DRAFT The Associated Students of Las Positas College Senate Meeting May 8th, 2015 1:00 pm – Adjournment I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Workshops “The Art of Icebreakers” by Ciera Soliz “Enhancing Creativity in the 21st Century” by Rafi Ansari “Emotional Intelligence” by Alejandra Garcia IV. Adoption of the Agenda V. Approval of the Minutes VI. Officer Reports A. President B. Vice President C. Director of Legislation D. Director of Communications E. Director of Events F. ICC Chair G. Senators H. Committee Reports I. ASLPC Advisor J. Student Trustee VII. Guest Speakers Richard Dry VIII. Public Forum IX. Old Business A. Campfire Debrief B. Group 2 X. New Business A. Senate Spring Dinner B. RAW Center Donation C. Conferences XI. Announcements XII. Adjournment DRAFT The Associated Students of Las Positas College Senate Meeting May 8th, 2015 1:00 pm – Adjournment I. Mr. Ansari called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m. II. Roll Call Officers: Rafi Ansari Olga Salgado Ashley Landicho (EXCUSED LATE) Ciera Soliz Eric Pineda Senators: Alejandra Garcia Alexander Ivanov Alexandre Nguyen Antonio Aguilar (EXCUSED ABSENT) Brandon Byrne Claire Huestis Fatima Elgarguri Jose Gutierrez Luis Perez Mateo Garcia Nancy Kang Omar Elgarguri III. Workshops Mr. Elgarguri moved to suspend the orders of the day at 1:09 p.m. Mr. Nguyen seconded. Motion passed unanimously. “The Art of Icebreakers” by Ciera Soliz “Emotional Intelligence” by Alejandra Garcia Emotional intelligence – we don’t always choose it Managing emotions, perceiving, using, understanding them Psychology 101: right emotional, left logical o Self-awareness o Social-awareness o Self-management o Relational-management DRAFT Ms. Garcia proceeded to have a meditation exercise. Afterwards we shared ideas on what makes a good leader personally and relationally. “Enhancing Creativity in the 21st Century” by Rafi Ansari Fold your piece of paper into 4. Draw anything on the 4 pieces of paper. Mr. Ansari then collected everyone’s paper and chose 5 random drawings. We had to create a story with the 5 pieces of paper. It’s about redefining creativity. Creativity has not been fostered too well in schools. Idea synthesis: 1st idea takes qualities of the 2nd idea. Silence the critic. This creates uniqueness and advancing thoughts Mr. Elgarguri moved to reinstate the orders of the day at 2:56 p.m. Ms. Salgado seconded. Motion passed with 2 opposed. IV. Adoption of the Agenda Mr. Garcia moved to approve the agenda for May 8th, 2015 with the following changes: o Add New Business: B. RAW Center Donation / C. Conferences o Strike Old Business: C. Group 4 / D. Group 6 / E. Workstation Remodeling o Strike New Business: B. Officer Retreat Mr. Ivanov seconded. Motion passed unanimously. V. Approval of the Minutes Mr. Garcia moved to approve the minutes from May 1st, 2015. Mr. Byrne seconded. Motion passed unanimously. VI. Officer Reports A. President Mr. Ansari said that regarding scholarships, you should have received an email on May 4th confirming they received one but many students didn’t receive one. It will be on May 12th instead. Town Hall presented projects we’ve been working on. Ms. Elgarguri is running graduation, so she’ll be needing help. He and Mr. Bolin presented on what we’ve accomplished this year at the Board of Trustees. The ICC Chair officer position is still open, so the officers for next year will meet on Wednesday (time to be decided) and decide how they want to choose the next ICC Chair – either open it to everyone outside of senate special elections or choose someone in senate (i.e. interviews, letters of intent, ask them if you’re interested). B. Vice President NONE DRAFT C. Director of Legislation Ms. Salgado went to the last ICC meeting and worked on workshop flyers and worked on her own workshop and committee report. D. Director of Communications Ms. Landicho helped with the Campus Campfire, helped on Club Day with the voting polls, and is going to meet up with the cafeteria group and Jeff Kingston to gather statistics. E. Director of Events Ms. Soliz worked on the Campus Campfire and worked on her workshop. F. ICC Chair Mr. Pineda helped out with the Campus Campfire, tour to incoming high school students, working on ICC event and getting ready for it soon. G. Senators / H. Committee Reports Mr. Ivanov helped out with the campfire