Stata in the measurement and analysis of poverty in Mexico 2009 Mexican Stata Users Group Meeting April 2009, Mexico city 1 National Council of Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) Creation of CONEVAL General Law of Social Development (January 2004) Object of the Law: “To guarantee the total exercise of the social rights established in the Political Constitution of Mexico ” Article 81: Establishes the creation of the Council Income Poverty Measure in Mexico (recent history) In 2001 the Ministry of Social Development created the National Committee for Poverty Measure (CTMP). 7 academics and 4 government members: CONAPO, INEGI, Ministry of Social Development, and Presidencia) In 2002 The Committee proposed a methodology: National Council of Evaluation of Social Development Policy The Council is a public decentralized organism of the federal public administration with technical autonomy The direction of the Council is given by: Six academic researchers and Executive secretary Responsibilities: 1) Establish the criteria to define, identify, and measure poverty, and 2) Rule and coordinate the evaluation of the national policy of social development Right now, CONEVAL is working on a new methodology for multidimensional poverty measure 2 Stata and CONEVAL Stata and the measurement of poverty • Why do we use Stata? To use survey and census data and generate inputs, indicators, and other relevant information to measure, characterize, and analyze the phenomenon of poverty; and help in the decision making process to alleviate it. • Content of presentation: 1) Inputs in poverty measurement 2) Construct poverty indicators 3) Poverty analysis 4) Poverty mapping 3 Income poverty, 1992 -2006 National, urban and rural Income poverty incidence, 1992 - 2006 30.0 15.0 0.0 percentage 45.0 60.0 (food poverty line) 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 years National Rural Urban Source: estimates based on ENIGH 1992-2006 4 1) Inputs in poverty measurement Construction of food poverty line (example) Adjustment coefficient: Adjustment coefficient by moving quintiles National level 1.1 1.2 1.3 AC = consumed calories/required calories per household Reference households stratum: .8 .9 1 Used to construct an observed food basket and determine the (food) poverty line 1 11 21 31 41 51 Moving quintiles Reference households Adj. coeff. = 1 61 71 81 Adj. coeff. 2006 Official (food) poverty line: Urban: $809.87 (mxn pesos) Rural: $598.70 (mxn pesos) Source: estimates based on ENIGH 2006 5 1) Inputs in poverty measurement Non-food poverty lines: Inverse of Engel coefficient Engel coefficient: Ratio that measures the expenses on food in households as a proportion of the expenses needed to cover: - health and education: Capabilities line, and - public transport, clothing, and housing: Assets line The ratio is calculated for rural and urban areas in a reference stratum 6 1) Inputs in poverty measurement Standard errors and hypothesis testing Standard errors: Income poverty incidence, 1992 - 2006 # delimit ; foreach x in 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2005 2006 { ; use “$data\poverty `x’.dta”, clear ; svyset upm [w=factorp], strata(est) vce(linearized) ; svy linear, level(95): mean povlp1 ; } ; 20.0 30.0 40.0 (food poverty line) 10.0 Hypothesis testing: 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 years Poverty Incidence 95% Conf. Int. 95% Conf. Int. Source: estimates based on ENIGH 1992-2006 7 2) Poverty indicators Poverty gap and squared poverty gap (food poverty line) 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 FGT(2) x 100 10.0 15.0 Squared poverty gap, 1992 - 2006 (food poverty line) 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Poverty gap, 1992 - 2006 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 years National Rural 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 years Urban Source: estimates based on ENIGH 1992-2006 FGT(α) : Foster, J., J. Greer, and E. Thorbecke (1984), “A Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures”, Econometrica, vol. 52, pp. 761-765. National Rural Urban Source: estimates based on ENIGH 1992-2006 # delimit ; gen fgt0 = cond(income<pov_line,1,0) ; gen fgt1 = cond(fgt0==1,(pov_line - income)/pov_line,0) ; gen fgt2 = cond(fgt0==1,((pov_line - income)/pov_line)^2,0) ; tabstat fgt* [w=factorp], stats(mean) by(area) format(%6.4f) ; 8 