APPROVED The Associated Students of Las Positas College Senate Meeting

The Associated Students of Las Positas College
Senate Meeting
February 6th, 2015
1:00 pm – Adjournment
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of the Minutes
V. Officer Reports
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Director of Legislation
D. Director of Communications
E. Director of Events
F. ICC Chair
G. Senators
H. Committee Reports
I. ASLPC Advisor
J. Student Trustee
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Public Forum
VIII. Old Business
B. Org Sync
IX. New Business
A. Freshman Orientation
B. Internships and Volunteering
C. Club Day
D. Leadership Conference
E. Budget Transfer
X. Announcements
XI. Adjournment
The Associated Students of Las Positas College
Senate Meeting
February 6th, 2015
1:00 pm – Adjournment
Mr. Ansari called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m.
Roll Call
Rafi Ansari
Paulina Reynoso
Ashley Landicho
Stephanie Plascencia (UNEXCUSED ABSENT)
Eric Pineda
Alejandra Garcia
Alexander Ivanov
Alexandre Nguyen
Antonio Aguilar
Brandon Byrne
Ciera Soliz
Claire Huestis
Eric Bolin
Fatima Elgarguri
Jasmine Guraya
Jose Gutierrez
Lauren Hughes
Luis Perez
Nancy Kang
Omar Elgarguri
Robyn Miller
III. Adoption of the Agenda
 Ms. Miller moved to approve the agenda for February 6th, 2015.
 Ms. Elgarguri seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Approval of the Minutes
 Mr. Byrne moved to approve the minutes from January 30th, 2015.
 Mr. Ivanov seconded.
 Motion passed with 1 abstention.
V. Officer Reports
A. President
Mr. Ansari attended the Town Hall meeting and did his office hour. He is working
on an alumni project as a way for us to stay connected Facebook. He is also
helping plan for March-in-March and an ICC Dodge ball event.
B. Vice President
Ms. Reynoso did some orientations, did her office hour, made the agenda, and
helped Mr. Pineda with the budget for the Blanco plan for the ICC Dodge ball
C. Director of Legislation
Ms. Salgado worked on gathering March-in-March info. She hasn’t received info
from Chabot if they’re interested in coming with us. She went to the Town Hall
meeting, is working on re-airing the President’s State of the Union Address in the
cafeteria, and possibly having a Ted-Talks conference at Las Positas.
D. Director of Communications
Ms. Landicho was sick all of last week. She helped clean out the cabinets in the
office and sought out items we could possibly donate. She is updating contact info
and office hours for new members.
E. Director of Events
Ms. Plascencia was not present at this time.
F. ICC Chair
Mr. Pineda worked with Mr. Ansari to work on the ICC Dodge ball event. He is
trying to gather club information, and he helped clean out some of the bulletin
G. Senators
Ms. Reynoso said that senators did their office hours, worked on Public Relations
advertising, recruited new members, worked on their senator projects, and cleaned
out the bulletin boards.
H. Committee Reports
 Mr. Ansari attended the Integrated Planning Committee (IPC) where Kristy
Woods, the Head of the Math Jam department, has planned for the next Math Jam
to be August 10-14th, from 9 am – 3 pm. Registration will start April 15th. On
March 24th at 11 am, the LPC shark tank event will be held, where you present
your business plan / invention to four judges, who would potentially help fund
your project. Mr. Ansari also needs students on the WebMasterplan committee.
 Mr. Ivanov attended the District Management committee where they talked about
bumping up the estimation for students next summer. There wasn’t any issue for
marketing. They also talked about Zonemail and the lack of use of it.
Ms. Huestis attended the College Enrollment Management committee, where they
talked about making changes to equipment requests and surveys.
Ms. Kang attended Academic Senate, where they talked about having more
faculty members in Math and English classes.
Ms. Miller attended her committee, where they discussed how to make the RAW
center known and where it is. They also discussed Financialaidtv and are working
with CalWorks.
Mr. Byrne attended the Basic Skills committee where he talked to Kristy Woods
and how there’s a new budget for the committee. Next year there will also be a
new chair for the Basic Skills committee.
Mr. Pineda attended IPC where they talked about trying to figure out how to use
the allocation program.
I. ASLPC Advisor
Mr. Miner announced that the Livermore Opera will be on March 14th and passed
around a sign-up sheet if interested. He heard from our former student life
assistant that there was a fire drill and there were a lot of people in the senate
office who didn’t want to exit the office. When you hear an alarm, you still need
to get out of the building. Don’t take your safety for granted. Regarding College
Day and the people who have signed up, Mr. Ivanov sent out a message that the
people want the volunteers to be there by 8. Last year, they passed out programs
for students/parents to come. The students and parents will then follow a
volunteer with a flag holding the major they are interested in. The ASLPC table
will be at the track to give out flyers. Mr. Miner also sent out an email about
postponing the lawn golf game. On February 24th to 26th, he will be attending an
OCEA event so he won’t be here for Club Day. At the next meeting, they’ll be at
the district office session that will go on all day. Mr. Miner also received a phone
call the other day from a woman calling about class reunions, Las Positas having
a yearbook, and asking where we hold graduation. He has been seeing club flyers
he had approved who haven’t been sticking to the half-sheet flyer resolution, and
suggested to check with the clubs to see if we still want to stick to that.
