It couldn’t be Jonesii

It couldn’t be Jonesii
....Scene: a late summer get-together which included Carl Worth,
Bill Dilger, et al. Dilger had grown some Aquilegia jonesii the
year before and had passed potted seedlings along to the rest of us.
Hamitlon (whose plants had promptly upped and died on him) blew in,
loud and pseudo-grumping at Dilger with a "What was that blue
foliaged Aquilegia you gave me last year. Jonesii? Damn thing
went and seeded itself all over a trough, choked out the draba and
now it's coming up in the grass. Some friend you are...." All
eyes went to Carl who - smitten - was choking out in his reedy
twang: "Oh, that can't be Aquilegia jonesii...." Bill took it a
step or two further. Carol (Sienko) and Ginny (Brigss) chimed in
with Carl. Dilger and the Lamberts cracked up. .
Written by Nina Lambert