2) Poverty indicators Child poverty indicators 9 3) Poverty analysis Poverty profile 10 3) Poverty analysis Components of changes in poverty measures 11 3) Poverty analysis Microsimulation of an intervention (example) Income distribution, microsimulation Rural areas, 2006 Urban areas, 2006 .0002 0 .0001 Density .0005 .0003 Income distribution, microsimulation 0 200 598.7 Income Observed 800 1200 Simulated Source: estimates based on ENIGH 2006 0 200 600 Income Observed 809.87 1200 Simulated Source: estimates based on ENIGH 2006 Microsimulation : Using the income and expenditure survey of 2006, the microsimulation consists in increasing by $180 pesos the households’ income of a public programme net 12 4) Poverty mapping Stata and the income poverty maps • Poverty mapping National level indicators often hide important differences between regions or areas. The analysis of poverty interventions consequently requires a focus on poverty information that is more geographically disaggregated. • Stata and poverty mapping 1) Social gap index 2) Estimate income poverty and a set of indicators from survey data 3) Generate the same set of indicators from census data (very hard work!) 4) Validate poverty measures with other indices 5) Compute changes in poverty 13 4) Poverty mapping Social gap index 2005 Methodology Principal component analysis (PCA) using Census data 2005 Variables defined in the General Law of Social Development Index stratification: Very low Low Medium High Very high Disaggregation levels: Entities Municipalities Localities Components 1. Population over 15 years illiterate 2. Population between 6 and 14 that doesn’t attend to school. 3. Population over 15 years with incomplete basic education 4. Households with people between 15 and 29 years with at least one member with less than 9 years of education 5. Population without health security 6. Dwellings without washing machines 7. Dwellings without refrigerator 8. Dwellings with sand floor 9. Dwellings without toilets 10. Dwellings without tubed water of the public network 11. Dwellings without sewage 12. Dwelling without electric energy 13. Overcrowding 14 Social gap index Localities, 2005 Social Gap Degree Very low Low Medium High Very high 15 Poverty mapping Income poverty and other indicators Income poverty and Social gap index (SGI) Municipalities, 2005 Municipalities, 2005 .75 .5 .25 Y = 2.13 – 2.39 X adj. R2 = .7177 .4 Y = 0.33 + 0.17 X adj. R2 = .8032 0 0 .25 .5 .75 Income poverty FGT(0) 1 1 Income poverty and Human Development Index (HDI) .6 .8 1 -2.5 0 HDI Municipalities 2.5 5 SGI Fitted values Source: estimates based on CONEVAL and UNDP Municipalities Fitted values Source: estimates based on CONEVAL 16 Food poverty map Municipalities, 2000 Ranks Total municipalities [1.6 - 20.6) 522 [20.6 - 39.7) 582 [39.7 - 58.7) 577 [58.7 - 77.8) 500 [77.8 - 96.8] 272 17 Food poverty map Municipalities, 2005 Ranks Total municipalities [0.11 - 16.9) 562 [16.9 - 33.7) 848 [33.7 - 50.5) 552 [50.5 - 67.2) 355 [67.2 - 84.0] 137 18 Changes in income poverty Municipalities, 2000 - 2005 Changes in poverty 75 50 0 25 Income poverty 2005 100 Municipalities, 2000 - 2005 0 25 50 Income poverty 2000 Municipalities 75 100 45° line Source: estimates based on CONEVAL 19 Changes in food poverty map Municipalities, 2000 - 2005 Rank Significant increase Total municipalities 46 Non significant increase 1474 Significant decrease 933 20 Income poverty and Social gap index Five municipalities with highest poverty rates and very high social gap level San Pablo Cuatro Venados Population: 1,267 Hab. Food poverty: 81.1% Social gap degree: Very high Chalchihuitán Population: 13,295 Hab. Food poverty: 81.4% Social gap degree: Very high San Juan Cancuc Population: 24,906 Hab. Food poverty: 83.7% Social gap degree: Very high Santiago el Pinar Population: 2,854 Hab. Food poverty: 84.0% Social gap degree: Very high Chanal Population: 9,050 Hab. Food poverty: 83.1% Social gap degree: Very high 21 Food poverty map (number of population in poverty) Municipalities, 2005 Ranks Total municipalities [0.00 - 2,500) 1037 [2,500 - 15,000) 1083 [15,000 - 100,000) 327 [100,000 - 172,271) 7 22 CONEVAL online • Please visit us at: • Do files available at: obreza.jsp?categorias=MED_POBREZA,MED_POBREZA-med_pob_ingre • Surveys available at: ult.aspx?s=est&c=14606 Authors: Héctor H. Sandoval ( Rodrigo Aranda Balcazar ( Martín Lima ( 23