J. Student Trustee
Mr. Bolin said that the Board of Trustees didn’t meet this week. He also
announced that he will be resigning as a senator, but will still be here as Student
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Public Forum
 Tyler, Brandon Madera, Nasira Qurban, Tammie Landicho, and Cody Peterson
introduced themselves.
VIII. Old Business
 Ms. Reynoso ceded the floor to Mr. Perez.
 Mr. Perez moved to add Article IV, Section II, Item E: Maintains constant
communication with the Public Relations Officer and Media officer.
 Ms. Kang seconded.
 Media officer is a new position; this is to ensure Public Relations and Events are
communicating with each other.
 Ms. Reynoso said if you want to put in any changes for CBRC, let her know by
next week to put everything into effect next week.
 Motion passed unanimously.
B. Org Sync
 Mr. Miner talked about Org Sync; if anyone has an alternative to Org Sync, bring
it up at next week’s meeting. He is trying to update us to where Chabot is at; his
counterpart is on board with it. They have asked for and requested the document
on the details of it. If we did this, we would prefer to pursue the path to not share
the common costs through the IT department.
 Mr. Miner said that the initial cost is $8,500 but it said $7,500 in his email so he is
going to clarify the cost. It appears the VP of student services Diana Rodriguez is
okay with pursuing this. If we give it a try, we should only give it a try for a year.
Next week he said we should plan to put this back on the agenda to debate,
consider the money and vote on it.
IX. New Business
A. Freshman Orientation
 Ms. Salgado and Mr. Byrne said that we should have freshman orientation
(“Explore”) a week before the start of school but there’s a problem with the
overall schedule. We would have to send out letters to prospective high school
students to come on a certain day to RSVP.
 Registration / Check in (9:30-10:00 am): give folders w/ general info, breakfast
 Welcome (10:00-10:30 am); Presidents of the College and Student Senate
 Break into groups (10:30-10:45 am)
 Workshop (10:45 am–12:00 pm): ice breakers (“Fear in a Hat”), PowerPoint
presentation (Parking Permits, Sport, Clubs, Tutorial Services, Talk Hawks, The
Express, Music & Theater, Printing cards, Online Bookstore Orders, Classes’ “20
Minute Rule”, overview of LPC website, parent workshop (possibly led by Mr.
 Campus tour (12:00-1:00 pm)
 Lunch (1:00 pm): Photo ID, Music, Dodge ball, Campus Scavenger Hunt, Goodie
Bag, Bookstore Gift Card, Orientation Satisfaction Survey & Suggestions
 Campus Scavenger Hunt (2:00-3:00 pm)
 Math Jam is a week before, so we may have to have the event 2 weeks before or
over the weekend.
Math Jam is only allowed for current Las Positas students.
Preparations prior to the event include:
o Decorations
o “Can I Help You?” buttons
o PR-updated pictures
o Media-Welcome Video by Teachers/Students and Ad on LPC Website
o Campus Tour training Manual
o Stuff Info in Folders:
 ASLPC senator responsibilities summary sheet
 TLP / Bundle Program / STEP / Discounted Bus Passes
 Amazon & Chegg flyers
 Textbook Assistance Scholarship / List of Scholarships Flyer
 March in March flyer
 XO Business Cards
 IGETC forms
o RSVP Confirmation
o Walk-through of Event
o Food Vendor Confirmation – Mr. Pickles?
o High School Outreach
o Set List of Volunteers (last year’s senate members?)
o Facility requests for lunch tables
Explore is one Day total from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
Last year they mailed out letters to the freshmen.
We’d have to meet a couple days before the event to prepare.
The consensus was to have the event the Saturday or Sunday before school starts
so the information will be fresh in their minds.
One suggestion was to have a virtual map online where students can click on parts
to show the campus.
B. Internships and Volunteering
 Mr. Perez, Mr. Bolin and Mr. Ivanov saw from student surveys that students
wanted more internship / volunteer opportunities.
 Step 1: Research and Outreach: Database where students can find internships to
help build their background. They plan to have an internship fair, where they
basically try to contact someone from their industry (i.e. mechanical, nursing)
where they bring in resumes and get contact info with employers. They talked to
the Career and Transfer center and they said they weren’t sure if they were even
having a Job Fair so they are trying to get that going. They emailed the Director
of the Career and Transfer center and right now they are just trying to contact a
few local places if they’re interested in helping us do this.
 Step 2: Set Up Events
 Step 3: Follow Up
 It would be ideal to do it a few weeks before the summer, since internships are
typically over the summer.
 Sandia and Laurence Livermore Lab are interested so far. They will be looking
into other soft sciences such as humanities, political science, and more.
C. Club Day
 Ms. Kang moved to approve the Club Day Blanco Plan.
 Mr. Byrne seconded.
 It will be on February 25th (Wednesday) from 11 am to 2 pm.
