STABILITY of LINEAR TIME INVARIANT TIME DELAYED SYSTEMS (LTI-TDS) CLUSTER TREATMENT OF CHARACTERISTIC ROOTS (CTCR) Prof. Nejat Olgac University of Connecticut (860) 486 2382 Overview : 1) Cluster Treatment of Characteristic Roots (CTCR) paradigm. Overview of the progress. A unique paradigm “Cluster Treatment of Characteristic Roots” (“Direct Method” as it was called first) was introduced in Santa-Fe IFAC 2001 – plenary address. We report an overview of the paradigm and the progress since. Retarded LTI-TDS case is reviewed. 2) Practical Applications from vibration control to target tracking. MDOF dynamics are considered with time delayed control. The analysis of dynamics for varying time delays using the Direct Method and corresponding simulations are presented. Overview and Progress CLUSTER TREATMENT OF CHARACTERISTIC ROOTS (CTCR) (earlier named “Direct Method”) Problem statement Stability analysis of the Retarded LTI systems x (t ) Ax (t ) Bx(t ) where x(n1), A, B (nn) constant, + Characteristic Equation: CE ( s, ) det( sI A Be s ) an ( s) e ns an 1 ( s) e ( n 1)s ... a0 ( s) n ak ( s) e ks 0 0 k 0 • transcendental • retarded system with commensurate time delays • ak(s) polynomials of degree (n-k) in s and real coefficients Proposition 1 (IEEE-TAC, May 2002; SIAM Cont-Opt 2006) For a given LTI-TDS, there can only be a finite number (< n2 ) of imaginary roots {c} (distinct or repeated). Assume that these roots are somehow known, as: s ck i k 1...m c1 c2 : : cm 21 22 : : 2 m1 m2 : : m k k , k , 1 2 ck 11 12 : : 1 , k 1... m , 1... Clustering feature # 1 {k} Proposition 2. (IEEE-TAC, May 2002; Syst. Cont. Letters 2006) Invariance of root tendency For a given time delay system, crossing of the characteristic roots over the imaginary axis at any one of the ck’s is always in the same direction independent of delay. R Tk ck k s sgn [ Re ( s ck i k k 1... m , 1... Is invariant of . Clustering feature #2. )] Root clustering features #1 and #2 c1 c2 : : cm m1 m2 : : m 21 22 : : 2 11 12 : : 1 {k} RT1 RT2 : : RTm D-Subdivision Method Using the two propositions m1 m2 k = k =1...m =1... 2 21 cm m3 m4 : m ... 31 32 33 34 : : : : 3 22 11 = 23 : 2 12 : : 1 51 21 31 52 11 22 32 53 33 34 : : Sequence Explicit function for the number of unstable roots, NU m NU ( ) NU (0) ( k 1 k1 ) U ( , k1 ) RT (k ) k • U(, k1) = A step function 0 1 2 0 k1 for k1 , ck 0 k1 , ck 0 • is the ceiling function • NU(0) is from Routh array. • k1, smallest corresponding to ck , k=1..m, • k = k, - k,-1 , k=1..m • RT(k) , k=1..m NU=0 >>> Stability Finding all the crossings exhaustively? Rekasius (80), Cook et al. (86), Walton et al. (87), Chen et al (95), Louisell (01) e s 1 Ts 1 Ts , T exact mapping for s i , 2 0,1,2... [tan 1 (T ) ] Re-constructed CE=CE(s,T) 1 Ts k ak ( s ) ( ) 0 1 Ts k 0 n n nk k a ( s ) ( 1 Ts ) ( 1 Ts ) 0 k k 0 2n CE ( s, T ) bk (T ) s k 0 k 0 2n-degree polynomial without transcendentality