Denial of Service in Sensor Networks Szymon Olesiak Outline Denial of Service (DoS)- description Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSN) special features Review of DoS attacks Important DoS attacks in UWSN Conclusions DoS in Sensor Networks Disrupt communication and cooperation between nodes Decrease availability of the whole network Waste precious resources (power) Why Denial of Service so dangerous Cheap Hard to detect Often precede the “real” attack Deadly for sensor nodes Why care about it now? Security integrated at every layer Have to ensure security at design time UWSN at its initial stage Adding security after the protocol is “stable” UWSN constraints Not able to secure their communication medium Low speed of the transmission (1500 m/s) Low data rate (5-20 kb/s) Limited bandwidth (around 30 KHz) High mobility (3-6 km/h) Environment 3D vs. 2D Physical constraints (pressure, corrosion) Types of DoS Physical Layer Jamming Tampering Link Layer Collision Exhaustion Types of DoS (Cont.) Network Layer Neglect and greed Homing Misdirection Black holes Wormhole Transport Layer Flooding Desynchronization DoS in Physical Layer 1) Jamming Constantly sending noise into channel • Even if temporary, can be dangerous • Workaround: Switch to lower duty cycle • Defense: - Spread spectrum - Try to alert other nodes about the attack • DoS in Physical Layer 2) Tampering • Physically compromising sensor node • Destruction or turning into a malicious node • Workaround: Complete failure of the node, once compromised • Defense: Hide the node DoS in Link Layer 1) Collision • Inducing a collision in section of the transmitted packet • Defense: No fully-effective found, because of the initial assumption that nodes should cooperate to avoid corruption of others’ packets DoS in Link Layer 2) Exhaustion • Induce retransmissions • Induce redundant traffic Defense: Authentication DoS in Network Layer 1) Neglect and greed • Refuse to forward packets • Give priority to its own traffic Defense: Redundant paths Dos in Network Layer 2) Homing • Finding a privileged node and compromising it Defense: Encrypt message headers Dos in Network Layer 3) Misdirection • Send packets in different direction then intended by the source node Defense: Routing table updates, allowed only by authorized nodes. Dos in Network Layer 4) Black holes • Advertising zero-cost links to itself Defense: - Redundant paths - Authorization of updates of routing tables Dos in Network Layer 5) Wormholes • Eavesdrop a packet and then release it in remote location in the network Defense: Geographic forwarding DoS in Transport Layer 1) Flooding • Flood a node with connection requests Defense: Require authentication to create a connection DoS in Transport Layer 2) Desynchronization • Forge message with sequence numbers or flags that cause retransmission Defense: Authenticate all the messages Attacks Strongly Influencing UWSN Jamming - Limited bandwidth - Simple and cheap to perform Collision - The environment itself causes enough errors Attacks Strongly Influencing UWSN Homing - We will need to have some privileged node, with greater computation power Wormhole - The difference in propagation delay between radio waves and sound Conclusions Security has to be considered at the design time of protocols on every layer We will need to have a solution that will attempt to provide defense from multiple DoS attacks The security vs. energy efficiency trade-off References (1) Anthony D. Wood, John A. Stankovic Denial of Service in Sensor Networks • Anthony D. Wood, John A. Stankovic A Taxonomy for Denial-of-Service Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks • John Heidemann, Wei Ye, Jack Wills, Affan Syed and Yuan Li Research Challenges and Applications for Underwater Sensor Networking • References (2) Ian F. Akyildiz, Dario Pompili, Tommaso Melodia State of the Art in Protocol Research for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks • Zhong Zhou, Jun-Hong Cui, and Amvrossios Bagtzoglou Scalable Localization with Mobility Prediction for Underwater Sensor Networks • John A. Stankovic Research Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks • Thank you!