DRAFT The Associated Students of Las Positas College Senate Meeting

The Associated Students of Las Positas College
Senate Meeting
May 1st, 2015
1:00 pm – Adjournment
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of the Minutes
V. Advisor Notes
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Public Forum
VIII. Subcommittee Meetings
IX. Subcommittee Reports
A. Programs and Services
B. Events
C. Public Relations
D. Legislation
X. Old Business
A. Club Day Debrief
B. Group 5
C. Follow-Ups
XI. New Business
A. Workstation Remodeling
B. Prep-to-Pass 2015
C. Faculty Committee Discussion
D. Budget Transfer
E. Elections Results
XII. Announcements
XIII. Adjournment
The Associated Students of Las Positas College
Senate Meeting
May 1st, 2015
1:00 pm – Adjournment
Mr. Ansari called the meeting to order at 1:09 p.m.
Roll Call
Rafi Ansari
Olga Salgado
Ashley Landicho
Ciera Soliz
Eric Pineda
Alejandra Garcia
Alexander Ivanov
Alexandre Nguyen
Antonio Aguilar
Brandon Byrne
Claire Huestis
Fatima Elgarguri
Jose Gutierrez
Luis Perez
Mateo Garcia
Nancy Kang
Omar Elgarguri
III. Adoption of the Agenda
 Mr. Byrne moved to approve the agenda for May 1st, 2015 with the following changes:
o Add D. Budget Transfer, move Elections Results to item E.
 Mr. Garcia seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Approval of the Minutes
 Ms. Soliz moved to approve the minutes from April 24th, 2015.
 Mr. Pineda seconded.
 Motion passed with 1 abstention.
V. Advisor Notes
Mr. Miner thanked everyone who helped at Best of the Best. It was a huge success. He
thanked everyone who helped with Club Day and Elections. We’ll have a sign-up sheet next
week for people interested in helping with graduation. Faculty is currently going over the
valedictorian candidates. They’re starting to pull together the stuff for the officer retreat on June
5th to June 6th. Regarding Org Sync, there are still emails going around and they’re trying to
figure out what we need to make that happen. We’re currently looking for more senators to join
next year. We’re looking for people to help with Explore and replace Sheri by fall semester.
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Public Forum
VIII. Subcommittee Meetings
 Ms. Soliz moved to suspend the orders of the day at 1:17 p.m.
 Mr. Elgarguri seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Salgado moved to reinstate the orders of the day at 1:36 p.m.
Ms. Kang seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
IX. Subcommittee Reports
A. Programs and Services
Mr. Gutierrez was not here. Mr. Aguilar and their committee met with Mr.
Ansari; they are planning to streamline all opportunities and jobs / internships and they
will email it to the clubs. They will also post up bus fair services as well. They need to
find more programs and services to streamline besides TLP.
B. Events
Ms. Soliz and her committee worked on the Campus Campfire event. It is a 1-hr
requirement. She will post it on paper and electronically. It’s understandable if you have
night classes so she has other jobs for you to do; there’s no excuse not to make the event.
C. Public Relations
Mr. Nguyen was not present at this time. Mr. Perez said that they worked on
campus campfire flyers and posted them on A-frames, Prep-to-Pass. He compiled
passwords and instructions on how to change Dropbox for next years’ officers.
D. Legislation
Ms. Salgado and her committee are almost done with their legislative project.
They contacted all volunteers for Explore, and so far they have 3 solid confirmations.
X. Old Business
A. Club Day Debrief
 Ms. Soliz thanked everyone who helped and put in their time. Some people
showed up late to their shifts. If you can’t do your shift for some reason like
missing class, then see Ms. Soliz for another task to do. Ms. Soliz actually looked
at the sheet and actively sought out who was there. There wasn’t a lot of
communication before so it helps to communicate what needs to be done. We
could have done flyers better next time. A lot of clubs didn’t show up this time;
clubs tend to drop towards the end but nobody really showed up for students.
