Educational Studies Faculty Meeting Thursday, August 24, 2006 Room 230 Gooch

Educational Studies Faculty Meeting
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Room 230 Gooch
Present: Gene Annaratone, Frank Black, Linda Blanding, Becky Cox, Betty Cox, Ann
Duncan, Robert Erk, Ginny Esch, Kathy Evans, Mary Lee Hall, Robert Hartshorn,
Beverly Hearn, Patricia Hewitt, Suzanne Maniss, Sandy Murray, James Petty, Glenda
Rakes, Joyce Swan, Cherry Watts, Cris Whitlow
Guests Present: Jennifer Cook, Robert Maniss
1. Call to Order
Dr. Mary Lee Hall called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed the faculty.
2. Announcements
Dr. Hall announced that we had been asked to not put staples or pushpins in the walls
in the classrooms. Painter’s tape can be used to put items on the walls. Kristy will
order the appropriate tape.
3. Introductions of new faculty and staff – Dr. Hall
Dr. Betty Cox, Dr. Sandra Murray, Michael Spaulding, Jennifer Cook, and Dr. Robert
Maniss were introduced with a short explanation of their roles within the department.
Drs. Cox and Murray are full-time EDAS faculty and Mr. Spaulding is Instructional
Technology faculty. Ms. Cook supervises the LRC and makes student placements for
student teaching, practicums or internships. She is getting the LRC in shape,
reshelving books as appropriate and correcting various problems. Dr. Maniss will be
in charge of the Teacher Education Interview process, the appeals process,
recruitment and retention, advising process, and other duties as assigned by the Dean.
He is currently going over grade distribution reports.
4. Learning Resource Center – Ms. Jennifer Cook
Ms. Cook thanked everyone for being so welcoming and helpful. She discussed
student teaching and placements, reminding the faculty that placements are limited.
All student teaching placements have been completed. Many items were touched on
in summary, with Ms. Cook saying that the faculty would be receiving this
information via email. The LRC will be open from 8-12 and 1-6 except on Fridays,
but with prior arrangements, later hours would be considered.
Dr. Petty asked a question regarding secondary class placements. Dr. Hall said that all
placements should be processed through Ms. Cook. Faculty teaching the secondary
courses is welcome to talk to the contacts and set up possible placements, but that the
plan is to have a procedure in place for all placements and the procedure will entail
finalization through Ms. Cook.
Dr. Evans stated that TCED 780 placements have always been a problem, and that we
need to look at these with student work schedules in mind, as well as appropriate
times for faculty to visit the students in these placements.
5. It is time to Brag – Dr. Hall
a. Dr. Duncan was approved for a proposal at the National Association of
Multicultural Education.
b. Dr. Evans just returned from a summer leadership conference for the Association
of Teacher Educators. She is involved with a special focus group on education in
rural areas.
c. Dr. Hewitt received an e-mail from a former student thanking her and telling her
that Dr. Hewitt’s classes gave her the information needed to pass the PRAXIS. Ms.
Swan has also seen to it that her students in Selmer can pass the PRAXIS.
d. Drs. Whitlow and Watts have been working on presentation proposals which have
been accepted.
6. Handout Information – Dr. Hall
a. Academic Calendar and College Calendar. Important dates are included on these
calendars, including graduation. Dr. Hall stated that a list would be set up to know
who was participating in which commencement ceremony. She called attention to
information from the National Academy of Education Committee of Teacher
Education, listing core concepts and skills that should be represented in a common
curriculum for teacher education.
b. Travel Form. The faculty was advised that requests for travel funds should be
submitted on the form in the packet, which includes an estimated budget for the
planned travel. Dr. Hall said that this will help to gauge how much the department
would be able to pay, and how much the Dean’s Office would cover. There is also a
possibility of travel funds from the Education Graduate Office budget.
c. Item from Faculty Handbook Regarding Final Exams. Faculty was reminded that
a written final exam was expected to be given in all courses, unless a written exam is
d. Departmental Bylaws. Teaching assignments – Dr. Hall stated that we are going to
stop having many of our classes every semester. She stated that we need a scope and
sequence for all programs, and that Dr. Maniss is working on this for graduate
programs. A scope and sequence for the counseling program in Jackson is already in
place and is working quite well.
There was then discussion regarding problems in registering and problems in
advising, particularly with prerequisites and with students who do not see their own
advisors. Dr. Black stated that the university has a responsibility to enforce
prerequisites. Dr. Annaratone said that we need checks and balances to see that the
students are following procedures. Dr. Rakes suggested that when students come in
with courses to be substituted for our prerequisites, that it be required that they bring
documentation for the course they have taken so it is put in Banner well in advance of
Adjunct faculty – Dr. Hall also apologized regarding the faculty approving adjuncts
who would be teaching both on and off campus. She stated that it might be possible
for our faculty to teach an overload as necessary rather than hire adjuncts.
