Final Examination - CS 4610 - Fall 2009

Final Examination - CS 4610 - Fall 2009
This final examination tests your knowledge of, and your ability to communicate coherently about,
high-level concepts from the course. It is an essay test. Complete the exam by writing text in the boxes
provided, saving the file as uvaid.doc (e.g., wrw6y.doc), and emailing the resulting file back to me.
There are thirteen pages on this exam, including this one. There are eight questions, but you should
only answer seven of them. Skip one question. The final page has extra credit questions.
This exam is open book: you may use any reference you like. You may spend as much time as you like
on the exam, but it is due MONDAY DECEMBER 14th AT NOON.
For the essay questions, include the most important relevant details you deem necessary. Your answers
are space limited: you cannot exceed the box space provided, and you must use a 12-point Times New
Roman font. Demonstrating knowledge is more important than English prose; if you can get your ideas
across in an outline or other loose format, feel free to do so. The most important part is to convince us
that you have understood and retained the material and key concepts. If there is not enough room to tell
us everything you know, part of the question is for you to select the details that best show off your
You should skip one question. Do not answer all eight of the questions in this exam.
Type your name here:
Westley Weimer
Type your UVA ID here:
Q1. Compiler Overview
?? / 10 pts
Q2. Language & Paradigm Analysis
?? / 10 pts
Q3. Formal Semantics
?? / 10 pts
Q4. Reality Check: Improving A Language ?? / 10 pts
Q5. Adding A Feature: Variable Argument ?? / 10 pts
Q6. Type Checking Overview
?? / 10 pts
Q7. Language Security: Case Studies
?? / 10 pts
Q8. Language Feature Interaction
?? / 10 pts
Extra Credit
?? / 70 pts (recall: skip one question)
1. Compiler Overview
The stages of a modern compiler are often taken to be lexing, parsing, semantic analysis,
optimization and code generation. Write an essay. For each stage:
(1) explain its purpose
(2) explain how it is achieved (e.g., underlying algorithms)
(3) explain how we write that phase (e.g., tool support)
(4) explain its running time
(5) explain what would happen if we did not have that phase (e.g., anything catastrophic, why
can't we parse with a lexer or check types with a parser?)
Your answer must fit in this box using 12-point Times New Roman.
2. Language & Paradigm Analysis
Consider the languages C, Python, OCaml and Java. In addition, consider the paradigms imperative
programming, functional programming, and object-oriented programming. For each of the
following applications and sets of requirements, choose a language and paradigm pair and argue
convincingly that they would be the best choice for an implementation. Assume the developers have
equal expertise in all languages and paradigms, but are not perfect. The paradigms represent the
majority, rather than the totality of the program (e.g., a mostly-functional program can still have
imperative state updates).
In each situation below, the requirements are listed in descending order of importance, with the most
important requirement first. Each situation should be answered in at most four or five sentences. Note
that the "best" answer may not be the current state of the art in industrial practice.
(A) An operating system scheduler. Requirements: (1) correctness, (2) real-time performance, (3)
access to hardware and low-level operations.
(B) A scientific application (e.g., containing actions like matrix-matrix multiplication). Libraries with
efficient implementations of high-level matrix operations are available for all languages. Requirements:
(1) correctness, (2) scalability to large input sizes, (3) performance.
(C) Business logic for the middle tier of a three-tier web application (e.g., the part of that
lists reviews, suggests related products, and calculates shipping and taxes). Libraries with efficient
interfaces to databases are available for all languages. Requirements: (1) correctness, then
extensibility, then maintainability.
(D) A proof-of-concept throw-away graphical demo for a marketing meeting (e.g., a brainstorming
session). Efficient libraries for graphical user interfaces are available for all languages. Requirements:
rapid development time, then ease of run-time modification during the meeting to try out ideas.
(E) A vertex or pixel shader for a modern graphical game (i.e., a small program that will be uploaded to
a graphics card and used to render parts of a scene). Since the result will be viewed by humans, some
errors (e.g., minor blur) can be tolerated. Requirements: real-time performance, then small code and
data size.
