Lecture 9: When is S T 

Lecture 9: When is S  T safe?
What’s the difference
between a Black Bear and a
Grizzly Bear?
When you climb up the tree,
the Grizzly climbs up after
you. The Black Bear knocks
down the tree. (Which is the
behavioral subtype?)
CS655: Programming Languages
David Evans
University of Virginia
Computer Science
• Wrap-up “What is Object-Oriented
• Behavioral Notion of Subtyping
• Elevator Speeches (scattered)
• Turn in meeting preferences and mock
trial request forms at end of class
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Last time
• Defined subtyping as subsumption
• Showed typing judgments that support
subtype polymorphism
• Some language features that support
subtype polymorphism:
– Dynamic type-directed method dispatch
– Subclassing (Implementation inheritance)
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Multiple Inheritance
has typeCheck
int x; Declaration
has enterSymbol
has generateCode
x := a + b;
has enterSymbol, generateCode
int x := a + b;
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Smalltalk Design Principles
Personal Mastery: If a system is to serve the
creative spirit, it must be entirely
comprehensible to a single individual.
Storage Management: To be truly "objectoriented", a computer system must provide
automatic storage management.
Uniform Metaphor: A language should be
designed around a powerful metaphor that
can be uniformly applied in all areas.
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Smalltalk Design Principles 2
Operating System: An operating system
is a collection of things that don't fit into
a language. There shouldn't be one.
Natural Selection: Languages and
systems that are of sound design will
persist, to be supplanted only by better
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Stroustrup’s Conclusions
“Object-oriented programming is programming
with inheritance. Data abstraction is
programming using user-defined types. With few
exceptions, object-oriented programming can and
ought to be a superset of data abstraction. These
techniques need proper support to be effective.
Data abstraction primarily needs support in the
form of language features and object-oriented
programming needs further support from a
programming environment. To be general
purpose, a language supporting data abstraction
or object-oriented programming must enable
effective use of traditional hardware.”
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
My Conclusions
• Object-Oriented Programming is a state of
• It is difficult to reach that state of mind if your
language doesn’t have a way to declare S  T
and the type judgment:
A E : S, S  T
Other language features can help, but we aren’t
yet sure what the right ones are: dynamic
dispatch, implementation inheritance, mixins,
automated delegation, etc.
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
• Structured Programming is a state of
• It is difficult to reach that state of mind if
your language doesn’t have structured
scopes and control statements (e.g.,
while, for, if, blocks, procedures)
• Data Abstraction is a state of mind.
• It is difficult to reach that state of mind if
your language doesn’t have type
checking by name and mechanisms for
restricting access
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
What does it mean for S  T to be safe?
• Liskov & Wing: “objects of the subtype ought to
behave the same as those of the supertype as
far as anyone or any program using supertype
objects can tell.”
• For all programs P, if P behaves correctly when
passed a T, it behaves correctly when passed
an S.
Too Strong
• For all programs P, if P can be shown to satisfy
its specification using the specification of T, then
P can be shown to satisfy its specification using
the specification of S.
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
L & W’s Subtype Requirement
• Let (x) be a property provable about objects
x of type T. Then (y) should be true for
objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.
• Same meaning?
For all programs P, if P can be shown to
satisfy its specification using the
specification of T, then P can be shown to
satisfy its specification using the
specification of S.
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Type Specification
• Description of type’s value space
• Type invariant and history properties
– How different from rep invariant?
• For each method:
– Behavior in terms of pre-conditions and postconditions
• No creators – allows subtypes to provide
different creators
– Need to prove creators establish invariant and
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Two-Tiered Specification
• Separate interface-level specification from
sort specification
• Specs in paper are interface-level
specifications only:
bag = type
uses BBag (bag for B)
get = proc () returns (int)
requires bpre.elems  { }
27 July 2016
What does this mean?
University of Virginia CS 655
LSL Specification
Bag (E, C) : trait
introduces { } :  C; insert : E, C  C; count : E, C  Int
C generated by {}, insert
C partitioned by count
 b: C, e, e1, e2: E
count (e, {}) == 0;
count (e1, insert (e2, b)) ==
count (e1, b) + (if e1 = e2 then 1 else 0)
BBag (B) tuple of bound: Int, elems: Bag (Int, B for C)
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Subtype Relation: S  T is safe if:
1. Subtype methods preserve the
supertype methods’ behavior:
– Signature:
• Contravariance of arguments,
covariance of result (typing rule we
saw last time)
• Exceptions by ms are contained in set
of exceptions signed by mT
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Subtype Relation 2: S  T is safe if:
• Methods rule:
– Pre-condition “contravariance – subtype is weaker”
mT.pre [ A(xpre) / xpre ]  mS.pre
Replace every xpre in mT.pre with A(xpre).
