CS360 Networking Take-Home Final Name: ____________________ 1) Find the descriptions and port numbers used for the following program: Program/ Service telnet SSH Description (what is ths program/service) Virtual terminal / connection protocol, used to log into a computer over a clear text connection. Secure Shell. Used to log into a computer over an encrypted connection. Port(s) SMTP http 80 shttp Smtp snmp pop3 ftp DNS IMAP LDAP Finger NNTP Netbios Quake Halo PC A pc game. Battlefield 1942 Microsoft IM Kazaa A pc game. CS360 Bradley FA03 1 of 6 CS360 Networking Take-Home Final Name: ____________________ 2) What server software do the following web servers report that they are running? (I want the information that is sent from the server in the http header back to the client.) Server www.utm.edu Server version string HTTP Version HTTP/1.1 www.cnn.com www.apple.com www.amazon.com What cookie value does amazon set? www.google.com What cookie value does google set? www.yahoo.com www.ebay.com www.microsoft.com sholt.utm.edu Blackboard.utm.edu Banweb.utm.edu www.abcnews.com www.redhat.com www.sun.com Java.sun.com utmcam1.utm.edu CS360 Bradley FA03 2 of 6 CS360 Networking Take-Home Final Name: ____________________ 3) From a command prompt (either Windows XP or a unix) telnet to the mars pop server, log in and view one of your messages. Use the following commands and write in the server responses for each command: You (from telnet mars.utm.edu 110 the command prompt) Server: You: Server: user Your_Mars_Username You: Server: pass Your_Mars_Password You: Server: stat You: Server: list 1 You: Server: retr 1 You: Server: quit CS360 Bradley FA03 3 of 6 CS360 Networking Take-Home Final Name: ____________________ 4) From a command prompt (either Windows XP or a unix) telnet to the mars SMTP server and send the following email message manually. Use the following commands and write in the server responses for each command: You type: Server: telnet mars.utm.edu 25 You type: Server: helo fish You type: Server: mail from: santa@northpole.org You type: Server: rcpt to: Your_Mars_Email_Address You type: Server: rcpt to: bobb@mars.utm.edu You type: Server: data You type: Subject: xmas from YOUR_REAL_NAME Hello YOUR_REAL_NAME Have you been a good boy? Santa . Server: You type: Server: Quit 5) Did you get a message in your mars email after sending the above message? CS360 Bradley FA03 4 of 6 CS360 Networking Take-Home Final Name: ____________________ 6) How much a year does it cost to get your own domain name and web site? (List the price and the URL to where you got the price/quote from.) 7) What does a robots.txt file on a web server do? 8) What is SNMP used for? 9) What does MIME stand for and what are three things that MIME is used for? 10) What happens if someone hooks up a computer running another un-configured DHCP server to your network and why? 11) How many root DNS servers are there and where are they located geographically? 12) What does an IP6 IP address look like and how many bytes is it? 13) What is ARP used for? CS360 Bradley FA03 5 of 6 CS360 Networking Take-Home Final Name: ____________________ accept, bind (port) , connect( port ), listen, send ( data ), recv ( data ), socket, close, messagebox (data ) 14) Using just the above commands, draw two diagrams or use pseudo code to summarize the chat server and the chat client programs: 15) Which of the above socket commands blocks (puts the thread to sleep)? And what do they wait for? CS360 Bradley FA03 6 of 6