CPR – The items in the Bylaws regarding CPR have been removed. The copies
distributed in the packets have been updated accordingly.
Programs should have only 120 hours – We have been advised that reducing our
programs to 120 hours is not negotiable. How it is done IS negotiable. Dr. Hall
advised the faculty that the deadline for this is September or October, so we do not
have a lot of time.
7. Housekeeping Chores:
1. Copies of syllabi for classes to Kristy by September 8th (Be sure standards are
2. Office hours to Kristy by September 1st
3. Set up meeting with Dr. Hall for thirty minutes to discuss P and A goals and tenure
expectations for new faculty
Dates: September 12: 1 - 3 p.m.
September 20: 8 - Noon
September 26: 1 - 4 p.m.
September 28: 12 - 4 p.m.
4. Class Visits – Dr. Hall may be dropping in on classes to observe.
5. Requests for conference travel – As previously stated, faculty are encouraged to
attend conferences, especially international conferences. Faculty was also reminded that
they should indicate how their classes would be covered while they were absent.
6. Operating funds – We are fortunate to have operating funds to be used for student
and faculty travel as well as for curricular requests or other items that might assist in
promoting quality instruction.
7. Generic Holds and Student Registration (faculty hold) – Faculty may remove the
generic adviser hold and put a hold on the student’s record that only that particular
faculty member can remove. This would make it impossible for the student to register for
classes without seeing their own advisor.
8. Assistance with PRAXIS – Faculty was asked to talk to Dr. Annaratone if they
want to assist with the PRAXIS. Dr. Annaratone reminded the faculty that he does not
know how many he will need for proctors and supervisors until he receives the roster.
Dr. Hall said that she will count assisting with the PRAXIS as service. Dr. Esch
mentioned that the PRAXIS Workshop is already scheduled for October.
September 16, 2006
November 18, 2006
January 13, 2007
March 3, 2007
April 28, 2007
June 9, 2007
9. Faculty Rotation for Commencement and SOAR:
December 16, May 12, August 11 – Commencement
SOAR dates: Saturday, April 21
Thursday & Friday, June 7 & 8
Thursday & Friday, June 21 & 22
Friday & Saturday, July 20 & 21
Dr. Hall advised the faculty that the graduate students take care of SOAR but if the
faculty would like to participate they would be welcomed.
10. Committee elections – Faculty were asked to indicate two committees on which
they would like to serve and return the listing to Kristy. A ballot will be distributed so
the faculty may vote on these.
11. Faculty assistance to chair: Dr. Hewitt will be assisting with Undergraduate
Curriculum; Dr. Black will be moderating faculty meetings.
12. Search committees: Chair, Special Education, Instructional Technology, Middle
School/Generalist – Searches will be started after Labor Day.
Charge for the New Year:
120 hour degrees
Advising concerns – meeting with Dr. Robert Maniss during semester
Quality – Undergraduate Programs
Review grade point average requirement
Nothing below a “C” in certain courses
Quality and Housekeeping – Graduate Programs
Vote – members graduate committee
No more than two “C’s” in graduate work
Review graduate program structure
Review MSIL – separate licensure and degree
Check list for advanced program for admissions
Coordinator for Counseling and EDAS
Midpoint assessment
Use of GRE Writing
Consideration of NBPTS standards for advanced programs
Comprehensive Examinations
Masters Graduate Program. A flowchart to restructure the graduate programs was tabled
at the last graduate council meeting of last year. . A concern was expressed that it was not
discussed. Dr. Hall pointed out that the flowchart is doable and that courses need to be
reviewed. The MSIL needs to be reviewed to separate the licensure piece and the degree/
Faculty Meetings: 3rd Friday of each month 8 to 10 a.m.
Graduate Committee Meetings: 2nd Friday of each month 9 to 11 a.m.
Other Committee meetings should be held the other Fridays of the month or before or
after other meetings.
After discussion about whether several of the listed committees on the questionnaire were
or were not departmental, Dr. Black moved that the Blue Sky Committee be dropped.
Dr. Esch seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dr. Black said that he would generate a
memo to those who are participating in the Blue Sky Committee with suggestions for
dispersal or transfer of the remaining funds.
Dr. Annaratone suggested that Ms. Barbara Hutcherson be asked to continue as chair of
scholarship committee. This is actually a college committee with other departments
participating, so it would be appropriate for her to continue in this role.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:58.