 It will allow students to show off their clubs and recruit members as well as
experience other clubs. The theme for Club Day is books.
 It is a 1 hour minimum requirement; set up will be from 10:30 to 11 am.
 The event will be held from 11 am to 2 pm.
 Clean Up will be from 2 to 2:30 pm.
 Student Senate will be serving Mexican food as a cookbook theme.
 Motion passed unanimously.
 Ms. Huestis moved to approve an up-to-amount of $2000 for Club Day.
 Mr. Aguilar seconded.
 The money will be used towards gathering decorations and supplying food.
 Motion passed unanimously. (ROLL CALL VOTE SEE ATTACHED)
D. Leadership Conference
 Ms. Salgado moved to approve $15,000 for the next leadership conference.
 Mr. Elgarguri seconded.
 There are no ASGA conferences in our area at this time. The next one will be in
Los Angeles on November 14th, 2015.
 She suggested 3 alternatives:
o NCSL Conference: (March 25th-28th before Spring Break) more engaging than
ASGA. It would cost $14,375 if 7 people went to this conference, held in
Lake Buena Vista, Florida for this semester (consensus: 7)
o ASACC Conference (March 14th-17th) - one of the main things they will be
talking about at this conference is free community college for the first two
years for whoever maintains a 2.5 GPA. Their specialty is advocacy training.
It is $85 cheaper, and will be in D.C. (consensus: 3)
o Funnel this money into next semester to have a conference here. She has been
communicating with Ted in Livermore so we might want to save money for
that next semester (consensus: 5)
 You will have to write a letter of intent to be considered for going on the trip.
 Mr. Miner said when the budget for next year is developed we can consider the
Ted Talk event.
 Mr. Perez said that we have to consider who is coming back next year and spend
the students’ money wisely. Having a conference here would be good and could
bring in interest into Las Positas.
 One suggestion included possibly sending the newly elected officers to these
 Ms. Reynoso said that if everyone turns in their changes they want to make to the
By-Laws next week, we can send it upstairs to finalize it.
 Motion passed with 1 opposed. (ROLL CALL VOTE SEE ATTACHED)
E. Budget Transfer
 Mr. Ansari ceded the floor to Ms. Huestis.
 Ms. Huestis moved to approve a transfer of $11,000 from the Student Activity
Account to the ICC Account.
 Mr. Byrne seconded.
 We are running low in the ICC account and need to move some funds over.
 Motion passed unanimously.
X. Announcements
 Mr. Byrne said that the Las Positas vs. Chabot basketball game is tonight starting at 5:00
 Mr. Perez said that we now have LaserPointer/PowerPoint transition pointers, speakers,
HTMI cables and USB drives, so if you need them email him or Mr. Nguyen. There are
also extension cords in the Events cabinets.
 Ms. Soliz said that the counselor Angela from Las Positas received positive feedback on
high school outreach and was raving to students about our campus.
 Ms. Salgado will make a March-in-March summary overview.
 Mr. Gutierrez said to not hand over people’s personal cell phone numbers out. He
suggested having the student give their information to you.
 Mr. Elgarguri said that due to the rainy weather, the sports task force barbeque will be
moved to next week.
 Mr. Ansari said that the Academic Senate committee meets on every other Wednesday
from 2:30 to 4:30 pm and he needs someone to serve on it since Ms. Kang can’t be on it.
He also needed Webmaster plan committee volunteers. Mr. Aguilar, Mr. Elgarguri, and
Mr. Perez volunteered. He also announced that we will be getting bulletin boards soon
and reminded us to see if anyone’s interested in going to the Livermore opera.
 Ms. Reynoso announced Senator of the Month for January 2015: Omar Elgarguri.
XI. Adjournment
 Mr. Aguilar moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:41 p.m.
 Ms. Soliz seconded.
 Motion passed with 1 opposed.
Roll Call Vote:
New Business: C. Club Day
Motion: To approve an up-to-amount of $2,000 for Club Day.
Paulina Reynoso
Olga Salgado
Ashley Landicho
Stephanie Plascencia
Eric Pineda
Alejandra Garcia
Alexander Ivanov
Alexandre Nguyen
Antonio Aguilar
Brandon Byrne
Ciera Soliz
Claire Huestis
Eric Bolin
Fatima Elgarguri
Jasmine Guraya
Jose Gutierrez
Lauren Hughes
Luis Perez
Nancy Kang
Omar Elgarguri
Robyn Miller
Roll Call Vote:
New Business: D. Leadership Conference
Motion: To approve an up-to-amount of $15,000 for the next leadership conference.
Paulina Reynoso
Olga Salgado
Ashley Landicho
Stephanie Plascencia
Eric Pineda
Alejandra Garcia
Alexander Ivanov
Alexandre Nguyen
Antonio Aguilar
Brandon Byrne
Ciera Soliz
Claire Huestis
Eric Bolin
Fatima Elgarguri
Jasmine Guraya
Jose Gutierrez
Lauren Hughes
Luis Perez
Nancy Kang
Omar Elgarguri
Robyn Miller