International Programs Office Services

International Programs Office Services
As your advisors, we are here to serve all international students of Occidental College.
Some of the services we offer:
 Information about your responsibilities as non-immigrants and assist in
processing the necessary forms needed to maintain valid status.
Provide advice and referral on personal and/or academic matters.
Serve as a liaison on your behalf with college officials and the federal government.
Provide official letters of certification for enrollment/expenses.
Advise the International Student Organization.
Give workshops on changes in immigration laws, cross cultural communication, etc.
All international students are required to come to the IPO within 15 days of the start of
classes in the beginning of EVERY SEMESTER to process immigration paperwork and
to ensure their documents are properly endorsed.
McKinnon Center for Global Affairs, Room 102
(323) 259-2533
International Programs Office Services
As your advisors, we are here to serve all international students of Occidental College.
Some of the services we offer:
 Information about your responsibilities as non-immigrants and assist in processing
the necessary forms needed to maintain valid status.
Provide advice and referral on personal and/or academic matters.
Serve as a liaison on your behalf with college officials and the federal government.
Provide official letters of certification for enrollment/expenses.
Advise the International Student Organization.
Give workshops on changes in immigration laws, cross cultural communication, etc.
All international students are required to come to the IPO within 15 days of the start of
classes in the beginning of EVERY SEMESTER to process immigration paperwork and
to ensure their documents are properly endorsed.
McKinnon Center for Global Affairs, Room 102
(323) 259-2533
H:\INTL\Orientation\Handouts\What can the International Programs Office do for international students.docx