(F) A small graphical game that will be downloaded by clients and run on their local computers.
Efficient libraries for graphics are available for all languages. Requirements: correctness, portability to
multiple architectures, performance.
(G) A compiler. Requirements: correctness, manipulation of recursive data structures, performance.
Answer on next page.
Your answer must fit in this box using 12-point Times New Roman.
3. Formal Semantics
(Note that this question tests knowledge of the details of formal semantics; students seeking a "highlevel" test should skip this question.) Consider this simple "C-Lite" language with pointers:
exp := let var : type = malloc in exp
| var = exp
| *var = exp
| &var
| *exp
| var
| constant
| exp1 ; exp2
| print exp
;; allocate space for a new local variable
;; variable assignment
;; assignment through a pointer
;; evaluates to the address of the variable
;; dereference a pointer (i.e., load its value)
;; evaluates to the value of the variable
;; integer constants
;; sequencing
;; side effects
type := int
| ptr to type
;; basic scalar type
;; pointer to another type
Given that language, the printed output of this program:
let x : int = malloc in
x = 11 ;
let y : int = malloc in
y = 22 ;
let my_ptr : ptr to int = malloc in
my_ptr = & x ;
*my_ptr = 33 ;
print x ;
print y
... is "33" followed by "22". Example types are "int" and "ptr to ptr to int". The typing rules follow:
O[x/T1] ├ e : T2
-------------------------------------O ├ let x : T1 = malloc in e : T2
O(x) = T1
O ├ e : T2
T2 <= T1
----------------------------O ├ x = e : T2
O(x) = ptr to T
1 O ├ e : T2
T2 <= T1
------------------------------------O ├ * x = e : T2
O(x) = T
------------------------O ├ &x : ptr to T
O(x) = T
--------------------O ├ constant : int
O ├ e1 : T1 O ├ e2 : T2
--------------------------------O ├ e1 ; e2 : T2
O ├ e : int
--------------------------------O ├ print e : int
------------------------------ptr to type <= int
t1 <= t2
------------------------------ptr to t1 <= ptr to t2
The operational semantics follows:
L = newloc() S[L/0],E[x/L] ├ e : S2
--------------------------------------------S,E ├ let x : T1 = malloc in e : S2
E(x) = L
S(L) = v
----------------------------S,E ├ x : v,S
S,E ├ e : v,S2 E(x)=L
----------------------------S,E ├ x = e : v,S2[L/v]
----------------------------S,E ├ constant : constant,S
S,E ├ e : v_rhs,S2
E(x) = L S(L)=L_lhs
----------------------------S,E ├ *x = e : v,S2[L_lhs/v_rhs]
E(x) = L
----------------------------S,E ├ &x : L,S
S,E ├ e1 : v1,S2
S2,E ├ e2 : v2,S3
------------------------------S,E ├ x = e1 ; e2 : v2,S3
S,E ├ e : v,S2
------------------------------S,E ├ print e : v,S2
Note that null-pointer dereferences are checked for at run-time and are not errors. Give a program that
type checks (starting with an empty object environment) but fails at run-time (i.e., a program for which
there is no operational semantics derivation).
Your answer must fit in this box using 12-point Times New Roman.
4. Reality Check: Improving A Language
Consider the Cool programing language as defined in this class. You are charged with making design
changes to Cool so that it can be used by professional developers to rapidly produce correct and
maintainable code. Identify five problems with Cool that prevent it from attaining those goals. Explain
each problem, explain how you would change Cool, and justify your change. Be concrete. Choose
problems and solutions to show off your knowledge. The aspects you change can occur at any level
(e.g., lexing, parsing, semantic analysis, run-time, language features, etc.).
Your answer must fit in this box using 12-point Times New Roman.
5. Adding A Feature: Variable Argument Functions
You are tasked with adding variable argument functions (e.g., like printf in C or OCaml) to Cool. For
each stage of the compiler (i.e., lexer, parser, semantic analysis, optimization, or code generation)
indicate what you would have to change and why.
