New Annual National Accounts Publication Working Party on National Accounts


New Annual National

Accounts Publication

Working Party on

National Accounts

14-16 October 2008

• Background

• List of indicators

• Format for presentation


• Decreasing role of paper publications as snapshots of databases

• Review of NA publications

• Some modifications to suite of publications but main object of review: current volume I on ‘Main aggregates

• Objectives:

– Add value through indicators and synthetic presentation

– Convey message: national accounts have more to offer than GDP

Detailed list of indicators

GDP - measuring economies and economic activity

• Gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices and current PPPs

• Real GDP Growth

• GDP per capita (year 2000 = 100)

• GDP per capita (OECD=100) converted with fixed PPPs

Where GDP is generated: production

• Value added by main industry, shares of total

• Value added by main industry, contributions to growth of total

• Gross value added at basic prices, growth rates

• Components of gross value added (generation of income), percent

GDP: expenditure components

Household consumption

• Real household final consumption expenditure, growth rates

• Household final consumption expenditure, share of GDP

• Household consumption expenditure, percentage of actual final consumption

• Household actual final consumption per capita, OECD=100

Government consumption

• Real general government consumption expenditure, growth rates

• General government consumption expenditure, share of GDP


• Real gross fixed capital formation growth

• Gross fixed capital formation, share of GDP

Exports and imports

• Exports growth

• Imports growth

• Imports, percentage of GDP

• Exports, percentage of GDP

The relative importance of demand components

• Contribution to GDP growth by final demand components, percent, current prices.


• Depreciation, percent of GDP

• Real NDP growth


• Net domestic product (NDP), percentage of net national income (NNI)

• Net national income (NNI), percentage of net national disposable income

• Real national disposable income, growth rates

• Real adjusted disposable income for households per capita, growth rates

• Saving, percentage of GDP

• Net lending/net borrowing by institutional sector, percentage of GDP

General government

• Total expenditure, share of GDP

• Taxes (indirect, direct and on capital), share of GDP

• Social contributions, share of GDP

• Social benefits, share of GDP

• Financial assets net of liabilities, percentage of GDP


• Financial and non-financial assets held by households

• Index of net capital stock, volume (2000=100)

• Index of residential net capital stock (2000=100)

Reference series

• GDP at constant prices and PPPs

• GDP per head at current prices and current PPPs

• GDP per head, at constant prices and PPPs

• GDP per head, at constant prices and PPPs, OECD=100

• Actual individual consumption, at current prices and current PPPs

• Actual individual consumption, at constant prices and PPPs

• Actual individual consumption per head, at current prices and current PPPs

• Actual individual consumption per head, at constant prices and PPPs

• Actual individual consumption per head, at constant prices and PPPs,


• Population