Everyone’s winding down. If we have a second club day, have one start earlier
and the second start later. Concerning food, we should go somewhere besides
Fresh ‘n Natural. The price of the food was an issue we had; Fresh ‘n Natural
didn’t have any attentions of having their own grill out there so Mr. Miner had to
figure that out. The whole point was to have them cater. It was something we tried
out but maybe we can have more options next time. There was a mini fire at some
point. She wanted the voting table to be on one side and the food table on the
other. It was hard to have everything separate. It caused some problems for people
who were running their shift at food table and were really close to the voting
table. There was a really long line which was good. There was a lack of clarity on
how to show that they voted, so we need to be stricter on that.
Mr. Elgarguri said that there was a grease fire in the grill. He said the voting table
and food table was essential to Club Day, but several clubs were ignored and
everyone just went to the voting table.
Mr. Perez showed pictures from Club Day.
Mr. Garcia said that they went to Fresh ‘n Natural and they had an agreement on
what the food was going to be. Literally an hour beforehand they let us know they
couldn’t do it.
Ms. Garcia said that the election table was disappointing. The set-up was bad;
nothing was used, so next time we should make a table that stands out, like a
banner or balloons.
Ms. Elgarguri said that the whole energy died toward the end for judging the
tables. We should have different people judging the tables. They had some
complaints about judging last time.
Mr. Garcia said that we could have used more people in the morning; he kept
seeing Ms. Salgado was stuck cleaning stuff up but things were just left it in the
office and its happening a lot.
Ms. Salgado was just there for clean-up; he just left it there for a moment
B. Group 5
 Mr. Elgarguri, Ms. Landicho, and Ms. Kang presented on their update to the
cafeteria project.
 They passed out a majority of surveys at Club Day with Ms. Elgarguri’s help.
They will be meeting up soon to evaluate the feedback and present it to Jeff
Kingston or Rajinder Samra to put into graphs for us. Hopefully they can get it
back to JC and the rest of Fresh ‘n Natural to start implementing the alternatives
next semester.
C. Follow Ups
 Mr. Miner said that Staff Appreciation Day was to show all the efforts of all the
staff throughout the year. Some of the clubs put in money, and they are looking
for students to support the events with $300.
 Mr. Ivanov moved to approve $300 for Staff Appreciation Day.
Mr. Pineda seconded.
Last year, we supplied them with a cake that said Thank You LPC Staff and we
also provided the cake to the event.
Motion passed with 1 abstention.
Mr. Miner said that the Officer Retreat will be on Friday, June 5th through
Saturday, June 6th. We will be home before the 6th at night time. This will be for
newly elected and old officer positions.
Mr. Ivanov said that the second day was open to all senators.
Mr. Miner said that last time we were fortunate enough to have it in Danville,
we’ve looked around and it will be open and available to anyone who wants to
Mr. Ansari said that we had donated $10,000. They have too short of a time frame
to extend it to October instead of May 31st if they want us to get really good
bands. They would pitch in $20,000 instead.
Ms. Elgarguri said her concern was that it would be a different set up by then. It
would depend on the next senators.
Mr. Miner said that essentially it’s impossible to plan the event within a month, so
they’re working over the summer to work on the event.
Mr. Elgarguri wondered what changed to know they have to make it $30,000. If
they already have $20,000., why do they need $10,000?
Mr. Miner said that somewhere in between there, they found out that the cost of
the event would cost more for the event to function. Some bands are more costly
than what we originally paid for. They’re also pursuing the avenue of coming up
and trying to put on a bigger event.
Mr. Elgarguri asked if we had a list of bands.
Mr. Ivanov said that all we have to do is amend the motion we made for $10,000.
Ms. Salgado asked if we can the amendment to next Friday.
Ms. Soliz said that for their mural project, she’s in a group where people have left
the senate. Maybe we can make it a little simpler since we don’t know if we can
do it within this small amount of time with all the events coming up. She doesn’t
want to waste resources and time on something that won’t be that good.
Ms. Soliz moved to extend time by 5 minutes.
Mr. Elgarguri seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Ansari said that we need to see someone else put on another event.
Mr. Elgarguri said that at the Facilities committee meeting a speaker was asking
to get a mural approved on new building since the Veterans center was moved.
They said there’s no process to get a mural done. There aren’t that many murals.
We should continue the project. If you’re willing to help, it’s not feasible to get it
done this semester; we can get the groundwork done this semester and find the
specific artist and get the mural approved next semester.
