The Inter-Club Council General Meeting 05/06/2016 10:07 AM-1:19 PM

The Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
10:07 AM-1:19 PM
1.) Call to order at 10:07 AM
2.) Roll Call
.Alpha Gamma Sigma: Present
.American Welding Society: Present
.Automotive Club: Present
.Ballroom Dance Club: Present
.Biology Club: Present
.Black Student Union: Present
.Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club: Present
.Business Club: Present
.Chemistry Club: Present
.Christ on Campus: Present
.CSR: Present
.Computer Science Club: Present
.Engineering Club: Not Present
.French: Not Present
.Gamerz Lounge: Not Present
.HOTT: Present
.Indian Club: Not Present
.International Students Club: Present
.Investment Club: Present
.Journalism Club: Present
.LPC Table Top: Not Present
.Math Club: Present
.Muslim Student Alliance: Not Present
.Peace & Social Justice Club: Not Present
.Performing Arts Club: Present
.Philosophy Club: Not Present
.Poetry Club: Not Present
.Psi Beta/ Psychology Club: Present
.Public Safety Club: Present
.Puente Club: Not Present
.Queer Straight Alliance: Present
.Radio Club: Present
.Smash Club: Present
.Tae Kwon Do Club: Present
.Asian Student Association: Present
.Golf Club: Present
3.) Adoption of Agenda
-Moved to adopt the agenda for 04/22/2016
.Motioned: QSA
.Seconded: Biology Club
.Vote: Motion passes unanimously
4.) Adoption of Minutes
-Moved to approve the minutes for 04/22/2016
.Motioned: Performing Arts Club
.Seconded: Psi Beta/ Psychology
. Vote: Motion passes unanimously
5.) Officer Reports
-ICC Chairperson Heysum Ali
.Bylaws and Constitution
.Will have to wait a little bit for more people to show up
.Food is on the way
-ICC Secretary Brian McLard
.Nothing to report
-ICC Parliamentarian Marlon Bowen
.Position was enlightening
-AS President Michael Kapitanich
-AS Director of events Mateo Garcia
-Director of Student Life Scott Miner
.Need help with setting up for graduation
.Work shop Tuesday
.Credit and financial literacy
.Room 1602 at 11:00 AM on May7th
.Free food
.The workshop is injunction with Uncle Credit Union
.Needed by the end of the week
.Last day is by the time graduation is done
6.) Guest Speaker
7.) Public Forum
8.) Club Reports
.Nothing to report
-Ballroom Dancing
.Having a dance on May7th
.Disney themed
-Biology Club
.Student seminar
.Talk about passion
.May 12th
.Room 2420 from 4:00-6:00
.Camping on June 6th-8th
.Open Mic on May 11th
.Cafe at 7:00 PM
.Club mixer at bowling alley on May 27th
-Brazilian Juijitsu
.Nothing to report
-Computer Science
.Nothing to report
.Nothing to report
.Nothing to report
-Performing Arts
.Playing Raisin in the Sun
.Runs May 6th-15th
.$10 for student and staff
-Philosophy Club
.Nothing to report
-Psi beta/Psychology
.Tuesday the 6th having a guest speaker
.Award ceremony on the 20th from 7:00 PM- 10:00 PM
.All are welcome to come
.Went to the GLBT museum in San Francisco
.Picking new officers in the coming weeks
.Having a root beer float fundraiser on the 18th from 11:00 AM- 3:00 PM
.Banner to welcome new students at beginning of next semester
.Need to talk to Scott and facilities
-The Way and the Truth
.Nothing to report
.Going to buffalo Wild Wings
.For the Golden State Warriors game
.At Hacienda at 4:30
.Have reservations
.Any Club is welcome
.Chabot Space and Science Center
.Be early
.Last meeting on May 6th at 4PM
-Asian Student Alliance
.New Members
.International Students orientation
.Introduce to new students
-Chemistry Club
.Nothing to Report
-Radio Club
.Nothing to Report
9.) Old Business
-Brainstorm/Reflection about what worked and what didn’t
.Stick to deadline
.Raise $250 to $500
.Ask for donations
.Have an ICC retreat
.Have 2 or 3 Club members to go off site and team build
.Gives ideas about activities and fundraisers
.Leadership is “hands on”
.Make ICC “fun”
.Like the communication
-ASLPC Scholarships
.Changed from paper to google
-Bus Stop
.Have a bus come every 15 minutes got approved
.Maybe make a deal with the ACE train?
-New ICC Reps
.Maybe have a pamphlet showing what to expect from them
.Instant access to funds?
-Olympics/ Dodgeball
.Have a mastersheet of all clubs
. Have an interactive email or page on school website?
-Location for Club Day
.Have consistency
.Need quad
.Maybe have student senate buy more canopies
.Have facility request online
.Have a firm deadline
-Club Activation
.Strike Down
.1st: Psychology Club
.2nd: Biology Club
.Passes unanimously
10.) New Business
-ICC Bylaws and Constitution changes
.Section 1
.The Club must have 8 members
.Passes unanimously
.Article 3 Representatives
.Section 1 Voting Rights
1.) All Established Clubs shall have an individ…..
.Pass unanimously
2.) Char shall Only Vote in case of…
.Pass with 14 yes
.Section 2 Duties of the ICC Representatives
*Beginning of section #2 needs to be changed
.Article 3 section 2
.Treasurer position
.Strike down
.Vote passed unanimously
.Article 3 Representatives
.#3 Sec and Parlia shall not vote
.Pass with one abstention
.Duties of the ICC rep
.#2 Pass unanimously
.#3 Pass with 1 no
.#4 Pass with 1 Abstention
.#5 Pass with 17 and 8 abstentions
.#6 Strike down 20 yes, 3 abstentions and 1 no
.#7 Passes with 1 no
.Section 4
.Took out
.Article 4
.Section 1 Organization of board
.Changed wording
.No vote necessary
.Letter “F”
.Passes unanimously
.Section 3 Officers
.Letter “A” ICC Chair
15.) Shall not be an exec for any club for following posit…
.Pass with 1 abstention and 1 no
*15 Minute intermission
*Entertain motion to change way of voting
.1st Computer science
.2nd Psychology Club
.Pass with 22 yes and 1 no
.ICC Secretary
7.) Pass unanimously
8.) Pass unanimously
9.) Pass Unanimously
10.) Pass with 2 abstentions and 2 no
11.) Pass Unanimously
.ICC Parliamentarian
.1) Pass unanimously
.2) Passes unanimously
.3) Passes unanimously
.4) Passes unanimously
.5) Passes unanimously
.6) Passes unanimously
.7) Passes unanimously
.8) Passes unanimously
.Article 5 Judicial Power
.4 no, 2 abstentions and 18 yes
.Article 6 Funding Guidelines
.#1) 1 abstention and 20 yes
.Struck out
.Article 5 Procedures: Removal from Office
.Section 1
Letter B subsection 1
.18 yes and 1 abstention
11.) Announcements
.Club Re-Activation
.Re-Introduce Old business club activation/deactivation
.International Students Club
.Need a place to socialize
.Create a platform for international and just for everyone
.Help people adapt
12.) Adjournment
.Passed gavel to Brandon Byrne
.Adjourned meeting at 1:19 PM
.1st: Psychology Club
.2nd: QSA
.Passed Unanimously