Neva Bandelow Training the Trainers Conference October 39, 2007 The CAEYC Training conference that I attended provided a wealth of workshops directly related to developing my skills as professional development coordinator for the early childhood division here at Las Positas College. Each workshop that I attended provided insight into trends and research in the field of early childhood education, most relating to the adult learner, and encouraged active participation coupled with thoughtful reflection. The knowledge that I gleaned will be directly applied to my work with students as well as educators already working in the community whom we wish to draw back into the college system. Foundations- Summary - The State of California’s Department of Education (CDE) is in the process of developing a new set of educational standards for language, literacy and mathematics. The foundations also include social-emotional development and English Language Development foundational component. An assessment tool entitled: Desired Results Development Profile (DRDP-R). DRDP-R will be utilized to measure the impact of the foundations upon children. Drafts of these foundations have already been presented for review to 56 statewide professional organizations for review and suggested changes. In Spring of 2008, information sharing session will be made available to faculty of Community Colleges as well as the CSU’s regarding the development of curriculum, and a preschool assessment instrument (DRDP-R) that will align the measurement tool with the foundations. By Winter of 2009, the new curriculum framework will be introduced to ECD educators and by Fall 0f 2009 the assessment tools will be introduced to professionals. Fall 2010 is the target date for implementation and monitoring by experts. The goal of the CDE is by Fall 2011; to have the foundations and DRDP-R’s utilized in all State preschools. Best Aspect: Learning time tables for implementation as well as information regarding the re-assessment of particular standards. Applicability: The information gleaned at this session provides me crucial knowledge to share with students and prospective students. Many people working in the field of early childhood (as well as those considering a career in ECD) will be seeking advice regarding appropriate coursework and support to meet the new foundational demands. Opening the Doors to Learning Through Open Space Technology – Summary: The facilitator of this event provides information of a fresh approach to event planning and implementation utilizing the Open Space Technology (OST) concept. Implementing this event planning method is rather straightforward. The organizer would send out an invitation simply stating the purpose, goal, and focus of the event, invite all who might be interested in attending, and clarify that this event is “a call to action” to “create a new dimension” (of the organization, community, etc). The framework of the conference consists of an Opening, which reviews the purpose of the gathering, the creation of an Agenda by the group (no preset agenda) a Marketplace, where everyone chooses their groups and shares ideas and creates action plans. Part of the uniqueness of this method is that no tables are in the room- only chairs, flip charts, pens and people. The facilitator moves to the background and allows others to lead. The Conclusion of the event includes a closing circle wherein report sharing and meaning is made. Finally, after the event the facilitator Follow-up focuses on sharing reports electronically, reiterating the action decided upon, and reminds the participants of any future meetings. Best Aspect: The encouragement of participants to drive the agenda and create small group conversations and whole group feedback. Applicability: The workshop provide a practical alternative to the make-up of the presentations and events I facilitate both for students at the college and in the community. I would utilize this approach when planning my next function, when appropriate. Stress Management and Well-Being Summary: Stress affects people of all levels – students, educators, trainers, care givers. The topic of this conference was analyzing stress, - the events that trigger stress, the meaning we attach to those event and our reactions. While this was not a workshop I had intended on attending, it was valuable. Best Aspect: Of particular interest was the idea of attaching and creating new meaning prior to reacting to stress. Application: Many students confide in me regarding the difficulty in balancing home, school, and work. I believe the tools provided during this presentation will directly benefit those in the early childhood community, including myself. Let the Games Begin Summary: The focus of this workshop was providing adult learners with tools (games) to increase retention and provide creative ways of introducing new materials. The foundation the presenter used to support the implementation of games as a means of learning is brain development – particularly stimulus, emotions, attention and learning in reaction to changing the environment. The 90 minute presentation went by quickly while providing fun approaches to learning. Best Aspect: Practicing and participating in the ideas and games that were presented allowed this participant to observe and experience the validity of the approach to presentations. Application: These ideas were perfect for changing the pace and building community at a conference or in a classroom. I appreciated the idea that these were not the usual “ice breakers,” instead they were platforms for learning. I would couple this with the open space approach to conference or event planning. Developing Effective Presentations Using PowerPoint Summary: Power point basics were presented to the audience. Tips such as “never read a slide to the audience;” “keep the wording simple;” “use no more than 6 bullets per slide”, etc. The presentation offered good tips on timing slides, layout and adding humor to the presentation. Best Aspect: Learning to integrate video clips into the PowerPoint slides. Application: The material can be incorporated into power point presentations offered in the classroom and community as a means of outreach. So that is how I Learn Summary: The presentation was research-based and grounded through theories of brain development. The focus was the necessity to provide multiple opportunities for relaxed conversation in order for new knowledge to be retained by audiences. Best Aspect: Utilizing memory, positive stimulus, our senses, and attention span (20 minutes for adults) we learned fresh approaches to training. The facilitator suggests that in any learning or training environment it is crucial to reboot the brain by casual conversation or changing activities in order to absorb material. Application Integrating the scientific data presented with the hands-on workshop experience has provided me with a stronger grasp of ways in which to convey information to students interested in learning about LPC support services. Remembering to “break up” the flow of information coming directly from the facilitator and encouraging conversation amongst the participants, one is more likely to become engaged in the presentation and retain the information provided. I appreciated this opportunity to participate in this conference and walk away with valuable tools and insight into effective training and presentation methods. Thank you, Neva Bandelow