Mr. Garcia said that before Ms. Ross left, we worked on projects but found out
specifically who we needed to talk to get events passed. For murals, we need to
get paperwork done at least so it’s the last thing to worry about.
Mr. Miner said that we should interface with the Nike Funds committee and
putting public art on campus.
Ms. Landicho said that the Nike Funds committee have stopped meeting already
this semester but you can still contact some of the members. She said she is
willing to help with the paperwork if Ms. Soliz needs help.
Mr. Elgarguri said that the Nike Funds committee has a mural process already set
up specifically for murals, if next semester we can just go to the Nike committee
and they already have the process, go to Facilities now and get it approved for
Mr. Perez said that we should actually look into what actually goes into the walls.
Ms. Soliz said that not many of us are coming back so it’s hard to get people to do
workshops at Flex Day / Explore. The consensus was to continue 5 people and
discontinue 7 people.
Mr. Miner said that the point of these 5 or 6 projects were to work on students’
concerns. There was no requirement that it had to be accomplished this semester.
We lost a lot of people. We can’t do as much as we could; the hope is that it
doesn’t die and we keep moving forward. Don’t feel disappointed that nothing
XI. New Business
A. Workstation remodeling
 Mr. Ansari and Mr. Miner were thinking of utilizing the space outside of Mr.
Miner’s office. There are still a lot of people from the public who can sit
there. We want to create a space for senators that are private and near the
officer’s side, and possibly along with it maybe a 40-inch TV on the corner
that would have advertisements about events.
 Mr. Miner said that it would serve as a spot for your computer when you’re
done. People are taking over officer’s desks sometimes, so senators can have
their own desk to share. They can do a better job of keeping people behind the
counter and will be a temporary workspace for whoever needs to work there.
 Mr. Perez said to just move the plants.
 Mr. Ivanov said to push back the officer desks and move senators desks up.
 Mr. Miner was also thinking of an L-shaped table.
 Mr. Elgarguri said that they are basically recommending an L or T shaped
table because T shape tables would allow senators to work facing each other.
He said a TV isn’t necessary, and more of an extravagant thing.
 Ms. Elgarguri said it’d be more like a whiteboard; a TV isn’t necessary.
 Mr. Garcia said that a TV would be great and that we could have different
flyers going through about student events’.
 Ms. Landicho said she’s for having the TV if students are able to see it. She
was concerned about the pillar blocking the view.
 Mr. Perez said that the TV would be facing out towards the parking lot.
People would pay more attention to TV than Bulletin Boards.
 Mr. Miner said that the TV would be outwards and not near the pillar.
 One suggestion was to put the TV where Ms. Landicho’s desk currently is and
it would encourage senators to stay in the office more.
Mr. Garcia said that the TV will tie into other clubs and kind of connect with
the clubs.
B. Prep-to-Pass 2015
 Ms. Kang moved to approve the Prep-to-Pass Blanco plan.
 Mr. Byrne seconded.
 The anticipated date for Prep-to-Pass was May 19th and May 20th, 6-9 pm.
 The food provided will be pizza, water, fruit snacks, candies, chips, and cupcakes.
 They need people to set up the food table, 1-2 people at the food table, and clean
 Mr. Aguilar said to have Prep-to-Pass during finals week. Shouldn’t it be moved
to May 25th and May 27th? Finals start on 22nd.
 Mr. Miner said to forget about the calendar; the idea in the past was there was a
week of finals and Prep-to-Pass happened the week before finals.
 Mr. Elgarguri said that finals start on May 22nd, the Friday before the actual week
of Finals.
 Ms. Kang said Paulina Trummel already set Prep-to-Pass up to be on Tuesday,
May 19th and Wednesday, May 20th.
 Mr. Garcia said that the only thing is that we’d have to get on board with campus
security. A lot of the stuff got closed down and a lot of bathrooms were shut
down, so students including him were irritated that they had to go to the 4000
 Mr. Byrne said that the website says May 20th/21st and the calendar says 20th /
 Mr. Perez said that those dates were given by a different person at the time.
