Bureau of Statistics 1 Australia’s mining boom • Since 2003, the Australian Economy has experienced a mining boom – High demand for Australian exports – Driven more by growing export prices than by an increase in export volumes 2 Measuring the Effects of Trade • • • • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Real Gross Domestic Income (RGDI) Real Gross National Income (GNI) Real Net National Disposable Income (RNNDI) 3 Real Gross Domestic Income • Measures purchasing power of total income generated by domestic production • ABS deflates RGDI’s trading gains measure by using the import price deflator – real value of exports, in ABS’s view, is best measured by the value of imports that can be purchased from exporting 4 GDP and GDI GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT VS REAL GROSS DOMESTIC INCOME, Percentage changes %change 12 GDP: Chain volume measures RGDI: Volume measures 9 6 4 1 –2 –5 1959 –60 1964 –65 1969 –70 1974 –75 1979 –80 1984 1989 –85 –90 financial year 1994 –95 1999 –00 2004 –05 2009 –10 5 Real Gross National Income • RGNI = RGDI – Plus net real primary income payable to rest of world • Note: already adjusted for terms of trade Real Net National Disposable Income • Expands on RGNI to account for: – depreciation of fixed capital – amounts of net property incomes payable to the rest of world • A measure for total final consumption and saving possibilities of an economy 7 Real Net National Disposable Income REAL GROSS DOMESTIC INCOME VS REAL NET NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME $billion 1400 Real gross domestic income Real net national disposable income 1200 1000 800 600 1984 –85 1989 –90 1994 1999 –95 –00 financial year 2004 –05 400 2009 –10 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RGDI AND RNNDI, percentage change %change 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0 –2.5 1984 –85 1989 –90 1994 –95 1999 –00 financial year 2004 –05 2009 –10 8 Gross Fixed Capital formation and Net Payable to Rest of the World GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, Chain volume measures $billion 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 1984 –85 1989 –90 1994 –95 1999 –00 2004 –05 2009 –10 financial year NET PROPERTY INCOME PAYABLE TO THE REST OF THE WORLD, Current prices $billion 60 40 20 0 –20 1984 –85 1989 –90 1994 –95 1999 –00 financial year 2004 –05 2009 –10 9 Summary Statistics SUMMARY STATISTICS OF ECONOMIC INDICATORS, Volume measures $billion 1400 GDP RGNI RGDI RNNDI 1200 1000 800 600 400 1984 –85 1989 –90 1994 –95 1999 –00 2004 –05 2009 –10 SUMMARY STATISTICS OF ECONOMIC financial INDICATyear ORS, per capita $'000 60 GDP : Chain volume measures RNNDI : Volume measures 50 40 30 20 1984 –85 1989 –90 1994 –95 1999 –00 financial year Note: The ABS does not publish RGNI and RGDI on a per capita basis 2004 –05 2009 –10 10 Conclusion • • • • 2008 SNA is a comprehensive framework presents a variety of summary indicators no single indicator sufficient large terms of trade changes requires consideration of RGDI, RGNI and RNNDI • RNNDI appropriate for representing consumption possibilities. Questions 12