


October 11, 2010

2:30 P.M., ROOM 1603


Present: John Ruys (Chair), Robert August, Greg Johns, Dyan Miller, Jeff Sperry,

Catherine Suarez

Absent/Excused : Paul Torres, Angella VenJohn

1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 2:39 p.m.; Quorum met.

2. Approval of Agenda

Miller/Johns motion for approval.

Unanimous approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of Minutes – September 13, 2010

Johns/Miller motion for approval.

Jeff: can’t find anything about UC Davis “ask an expert”, can work something up.

John; could have been 2 years ago when he saw it; will look for something similar.

Unanimous approval of September minutes.

4. Reports:

Classified : None

Faculty: None

Administrators: Dyan Miller on PE Facilities.

Last conversation about the Gym was related to Workers’ Comp, Bob Kratochvil is supposed to get back to her. Worker’s Comp is an important issue. Fitness Center might be a better way of solving the issue. Have a log in/log out system. There is no tracking of Gym use unless a supervisor is present.

John: can employees use when not on work hours?

Dyan: lunch time may still be work hours in regard to liability. Need record keeping mechanism. Jeff: Could have PC in faculty locker room, sign in there. John: 0 unit course route, do we need supervisor of record. Dyan: suggestion is to create

Community Ed class. Greg: costs associated, must open to community: Dyan: can make community of faculty and staff and have tuition waiver. John: classified fee waivers, will ask Mary Ann Gularte. Not a priority for Union, faculty may have to pay.

Login for STARS system for faculty use of fitness center.

Chair: John Ruys

Sent survey for Flex day; most responses are neutral or negative. Some sessions not well organized, no direction, some afternoon sessions were good, i.e. Program Review.

Not sure what they were supposed to walk away with. Needed more time to work on PR.

Because PR ran long, faculty wanted time to work in offices. Dr. Luster memo issued that everyone should be in afternoon sessions. Confusion with Adjuncts: classes cancelled, conflicts with other campuses, have to call in sick on Flex day if have other commitments. Most Faculty want more structure, relating to teaching, not college functions, have professional teaching day rather than flex day. Do we want to have flex days? More variable flex, need recommendation for Dr. Lease for 2011-12. Dyan: more time built in for PR would have been good, continuous session for time to finish. Next time build in afternoon for PR. Google docs ahead of time would be helpful. John: will send summaries to facilitators.

Spring flex day is planned: will make sure that notifications are sent in advance. More teaching related sessions; assessment related is requested, SLO or KPI. Notifications to


Staff Development Minutes

October 11, 2010 page 2

Faculty should include notice to part time and their necessary attendance. Especially brand new adjuncts; newsletter will help. How did attendance compare on Thurs flex day as compared to Friday? John will check.

Calendar committee has already selected flex days.

5. 2010-11 Revised Budget (handout, on Blackboard)

Community Ed offers classes at revised cost; would like to retain in budget SD talked last year about paying for classified staff to take classes. Increase size of Professional Development

Library (program supplies.) 4CSD State membership $125, don’t get a lot of resources out of it; national membership is more useful.

Miller/Johns Motion to approve revised budget. Waiting for final numbers.

Unanimous approval of revised budget.

6. Staff Dev Business Plan Veterans’ Business Plan on Blackboard. Rated best, should model SD after it.

Any plan should be designed as its goal to help students, i.e. success rates in classrooms. Need specific set of goals; needs assessment and strategic plan goals based on best practices to run successful SD program. Go to Divisions for more ideas beside leadership development and assessment, teaching/learning training, sustainability. Maybe training on college processes. John will send out talking points for committee members to take to Divisions.

Would like to have completed SD Business Plan by Nov mtg, goals for committee, break into subcommittees so that by February will have something to send out to constituent groups by

March, back by April, final plan in May.

7. March Flex Day Themes: Assessment. 5 Core Competencies; Respect and Responsibilities done this time, continuing theme should be addressed. Workshop proposal form identifies goals. FIN

(Faculty Inquiry Network) at Chabot, Elena Cole would like the FIN Chair to come back to LPC to discuss how FIN does assessment and make LPC compliant. Amber will want info on KPIs from broad areas such as Admin Services and the Library. Take back to Divisions: ideas for themes, try to make March flex day successful, block out time for SLOs for actual work. Break into Divisions on that day, look at division wide needs. Share information across departments including self assessments and peer assessments.

8. Voting Conf Proposal: Judith Rathbone and Debbie Fields will use Basic Skills funds.

Janet Brehe Johnson’s has 4 days of commuting. Suarez’ has direct impact to college community.

John: Can approve all proposals as batch.

Johns motions to vote as batch.

Can ranking occur on BlackBoard? Google survey?

Need rubric for clear ranking; clear list of activities, how it will be brought back to college.

John will draw up sample rubric.

Catherine: Cuba travel, just got info on Sunday, Rick Moniz is head facilitator at Chabot.

August seconds motion to approve as batch, rubric will come later.

All conference proposals approved unanimously.

Will continue to ask for final budget nos. from Admin Serv.


Good of the Order

10. Adjournment

Recorded by Chris Armson