Abstraction function, A: s  t.
– Post-condition “covariance – subtype is stronger”
mS.post  mT.post [ A(xpre) / xpre, A(xpost) / xpost]
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Subtype Relation 3: S  T is safe if:
1. a
2. Subtypes preserve supertype
– For all states p and q such that p
precedes q
– Invariant Rule
IS  IT [ A(xp) / xp]
– Constraint Rule
CS  CT [ A(xp) / xp, A(xq) / xq ]
“covariance – subtype is stronger”
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Liskov & Wing showed stack  bag
Is bset  bag?
Is uset  bag?
Is uset  bset? Is bset  uset?
– Set specifications in the Lecture 9 supplement
– Bag in Liskov & Wing, Figure 1
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
set = type
uses BSet (set for S)
for all s: set
invariant max(sp.elements) <= sp.limit,
min (sp.elements) >= 0.
constraint sp.limit = sq.limit
insert = proc (i: int)
requires i <= sp.limit  i >= 0.
modifies s
ensures spost.limit = spre.limit 
i  spost.elements
  x:int
x  spost.elements  x  spre.elements  x = i
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
contains = proc (el: int) returns (bool)
ensures result = el  s
choose = proc () returns (int)
requires spre.elements  {}
modifies s
spost.elements = spre.elements – result
 result  spre.elements
 spost.limit = spre.limit
size = proc () returns (int)
ensures result = | s.elements |
equal = proc (t: set) returns (bool)
ensures result = (s = t)
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Subtype Checklist: bset  bag?
• A type is:
< set of objects, set of values, set of methods >
set = <Oset, BSet, { insert, contains, choose, size, equal } >
bag = <Obag, BBag, { put, get, card, equal } >
• A : value of set  value of bag
• A : BSet  BBag
 s : BSet; A (s) = < s.elems, s.limit >
• Renaming:
– R(insert) = put
– R(size) = card
27 July 2016
R(choose) = get
R(equal) = equal
University of Virginia CS 655
Check method choose  get
• Signatures: get = proc () returns (int); choose = proc () returns (int)
• Pre-condition of get  pre-condition of choose
x : BSet get.pre [ A(xpre) / xpre ]  choose.pre
bpre.elems  {} [A(bpre) / bpre ]  spre.elems  {}
 s : BSet; A (s) = < s.elements, s.limit > so we can replace
bpre.elems with spre.elems and the implication holds.
• Post-condition of choose  post-condition of get
– Can prove with similar renaming
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Check method insert  put
• Signatures: put = proc (i: int); insert = proc (i: int)
• Pre-condition of put  pre-condition of insert
x : BSet put.pre [ A(xpre) / xpre ]  insert.pre
| A(spre).elems | < A(spre).bound
 i <= sp.limit  i >= 0
• NO! The subtype method has a stronger precondition, so it is not a subtype.
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Does this make sense?
• Intuition: subtype is unsafe, if there is
some program written for the supertype
that can tell the difference
• Here’s one:
put (999235);  insert (999235);
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
uset  bag?
• A:ST
• A : Set  BBag
 s : Set; A (s) = < s, >
• Renaming:
– R(insert) = put
– R(size) = card
R(choose) = get
R(equal) = equal
• Check method choose  get (same as
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Check method insert  put
• Pre-condition of put  pre-condition of insert
x : BSet put.pre [ A(xpre) / xpre ] 
insert.pre = true
• Post-condition of insert  post-condition of put
insert.post  put.post [ A(xpre) / xpre, A(xpost) / xpost]
(spost.elements = spre.elements  { i })
 (bpost.elems = bpre.elems  { i }  bpost.bound = bpre.bound)
[ A(bpre) / bpre, A(bpost) / bpost]
recall: A (s) = < s, infinity>
so (spost.elems = spre.elems  { i }  infinity = infinity
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Check Invariant
• Need to show: IS  IT [ A(xp) / xp]
true  (| bp.elems | <= bp.bound) [ A(bp) / bp]
true  (| <s.elements, infinity>.elems | <=
<s.elements, infinity>.bound
true  true
• Similar for constraint
• uset is a subtype of bag! Yippee!
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
Summary Questions
• uset  bset?, bset  uset?
• Does the Liskov/Wing subtype relation
definition match intuition?
• Is it useful?
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655
• Return both request forms before 5pm
• Don’t stop working on your projects just
because you have position papers,
readings, problem sets, other classes,
etc. to do.
• Next time: pragmatic aspects of OO
languages - comparison of Sather,
Eiffel, Java and C++
27 July 2016
University of Virginia CS 655