Routh-Hurwitz array ii) i) Stability analysis for =>00 sn 2n ssn-1 n-2 ss2n-1 s2n-2 : 2n-3 s: s:2 s:1 s:0 sn sn-1 sn-2 : : s2 s1 s0 an . . . a0 (n even) an-2 ... b0 b2n bn (n even) b2n-2 . . .. . . an-1 an-3 b2n-11] R1 [n-2, b2n-32] . . .. . . bn-1 (n even) . . . R1[n-2, R2[2n-2, 1] R2 [2n-2, 2] : . . . R2 [2n-2, n/2] . . . : : R2 [2n-3, 1] R2 [2n-3, 2] : . . . R2 [2n-3, n/2] . . . : : : : R1 [2,: 1] R1 [2,:2] . . . : : : : R1 [1,: 1] R1 [1,:2] : : : : R1 [0,: 1] ... R2 [n, 1] R2 [n, n/2] R2 [n, 2] . . . R2 [n-1, 1] R2 [n-1, 2] . . . R2 [n-2, 1] R2 [n-2, 2] . . . For s = i : : : : : : Additional condition R21(T) b0 > 0 R21(T) b0 R1(T) Necessary condition R1 (T) = 0 R0 [0, 1] = b0 b0 R21 (T ) Tc1 Tc2 : : Tcm m1 c1 c2 : : cm m1 m2 : : m 21 22 : : 2 11 12 : : 1 {k} Summary: Direct Method for Retarded LTI-TDS i) Stability for = 0+ ii) Stability for > 0 Routh-Hurwitz D-subdivision method (continuity argument) NU ( ) Non-sequentially evaluated. An interesting feature to determine the control gains in real time (synthesis). An example study n=3; 1 13.5 1 5.9 7.1 70.3 x (t ) 3 1 2 x(t ) 2 1 5 x(t ) 2 1 4 2 0 6 33 i) for = 0 6.9 20.6 71.3 2 2i x (t ) 1 2 3 x(t ) Char. roots 1, 2 3 2.9 0 1 2 Stable for = 0 NU(0)=0 ii) for 0 CE ( s, ) a3 ( s ) e 3 s a2 ( s ) e 2 s a1 ( s ) e s a0 ( s ) 0 Rekasius transformation; CE( s, T ) 2 n 6 b (T ) s j 0 j j 0 • Apply Routh-Hurwitz array on CE(s,T) • Extract R1(T), R21(T) and b0 • Find Tc from R1(T) = 0 • Check positivity condition R21(Tc) b0 > 0 • If positivity holds, c b0 R21 (Tc ) R1(T) = 4004343.44 T9 - 541842.39 T8 - 1060480.49 T7 -78697.71 T6 - 15015.61 T5 + 1216.09 T4 + 401.12 T3 -10.25 T2 + 0.11 T -0.11 = 0 Numer(R21) = 11261902.54 T8 - 2692164.60 T7 - 2626804 T6 +19682.38T5 -76010.04 T4 + 7184.05 T3 - 644.70 T2 + 4.80 T - 2.76 Denom(R21) = 12535.51 T6 - 4843.52 T5 - 5284.07 T4 - 760.01 T3 168.68 T2 - 6.84 T - 0.4 b0 = 23.2 Proposition 1; {Tc} = -0.4269 15.5030 -0.1332 0.8407 0.0829 {c} = 2.1100 0.0953 3.0347 0.6233 2.9123 Exact mapping {Tc} = 2 [tan 1 (T ) ] -0.4269 15.5030 -0.1332 0.8407 0.0829 {c} = 2.1100 0.0953 3.0347 0.6233 2.9123 0.8725 3.8489 6.8254 : m 0,1,2... for s i 7.2082 14.681 : : 2 0.2219 0.6272 1.0325 : 1 {k} Proposition 2; s R Tk sgn [ Re ( RT1 RT2 RT3 RT4 RT5 s ck i k 1 = +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 ) ] , k 1... m Stability outlook [sec] 0 RT Stable / Unstable NU() [rad/sec] - - - T - Pocket 1 S, NU=0 .1624 1 3.0347 .0829 2.9123 .0953 U, NU=2 .1859 -1 Pocket 2 S, NU=0 .2219 1 15.5032 -.4269 15.5032 -.4269 2.1109 .6233 15.5032 -.4269 15.5032 -.4269 U, NU=2 .6272 1 U, NU=4 .8725 1 U, NU=6 1.0325 1 U, NU=8 1.4378 1 Explicit function NU(): Number of unstable roots 2 50 40 c3 c1 c4 0 30 40 10 30 Stable c1 = 15.503 rad / s 20 c3 = 3.034 c5 = 2.11 10 0 c2 = 0.84 c4 = 2.912 0 2 4 6 [sec] 8 Time trace of x2 state as varies Root locus plot (partial): 15.5030 0.8407 {c} = 2.1100 [rad/sec] 3.0347 2.9123 