Event Based Routing in Sensor Networks Weilin/Zhendong/Gus Abstract In this proposal, we present a novel routing protocol for sensor networks, which does not require location service, or a unique ID for individual node. Problem Unlike the Internet, sensor networks are tightly coupled to the physical environment. In addition, the task of the sensor network is usually highly related to its physical environment. However, current routing protocols could not deal with the changes in the environment directly. Therefore, to build a sensor network which can interface with its environment is very efficient. Solution Our approach is an event-based routing protocol for sensor networks. In the context, event can be described as a certain change of the environment, such as temperature, noise, color, and lightness increase/decrease to a threshold. The format of event is: (EventID, Evaporation model, diffusion model). Applications define events for nodes, and nodes just repeat the events. A certain object can be located by the combination of several events. In this model, each node has no unique identification. Each node just transfers data and control information by broadcasting to its immediate neighbors. No location service or knowledge is required. Routing traffic is indexed by event, thus a higher scalability can be achieved. The whole process concludes several steps: Event Pheromone Diffuse Procedure In the event source node, when a certain event is triggered, it will send an event to its neighbors in the following format: (EventId, density, TTL, hop-count) Events are cumulatively diffused in the sensor network, nodes update the event density according to the evaporation model. And update happens when necessary. The node where the event has been triggered broadcasts event pheromones to its neighbors, which records events into its routing table, like following: EventID Density Evaporation Arrivial TTL Hop – Diffused model time count model 1 100 .5% 10 20 2 -10 2 200 .1% 20 10 3 *2% When its neighbors receives event information, it delays a certain amount of time, then broadcasts to its own neighbors. The time of delay is defined: Delay = x * hop_count, This is to make the event diffusion in reverse proportion to the distance to the source node. The new event message will be: (EventID, density’, TTL’, hop_count’) In which TTL’ = TTL – Deley, density’ = f(density) => diffusion model. Routing: from user to source A First, the node will broadcast with its own event density. Event_density_inquery(eventID, current density) All the neighbors will reply with its event density. A will pick up a node with the highest density, then broadcasting with this value, then broadcasts again. Event_highest_density(eventId, highest_density, expected_density, data) Nodes matching exactly the same density will actually accept this message, then forward this message in the same way, until the event density reaches a certain amount (the destination). Evaluation Since the node is broadcasting whenever there is an event proactively, the destination is tightly coupled to the event, instead of the node itself. For example, when event E1(intruder detected) happens near node A, but the intruder may not be at the same location when the system decides to response. In this case, event based routing will guide the correct control information to B (where the intruder is), instead of A, according to the evaporation and pheromone model in this routing protocol. Future works Proactive broadcasting maybe is not good for energy conservation. Sensors are pre-programmed to execute a certain kind of task by the attributes, not flexible. How to define attributes – this is a concern because definition of attributes can affect the diffusion of data greatly.