and attended District Enrollment Management. They talked about the district and community and they’re not reaching their targets. They’re trying to get more PE classes. The state doesn’t want us to do more PE classes. Mr. Byrne did his office hour and helped out with the campfire. He worked on sports taskforce stuff for ICC. He went to Basic Skills and they want to do surveys to know why students are retaking their classes. Mr. Garcia went shopping for the campfire event. He is looking for food alternatives for Prep-to-Pass. He went to the Town Hall meeting. They want input on classes needed for the next five years. Chabot and Las Po are supposed to have their FLEX days together. Ms. Kang helped with the campfire event, attended the trustee meeting with Mr. Ansari and Mr. Bolin, and put flyers for prep-to-pass on the boards. Ms. Huestis worked on her office hour, helped with the campus campfire, attended the Resource Allocation committee and attended the Budget planning committee. Mr. Perez worked with Mr. Ansari on roundtable, did his office hour, and took pictures of club meetings online. Ms. Garcia helped out with Club Day, worked on the campus campfire and attended NCSL. Mr. Gutierrez said that he’s working with Cathy, who’s in charge of middle college, to see what to do with high school students on using TLP. Mr. Elgarguri worked on Club Day, the campus campfire event, and talked to students about the survey. Ms. Landicho said that Facilities meets next week. She will work with the cafeteria group to gather statistics. Mr. Ansari went to the Town Hall meeting. There were awards presented to members who have worked in the LPC-CCD for 20+ years and 1 member for 30+ years. DRAFT I. ASLPC Advisor Mr. Miner thanked those of us who have helped with the Livermore Wine Auction. Campus Campfire went pretty well. He set up a trip about going to Sacramento on June 1st and meeting with Assembly member Catherine Baker for student government people to meet with her. She will take us to the assembly floor and introduce the Las Positas group, if you can attend that would be great. The Officer Retreat is June 4th through June 6th. We’ll leave on Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. and get back around 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening. Help is needed for graduation on Friday and Saturday morning. For the people on the cafeteria taskforce – we’ve been set up to have a meeting this Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.. They’re asking for us to compile our survey results and give that to them to be prepared for the meeting. He wants to see the results. Anyone who received an ASLPC scholarship received a paper in the mail (scholarships sent through financial aid). J. Student Trustee Mr. Bolin said that the KTVU anchor Gasia Mikaelian was there. Ms. Kang came along to see what the meeting was like. They presented the Tom Jackson award to Ms. Huestis. He and Mr. Ansari presented to the Board what we’ve done this semester. They were able to present but they had to do it on the spot. We’ve been working on surveys and extra programs this semester. Chabot gave presentations over 2 hours long. Las Positas gave awards to AGS members but also the diving team. 16 divers won the State Championships and won it by 800 points. There will be a water polo tournament coming up and it will be hosted here. Chabot had 3 main presentations: Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Photography, and Puente. Both presidents of the college were able to present as well. If you guys want to encourage her when she’s sworn in, Ms. Kang will be sworn in at the next meeting on Tuesday, May 19th at 6:30 p.m. VII. Guest Speakers Richard Dry was not present at this time. VIII. Public Forum NONE IX. Old Business A. Campfire Debrief Ms. Soliz said that the Campus Campfire was chill and students liked it too. It wasn’t too much money. One effective way was to walk around and tell people about it. There was a big rush in the middle and a half-hour in. We told people every half-hour to get a new crowd in. There was good music and people were playing the games. A few people didn’t show up for their shifts again. For next time, we should do something where you actually want to be there, not like you have to go to work. DRAFT Mr. Garcia said that next time he goes shopping he’ll buy enough for 