COMMUNICATION Course: Date: Department: Chair: Curriculum Goals: The purpose of the Communication requirement is to prepare students to effectively communicate information, thoughts and viewpoints through oral, written and graphic forms of expression. (2015-16 UTM Catalog) Course(s) satisfying this category must meet six (6) or more of the learning outcomes. Student Learning Outcome 1. Students will evaluate oral and/or written expression by listening and reading critically for elements that reflect situation, audience, purpose, and diverse points of view. 2. Students will develop major points in a logical convincing manner in support of a central idea. Assessment Cycle Assessment(s) Benchmark(s) Data Results Decision/Improvement Made 3. Students will demonstrate writing and/or speaking skills from process to product. 4. Students will organize basic information gathered from multiple sources. 5. Students will develop written and/or oral presentations employing correct diction, syntax, usage, grammar and mechanics. 6. Students will distinguish among the appropriate use of opinions, facts and inferences in evidence, analysis or persuasive strategy. 7. Students will use graphic support to present information effectively. Instructions: Assessment Cycle: Indicate when and how often this student learning outcome will be assessed in this course. Examples: Every semester; Fall semesters; Spring semesters; Fall of odd-numbered years; Fall of even-numbered years; Spring of oddnumbered years; Spring of even-numbered years. If the student learning outcome is not assessed in this course, enter N/A and do not address the rest of the blanks for this outcome. Assessment: Indicate the assessment used to assess student achievement of this student learning outcome. Examples: Designated questions on a particular exam or on the final; particular homework assignments; particular student presentations; etc. Be as specific as possible. Benchmark: Faculty in the department should set the benchmark for student achievement for each student learning outcome. Examples: “80% of students enrolled in this course will score 75% or better on this set of designated questions”; “75% of students enrolled in this course will score B or higher on this written essay.” Data results: Report the number of students who meet or exceed the benchmark, the total number of students assessed, and the percentage. Example: “74 of 120 (61.7%) students met or exceeded the benchmark score on this assessment.” Decision/Improvement made: Report any decisions/improvements made based on the data collected. Example: “The benchmark of 75% was not met. Faculty have developed materials to address [topic] to be used in subsequent courses in order to ensure that students can [learning outcome].” All general education courses should assess all student learning outcomes at least once every two years. Assessment should occur every semester; however, not all student learning outcomes must be assessed every semester. Faculty may decide how often and on what cycle the assessment of each student learning outcome occurs.