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Building a better mosquito trap: How a Microsoft research
project could help track Zika’s spread
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Satya Nadella discusses his vision for Microsoft at Faculty
Summit 2016
Watch it live on July 13th @ 9:15am PDT
‘Future Visions’ anthology brings together science
fiction – and science fact
Read about Future Visions
Microsoft research puts cloud in ocean for the first time
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Lowering the barriers to artificial intelligence​
Unleash the Power of AI for Everyone
Today, we are changing how companies approach automatic translation by leveraging our
artificial intelligence expertise to enable anyone to quickly and easily customize translation
systems, even without large amounts of previously translated sentences.
Microsoft Researchers win ImageNet computer vision challenge
Featured Program: AI Engage
Browse the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Area
Microsoft Bot Framework (preview)
Build and connect intelligent bots to interact with your users naturally wherever they are, from
text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.
CNTK: Open source deep learning toolkit on GitHub
Microsoft is making the tools that its own researchers use to speed up advances in artificial
intelligence available to a broader group of developers by releasing its Computational Network
Toolkit on GitHub.
Systems for the intelligent cloud
Featured Program: Azure for Research
The Microsoft Azure for Research program offers researchers the opportunity to apply for large
allocations of Azure cloud computing resources. Apply for one of our Azure for Research
awards by telling us how the cloud can help solve some of your data-intensive research
challenges. Your proposal will be among the 2,000 proposals submitted by Azure researchers
around the world. Azure awards have been awarded to approximately 700 selected recipients of
Azure for Research Awards to date.
Project Natick: The underwater data center
Project Natick is Microsoft research project to manufacture and operate an underwater
datacenter. The initial experimental prototype vessel, christened the Leona Philpot after a
popular Xbox game character, was operated on the seafloor approximately one kilometer off the
Pacific coast of the United States from August to November of 2015.
R2C2: A Network Stack for Rack-scale Computers Publication
Project Catapult
Browse the Systems & Networking Research Area
The PinDrop project
Building the substrate supporting high-quality real-time streaming over wired and wireless
Scientists and engineers working together to help solve
global challenges
In the news
Deep Learning Isn’t a Dangerous Magic Genie. It’s Just Math
Wired — June 15, 2016
Microsoft Finds Cancer Clues in Search Queries
New York Times — June 7, 2016
SwiftKey founders rewarded in Queen’s Honours List
SwiftKey blog — June 14, 2016
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Jian Sun
Jian was born in Xian, China, which is home of The Terracotta Army. He received a B.S., M.S.,
and a Ph.D. degree from Xian Jiaotong…
Krysta M. Svore
I manage the Quantum Architectures and Computation Group (QuArC) at Microsoft
Research in Redmond, WA. I am passionate about quantum computation and
determining how to better solve problems on a quantum computer. …
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