The Bugs and the Bees Research in Programming Languages and Security David Evans University of Virginia Computer Science Computer Science • “How to” knowledge: – Ways of describing imperative processes (computations) – Ways of reasoning about (predicting) what imperative processes will do • Most interesting CS problems concern: – Better ways of describing computations – Ways of reasoning about what they do (and don’t do) 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 2 Research Projects Swarm Computing How can we program massively distributed collections of simple devices and reason about their behavior in hostile environments? Security for Sensor Networks How can we provide security properties for ad hoc, wireless networks of disposable devices? Static/Dynamic Analysis 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 3 (Really) Brief History of Computing 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000- Monolithic Computers in guarded, airconditioned rooms Fixed Networks of PCs Billions of small, cheap unreliable devices No interactions Data interactions with other computers, but most computing done locally Computing organized through local interactions Narrow interface to operator (punch cards, teletype), no interface to environment Rich interface to user, limited interface to environment Fundamentally integrated into physical environment 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 4 Challenges and Opportunities • Embedded in physical environment – Challenges: unpredictable, energy-limited – Opportunities: physical laws, continuous • Scale – Challenges: billions of independent components – Opportunities: redundant to failures • Demands new programming approaches and reasoning techniques 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 5 Swarm Computing: Long-Range Goal Cement 10 TFlop 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 6 Why this Might be Possible? • We are surrounded by systems that: – Contain 70 Trillion components – Continue to function when millions of components fail (3B since this talk started!) – Survive in hostile environments (even Canada!) – Self-organize starting from a single component and a program that is smaller than WindowsXP 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 7 Observations About Nature’s Programs • Responsive – Aware of state of self and surroundings • Localized – Communication through chemical diffusion • Redundant – Millions of cells can die without compromising function • Diverse – Species survive because of diversity of individuals • Remarkably Expressive • Human genome ~250MB 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 8 Foundations Current Research • Amorphous Computing [Abelson, Nagpal, Sussman] Cellular Automata • Paintable Computing von Neumann [1940s] [Butera] Conway’s Game of Life [1970] • Embryonics [Mange, Wolfram [2002] Sipper] Reaction-Diffusion Turing [1952] • Ant Colony Optimization, Swarm Intelligence 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 9 Swarm Programming Behavioral Description Environment Model Behavior and primitives defined over groups Swarm Program Generator Device Model Device Units Device Programs Programmed Device Units Primitives Library 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 10 Simplified Cell Model • Awareness of Environment – Sense chemicals on cell walls – Sense chemicals in environment • Cell Actions – Cell Division (asymmetric) – State Change – Communicate: emit (directional, neighboring walls), diffuse (omnidirectional) • Simple physical forces – Two cells cannot overlap in space 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 11 Biological Complexity Molecular map of colon cancer cell from 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 12 Simple Sphere Program center alive < 1 state center { color 1 0 0 emits (alive, 1) diffuses (radius, 10) transitions alive from dir < 1 -> (center, body) in dir; } state body { color 0 0 1 emits (alive, 1) transitions alive from dir < 1 & radius > 0 alive < 1 & radius > 0 -> (body, body) in dir; } body 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 13 state center { color 1 0 0 emits (alive, 1) diffuses (radius, 10) transitions alive from dir < 1 -> (center, body) in dir; } state body { color 0 0 1 emits (alive, 1) transitions alive from dir < 1 & radius > 0 -> (body, body) in dir; } 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 14 Intrusion Tolerance? • Robust to random failures – As long as source cell survives, the sphere will re-generate – Sphere has > 10000 cells • Not robust to attacks – Destroy the center cell, sphere will not regrow 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 15 state center { color 1 0 0 emits (alive, 1) diffuses (radius, 10) transitions (alive from dir < 1) -> (center, core) in dir; } Example state core { color 0 1 0 emits (alive, 1) transitions (alive from dir < 1) & (radius > 2) -> (core, body) in dir; (radius < 2) & (alive from dir < 1) -> (core, center) in dir; } state body { color 1 1 0 emits (alive, 1) transitions (alive from dir < 1) & (radius > 1) -> (body, body) in dir; } 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 16 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 17 state corner { color red emits (length, 8), (alive, 1) transitions (alive < 1) from dir -> (corner, segment) in dir; -> (corner); } Network Mesh state segment { color cyan emits (alive, 1) forwards (length - 1) transitions (length > 1.5) from dir & (alive < 0.5) from opposite (dir) -> (segment, segment) in opposite (dir); (length > 0.1) -> (corner); (length < 0.1) -> die; } 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 18 Composing Primitives • Cells can follow multiple programs simultaneously (vector of independent states) • Cells can combine primitives through shared chemicals – Chemicals secreted by one primitive can induce changes in other primitives • Goals: – Predict properties of composition based on properties of primitives – Diversity of primitive implementations provides protection from directed attacks 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 19 Mickey Mouse Program • 20 states • 50 transition rules • Starts from one cell, combines lines, spheres Real Mouse Program • 3B base pairs • 98% same as human DNA • Starts from one cell, combines complex proteins 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 20 Towards Real Systems • Cells – Sensor Devices, MEMS, Internet Nodes • Division – Processes – Find new hosts • Communication – Point-to-point emissions – Wireless multicast (can be multi-hop) diffusions • Example: distributed file system running on simulated wireless nodes (Selvin George’s MCS) 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 21 Research Problems in Swarm Computing • Specification of Functional and NonFunctional Properties – How should we describe primitives? – How should we describe desired behavior? • Composition – What composition mechanisms make sense? Can we predict the result? • Survivability – How can we model attacks? How do we build robust swarm programs? 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 22 Securing Sensor Networks 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 23 Sensor Networks High-power base station Thousands of small, low-powered devices with sensors and actuators, communicating wirelessly 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 24 Why security for sensor networks is hard • Low power devices – Cannot do traditional public-key algorithms • Limited device communication – Sending messages is extremely expensive • Communication is wireless – All messages are vulnerable to eavesdropping and forgery • May be difficult to preconfigure devices with secrets 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 25 Routing (Lingxuan Hu’s slide) 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 26 Wormhole Attack • Tunnel packets received in one place of the network and replay them in another place • The attacker needs no key material, just two transceivers! (Lingxuan Hu’s slide) 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 27 Disrupted Routing (Lingxuan Hu’s slide) 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 28 New Opportunities • Physical Space – Exploit knowledge about physical space • Redundancy – Use cooperation to establish trust • Physical properties – Speed of transmission limits time when another node can hear it 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 29 Directional Antennas Operation Modes: Omni and Directional 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 30 Antenna Model 3 2 /3 4 East 1 5 6 Nodes orient themselves using a magnetic compass 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 31 Detecting Wormhole NO! I hear B from right B is on left of A Hello B A (Lingxuan Hu’s slide) 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 32 Sophisticated Wormhole Yes. We are neighbors B is on right of A Hello A B If more nodes cooperate, can verify nodes as legitimate neighbors. (Maybe…) (Lingxuan Hu’s slide) 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 33 Research Problems • Key Establishment – How can groups of sensor nodes establish a shared key for secure communication? • Secure Aggregation – How can nodes aggregate data without losing authenticity? • Secure Location Services – How can nodes determine their location and neighbors in the presence of adversaries? 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 34 Charge • For more information: • Students: – PhD: Lingxuan Hu, Nate Paul, Joel Winstead – Recent grads: Selvin George (MCS, Appian), Weilin Zhong (MCS, Cigital) – Undergraduates: Salvatore Guarnieri, Steven Marchette, Qi Wang, Chalermpong Worawannotai, Brad Zhang • Funding: NSF CAREER, NSF ITR 1 October 2003 David Evans - CS696 35