When your changes have been implemented, Cool programmers should be able to write functions such
as many_add() that work as follows:
out_int( many_add(1,2,3) * many_add(4,5) ) ; (* prints 54 *)
out_int( many_add(1,"hello") ) (* type error *)
Be specific. You will lose points if you fail to address relevant issues (e.g., inheritance of variable
argument functions).
Your answer must fit in this box using 12-point Times New Roman.
6. Type Checking: Overview
What is the difference between a static type and a dynamic type? Describe differences between the type
checking of and the evaluation of a dynamic method dispatch expression. Carefully explain the roles of
static and dynamic types in dispatch. Include an explanation of subtyping and how it is important to
object-oriented programs.
Your answer must fit in this box using 12-point Times New Roman.
There are two broad categories of mistakes related to type checkers. That is, a type system can "go
wrong" or "do the wrong thing" in two ways. Describe and comment on both failure modes. Which one
is more desirable? When is a type system formally sound?
Your answer must fit in this box using 12-point Times New Roman.
7. Language Security: Case Study
You are tasked with operating a website with a webform that accepts ZIP files uploaded by users.
Received ZIP files are then unpacked. If a file named is found inside, that file is assumed to be
the source code to a type-checker and it is interpreted repeatedly against a series of held-out AST test
cases stored locally. Its output is compared against reference output also stored locally. A web page
report is generated for the uploading user indicating which outputs matched. This is exactly the "PA4
Automated Test Server" scenario you used in class.
Describe three distinct attacks villainous evil-doers might launch against such a website. For each
attack, describe how you might mitigate the treat. If no solution is possible to a particular threat,
describe a partial solution that fails to work in all cases and explain why. Each example you choose
should involve programming language concepts in the attack or in the defense; explain all such relevant
Security attacks typically occur with respect to some policy such as "outside users should not be able to
crash my machine" or "outside users should not be able to see the contents of the test cases" or "outside
users should not be able to cheat". For each attack you should make up and state a relevant policy that
it violates. Similarly, you may make up and state any reasonable server assumptions you like (e.g., "a
database is used to store the file contents" or "the normal filesystem is used to store file contents" or "a
static buffer is used to store the uploaded file").
Answer on next page.
Your answer must fit in this box using 12-point Times New Roman.
8. Language Feature Interactions
Consider the following language features:
(1) linking and shared libraries
(6) subtyping and/or polymorphism
(2) garbage collection
(7) compiler optimizations
(3) profiling
(8) exception handling
(4) debugging
(9) static type checking
(5) arrays
Choose three different pairs of features. For each feature pair, describe how the interaction or
combination of those two features leads to errors or challenges for the language implementor or user.
Then describe the best possible solution you can think of. For example, you might note that arrays
combined with compiler optimizations that remove bound checks lead to buffer overflow
vulnerabilities, explain all of the concepts involved, and then discuss solutions (you may not use this
example in your answer). Be very specific: this is an easy question to mistakenly gloss over, but I want
Your answer must fit in this box using 12-point Times New Roman.
Your Comments
(2 points of Extra Credit.) Indicate if you have completed Zak Fry's human study, located at . Thoughts? Comments?
Answer goes here. Use as much space as you like.
Answer goes here. Use as much space as you like.
(1 point of Extra Credit.) What were your favorite aspects of CS 4610? Favorite topics? Favorite things
the professor did or didn't do?
Answer goes here. Use as much space as you like.
(1 point of Extra Credit.) What were your least favorite aspects of CS 4610? What would you change
for next time?
Answer goes here. Use as much space as you like.
(1 point of Extra Credit.) Write an "advertisement" (e.g., "you should take this class because ...") or bit
of "advice" (e.g., "you should start PA4 early because ...") for students taking this class next year. I will
present your text verbatim (but anonymously) to next year's students when they are considering taking
the course (e.g., in the first week of class) and also add your advice to the project description pages.
Answer goes here. Use as much space as you like.