 Mr. Miner said that if Pauline wants Tuesday and Wednesday, then it’s on her
 Ms. Salgado suggested some food changes.
 Ms. Kang said she added fruit snacks.
 Ms. Elgarguri said to add energy drinks.
 Mr. Garcia said that based off last time, it was raining nonstop so it was nice to
have sweets and hot chocolate.
 Ms. Soliz said that it sounds like a lot of junk food. It’s not what they should be
eating before finals and it makes your body crash.
 Mr. Garcia said to help Ms. Kang with shopping and buy turkey wraps possibly.
 Ms. Elgarguri said to also cater to vegetarians.
 Mr. Miner said we need to make a Facilities request for the fire place.
 Motion passed unanimously.
 Ms. Kang moved to approve $1,200 for Prep-to-Pass 2015.
 Ms. Salgado seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously. (ROLL CALL VOTE SEE ATTACHED)
C. Faculty committee discussion
 Mr. Ansari said that attending committees are the least effective thing we do.
 One suggestion was for a senator to meet with a faculty committee head, where
that head would let the senator know where they need student input. The senator
would read the minutes on his or her own. The problem was that sometimes heads
need students to make quorum.
 Mr. Elgarguri said that actually being at meetings serves as the whole point of
representing students; we’re supposed to be doing this and listen to what’s going
 Mr. Pineda said that we’re way ahead of what we already know so it’s a good way
to put input in there.
 Mr. Ivanov said that some committees need more input than others, so we should
write down which ones are most important to go to.
 Mr. Miner said that for next year we should sit down as students and prioritize
which are most important for us to serve on. Right now we let people go to the
ones out of their convenience. We shouldn’t be having someone go to a
committee that doesn’t affect students very much.
 Ms. Elgarguri asked how they decide on doing that. It’s hard to just look at the
 Mr. Miner can tell you the ones you can get something done on and ones that are
not so much worth the time.
 Mr. Elgarguri said that he doesn’t like students being eliminated entirely from the
 Mr. Miner said that the concern is the ability to make quorum. The problem is we
have 28 committees on campus, and there are only 100 faculty members. Just like
student senators, faculty members have to participate in committee meetings.
Some get deactivated and combined, like how sustainability got combined with
Facilities. We’d have to sit down with faculty and Dr. Russell to see if we
implement that in our senate this semester or if it’s for the next president to
D. Budget Transfer
 Mr. Ivanov moved to transfer $40,000 from the Student Activity account to the
Student Senate account.
 Mr. Pineda seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
E. Elections Results
 Mr. Ansari proceeded to read the elections results. He said no clapping until the
o Inter-Club Council Chair: NONE (nobody got 10% of total event; the next
president will choose the ICC chair next year)
o Director of Communications: Olga Salgado (351 votes)
o Director of Legislation: Alex Ivanov (344 votes)
o Vice President: Eric Pineda (351 votes)
o CLPCCD Student Trustee: Yizhuang “Nancy” Kang (Yizhuang “Nancy”
Kang – 270 votes, Jose “Joe” Galvan Sanchez – 148 votes) – Kang
o Director of Events: Alejandra Garcia Collazo (Matthew Garcia – 109
votes, Alejandra Garcia Collazo – 250 votes)
o President: Michael Kapetanich (Sean Carino – 152 votes, Michael
Kapetanich – 209 votes)
XII. Announcements
 Mr. Miner thanked everyone who volunteered for the Livermore Valley Wine
Auction. Please show up if you’re signed up.
 Mr. Ansari thanked Mr. Byrne for help with Elections and Candidate forum.
 Mr. Byrne thanked Ms. Landicho and Mr. Bolin for helping with the voting table.
XIII. Adjournment
 Mr. Elgarguri moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:51 p.m.
 Mr. Garcia seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call Vote:
New Business: B. Prep-to-Pass
Motion: To approve an up-to-amount of $1200 for Prep-to-Pass.
Olga Salgado
Ashley Landicho
Ciera Soliz
Eric Pineda
Alejandra Garcia
Alexander Ivanov
Antonio Aguilar
Brandon Byrne
Fatima Elgarguri
Jose Gutierrez
Luis Perez
Mateo Garcia
Nancy Kang
Omar Elgarguri