Interesting feature PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS of CLUSTER TREATMENT OF CHARCATERISTIC ROOTS (CTCR) ACTIVE VIBRATION SUPPRESSION WITH TIME DELAYED FEEDBACK (ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 2003) x12 u2 k12 m12 k11 k22 m22 k21 c2 m11 m21 u1 k10 f f 0 sin( t ) k20 c1 m 11 0.2 , m 12 0.15 , m 21 0.2 , m 22 0.15 kg c1 2.2 , c2 1.9 N s / m k 10 2 , k 11 4 , k 12 2 , k 20 4 , k 21 2 , k 22 2 N / m MIMO Dynamics: x A x B x (t ) x 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 11 10 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12.67 0 0 13.33 0 26.67 12.67 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12.67 40 12.67 13.33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 0 0 10 0 20 1188 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 . 02 12 . 44 41 . 21 13 . 48 57 . 07 15 . 61 65 . 27 22 .79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29.68 67.80 17.70 35.57 14.62 54.99 16.79 69.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54.99 16.79 69.13 29.68 67.80 17.70 35.57 14.62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71.02 12.44 41.21 13.48 57.07 15.61 65.27 22.79 88 Characteristic equation CE (s, ) a0 (s) a1 (s) e s a2 (s) e 2 s 0 x(t ) Mapping scheme 2.98 3.044 { } 4.386 7 . 503 2.0052 4.1137 2.0028 4.0665 0.3071 1.1444 : 4 0.5441 1.9766 : 3 : 2 : 1 RT1 1 RT2 1 RT 1 3 RT 1 4 Stability table using NU () RT [sec] Unstable Roots 0 0.3071 Number of [rad/sec] Stability Pocket 0 +1 7.5032 2 0.5441 +1 4.3864 4 2.0028 -1 3.0446 8 2.0052 -1 2.98 6 Frequency Response [rad / s] |x12| [dB] Control with Control with delay no delay ( = 250 ms) No control TARGET TRACKING WITH DELAYED CONTROL ERROR DYNAMICS z A z B z( t ) 1 1 1 0 k /m c /m 0 0 x x A 2 1 0 1 k y /m c y /m 0 0 x x tar x x tar z y y tar y y tar 0 0 0 0 k1 / m k2 / m 0 0 x x B 0 0 0 0 /m k2 /m k1 0 0 y y SYSTEM PARAMETERS m=1, kx=30.5, cx=2.8, k1x=-5.5, k2x=3 ky=40, cy=2, k1y=-0.4, k2y=-2.4 TARGET DYNAMICS 1) Helical 2) Circular x(t ) 20 10t 5 cos(t ) x(t ) 200 100 sin( 4t ) y (t ) 100 7t 10 sin( 5t ) y (t ) 200 100 cos( 4t ) STABILITY TABLE Time Delay (sec) 0 0.2036 0.463 0.9323 1.3368 1.6609 2.2107 2.3896 Stability Chart Stable Unstable Stable Unstable Stable Unstable Stable Unstable MATLAB SIMULATION ANSIM ANIMATION SIMULATION RESULTS CONCLUSION • Cluster treatment of the characteristic roots / as a numerically simple, exact, efficient and exhaustive method for LTI-TDS. • Many practical applications are under study. Acknowledgement Former and present graduate students Brian Holm-Hansen, M.S Hakan Elmali, Ph.D. Martin Hosek, Ph.D. Nader Jalili, Ph.D. Mark Renzulli, M.S. Chang Huang, M.S. Rifat Sipahi, Ph.D. Ali Fuat Ergenc, Ph.D. Hassan Fazelinia, Ph.D. Emre Cavdaroglu. M.S. Funding NSF NAVSEA (ONR) ELECTRIC BOAT ARO PRATT AND WHITNEY SEW Eurodrive FOUNDATION (German) SIKORSKY AIRCRAFT CONNECTICUT INNOVATIONS Inc. GENERAL ELECTRIC