75 to 80 people. We ran out of hot dogs. People liked the throwing game, so he’ll try to find a sturdier one with the balls. Mr. Elgarguri said that we weren’t allowed to use the main fire. We do need to have a bigger fire; he ended up holding 4 students’ sticks. Mr. Miner suggested smaller marshmallows. Mr. Soliz said we lost the cup for one of the games. B. Group 2 Mr. Elgarguri and Mr. Gutierrez presented on internships and volunteer opportunities in Programs and Services. They were thinking about taking the appropriate ones related to their majors and using the 37 clubs we have on campus. Clubs have club mail but they rarely check it; they can give it to the ICC Chair and the ICC Chair can hand them out during the meeting. Mr. Ansari said Mike Alvarez said that the Career Center is not in touch with the students and suggested Mr. Gutierrez can be the middle man. X. New Business A. Senate Spring Dinner Ms. Landicho presented the power point for the Spring Senate Dinner. The possible dates are Friday May 15th, Saturday, May 16th or Friday, May 22nd. The majority want to vote the 15th. Casa Orozco in Livermore is the first option. Hana Japan in Dublin is the 2nd option. But they don’t do reservations for nineteen people. BJ’s in Dublin was the 3rd option. The last option was Strizzi’s in Livermore. People asked if we can have more options for sushi places. Mr. Garcia said we need to vote for the place by the end of this meeting. Ms. Soliz said that we should just pick from the options being presented right now. Mr. Elgarguri suggested Kawa Sushi as one of the options. Ms. Kang works at a sushi place in Livermore called Sumo Sushi and suggested we should go there. Sumo was the consensus decision. Ms. Landicho moved to approve an up-to-amount of $1000 for the Senate Spring Dinner. Ms. Soliz seconded. Motion passed with 1 opposed. (ROLL CALL VOTE SEE ATTACHED) B. RAW Center Donation Mr. Ansari presented on what the RAW Center provides. o 20-min drop-in tutoring sessions with an English or ESL instructor o Reading and writing help for any subject for all Las Positas students o Workshops: (Transfer statement) o Provides online lessons in essay structure, grammar and style, and reading strategies We’re voting on this next week. We donated last fall $2,000. They ask for $2,000 each semester to keep their program running. DRAFT C. Conferences Mr. Ivanov said that for the next ASGA conference, the schedule is exactly the same as last year’s conference. We are trying to decide if it is effective to go. We also have the option of CCCSA. Mr. Nguyen said we’re already members of ASGA. Ms. Salgado said that if workshops were different then she’s for ASGA, and we could perhaps visit other workshops if we didn’t get the chance to; otherwise she’s for CCCSA. Ms. Soliz said that a lot of us didn’t like NCSL. Mr. Garcia said there should be a way for the new officers to have a say. Mr. Ivanov said that the sooner you buy the plane tickets the cheaper they are. The CCCSA conference doesn’t conflict with too many people’s schedules; we have all the officers already. Holding a student conference here could be an idea also. Our options are ASGA, NCSL, CCCSA, or holding our own conference. He will investigate further to see what our best option will be. XI. Announcements Mr. Pineda is asking for Lip Sync Battle sign-ups. Mr. Miner passed around the sign-up sheet for visiting Catherine Baker. Mr. Pineda announced the Club Day Winners: 1. Club Days Blues Dancing Club 2. The Way and the Truth 3. Public Safety Leadership workshop flyers will be by Ms. Soliz’s desk. Mr. Garcia said we need more senator packets. Mr. Byrne announced that senator packets will be in Ms. Landicho’s desk in my folders. Mr. Ansari has a personal message for all of the officers after the meeting. XII. Adjournment Ms. Huestis moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:03 p.m. Ms. Garcia seconded. Motion passed unanimously. DRAFT Roll Call Vote: New Business: A. Senate Spring Dinner Motion: To approve an up-to-amount of $1000 for the Senate Spring Dinner. Officers: Olga Salgado Ashley Landicho Ciera Soliz Eric Pineda Aye Aye Aye Aye Senators: Alejandra Garcia Alexandre Nguyen Brandon Byrne Claire Huestis Fatima Elgarguri Jose Gutierrez Luis Perez Mateo Garcia Nancy Kang Omar Elgarguri Aye Aye Nay Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye